The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 183: 1 year, 0 meters!

Three years, the last little time slowly passed, and many people were anxious in the trial field of life and death!

These urgent ones are all in the first batch. After three years, they have not reached three kilometers!

There is one, and the distance is only tens of meters, but the last tens of meters is like a moat!

“Starting the trial of life and death for three years, and those who have not reached three kilometers, obliterate!” The cold voice sounded throughout the life and death gorge area, and many people were frightened inside and outside the life and death gorge.

“No, no!”

In the trial field of life and death, someone called out in horror, his body was slowly being swallowed by the earth, his legs fell into the earth, and gradually disappeared into the earth!

This strong man wants to lift his legs, but he can’t do it. At this moment, his power is completely sealed and he is worse than ordinary people!

“I’m only a little bit close, give me a little more time, and a little bit more time!” The strong man who was only a few tens of meters away yelled, he was not reconciled, only a little bit short of it.

In the past three years, if you work harder, you may have no problem crossing these tens of meters.

A total of 30 people entered the first batch, and Lin Dong took eight. At this time, there were still seven problems. After the calculation, many people were shocked, half the proportion!


“No, no!”

Death is approaching, and the seven people are no longer calmly shouting at this time, but they have no effect. They are still being swallowed continuously. No one approaches, no one dares to save them!

“I’m not reconciled, I’m not reconciled, why! Didn’t Lin Dong accept some people, why can they not die?” Someone shouted, Lin Dong’s expression remained unchanged, he was not worried, he had saved those people The price was paid, and he is now number one!

Sure enough, there was no response to this person’s words, and Lin Dong stood there and nothing happened.

“I am unwilling!!”

The last one sank into the earth first, and his body was completely swallowed by the earth!

Then, the second, the third… the first seven unfinished ones were all swallowed!

The breath of life disappeared, and the seven people died. Their deaths added a lot of energy to the Gap of Life and Death!

Here, the weak are eliminated, and the strong are stronger!

For the weak, this may be a bit unfair, but who thinks they are weak?

Everyone believes that they are strong and want to be stronger! The road to the strong, either step on the bones of others, or fall down, and the bones pave the way for other strong ones!

“Attention to all testers, those who exceed the qualified line by one kilometer can choose to stay here for one year! The qualified line is increased by one kilometer on the basis of today, and those who haven’t arrived will be wiped out!”

“Those who are qualified and less than one kilometer can retreat and leave! Those who have passed the three-year period can choose to retreat and leave. If they leave, they will lose the chance of life and death!”

Lin Dong’s eyes lit up, and he can stay for another year if he exceeds a kilometer, he is now more than 7,000 meters, and the qualified line is 1,000 meters. If he exceeds 1,000 meters, he can stay!

Although it is necessary to add another kilometer, in one year, Lin Dong believes that he can advance one kilometer!

Today’s depth, every one meter forward can absorb a lot of life and death power to enhance one’s strength potential, maybe not to a kilometer, more than eight thousand meters, you can reach the advanced cultivation base of Wusheng, if so, Lin Dong’s strength can reach the Martial God level!

The low-level cultivation base of the Valkyrie is a lot worse than that of Qin Yan and Tang Hanyan. When it comes to the Valkyrie level, it’s anyhow smaller!


Qin Yan’s voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

“I stay!”

Lin Dong said.

Qin Yan’s face changed slightly: “Husband, you only advanced a little bit more than a kilometer a year ago, but now it’s even more difficult. If you want to advance a kilometer within a year, it’s very difficult!”

“Yeah, I will make it. Let’s go, you and Hanyan leave first.” Lin Dong said.

“Husband, if you stay, we will definitely stay. Don’t forget, you only moved a little bit more than a kilometer in the previous year. We will not stop. We are more likely to cross a kilometer in the next year than You are a lot older!” Qin Yan said.

Lin Dong’s face showed hesitation.

“Husband, you don’t care about us, you can stay if you want to stay, we won’t be your drag!” Qin Yan said, “You can do it yourself!”


Lin Dong’s eyes showed firmness. He didn’t want to miss this rare opportunity!

“Yan’er, you have to work hard!” Lin Dong said in a deep voice. He said to Tang Hanyan and Shi Hanyue. Tang Hanyan also stayed. Shi Hanyue was less than 3,000 meters away, so he must stay!


Lin Dong stepped forward and disappeared. Seeing his behavior, some people secretly shook their heads. This was crazy, seven thousand meters, and he dared to move forward at this time!

Those people knew that Lin Dong had only advanced a little over a thousand meters in the previous year!

“Live and die!”

“Young people just don’t know how to advance or retreat!”

One by one over three kilometers retired. Except for Lin Dong and Qin Yan in the first batch, only two people remained. One was Hu Yu and the other was Cang Wujing!

In the previous year, Hu Yu advanced 1,700 meters, she still had a lot of confidence, Cang Wujing also advanced 1,400 meters, and now Cang Wujing 5,300 meters, not a lot. , But compared with Lin Dong’s 7,000 meters, Qin Yan’s 7,300 meters, and Tang Hanyan’s 1,000 meters!

Because of the difference, Cang Wujing has advanced more than a thousand meters before, and Cang Wujing is still quite confident!

“It’s crazy!”

Hu Yu looked at Lin Dong Xuying and said inwardly, if he was at a depth of 7,000 meters, I was afraid that he would not continue. The probability of death is estimated to be more than 10%!

Lin Dong is better than himself, but Hu Yu believes that if there is no breakthrough, the chance of Lin Dong’s death should exceed 80%. This is simply a bet on his life!

Yes, the way of the strong, isn’t that often the case? People who are afraid of death can hardly become the pinnacle powerhouse!


Qin Yan took a step forward, Hu Yu turned his head, Tang Hanyan also took a step forward, they all chose to continue!

“Are the young people so crazy nowadays…” Hu Yu muttered, taking one step forward and starting another struggle. If he survives, his strength is expected to increase a lot!

If you can’t get there, think about the powerful people who were swallowed by the Gap of Life and Death before, it’s horrible!

Before, Lin Dong sometimes chatted with Qin Yan and the others, but in the new round, Lin Dong stopped chatting, all his time was spent on training, and the rest and recovery time was also fully practiced. A little bit of relaxation can kill oneself!

Qin Yan, Tang Hanyan and others too, their confidence is greater, but now they dare not relax, nor do they want to relax!

Slowly half a year passed, and with his best efforts, Lin Dong advanced 480 meters, even if he continued at this speed, he could only advance 100 meters in the end!

The difference is forty meters, the ending is obliterated!

Qin Yan advanced 500 meters, Tang Hanyan scored the best, advanced one hundred and eighty meters!

Hu Yu advanced 550 meters, Cang Wujing’s situation was not much better than Lin Dong, only 520 meters, the next six months, the difficulty of 480 meters will not be more difficult than the previous five hundred and twenty. The difficulty of meters is small!

Three more months, only the last three months left, Lin Dong is still 285 meters away!

Qin Yan is still 180 meters away.

Tang Hanyan is only the last ten meters away. She is sure to advance one kilometer-even if she does not arrive, she will not be obliterated because of time! Tang Hanyan didn’t arrive until Lin Dong and the others for a year and a half, and it was still a lot short of three years. It is impossible for her to be wiped out!

Hu Yu is still two hundred meters away, and the chance of success is relatively high; Cang Wujing is still two hundred and thirty meters away, and the probability of failure is not small! Of course, compared with Lin Dong, the chance of success is still much higher!

Tang Hanyan looked worried. If Lin Dong can’t speed up, I’m afraid he won’t be there!

In a blink of an eye, only the last month is left! Lin Dong is still 110 meters away!

Qin Yan was only the last 20 meters away, Tang Hanyan was over a thousand meters earlier, Hu Yu was only 30 meters away, and Cang Wujing was still 70 meters away!

“Qin Yan, Lin Dong he–” Tang Hanyan said, she was only a little bit away from Qin Yan.

One and a half years behind, Tang Hanyan’s performance is amazing, the star flame is his body, and his potential is endless!

“He won’t let us down, he won’t!” Qin Yan said firmly, but it doesn’t matter whether her heart is so firm or not.

It’s only a month, and Lin Dong is still 110 meters away. If it’s not in such a place, 110 meters would be extremely short for ordinary people, but here, it’s not easy to advance one meter. !

In the first eleven months, only advance more than 800 meters, and in the next month, advance 110 meters. This is difficult-“Huh!”

Lin Dong’s figure appeared. During the battle, he was hit hard again, and the opponent was not killed. He insisted that the battle reached half an hour and chose to send it out.


Qin Yan’s voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind. She couldn’t help it. If she was alive and Lin Dong died, how much meaning would she have done to the peak of the Valkyrie?


Lin Dong turned around and gave Qin Yan and the others a confident smile, the last one hundred and ten meters?

It’s time to explode!

Qin Yan and Tang Hanyan all saw Lin Dong’s smile, and they immediately felt relieved, and Lin Dong could be sure of it!

“Huh, what pretend to be!”

In the distance, Cang Wujing sneered. He didn’t believe that Lin Dong could still burst out.

If you haven’t advanced a hundred meters in eleven months, why should you advance one hundred and ten meters in the last month?


Cang Wujing takes a step There are still 70 meters, he believes he can pass!

It didn’t take long for Lin Dong to recover, and he once again stepped forward and entered the training space!

“Di Wen, strengthen your heart a little bit! Pay attention, don’t finish strengthening at one time, divide it into thirty times!” Lin Dongdao.

Before entering the Gorge of Life and Death, Lin Dong had not used Diwen’s power for a relatively long time. After entering the Gorge of Life and Death, he had not used it. Diwen had accumulated a lot of power.

——Di Wen has also absorbed a lot of life and death energy from the Life and Death Gorge, enough to strengthen Lin Dong’s heart!


Di Wen’s helpless voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind, “Some of the strength I finally accumulated, I have to use all of the strengths that I have accumulated! Sooner or later I will be **** off by you!”

(Please flowers~~ Brothers, don’t flowers and stay still…END)

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