The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 182: Try it yourself!

“The news will spread sooner or later.” Shi Hanyue transmitted the sound to Lin Dongdao, but she could see clearly.

Unless you have never exploded with a strength that exceeds your own cultivation base, you can’t help it!

In the past, the strength was low. There was nothing like the big tree of Xingyue Pavilion, Shi Hanyue did not show strong strength. Now, with the growth of his own strength, the big tree of Xingyue Pavilion is relatively small. Now, the only thing that can protect oneself is to grow rapidly!

“Han Yue, the situation here is like this–” Lin Dong Chuanyin introduced the situation to Shi Hanyue. It is relatively safe, but accidents cannot be ruled out.

Don’t Tang Hanyan compete with others? Although the final result is the death of the other party!

“I will be careful!”

Shi Hanyue has a solemn look in her eyes, and her own strength has to be improved a lot, otherwise others will make a shot and fight, and she will be more likely to lose!

Suddenly, Lin Dong’s expression changed slightly, and there were two strong men who followed Shi Hanyue into it. Two of them were close to Shi Hanyue, and they were a martial god-level strength, and a half-step martial god!

Although the Valkyrie will be suppressed to a half-step here, but the strength will be stronger than Shi Hanyue!

“Shi Hanyue, right? Hand over the magic orb, and this seat can let you go!” One of the two close strong men laughed strangely. His Valkyrie level strength comes from the underground forces, and he can act without compromise. He didn’t have any psychological pressure to grab something like Shi Hanyue’s junior!

“Feng Guangyuan, dare you!” Lin Dong’s icy voice passed thousands of meters away!

Feng Guangyuan looked at Lin Dong and sneered: “Don’t you dare? You are a little half-step martial arts god, what are you arrogant in front of this seat!”

“Half-step Valkyrie? I’m afraid it’s not!” Lin Dong said coldly.

Many people looked surprised, and Lin Dong’s strength had already broken through!

In this, it’s either a half-step Valkyrie or a Valkyrie level!

“Feng Guangyuan, I have the cultivation base of the Valkyrie level, and the peak strength of the Valkyrie!” Qin Yan said lightly, “If you dare to mess around, then you will be ready to hide in the entire Star Yan Continent!”

Feng Guangyuan’s face changed slightly, Lin Dong Wushen’s low-level strength he was not very afraid, but Qin Yan turned out to be the strength of the peak of the Wushen, this is not simple, he is now only the strength of the Valkyrie!

“Master, as long as you get the magic orb, Master, your old man is the peak strength of the Valkyrie!” The young man next to Feng Guangyuan said, “We will definitely get this magic orb!”

Feng Guangyuan’s eyes flashed, yes, as long as he gets the magic beads, he won’t be afraid!

“Feng Guangyuan, think about it, not every magic orb is suitable.” Lin Dong said quietly, “Xingyue Martial God got that magic orb, why didn’t he give it to Hanyue? ? Even if you get it, your strength may not improve!”

“At that time, you will not only be chased by us, but also by many other powerful men. If I were you, I would be smarter and stay away from the cold moon immediately!”

Tang Hanyan said: “Do it here, if you reduce your strength, you can directly obliterate it. If you want to do it, you have to think about it! Maybe you will be obliterated before you get it!”

“It is not easy to reach the strength of the Valkyrie! Oh, by the way, I am also of the strength of the Valkyrie now. It will not be long before I become the advanced of the Valkyrie. You dare to do it, and then at least seven Valkyrie powers will be chased and killed!”

Lin Dong, three of them here, two in Fan’s Polar Region, Guo Wuya outside, and Xingyue Martial God!

“Seven war gods?” Feng Guangyuan was startled, how could there be so many war gods.

It’s okay to offend two or three, and to offend seven Valkyrie. This is a lot of pressure. How many Valkyrie-level powerhouses are there in the entire Xingyan Continent?

Tang Hanyan said coldly: “There are three of us here, the three who pledged allegiance to Lin Dong, and the Xingyue Pavilion Xingyue Martial God, do you have at least seven of us!”

“Feng Guangyuan, there are a total of magic beads. Even if you get it, only one in the chance is suitable for you. If you shoot, the chance of getting will not exceed one-third. For the chance of one in ten, you are Not to offend so many Valkyrie level powerhouses!”

Lin Dong said indifferently: “It’s not just this trouble, Feng Guangyuan, you dare to take action, then I will offer a reward for killing you with massive treasures, you will definitely not escape death!”

Feng Guangyuan looked at some of the other strong men. He came from the underground forces, but at this moment, no one spoke.

Lin Dong and their current strength are no longer comparable to before, so it’s not good to offend casually!

If you can get the treasure, it’s okay. If you don’t get the treasure, you will offend Lin Dong and the others. Isn’t this death?

Unconsciously, Lin Dong and the others have become stronger, with such power!

If it is still the previous strength, why threaten a strong man like Feng Guangyuan, and why keep the other strong men silent?

Shi Hanyue said quietly: “Senior Feng, if you make a move, even if you die, I will pull you together, or I can’t kill you, but it should be fine to pull you to be wiped out!”


Feng Guangyuan hummed and retired. The chance of getting it is small, the risk is high, it’s not worth it!

He has estimated that the chance of getting and being able to merge may really be only a few tenths. If the pressure is small, a few tenths he has done it, but many Valkyrie-level powerhouses are chasing after him. Killing, coupled with Lin Dong’s huge reward at that time, this pressure is too great.

If he can’t reach the strength of the Valkyrie pinnacle, then a large number of strong men will be chased and killed, even if he has the strength of the Valkyrie level, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape! It is not easy to kill a Valkyrie level expert, but if several Valkyrie level experts take action together, they will still be stronger than him, and if they are not good enough to kill, they will become easier to kill!


Lin Dong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Feng Guangyuan insisted on taking the shot, it would be really troublesome.

Even if Feng Guangyuan can be killed then, what use is there if Shi Hanyue has an accident?

“Lin Dong, this seat didn’t make a move, you’d better not mess with this seat then, otherwise this seat won’t be easy to mess with!” Feng Guangyuan looked at Lin Dong and said solemnly.

Lin Dong said calmly: “Since Brother Feng didn’t make a move, he will naturally not trouble you at that time! My rules, if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will be refunded ten times!”

“It’s best not to shoot!” Feng Guangyuan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he didn’t want to be caught by Lin Dong even if he didn’t get anything.

Feng Guangyuan believes that what he said in front of everyone should be true, otherwise his credibility would be lost. Who will believe what he said in the future?

“Lin Dong, thank you.”

Shi Hanyue gave Lin Dong and Qin Yan a voice transmission. If it weren’t for Lin Dong and the others to help each other, it would be troublesome this time. Before entering here, Shi Hanyue didn’t think so much.

——It’s useless to think about it, and she doesn’t know what the situation is like now!

“Han Yue, everyone, why are you thanking you!” Tang Hanyan blinked her eyes to transmit the sound, even if she was a few kilometers away, her blinking Shi Hanyue could be clearly seen.

“What is your own person.”

Shi Hanyue gave Lin Dong a blank look from a distance. She knew what Tang Hanyan meant, but she did not agree to Lin Dong.

“Han Yue, I, you, Qin Yan, Zhou Mengyao, we will be sisters in the future, what do you think?” Tang Hanyan said, “They have no opinion, nor do I. You want to be with Lin Dong, But you also know that it is impossible for Lin Dong and Qin Yan to separate, and I will not let go.”

Shi Hanyue is a little bit shy and a little angry, Lin Dong, is it too cheap for him to be his woman together?

Yes, let Shi Hanyue choose someone else. She didn’t plan to do that. She didn’t have it before, and she won’t have it in the future.

“I’ll talk about it when the time comes, it depends on his performance.” Shi Hanyue said, “Alright, let’s not talk about this, I want to practice, I am behind you so fast, I have to catch up!”

Shi Hanyue hurried forward one meter and entered the training space, leaving only a phantom.

“Lin Dong, it’s cheaper for you, Hanyue, I’m afraid I will follow you too.” Tang Hanyan told Lin Dong, “You and Qin Yan said only five before, four are already!” /


A smile appeared on Lin Dong’s face. In fact, there were four of them, Qin Yan, Lin Dong was already satisfied.

All four are so good, and all four are national beauty, what else can he ask for?

Think about the older generations. Ordinary beauties who are a little lower than Qin Yan and others can’t beat him. They can only enjoy the teachers’ demeanor silently on the computer…

“Don’t be proud, if you don’t behave well, then we will punish you all together!”

“It seems that someone is only the low-level strength of the Valkyrie, Qin Yan is at the peak of the Valkyrie, and I am also close to the advanced level of the Valkyrie, huh! Someone, we won’t have a good day to offend us by then.”

Tang Hanyan smiled triumphantly.

Lin Dong’s face showed a look of helplessness, and her husband’s line was sluggish, and her husband’s line was sluggish! Although he said that the better his woman is, the more he likes it, but he can’t fall behind, right?

The current situation is not good, Qin Yan and the four of them actually have two stronger than him!

Furthermore, Shi Hanyue and Zhou Mengyao are both half-step martial arts strengths, maybe they will have the strength of the martial arts class at any time!

“Smoke, be careful of your little butt.” Lin Dong Chuanyin, he turned around and took a step forward after he finished speaking. There was only one year left, every minute and every second must be hungry!

“Hmph, I’m not afraid of you!”

Tang Hanyan’s face is slightly red and She likes Lin Dong to talk to her like this.

With Feng Guangyuan’s lessons learned, no one is looking for Shi Hanyue’s troubles. The rest of the time, everything is calm, and Lin Dong and the others are moving forward steadily one by one!

She doesn’t have the ability to reverse time, nor is she a body of flame. Shi Hanyue’s advancing speed can only be regarded as mediocre. However, one year has passed, and she has also advanced 1,500 meters, and three years later. There shouldn’t be any problems going three kilometers!

When there was only the last day left in three years, Lin Dong had reached seven thousand hundred meters.

Qin Yan was 7,300 meters, and Tang Hanyan reached 1,000 meters, ranking fourth!

The third is the first batch of Hu Yu. She was far away from Qin Yan, but later broke out at a relatively fast speed, 7,000 and tens of meters, which is more than 100 meters higher than Tang Hanyan.

However, after Tang Hanyan came in late for a year and a half, Hu Yu’s results will definitely be surpassed by Tang Hanyan in the end!

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