The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 182: Strong!

()Chapter 182 is strong! (For flowers!)

More than two thousand demigods!

The strong minds of all the forces are shocked, and such strength is really overwhelming them.

The strongest of these forces is the Qin family, the Liu family, and the Jiang family. After removing the three of them, the strongest is now dozens of demigods!

How to compare, a demigod powerhouse doesn’t even have one-thirtieth of the Temple of Freedom! Even if the obtained **** crystals consume more demigods by the time, the demigod-level powerhouses will not be one-twentieth of the demigod-level powerhouses in the Temple of Freedom!

When all the forces are combined, the powerhouse of the demigod is not as good as the Temple of Freedom!

“Also, the sooner you pay the stuff, the better! I pay you a point if you pay it early. Don’t blame Lin someone for holding grudges if you pay it late!”

Lin Dong’s gaze swept across his body like a knife, and the strong people felt chills in their hearts one by one!

“Dian Master Lin, we have a fragment of the Heaven-shaking Seal, and we will offer it to Dian Master Lin. I hope Dian Master Lin will not care about the arrogant words of some of our Wang Clan’s subordinates! Dian Master Lin also knows that they are basically new additions and have not been properly disciplined.” An old man spoke. It was from the Wang family. The Wang family was actually quite good in the upper three realms, but now the strength in the lower realms is very average. They didn’t get many **** crystals this time!

“The Fragment of Overturning Seal? Very good! If you have more fragments like this, you can also take it out, I am willing to exchange it for Shenjing!” Lin Dongdao.

The old man smiled bitterly: “Hallmaster Lin, we also got a piece of the earthshaking seal with good luck, alas!”

“Let’s do it, your royal family will be the first to stand up. If you have any trouble then you can ask me to help! But remember, the premise is that your royal family is not an enemy of your Temple of Freedom, otherwise there will be no such preferential treatment. !” Lin Dong said solemnly.

“Thank you, Palace Master Lin!”

This old man is called Wang Gudao, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, Lin Dong’s promise, this value will not be lower than the fragment of the earthshaking seal! With the strength of the Wang Family, it is not impossible for some other powerful forces to annex the Wang Family, but with Lin Dong’s promise, who would dare to do such a death-seeking thing?

Lin Dong’s promise is that this is a death-free gold medal, which is useful for at least three of the next three days!

“Hallmaster Lin, we have a fragment of Xuanyuan Sword!”

“Hallmaster Lin, we have a fragment of the death sickle!”

“Hallmaster Lin, we also have a fragment of the death sickle!”

The Wang family got the benefits, and immediately three other forces spoke up. They are not stupid. They offer preferential treatment at this time. After this time, I want to dream of such preferential treatment! Anyway, it’s going to be given out, why not take it out at this time?

Also, since Lin Dong said so, it means that they have such a thing on hand, and it is difficult for them to get it together! It’s just that a fragment doesn’t have much effect in the hand, it’s better to take it out at this time and get the shelter of the Temple of Freedom!

Lin Dong’s eyes are gleaming, these guys really have something good! The Heavenly Seal Xuanyuan Sword and the Death Scythe were prepared separately by Lin Dong for Zhou Mengyao, Mu Ziyin and Chenxiang, but he only had one fragment in his hand. Zhou Mengyao and the others did not use it. Now all three treasures have been harvested, and Zhou Mengyao and the others can use it. .

Reaper’s sickle also got two fragments at once. Agarwood has three fragments. Good luck!

These three treasures are all prehistoric treasures, and they are also very good among the prehistoric treasures! Zhou Mengyao has a virtual seal, Lin Dong thinks about it, the combination of the virtual seal and the treasure of the overturning seal may have a very good effect!

Mu Ziyin is now using a sword. Xuanyuan Sword possesses the infinite sacred power of Xuanyao to eliminate demons, and Mu Ziyin’s physique of Jiuyang Burning Celestial Body is good! Agarwood likes close combat, and the law of comprehension is biased towards death power, the death sickle is very good!

The three of them merged these three treasures. Qin Yan and their nine daughters had all the treasures. Qin Yan, Lu Xian, Chenxiang, Sophia, Xuanyuan Hanyan, and Shangguan Hanyue had already had powerful treasures. Of course, they are all different!

“Very good. For the sake of what you have taken out at this time, if someone kills you, the Temple of Freedom will interfere!” Lin Dong said quietly, this reward is worse than the Wang family’s, but it is also very Not bad, after all, the Wang family was the first to bring it out, and the first one should have the greatest benefit!

“Hall Master Xie Lin!”

The power of the three powers is a bit bitter, what is it, Xie Lindong has to come up with such a treasure!

But what can be done? Why is the Temple of Freedom now unmatched in strength? With Lin Dong’s identity, what he said in front of so many powerful people would definitely count, if he didn’t take it out, Lin Dong would definitely come to the door by then!

Let Lin Dong come to the door, and there will definitely be more to be lost. The leader’s fate may be accounted for!

“Everyone, do you have any, but there are still many forces that have offended Lin this time, and Lin is very grudge!” Lin Dong sneered, “Maybe some of your forces need to contact the above, and Lin will give you one. Month time!”

“One month later, the demigod powerhouse of my Freedom Temple must have passed two thousand, and we will slowly liquidate it! Whoever clamored before, Lin Mou can write it down, don’t worry. I wronged you guys!”


Lin Dong waved his hand, and the powerhouses of the Temple of Freedom left quickly and had already moved away from this area in a short time.

The rest of the forces did not leave immediately, but even if Lin Dong and the others left, none of them said that Lin Dong was not. There must be a lot of curses in their hearts, none of them cursed in their mouths!

“Everyone, goodbye!” Liu Yuan arched his hands and smiled. He was secretly refreshed. There are many powers in the Upper Three Realms that are stronger than the Liu Family, but now the Qin Family and the Jiang Family can be compared to the Liu Family. , He has no reason to be unhappy!

The Liu family now has nearly a hundred demigods, and it is estimated that there will be an increase of 60 or 70 by then, which is pretty good! And this time the compensation is not the Liu family’s business. Given the relationship between the Liu family and the Temple of Freedom, the previous Liu family’s powerhouse did not clamor!


The Qin family and the Jiang family also left soon, and the compensation has nothing to do with them. Qin Wanli and the others are secretly grateful that they are fortunate to have a closer relationship with Lin Dong. If it is still the same as before, let alone the strength now. Rising, this time the people of the Qin family must be indispensable for scolding, when Lin Dong will pursue it, the Qin family will definitely not be able to please!

The Bud family was destroyed, and the strong men of the Liu family, the Qin family, and the Jiang family left, and there were only three hundred demi-god-level strong men left!

“Everyone…oh, forget it, let’s go!” A demigod-level powerhouse wanted everyone to discuss how to deal with it, but he dispelled the idea at the beginning. In front of absolute strength, there was no discussion. of!

The Qin family, the Liu family and the Jiang family will definitely not play with them. It is estimated that some of these forces have a good relationship with the Temple of Freedom. Excluding those two hundred demigods, it is not bad. How to deal with the Temple of Freedom two and a half God?

The powers of the immortal emperor class add up a lot, but the top powers are too few, which is a flaw! In terms of attack distance, the attack distance of the demigod-level powerhouse is several times larger than that of the immortal emperor-level powerhouse!

In terms of speed, the demigod-level powerhouses generally have speeds much faster than the immortal emperor-level powerhouses! In the fight, the demigod-level powerhouse is constantly attacking within your attack range, what should you do? You can’t get close, and you can’t escape!

If there are only a few demi-gods, it’s better to deal with it. Two thousand demi-gods. There are all kinds of Nima, and they have a strong combat power!

Hiding in front of more than two thousand demigods is probably just a joke, unless you escape to the upper three realms!

Three of the next three days are small, but big is not big for a large number of demi-god-level powerhouses. There must be many demi-god-level powerhouses who are proficient in positioning among more than two thousand demi-gods. It’s hard to hide if you want to hide!

There are also treasures like the Book of Life and Death, which can be used by demigod-level experts like Wuyazi. Without strong defensive treasures, demi-god-level experts are useless to hide!

“Let’s go!”

The other forces also left one by one, and no one took the lead in saying that they would unite against the Temple of Freedom or something.

Lin Dong has said that the lead will end up like the Bard family, and no one wants to find death like this. It is easy for everyone to reach the Immortal Emperor level, and it is easy to reach the Demigod level!


“Yan’er, how are you doing?” Lin Dong said nervously. At this moment, they have reached the Jiuji Mountain of Wanbao World.

Qin Yan, Zhou Mengyao and others are naturally in the prehistoric demon pot, and the demigods such as Xiao Hei, Ling Rou, and Wu Yazi are also there!

“Husband, I am fine for the time being, that cursing force is entangled with my treasure.” Qin Yan said.

“I’m fine.” Xuanyuan contains the flue. She has the Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Pagoda, and her defense is top-notch!

Shangguan Hanyue said: “I’m fine, too, nothing is wrong for the time being.”

Lin Dong looked at Zhou Mengyao and the others. They didn’t speak, Lin Dong’s heart sank. If they didn’t speak, something happened!

Qin Yan Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguan Hanyue possess the chaotic treasure, and the chaotic treasure prevented the curse of the gods from entering their but Zhou Mengyao and others have no such treasures, such as Fuxiqin beat the gods and pan ancient flags. If it is complete, it can definitely be stopped, but their treasures in this area are not complete and their power is limited!

“How?” Lin Dong said solemnly.

Lu Xian and the others all looked at Zhou Mengyao, Zhou Mengyao smiled bitterly: “Husband, the curse has penetrated into our souls!”

“It’s my fault!” Lin Dong weakly sat on the chair behind him, “I’m careless. If I ordered an attack from the beginning, there would be no such thing. Simon Bard’s **** would be directly affected. Boom!”

Zhou Mengyao said: “Husband, how can you be blamed? This is an accident! Your decision is not wrong. Let them bite the dog by themselves, then they can create a lot of enemies for the Bud family! If we start from the beginning To kill the people of the Bard family with all our strength, the hatred is our back! This is an accident, no one would have thought that Simon Bard had a godhead!”

“And I’m afraid that the direct command of the attack will have the same result. It can be done with his strength and curse before the attack arrives.”

“Yes, husband, it’s not just a curse, it’s not a big deal, and the curse can’t be eliminated.” Lu Xian said.

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