The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 166: Dumbfounded!

Chapter 166 is dumbfounded! (For flowers!)

“Lin Dong, for the sake of something outside, it won’t be worth it to make your wife and the others have a miscarriage!”

“Can they sustain a half-hour high-intensity battle? Lin Dong, don’t think that we can defeat us in a short time, this is a dream!”


Several experts in the Ji family spoke arrogantly, and Lin Dong’s expression became more and more ugly, which made them happier!

“Okay, great!”

Lin Donghan said, “I was only going to teach you a lesson now, but I didn’t expect you to be so reckless!”

“Tell you, Yan’er Xianxian and others are indeed pregnant, but now it is not their turn to take action!”

Ji Lie sneered: “Lin Dong, do you mean that you can beat us several times, or do you have dozens of demigods in the Temple of Freedom?”

Lin Dong smiled: “Congratulations, you are right!”

At the next moment, dozens of powerhouses from the Temple of Freedom came out, and each of these dozens of powerhouses was in the realm of a demigod!


The breath of horror erupted from the dozens of strong men in the Temple of Freedom. In an instant, a large number of strong men were dumbfounded. At this moment, there are more than sixty demigods! Qin Yan and the others are here, besides them there are more than fifty demigods!

Moreover, several demi-god-level powerhouses controlled by Lin Dong have not yet come out!


If the rest of the strong are just dumbfounded, then the strong of the Ji family will be scared to pee, what the **** is going on!

Are there no demigod-level powerhouses except Qin Yan and their Freedom Temple? Where did these demi-god-level powerhouses emerge? ! These people still have information. The information shows that they are not immortal emperor level!

“Grab it, and those who resist will die!” Lin Dong said indifferently.

“Yes, the lord!”

Dozens of powerful people from the Temple of Freedom shouted in unison, Ji Lie and the others were stiff, and none of them resisted when the powerful people from the Temple of Freedom attacked people! Rebelling against Nimei, nine of them can beat dozens of demigods in the Temple of Freedom?

Furthermore, with Lin Dong, Qin Yan and the others have truly reached the realm of demigods one by one, their spirits and softness without cliffs are also powerful!

As for fleeing, Ji Lie and the others don’t want to, it’s impossible at all! The strong from the Temple of Freedom surrounded them, where would they escape? As long as they flee, it is estimated that the attacks of ten or so powerful people will fall on them immediately!

“Hall Master, I won it!” A strong man in the Temple of Freedom shouted loudly. In a short time, Ji Lie and the others were imprisoned!

Lin Dong walked to Ji Lie.


In the presence of the powerhouses, Lin Dong slapped Ji Lie’s face hard, and the backhand was another slap!


Ji Lie glared, Lin Dong’s two slaps made his face swollen!

“Staring at Lao Tzu again, Lao Tzu dug your eyes!” Lin Dong said coldly, Ji Lie was taken aback, but there was still a strong anger in his eyes looking at Lin Dong, he was not reconciled. Just after getting to the lower realm and just regaining his strength, Lin Dong and the others took it all unexpectedly.

And the sad thing is that they were taken down without a fight, and the strength of the Temple of Freedom made them afraid to make a move!


A dagger appeared in Lin Dong’s hand, and the next moment, the sharp dagger was inserted straight into one of Ji Lie’s eyes!


Ji Lie screamed. Although Lin Dong’s knife didn’t kill him, it hurt a lot of nerves by inserting it into his eyes and his head. Pain is inevitable!

“Shut up, otherwise your tongue won’t keep it.” Lin Dong sneered. Lin Dong was very annoyed with Ji Lie!

If the Temple of Freedom does not have such a strong strength, then Qin Yan and the others will really have to make an all-out effort. If the Ji family’s strong attacked Qin Yan and the others with all their strength, Qin Yan and Lu Xian might not be able to bear the battle abortion if they were pregnant. !

Ji Lie forcibly endured the pain and shut up. If he still screamed, he believed that Lin Dong would cut his tongue without hesitation!

For a strong man like Ji Lie, the tongue may still grow out if he cuts his tongue, but if Lin Dong uses a special knife, he may not be able to recover for a long time!

“Give you a chance, but you don’t know how to cherish it!” Lin Dong took the dagger back and wiped Ji Lie’s body and said in a low voice, “Three times, I welcome your Ji family to send a strong one again, I promise Let’s catch one! By the way, if your Ji family wants me to let you go, prepare valuable treasures to find me!”

Speaking of this, Lin Dong took Ji Lie and the others in a move. They had the strength of a demigod, so it was a shame to kill! When the time comes, the Demon Pot can control them, and maybe the Ji family will let someone save them!

Lin Dong glanced, there are a lot of strong people around, but now there is no sound! The powerful men of those forces were all frightened, the Temple of Freedom was so terrifying, dozens of demi-god-level powerhouses popped up, and they all took down the Ji family without any action!

“Symmenbad, didn’t your Bard family prepare to take action before?” Lin Dong’s gaze fell on Simonbad.

“No, no such thing, no such thing!” Symenbad said quickly, his heart trembled, and it would be easy to win them with the strength of the Temple of Freedom!

Lin Dong said indifferently: “You said before, if my Bud family wants to intervene? Am I deaf?”

Symmenbard’s face flushed red, saying that Lin Dong was deaf, the consequences were serious, but admitting that he had said this before, the consequences would be serious too! As long as Lin Dong gave an order, perhaps none of them could escape!

“Lin… Temple Master Lin, it was my fault before!” Symenbad said in a low voice. The Bard family is strong, but Symenbad is not stupid. At this moment, the Temple of Freedom is the strongest in this place, and Lin Dong is the boss. !

Lin Dong said quietly: “I thought you would deny it. Now that you do, how are you going to admit it? Don’t tell me that you have admitted a mistake by saying this. If so, I will also say a few words casually. At that time, I will say something to the rest of your Bard family and admit your mistakes?”

The strong people of the Bard family here are chilling. What Lin Dong said is an imperial decree for the strong of the Temple of Freedom. If Lin Dong says to kill them… Considering that Lin Dong will talk to the rest of the Bard family It is possible for the strong to admit their mistakes!

“Compensation, we must compensate!” Symenbad said hastily. It is better to lose something than to lose freedom and life!

If you get caught like the strongest of the Ji family, then the Bud family will suffer even more!

“Open up your space treasure, I’ll pick something.” Lin Dong said quietly.

Symenbad and their faces changed, but they didn’t dare to refuse Lin Dong, and they could only hold their hearts in their hearts if they were angry!

“Open the space ring!” Symenbad said solemnly.

Soon the space ring of the powerhouses of the Bard family was opened, and Lin Dong’s spiritual knowledge penetrated into it. His eyes lit up. There are many good things in the space ring of Simon Bard, especially the New Lower Realm. Those strong ones!


I didn’t be polite with Symenbad, all the good things in their space ring were received by Lin Dong in the prey demon pot!

Symmenbard and they watched their treasures be taken away, wanting to cry without tears, why did they talk too much before!

“Symenbad, you will pay attention to it in the future. This time it is just a small punishment. If there is another punishment, it won’t be so easy.” Lin Dong said quietly.


Symenbad gritted his teeth and said, the most sad thing is him. Their things were taken away by Lin Dong because of his previous words. This will definitely reduce his prestige. It is very likely that some of them will still be demigods. I hate him!

“Go back to the team.” Lin Dong waved his hand and smiled at the newly emerged demigod-level powerhouses in the Temple of Freedom.

“Yes, the lord!”

Dozens of demigods newly appeared in the Temple of Freedom returned to the main force of the Temple of Freedom, Qin Yan, Lu Xian Chenxiang Chenyue entered the prey demon pot, they are all pregnant at the moment, and their belly is big. Less, not suitable for being outside.

“Brother Lin, congratulations, the Temple of Freedom has such a strong strength.”

“Brother Lin, it’s hard for us to hide it from you!”

Liu Yuan Jiang Moxian waited for some demigods to come over, some demigods who were not very pleasing to Lin Dong before also came over, they felt that if their forces sent more powers, they would not Fear Lin Dong and them.

But now they know that it is impossible for their forces to send more demigods in a short time!

As for the true god, he can’t appear in the lower realm at all at this moment. The Temple of Freedom will definitely be the boss for a relatively long period of time!

“Everyone, this little strength of Lin’s Temple of Freedom is not enough in everyone’s eyes.” Lin Dong smiled.

“Brother Lin is polite.”

“Brother Lin, what you say makes us feel ashamed!”

All the powerhouses opened their mouths one by one, and the atmosphere seemed to be relatively harmonious. After ten minutes passed, the demigods retreated. They knew that the strength of the Lin Dong Temple of Freedom must be greatly enhanced with this crystal mine, so naturally they wanted to Get it.

Talking with Lin Dong, these demigods are also thinking about whether there can be some breakthrough from Lin Dong, but Lin Dong will say the real reason, he just said that he got the **** crystal to resist the evil spirits. of!

Those strong people are not too believers, but with the strength of the Temple of Freedom, those demi-god-level powerhouses can’t do anything about Lin Dong, are they forcing Lin Dong to surrender the crystals? Nonsense!

“We have to find a strong immortal emperor to try! Lin Dong can resist the evil evil spirit may not be particularly scary!” Saimenbad said in a deep voice.

“Saimen, at that time will you come to let the powerhouse of the immortal emperor level you found?” The Bud family said in an unhappy manner.

Symmenbard’s face sank, but he didn’t say much, what he did before was not beautiful!

“Find someone, come here to try!” The strongest demigod on Symenbad’s side said in a deep voice. He has confidence in his own strength. He is Sanshen. He has gone through seven times of Sanshen’s calamity. Also has a powerful defensive treasure!

“What do you look for?” The other person said.

Symenbad said: “We can only look for those who are not very good, and the Temple of Freedom is looking for those who are not good. If we arrest people casually, we will lose the popular support. First, we will try a few. It should not cost much. Time!”

The Bard family plans like this. The rest of the forces basically plan like this, but when they find it, they find that it is really not easy to find a great immortal emperor with a bad reputation on a large scale. All have been caught by the Temple of Freedom!

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