The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 156: Meet the two!

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   Qin Tianxu’s eyes flickered: “Let’s go, we enter the Gorge of Life and Death! Qin can’t say it, we’ll go in and catch people out! The time has been dragged on for a long time, Master will probably blame it!”

   Li Haolei and Zi Yan nodded. They originally planned to go in for a while, but something like this happened unexpectedly, and there might be more explosions like this!


   Qin Tianxu and others quickly entered the Gorge of Life and Death, but the rest of the people did not stop it. Everyone could enter the Gorge of Life and Death, and they were not qualified to stop Qin Tianxu and the others.

   Outside the Gorge of Life and Death, Xiao Hei’s eyes were half-squinted, and Qin Tianxu and the others actually entered the Gorge of Life and Death.

   “Tsk tsk, in it, it’s normal to die some of them.” Xiao Hei closed his mind and cultivated. It doesn’t plan to enter. Maybe Qin Tianxu and the others still have support. If it does, it has to find a way to correct the situation. Tell Lin Dong them, so as not to lose out in vain.

   As soon as he entered the Gorge of Life and Death, Lin Dong felt a strong breath of death, which was extremely terrifying.

   People with a lower cultivation base, I’m afraid they will be scared to death when they get here!

   There are many people resting at the mouth of the canyon. Lin Dong entered in stealth and didn’t disturb them. The canyon is ten kilometers wide, and there are many trails stepped out by the strong, densely packed.

   Here, people with high strength can fly, but people with average strength can only walk. Lin Dong can fly, but he still chooses a trail to move forward.

   did not go far, Lin Dong disappeared, he was teleported to a certain trial site, the life and death gorge corresponds to a large number of trial sites, I don’t know what character created it!

  War God is definitely impossible, even a strong man who breaks through the realm of Martial God may not have such power.


  The place of trial, when the enemy came out, Lin Dong hit the enemy without any hesitation. He was immediately teleported out. After a relatively long period of time, Lin Dong did not encounter any attack, the place of trial. It was detected that his strength had reached the martial sage level, and the low-level trial ground was useless for him.


   Lin Dong’s eyes flashed coldly. He saw Qin Tianxu and the others. Qin Tianxu and the others did not go forward in stealth. Ten military guards were injured, and they would be discovered if they entered stealthily.

   “Hurry up and recover.” Qin Tianxu glanced at ten Wu Wei and said in a deep voice. They can use a powerful battle formation together, and the strong at the peak of Emperor Wu can be trapped!

   “Yes, my lord!”

   Ten martial arts, they did not move forward to find a place and immediately recovered in a circle, so that the training and recovery, they can form a strong defense for the first time to resist possible attacks.


   Ziyan glanced at many of the other people here and said loudly, “I need to know a person’s news, you can provide me with the news, or help me catch someone, there is a big reward!”

   said, Zi Yan exuded her own aura, and the aura of the peak powerhouse of Martial Saint was extremely powerful.

  ”The opponent is not at the Martial Saint level but at the Martial Emperor level. It is a person named Qin Yan. I don’t know who you know?”

   “Qin Yan, eldest sister? I don’t know what Qin Yan looks like?” someone said.

   Zi Yan waved her hand, and suddenly Qin Yan’s image appeared.

   “Hey, it’s really big sister? Where did you guys come out, dare to make trouble with your big sister, hurry up!” The young man who had just spoken looked at Zi Yan and the others with an unkind expression.

   Li Leihao came to this young man in an instant and said coldly: “Boy, you say it again!”

  ” Say it again, I will say it again, I am afraid of you? I am from Xuanhan Palace, a Shenyang-level force, where are you from? Report it, I will come to you for tea at that time!” This youth face There is no color of fear on it, from the power of Shenyang rank, he has nothing to fear.

   Li Leihao frowned, Shenyang-level forces, **** it, this place really deserves to be a famous place in the entire Xingyan Continent, and Shenyang-level forces are rare.

  ”Do you want to deal with the eldest sister? I advise you to stop quickly, you can’t afford it!” Another humanist, this time it was a woman who spoke, and Qin Yan went all the way in. He knew a lot of people and joined a lot of them. The team has conquered many strong players in the team.

  The cultivator speaks with strength, and Qin Yan has shown great strength in it! Moreover, she was crazy enough to be exhausted again and again, but she kept going!

   “You want to catch Qin Yan, can you catch it? Haha. I guess you can’t reach the depth of her reach yet.” Someone laughed.

   “Qin Yan is now my goddess, you deal with him is to deal with me, this young master is from the Nine Nether God Kingdom, don’t think that your strength is strong, the strength of my master Martial Saint peak is here!”

   “Get out, get out now!”

   Someone took the lead, and many people clamored. Qin Tianxu and others looked ugly. They couldn’t kill everyone here. If so, Martial God Lieyang would have to die!

   “Let’s recover first!” Qin Tianxu said solemnly, they also suffered some injuries in the explosion.

   Zi Yan and Li Haolei nodded, and they shrank into the corner.

   Lin Dong who was far away saw and heard all this, his eyes showed pity, Qin Yan must be very desperate in it, otherwise, even if the strength is strong and beautiful, it will not be easy to convince the strong.


   Lin Dong muttered to himself, he sent out the call, but failed. The distance of the call was very short.

   I ignored Qin Tianxu and the others, Lin Dong continued to advance, and he advanced a lot, Lin Dong finally passed to a certain trial place again, this time the enemy is much stronger, and he has the strength of Emperor Wu’s peak. Unfortunately, Lin Dong With a shot, this enemy was still killed by a single blow!

   Coming out of the trial space, Lin Dong didn’t feel any improvement. His strength was too strong. On this side, only fierce battles can make people improve. The battle between life and death can best improve and surpass one person. The rise in the life and death battle of one’s own limit is terrible!

   is another longer period. Lin Dong did not encounter any attacks. It was only detected that he had the strength of Martial Saint level before. Just this time, Lin Dong was detected to have the power of the peak of Martial Saint!

  The Gorge of Life and Death is ten thousand kilometers long, and Lin Dong passed six thousand kilometers of it at a relatively fast speed!

   At this point, Lin Dong’s speed slowed down. Qin Yan was probably at this level when he inquired about it, and this level was not reachable by people below the Martial Saint level.

   Lin Dong looked around, there were very few people on this side, and they basically gathered in teams.

   After all, people are animals that live in groups. They are very tiring from life and death battles, and gathering actions can cheer each other up and go farther.

   went further tens of kilometers, Lin Dong’s ears moved slightly, and he heard someone talking about Qin Yan.

   Hearing is also affected on this side, but Lin Dong’s half-step martial arts strength still has a good hearing.

   “We seem to be unable to keep up with Qin Yan’s pace soon.”

   “Yes, a little girl is much better than us. Have we lived in vain all these years?”

  ”Come on, old black, your talent is ten blocks worse than others.”

   “Haha, I don’t see ten streets, it’s a hundred. Lao Hei, you only reached the intermediate level of Wusheng in a thousand years. People Qin Yan has achieved this level of strength in twenty years!”


   Lin Dong stepped closer to this team, listening to them, Qin Yan was in their team.

   Martial Saint-level powerhouses are generally high on the outside, but in this, no one poses a superior posture. Every day, they are half tired and not in the mood. Moreover, everyone is the same in strength. Posture, it will only be ridiculed by others.

   Speak loudly, drink heavily, discuss each other’s gains and losses today, and occasionally lose a few sentences. Many strong people like the environment.


   Lin Dong approached. The person with the best eyesight in this team discovered Lin Dong. Their eyesight was also greatly affected here. Like Lin Dong, I saw them long ago.

   “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not malicious.” Lin Dong smiled. He approached step by step and was not teleported, but everyone was not surprised or afraid. Maybe Lin Dong had been to this depth before. Lin Dong’s strength It may be stronger than him, but it may not be much stronger.

   “Qin Yan is in your team?” Lin Dongdao.

   did not hide, one of the Wusheng-level experts nodded: “Yes, you have something to do?”

   Lin Dong smiled slightly: “I am her man.”

   is different from Lin Dong’s expectation. None of the people in this team was surprised. Instead, there was a sneer: “Your joking is not funny at all, because there are already quite a few you like this! If you leave immediately, Go to to ensure good health!”

   Lin Dong was a little surprised and said: “Is anyone pretending to call me?”

   “Huh, every day in the life and death battle, there are always **** like you who want to relax! There are three **** we drove away, plus you, there are four!” a woman in the team said coldly , “Even if you have the cultivation base of Martial Saint Peak, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. We all come from powerful forces, and you are afraid you can’t afford it!”

   Lin Dong was not angry, but gratitude appeared in his eyes. They probably helped Qin Yan. Of course, Qin Yan might have helped them. The formation of such a team is not small because they can help each other.

   “You guys, did I pretend to be called? I’ll know when I say it.” Lin Dong smiled and said, “You guys don’t mind if I stay here for a while and drive me away. Yan’er will be very disappointed. .”

  ”The last **** said the same thing. Do you think you can fool Qin Yan? Dreaming!”

   Lin Dong closed his eyes to rest up his mind, the others didn’t say much when they saw this. They were tired for a day, and they are cultivating their breath now. Only Qin Yan is the most hardworking. !

   Another half an hour passed, Qin Yan’s figure suddenly appeared, with a lot of wounds on her body.

  Lin Dong suddenly opened his eyes and immediately came to Qin Yan’s side: “Yan’er!”

   Qin Yan was taken aback for a while, she felt the familiar breath of Lin Dong, and Lin Dong hadn’t restrained her soul breath at this moment.

   “Husband…Why do I have hallucinations.” Qin Yan shook his head, but Lin Dong was still there.

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