The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 15: Empty Wuyi!

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Wu Biao left, and the emperor asked: “The saint relic is the crystallization left by the martial arts monk after his death! It contains the martial arts will of the martial arts power, and it is not invaded by all evils. It is a very rare treasure!”


  Lin Dong’s eyes glowed, and nothing else, only this thing left by the Martial Saint-level powerhouse, you know that this thing is very precious! Wu Sheng, that’s just one level lower than the Valkyrie!


   There are only a few King Wu in the Eastern Qin Kingdom. After King Wu, Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu, and then Wu Sheng, you can imagine how powerful it is. If you know that he has such a thing, Emperor Wu and even Wu The powerhouses of the holy rank will be alarmed!


   “The emperor asked, what does this thing do for you?” Lin Dong said.


The emperor    asked in a low voice: “It can restore a lot of my strength. Don’t worry, my strength recovery is indispensable to your benefits! At that time, your earth martial arts talent can be raised to another level!”


   “Di asked, can’t it? Such a thing can only be raised to a level?” Lin Dong stared.


The emperor    asked with no anger and said: “Do you think I can absorb the power of the relic at once? Dreaming! This can only be done slowly, I am saying that you can improve once in a short time!”


   “That’s okay, okay!” Lin Dongle said, with the strength of this sacred power, there should be no problem in raising the martial arts of the earth to two levels. Of course, it can also be used to improve the talent of stick skills or other things. !


  Lin Dongdao: “Di asked, this is the benefit I can get after you get the benefit. What benefit can I get directly?”


   “There are many benefits!” The emperor asked quietly, “The first point has been said, this thing is not invading evil, holding this thing, if you are in an evil place, you can keep you safe! Second point , It contains the will of martial arts, you may understand the powerful will of martial arts from it!”


  ”The third point, the saint relic can purify the soul. You killed before, although the murderous energy was collected by the blood flame, but the soul was more or less affected. Just wear it when you sleep.”


  ”Fourth point, the holy relic can absorb kind thoughts and grow!”


   Lin Dong said in a puzzled way: “The emperor asked, what’s the fourth point? Can it grow?”


  ”Yes! Holy relics are different from ordinary relics.” The emperor asked, “This kind of thing already has spirituality! If it is in the hands of a wicked person, it will not take long for its power to disappear. If it is in the hands of a good person, its power will disappear. When the power disappears, good thoughts grow at the same time! If the absorbed power is greater than the consumed power, it can always exist, and even grow into a **** relic!”


   Lin Dong’s eyes are bright, which is not bad, he killed a lot of people, but Xiao Hei said that he is a great kind person, Xiao Hei should not be mistaken, this Saint Reli probably can absorb his kind thoughts!


   “The emperor asked, the holy relic absorbs good thoughts, what impact will it have on the holders?” Lin Dongdao.


   “No.” The emperor asked quietly, “Good thoughts and evil thoughts, which are naturally emitted, absorbed or not, have no effect on the person who emits, just like running water, if you use it, the water that flows over tomorrow is There are so many, you don’t need it, so much is flowing.”


  Lin Dong nodded, the saint relic absorbs good thoughts, which is tantamount to using waste, which is very good!


  ”The emperor asked, if the holy relic succeeds, you can restore more strength?” Lin Dongdao.


   “Hmm! So your luck is good, this thing is a very rare treasure for you!”


   Lin Dong laughed and said, “I thought it was a trouble, but I didn’t expect that Wu Biao would take the initiative to send the baby to apologize! But it’s a bit strange, even if he knew that I had scammed Jiang Quan’s money, he probably wouldn’t be so quick. That’s right, I just forgot to ask because I was excited!”


  ”Di Wen, you can absorb the power of this thing and recover. I will sleep first, I am exhausted!”


   “Wait…You haven’t let the saint relic come out as they are, how do you use it at this time?” the emperor asked.


   “If you didn’t tell me earlier, how did you do it?”


  Diwen quickly said the method. Lin Dong bit his finger and painted all the egg-sized stones. The blood was quickly sucked into the stone. After half a minute, Lin Dong felt from the saint relic. With the power of holiness, a faint white light enveloped Lin Dong. Lin Dong’s body was about to fall apart. He was very tired at first, but now he is recovering relatively quickly.


   “Holy light appears, it seems that Lin Dong has accumulated a lot of kind thoughts.” Di Wen secretly said in his heart.


   Unknowingly, Lin Dong closed his eyes, vaguely, he seemed to see a person, that was an old man in white robe, he walked the world, benefited the common people, and accumulated countless virtues!


   “People with predestined relationship, empty mind, can contain the world and everything, can be more in harmony with nature…”


   Lin Dong seemed to hear a little sound, his mind was drawn, as if he had learned something, and as if he had not learned anything, Lin Dong fell asleep in a daze.


   This sleep has been several hours, Lin Dong stretched out, he opened his eyes, and felt that his body and mind were so relaxed. He had never reached such a relaxed state in his life!


   “Senior, thank you!”


   Lin Dong whispered and slept, he learned a kind of martial intent, and it is a powerful martial intent, it is an ethereal martial intent! Ethereal Martial Intent is not very strong in combat, but the auxiliary training aspect is very strong. Under the Ethereal Martial Intent, his training speed can be increased a lot!


   is more in line with nature. Under the emptiness of martial arts, the power between heaven and earth will be more willing to get close to him, his speed at mastering other martial arts will increase, and the effect of practicing Nine Death Magic Skills will increase!


   Space martial art is extremely difficult to master. Lin Dong didn’t expect that he could master it so easily. He just got started with space martial art after sleeping!


   If you let others know that Lin Dong’s acquisition of ethereal martial intent is so simple, it is estimated that many people who are struggling to pursue it will vomit blood in depression!


   Lin Dong picked up the saint relic, a faint light flashed, the saint relic merged into his body, this thing is psychic, and some psychic treasures can be merged into the body!


   “The emperor asked, I want to improve my talent in ethereal martial art, is it okay?” Lin Dongdao.


   “No, I’m not omnipotent, I’m not good at this.” Di Wen said quietly, “The emptiness has nothing to do with me. I have never understood the meaning of space martial arts, and it will not be possible in the future! You can understand Void martial intent, very good, this is your good fortune! The void in martial intent is as high as possible. This martial intent can be said to be the basis of your other martial intent. Once this is up, your understanding of other martial intent is much easier!”


   Lin Dong nodded slightly, without asking the emperor, he will try his best to improve the spiritless martial arts!


   It’s just that this can’t be too demanding, it’s ethereal and martial intent, it pays attention to nature and inaction, and it will improve if you realize it!


  ”The emperor asked, when can I increase my talent in the earth’s martial arts? You have to know that there are only two days before the imperial city martial arts, and the imperial city martial arts is one month, there is nothing in the beginning stage, the next ten days will be very intense !” Lin Dongdao.


The emperor    asked in a low voice: “In about two days, your earth martial arts talent can be upgraded to the fifth rank.”


   “Two days, that’s not bad.” Lin Dong smiled and said, the earth martial arts talent has improved, he will understand a lot in a short time, and his strength will improve a little. The martial intent related to the martial intent of the earth will increase, and the effect of his practice of the Nine Death Magic Skill will be enhanced, and he should become a martial artist within half a month!


   For the next two days, Lin Dong did not leave Jiuzhongtian. He practiced on the fifth floor of Jiuzhongtian during the day, and went to sleep in the room where Wu Biao had paid for it at night. He had a very fulfilling life!


   “The land martial arts talent is very different from the fifth rank.” Lin Dong’s eyes are bright, his earth martial arts talent has been improved, and many things that he didn’t understand before are now understood in a short time. That kind of feeling, it’s as if the head has suddenly opened up!


   “Lin Dong, you can’t come out yet.”


  Tang Hanyan’s voice came from the identity token, “We are already outside of Jiuzhongtian!”




   Lin Dong replied after finishing his training. He checked the time, and it was almost time for the imperial city to martial arts to begin!


   “Yes, they seem to have improved a lot.” Coming up from the ground, Lin Dong smiled authentically.


   comprehend the spirit of the spirit of the sky, Lin Dong now has a lot of eyesight. Tang Hanyan and their cultivation are higher than him, but Lin Dong can see that the middle level of the martial arts master Yi Changkong has not concealed it from Lin Dong. , However, this is also Yi Changkong didn’t hide his cultivation base much at this moment!


   “Lin Dong, why are you weird?” Tang Hanyan looked at Lin Dong somewhat strangely.


  ”Qin Yan, do you think Lin Dong is weird?”


   Qin Yan also looked at Lin Dong. She could feel Lin Dong’s hatred before, but now Qin Yan does not feel hatred from Lin Dong. Lin Dong now feels very warm to her.


   “What’s weird?” Lin Dong said in an irritating way, “Tang Hanyan, are you trying to make everyone late, right?”


   “It’s strange.”


   Tang Hanyan muttered, she could feel Lin Dong’s changes, but she couldn’t tell.


   However, Tang Hanyan knows that this change shouldn’t be a bad thing for Lin She feels that Lin Dong will be closer to him.


   “Let’s go first.” Qin Yan smiled.


   Zhenjiang City is very big, but there are strange beasts traveling in the city, and strange beasts flying in the sky!


   Tang Hanyan and the others called a flying beast over and riding on the flying beast, Lin Dong and the others soon arrived near Zhenjiang City’s Royal Martial Arts Field. The Royal Martial Arts Field is now crowded!


   showed the token, very smoothly, Lin Dong and the others entered the royal martial arts field to the center!




   Jiang Quan saw Lin Dong and the others, he snorted coldly, the killing intent in his eyes did not stop at all!


   Lin Dong’s eyes narrowed slightly, this guy will definitely find a way to kill him!


   “It’s not very possible to do it in the imperial city. I want to do it on the island of genius, but unfortunately, I must have a martial arts master at that time. It is not necessarily who takes advantage.” Lin Dong sneered.


   comprehended the emptiness and martial intent, but Lin Dong’s temperament has not changed, he is still the same as before! Like Jiang Quan, Lin Dong would definitely not be polite if he was to be treated!


   “Brother Lin Dong, I thought you were going to be late.” Xie Qi leaned over and said cheerfully.


   Lin Dong took a deep look at Xie Qi. He already knew Xie Qi’s magic from Wu Biao.


   People’s eyes are very abnormal, Wu Zong-level and even Wu-wang-level powerhouses are not comparable. This is Wu Biao’s evaluation of Xie Qi, and it is also the evaluation of Xie Qi by many strong people in Zhenjiang City!


   (seeking flowers~~)

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