The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 149: Who robbed the treasure?

()Chapter 149 Who robbed the treasure?

“Zeus, you know a little bit about the gods, who have such network capabilities to control my mechanical guards?” Lin Dongdao.

Zeus smiled bitterly: “I know why you believe I didn’t do this anymore, I don’t have the ability!”

Lin Dong waved his hand: “Zeus, it’s not like that. You don’t have this ability. You may have some of your subordinates. I believe you are not because of this, but you are not necessary! Things are yours, you There is no need to make it out like this! If you are really you, making it out like this is tantamount to playing me like a fool. There is no impermeable wall in the world. If I find out in the future, you will definitely have a lot of trouble! Presumably you don’t want it. There is such a trouble!”

“Not bad!” Zeus nodded slightly, he naturally didn’t want to cause such troubles, Lin Dong and the others are very strong today!

Lin Dongdao: “Zeus, I don’t know much about the gods, I hope you can help analyze and analyze!”

“No problem, this is not just a provocation to you, but also a provocation to me!” Zeus said in a deep voice, his heart was very angry, and things were lost, even if Lin Dong’s original treasure won’t be taken back, even if The favor is still there, but as long as the things are not taken back, the favor will definitely be much weaker, and he himself is embarrassed to ask Lin Dong for help!

“Lin Dong, as far as your mechanical guards are concerned, in fact, our lord gods and the people below have done a lot of research! But your level is there, and there are not many who can understand it. Those who have the ability to secretly control must be Less! If there is no such thing, I believe that your mechanical guard will definitely not be secretly controlled!”

Lin Dong shook his head: “Zeus, when something comes out, it must have been thoroughly studied. It’s actually just a matter of time, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast! This time it was my carelessness. It should be I went to Jupiter to meet with you directly!”

Zeus said: “I think you still have confidence in your own things, so I will point out the five most likely people, how about?”


“The first one, Jehovah! Jehovah has a prophetic scepter that allows him to avoid many mistakes. His super intellectual brain is very strong. You must know this too.” Zeus said.

Lin Dong nodded slightly. On Earth, Xiao Jiu is dominant, but on other planets, Xiao Jiu may not be able to dominate! Even some of the advantages previously gained may have been deliberately given to Xiao Jiu by the enemy!

“Second, Grand Master! His gossip alchemy furnace is not only for alchemy, he is also very good at alchemy, presumably you also know that in the early days of the great primordial period, alchemy and alchemy were all counted. Things! A powerful alchemist is generally not bad for refining tools!”


Lin Dong whispered softly. For this, he has his own experience, his own alchemy equipment level is very high!

“The third…Jade Emperor! The Kunlun Mirror is a great treasure in terms of the law of time! One day outside the Kunlun mirror, inside the Kunlun mirror, the Jade Emperor may have a year to study! If he is not good at alchemy, I Believe it!”

“The fourth, Athena, I believe she is impossible, but she may have this ability. She is not only called the goddess of war, but also another title, the goddess of wisdom! Some of Athena’s treasures are her Made it yourself!”

“The fifth one, Tathagata! Actually, I don’t know what kind of powerful methods the Tathagata has, but he has always been secretive! When you think you can see everything about him, he might just let you see The tip of the iceberg! If the Tathagata fights with Jehovah with all his strength, I personally think that Jehovah may not win! After all, he is the first person to get luck and return to the earth. It is hard to estimate what he has gained and discovered!”

The five people mentioned by Zeus are all the main gods, but it is normal. The power of the non-main gods is much lower than that of Lin Dong. It is very difficult to silently obtain the control of some mechanical guards by relying on technical ability.

Based on the theory of the peak of the immortal emperor before Lin Dong, the previous mechanical guards have basically reached the limit of their own cultivation and technology! Both sides are very close and it is possible to get the authority, but one of them is too far behind!

Your own strength is behind, and some core materials will also be behind, which will affect the overall ability!

“Zeus, thanks!” Lin Dongdao, he thought, is it possible for the rest of the people?

The possibility of Jehovah is the highest, but other people may not be impossible! Athena knew about Lin Dong and their trade. The Tathagata was hidden from view. The Jade Emperor’s ambitions were very strong. The Supreme Lord Lin Dong didn’t doubt it. The Supreme Lord might have such abilities, but Lin Dong It is estimated that he has no such guts!

Besides, Mr. Taishang had a good relationship with Lin Dong before. In order to lock the half-yin and yang concentric lock that was temporarily useless, Mrs. Taishang didn’t have to risk such a risk. He was found out before that. The relationship can be broken!

“Lin Dong, I will try my best to check, and if there is any discovery, I will notify you immediately!” Zeus said.

Lin Dong nodded slightly: “Zeus, bother, no matter what, take the treasure from the beginning, if you are in trouble, you can find me, and I will help if you can!”

“Lin Dong, if things don’t come back, then the favors are fine!” Zeus said, he knew very well that the value of favors would be greatly reduced if things didn’t come back, so it’s better to say them directly at this time! Now that I have said, Lin Dong will have less suspicion of him, and Zeus would not think that Lin Dong has no doubt about him now!

The Tathagata is hidden, but can become the main god, which one is a simple character?

“Zeus, we still try to find things back, otherwise where do we put our faces!” Lin Dong said solemnly.

Zeus nodded: “It is true, Lin Dong, contact me again!”

Zeus hung up, and Lin Dong quickly started to improve Xiao Jiu’s ability again. With Xiao Jiu’s ability now, it would be difficult for him to find anything even if he wanted to check. Moreover, there are many mechanical guards at the moment. The radar is searching!

Time passed by minute and second, and the time ball accelerated, Lin Dong made a lot of progress! In seven or eight days, it was difficult to improve Xiao Jiu’s situation a lot before, but with Lin Dong’s strength ten times to twenty times, Xiao Jiu can be improved a lot!

Desperately improving, Lin Dong squeezed his ability to do his best!

Before, Lin Dong felt that everyone was in the same boat, and Xiao Jiu was enough to protect himself. Now he found that this kind of thinking is really bad! He thought that everyone was in the same boat, the Lord and the others might not think so!

Lin Dong is a latecomer, and now he has surpassed the Tathagata, the Lord and the others, I am afraid that they are not very comfortable! If they feel uncomfortable, and if they cooperate with Jehovah’s powerful abilities, they may secretly attack him and improve themselves!

One day, two days, three days!

Five days have passed, and based on the time on the Xingyan mainland side, it has been less than a month before Lin Dong’s wedding. This time can be said to be very tense! To know that ordinary people get married, many of them need to be prepared months in advance. What is Lin Dong’s status? There are so many guests who need him to come forward!

“Master, contact the Lord, he said if you want the half treasure, if you don’t want it, the price will be raised tomorrow!” Xiao Jiu’s voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

“Reply to him, no, I want him to die!” Lin Dong’s eyes flickered with cold light. Within five days, the time ball accelerated for three or four months. Xiao Jiu’s ability has improved a lot, but it is not over yet, Xiao There is still room for Jiu’s ability to improve. He can stay here for two days at most, and he can also improve Xiao Jiu!

As for some things on the side of Xingyan Continent, I can only put them aside for the time being!

“Yes, master!”

Xiao Jiu quickly replied. In a luxurious restaurant on the earth, Jehovah frowned when he heard from Lin Dong.


The Lord scolded, he not only scolded Lin Dong, but also scolded and robbed the other half of the people who had the same fate of Yin and Yang!

Lin Dong and the others don’t know, but the Lord himself knows that he didn’t steal the half-yin-yang concentric lock! Jehovah had the idea of ​​controlling Lin Dong’s mechanical guards, but he went straight to the earth!

For the rest of the planets, how many Lin Dong Mechanical Guards are there? Jehovah is a bit look down! Although there is currently no control over any mechanical guard on this side of the earth, Jehovah has also made considerable progress!

Originally, if Lin Dong did not return in the rest of the world for a long time, Jehovah estimated that he might control a part of Lin Dong’s mechanical guards, but he did not expect that Athena had told the news that Lin Dong would return. Up!

Now that Lin Dong actually replied not to trade to kill, Jehovah feels not so good. Lin Dong doesn’t seem to be joking!

Even at this time, he gave Lin Dong half of the yin and yang concentric lock for free. If Lin Dong did not get the other half, the search would definitely continue. If he was in Jupiter, he would have left Jupiter to go. The methods of the rest of the world, but on this side of the earth, he has no such methods!

The earth is now under the control of Lin The earth is full of Lin Dong’s believers. The believer power of believers has an influence on his transmission. The transmission tokens he created before are now Not available!

The Lord knows that there is a teleportation array in Jiuzhou City that can be used, but entering Jiuzhou City is a self-rejection!

“This seat will be consumed with you!”

The Lord took a deep breath and the cold light flickered in his eyes. Less than a month after Lin Dong got married, less than three days on this side, the Lord did not believe that Lin Dong could stay here! As long as Lin Dong leaves, Jehovah will still be able to break through the blockade of mechanical guards and leave the earth!

The time soon arrived the next day, and Jehovah’s face was gloomy. Lin Dong still didn’t contact him or show up. This is not good!

“Ten have **Lin Dong is improving the ability of Jiuzhou Super Brain! Now that he has done so, he is afraid that he can be sure! If the ability of Jiuzhou Super Brain is improved…” Jehovah looked ugly, such Very serious consequences.

(Please ask for flowers~~At the beginning of the month, brothers have a flowery drop, thank you!!)

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