The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 131: Lin Dong’s help!

()Chapter 131 Lin Dong’s help! (For flowers!)

More than 100,000 mechanical guards maintain order. The chaos on the earth will soon end. The migration has not ended so soon, but it has entered a period of calm!

At this time, the rest of the planets are still in chaos, and fights and even murders often occur on the planet!

It’s not that the Lord and the others are low in strength, nor that they haven’t worked hard, but that they really don’t have such a strong strength!

The number of strong men under Jehovah is only around 2,000, which is too small for the entire planet! Moreover, some of those strong people do not have the strength of the 16th or 17th level, and people do not have machines to obey!

Lin Dong’s orders, all mechanical guards can be executed rigorously, but the orders of Jehovah and the others may not be necessary!

It took so long to enter the second layer of the outer sky, and the people under them were a little relaxed. The Lord and the others are not saying much. After all, it is not necessarily worth it for the ordinary people to break the hearts of the strong under them!

“Friends of Mars, how are you all right?”

“Comrades of Saturn, I heard that you don’t dare to go out at night. We can go out without closing the door at night. It’s better with you. Our place is so peaceful and boring. Same!”

“The choice of our family is indeed not wrong. Strictly speaking, there has been no confusion on this side of the earth. A little mess will be dealt with quickly. This should be normal!”

“Exposure to our new home. The environment here is really good. I’m very fortunate to be here. We will stick to our faith even more!”


In the major forums on the Internet, the popularity of the earth has risen, and the earth has been calm when the rest of the planets are still in chaos. This is the ability! There are hundreds of thousands of level 16 mechanical guards, thinking about it, they feel safe!

Many people on the other planets are envy and jealous. Many of them have not settled down. Although many of them have been allocated houses, they are very chaotic. Not to mention the night, even during the day and sometimes they dare not go out to work!

The strong men of the Bright Church, the God of Nature, and the Great Leiyin Temple intervened, and many strong men from the powerful families also intervened. But what annoyed Jehovah and the others is that the restoration of the planet’s calm is not a short time. It can be done within!

“Brother Lin, do me a favor. How about helping Neptune deal with the trouble?” Lucifer contacted Lin Dong helplessly.

The Lord and the others are better, Lucifer has no strong people at all! There was a connection between the blood clan wolf clan before, and the strong blood clan wolf clan can be mobilized, but now the blood clan wolf clan has disappeared!

Lucifer’s strength is good, but with strength, can he manage a planet well without the cooperation of a large number of subordinates?


Orders need to be executed, and even if Lucifer is awkward, it is impossible for him to take care of countless things on the entire planet! Although relatively few have migrated to Neptune, Lucifer has been so busy these days and has sought help from many forces. However, the situation on Neptune as a whole is still getting bad day by day!

There are hundreds of billions of people in the entire Federation, and there are a lot of evildoers. Now the evildoers on the earth continue to flow out, and Neptune has flowed in a lot!

If this continues, Lucifer reckons that he won’t have any believers at that time. Neptune will become a paradise for criminals! Let those criminals believe in themselves? Not to mention that this reputation is not good, criminals generally believe in themselves!

“Lucifer, brothers will settle accounts, you know!” Lin Dong smiled.

Lucifer said in an unpleasant manner: “Brother Lin, so a little busy, you are so embarrassed to let me do it for you!”

“It turned out to be just a small favor. With Lucifer your ability, I shouldn’t need my help. I’m dead.” Lin Dong said with a smile.

“Wait…Oh, I’m afraid of you. A fragment of a great treasure will send me five thousand mechanical guards. I need a thousand seventeenth-level mechanical guards, and a forty-sixteenth-level mechanical guard, how about? “Lucifer said.

Lin Dong shook his head: “Not so…help you solve the problem, and I will give you one thousand mechanical guards, two hundred and seventeenth level mechanical guards, and eight hundred and sixteenth level mechanical guards, how? Forget it, don’t force it. It’s not easy for me to refine the 16th and 17th level mechanical guards, and the amount of one thousand is not a small amount!”

Lucifer stared and said: “Brother Lin, that’s a piece of the wild!”

Lin Dong said with a chuckle: “You are a lonely family, and you already have a great treasure. The fragments of the wild are of no use to you, should you? It is very good to give you so much! You have to think about it, If you use the crystal of faith, how much does it cost to achieve this effect? ​​The mechanical guard can always exist, and the crystal of faith will not take much time to be reused. Moreover, the machine is more obedient than people!”

Lucifer said helplessly: “You have to give me all their control rights, don’t give them an order to go back then!”

“Of course!”

“You won, help solve the problem immediately!” Lucifer said.

Lin Dong smiled and said: “Ten thousand mechanical guards are already on the way. After they solve it for you, one thousand of them will stay!”

“You expected that I would ask you for help?”

“Hehe, what do you mean? I don’t know how many strong people are on your Neptune. I don’t know if I can be busy!”

Half a day passed, ten thousand mechanical guards arrived at Neptune, Lucifer immediately issued a notice, the content of the notice is that many mechanical guards were bought from Lin Dong, he did not say whether he bought ten thousand or one thousand!

As the ten thousand mechanical guards arrived at Neptune, the chaotic situation of Neptune suddenly stabilized a lot, and many villains immediately converged. Some of them have suffered the loss of mechanical guards! When the mechanical guard finds the villain, they will be punished by electric shocks, and in the worst case, they will be killed directly. There are many villains who have been wiped out by the Lindong Mechanical Guard before!

The people on Neptune breathed a sigh of relief, and many realized a problem. It was Lin Dong or Lin Dong’s mechanical guard that gave them a sense of security! Many of them just arrived at Neptune and did not settle down. They renewed their request to go to Earth. Lucifer is not easy to stop, nor can it stop, such a request.

The people have this kind of freedom. This is a federal law, and it is also an agreement between their nine main gods!

Three days later, Neptune has basically stabilized. After 10,000 mechanical guards have killed many criminals, the order of Neptune has been stabilized! But at this time, Saturn, where the Lord God of Light is here, has not yet recovered its calm!

And it’s still far from restoring calm! Jehovah is strong and has many men, but there are also many people who enter Saturn, and it is easy to be confused when there are many people!

“Brother Lin!”

After Lucifer, Mr. Taishang contacted Lin Dong, and there was some friendship from the past, but Lin Dong helped Mr. Taishang solve the trouble without asking.

“Brother Lin, I heard that Lucifer has traded with you. I also have some things. Let’s trade it?” The old gentleman smiled and solved the trouble. He came to the earth to express his gratitude. Compared with the little help Lin Dong gave, Lin Dong gave him much more help this time.

I did a lot of help and didn’t want to be paid. If Taishang Lao Jun couldn’t come to the earth to thank him, that wouldn’t be justified.

“Should I call you Laojun or King of Flames?” Lin Dong smiled.

The Taishang Laojun laughed and said: “The King of Flame is no longer there, you can call me Laojun, I am older than you, how about calling you Brother Lin?”

“Of course.” Lin Dong nodded.

“Old gentleman, Lucifer has indeed traded with me. If you have what I need, I will naturally be willing to trade.”

Tao Shang Lao Jundao: “You have gotten a lot before, and there are more things than me, so let me take it out and ask for it by the way!”

Speaking, Taishang Lao Jun took out his own things, a chaotic fragment and four prehistoric fragments!

Lucifer took out two chaotic fragments and three prehistoric fragments. Compared with Lucifer, the old man Taishang took out something worse, but the chaotic fragments were what Lin Dong liked more. It belonged to the chaotic clock. Fragment!

Qin Yan has merged the fragments of a chaotic clock, one is not effective, and the two can be very powerful!

It’s just that there is a problem now, Lin Dong now has no prehistoric fragments at all! Before, there was still a fragment of the sky-opening axe, but the fragments of the sky-opening axe were replaced by the fragments of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, which had already given Xuanyuan Hanyan!

“Brother Lin, I want this fragment. I don’t know if you have any more?” Old Monarch Taishang asked. He possesses the primordial treasure. Naturally, like Lucifer, what he needs is the chaotic treasure. Something, he likes Chaos Clock!

Lin Dong smiled bitterly: “Old gentleman, it is true that I want this too. One of my wife has merged a fragment like this! Old gentleman, can you let this fragment be given to me, and I will pay you back in the future One, or I will give you four pieces of the great treasures, I still have five pieces of the great treasures~ you can choose four, how about leaving one for me?”

There are no more chaotic fragments, but Lin Dong still has fragments! There were a total of nine fragments before. Sophia took two fragments for the magic whip. Tang De, Li Changkong, Xiao Baichuan and the others used three fragments, and four fragments. One thousand mechanical guards exchanged from Lucifer. Arrived one, add up to five prehistoric fragments!

Tai Shang Lao Jun frowned slightly, Lin Dong’s wife has actually merged one, then this is troublesome, it is too difficult for him to make a complete Chaos Clock! However, to use this to exchange for the four pieces of the prehistoric treasure, Taishang Laojun is not happy.

The value of the fragments of the four primordial treasures is not worse than that of a fragment of the primordial chaos treasure, but the primordial treasure is not needed by the Supreme Master. If he gets the fragments of the primordial treasure, he may not be able to exchange for the fragments of the chaotic treasure in the future. Up!

“Old gentleman, do me a favor, one of these things is useless, and it’s hard to see the second one here.” Lin Dongdao.

The Taishang Laojun said helplessly: “Brother Lin, you have said so, what else can I say, take it away. However, I don’t need the treasure of the wild, you will give me a fragment of the treasure of chaos in the future. Well, I believe you have such an ability! I will not specify which one is specific, each of the Chaos Treasures is extremely powerful!”

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