The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 13: 1 Domination Devil!

()Chapter 13 Unifying Devil Star!

“Lin Dong!”

Lin Dong’s words were introduced into Devil Valley, and many of the strong in Devil Valley were shocked. Before, Lin Dong only had a great reputation in the lower realms, but now he also has a great reputation and notoriety on this side!

There is not much time. There are already two to three thousand demi-god-level powerhouses caught by Lin Dong, and hundreds of them have died!

As for the immortal emperor and immortal emperor-level characters, don’t talk about it!

“Why is this devil here!” Many experts in Devil Valley cried secretly. They are the demons of Devil Valley, but compared with Lin Dong, they feel that they are very kind, and Lin Dong is the devil. One!

“Did someone in our Devil Valley act by Lin Dong?” Another strong man said, he didn’t know about this. There are many strong people in Devil Valley, some of them acted, and some did not participate in hunting. kill!

“Dian Master Lin has come here for nothing?”

A deputy valley lord of Devil Valley greeted him and saw that Lin Dong had just come here as a clone, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Lin Dong is very strong, but if the deity is here, he has the confidence to keep Lin Dong’s life in this Devil Valley!

Lin Dong said calmly: “I’m here to tell you something, you are in debt, and now it’s time to pay off!”

“You have two choices, first, surrender; second, die! I will give you three days to consider!”

Devil Valley, the deputy valley master’s face suddenly became gloomy. Devil Valley can be said to be the most powerful force of the Devil Star. As the deputy valley master of Devil Valley, he rarely enjoys such treatment, Lin Dong. You’re really welcome!

“Lin Dong, do you think you must have eaten our Devil Valley? A joke! You don’t have to wait for three days. What methods do you have can use it now, we Devil Valley will pick it up!”

Stand alone Devil Valley has no confidence now, they don’t have confidence in another place, but they have confidence in the defense of Devil Valley!

Devil Valley has existed for countless years. There are many ancient formations here, and some ancient formations are still useful and powerful! Various formations, coupled with many strong players in Devil Valley, can defend against enemies that are several times better.

As long as it can resist now, Devil Valley is not afraid! As time goes by, there will be more and more powerhouses in Devil Valley!

“What do you mean by demon valley?” Lin Dong said quietly.

“Not bad!”

The low voice of the Lord of the Devil Valley sounded, and he flew up, with an extremely tyrannical aura, deterring the world!

Lin Dong’s eyes narrowed slightly. This Demon Valley Lord is also a character!

With this kind of breath, he should have survived nine small catastrophes, and he must also have a very powerful treasure!

As for the body of the true god, there is no such thing as the Lord of the Valley of Devil. The fact that Lin Dong possesses the body of the true **** is the colorful heavenly calamity plus the power of faith! The Lord of Devil Valley has not survived such a colorful catastrophe and does not have so much faith power!

“Very good!”

Lin Dong smiled lightly, “Demon Valley Lord, I heard that you are called Wanyan Jingu, I don’t know if that’s the case?”


Wanyan Jingu coldly snorted, “Ask it knowingly!”

“I’m just making sure that I don’t make a mistake at that time! By the way, you have to defend yourself carefully!” Lin Dong smiled.

Magic Star, Wuyazi came early. He came with the three hundred Freedom Temple demigods when Jianfeiyu Jiangxian went down before. Now his cultivation level has been restored, and he can use life and death. book!

“Valley Lord, it’s not good, the book of life and death!” A person beside Wanyan Jin Gu said in shock. The book of life and death is terrible in the lower realm, but it is famous in the upper realm. There are many people who know about it in the upper realm.

Wan Yan Jin Gu’s complexion changed and quickly improved his defenses, but when it was too late, Wu Yazi had already written his name on the book of life and death.


Wanyan Jingu covered his chest and widened his eyes. Soon, his body fell straight down.

The Lord of Devil Valley, the powerful Nine Tribulations, the golden bones of Wanyan, the most powerful demon evil star, simply died!

“I have already reminded you. If you can’t defend yourself, then you can’t blame me.” Lin Dong smiled faintly, “Vice Gu, I heard that your name is Yang An, I don’t know if it’s this name? The name has fewer strokes, so it’s easier to write!”

“No, no!”

Yang An’s face changed and quickly said, “Lin Dong, I surrender, I surrender, don’t kill me!”

Wan Yan Jin Bone died, and Yang An’s courage was knocked out immediately, but Yang An didn’t know that Wuyazi would not be able to use the attack like that just now, and more importantly, Wuyazi attacked just now. When Lin Dong was beside him, he used a ray of purple air!

The power of the Book of Life and Death, coupled with the grandiose purple qi, is not injustice to death with a complete face and golden bones. With his current demigod level cultivation base, it is really good fortune to be able to enjoy the grandiose purple qi! Of course, this kind of good fortune, I am afraid that few strong people are willing to enjoy it!

“Surrender? Yang An, are you sure?” Lin Dongdan smiled.

“OK, sure!”

Yang An hurriedly said, he knows that his strength cannot be compared with the Wanyan Golden Bone, and the Wanyan Golden Bone has not fallen well, so he doesn’t need to say. If he doesn’t surrender, I’m afraid that there will be more on the book of life and death. His name is Yang An.

“Very well, you say a name, I want you to be an important person in Devil Valley!” Lin Dong said quietly.

Yang An immediately reported the name of another deputy valley master of Devil Valley, and this deputy valley master didn’t deal with him very much!

It would be great if he could get rid of this deputy valley master with Lin Dong’s hand, but Yang An’s opponent did not do what he wanted, so he also chose to surrender!

Devil Valley has a strong defense, but in front of treasures like the Book of Life and Death, the defense of Devil Valley does not have much effect, depressed! If this is the case before, it’s okay, what good things can a demigod powerhouse have in the past?

This kind of treasures are relatively general and useless in front of the defense of Devil Valley! Nowadays, demi-god-level powerhouses generally don’t have any good treasures at hand, but this does not include the Temple of Freedom, especially the core characters of the Temple of Freedom!

The valley owner died, the two deputy valley owners surrendered, coupled with the threat of death, no accident, the Devil Valley surrendered within ten minutes, and some strong people hid in the Devil Valley, but these strong people failed to escape. , All were caught by Lin Dong!

“Take the soul oath!” Lin Dong said indifferently.

Soon all the strong people in Demon Valley issued a soul oath. The binding power of this soul oath may not be particularly great for the strong people in Demon Valley, but there are still some binding powers. You can’t reach the true **** on this side. Level cultivation base, but how many powerhouses here do not want to leave here to become True God level powerhouses?

Breaching the soul oath, after this, encountering the catastrophe will be a lot of trouble, and one who is not good may die under the gods of thunder!

“Go, go and persuade Wang’s family!” Lin Dong said quietly.

The Wang family is one of the three, and the strength is also very strong, but there is still a slight gap compared with Devil Valley.

The strong from Devil Valley came over, and coupled with the fact that he knew the situation on the other side of Devil Valley, the strong from the Wang family readily surrendered. It was a pity for Lin Dong that there were some strong ones hiding in the past. On this side, they are all gone now!

Ten cities, five factions, three families and one valley, Lin Dong started with the big ones. In less than half a day, all the nineteen forces surrendered!

Those strong are depressed, but they also know that they can only choose this way! In the upper realm, Lin Dong’s strength is nothing, but in this Demon Star, it is obvious that Lin Dong’s strength is much stronger than them. There is no way for outside forces to take Lin Dong at present. Under such circumstances, don’t rely on Lin. Dong, there is only a dead end!

“The first, second, and third leaders of all the forces stand up!” Lin Dong cloned and said, all the powerful men of the 19 forces gathered on this side.

Hearing Lin Dong’s avatar, the leaders of the nineteen powers felt a little bad, but they still stood up. They had already issued the soul oath before, and they would have to fall if they didn’t stand up. Stand underneath!

The Lord of Devil Valley is dead, but now there are new one, two and three in command, a total of fifty-four powerhouses will soon stand up!

“The rest will wait here first, you follow me.” Lin Dong said quietly.

Leading the way, Lin Dong soon took the 54 semi-god powerhouses and left a long distance!

“Lin Dong should want to control us, shouldn’t he take Lin Dong?”

“Don’t act rashly!”

A lot of the fifty-four powerhouses communicated privately, but there was no one to speak, and each one was more respectful.

“The strong from ten cities and five factions will stay first, and the strong from three families and one valley will come with me!” Ban Zhuxiang went over to Lin Dong and said.

Some strong people who want to do it secretly sighed, so there is a chance for a fart, Lin Dong seems to be cautious enough!

There are only twelve demigods in the three families and one valley. These twelve demigods continued to move forward. Five minutes later, they saw Lin Dong. At the same time, they also saw the 400 or so of the Temple of Freedom on this side. Demi god!

“I will go!”

Some of these powerhouses still had the idea of ​​doing something in their hearts, but seeing this battle, that idea immediately disappeared! They secretly cursed in their hearts whether they should be so cautious. There were more than 400 people, and only 50 of them just came over!

“Don’t Dong said quietly, these twelve demigods were quickly received by him in the prehistoric demon pot.

Resistance? This does not!

Twelve to four hundred, among them there are Lin Dong, Wuyazi, and the strong like them, they are not so stupid!

After three families and one grain, the leaders of the five factions also came over, not to mention that they were also easily received in the prey demon pot by Lin Dong.

The strong of the Ten Cities was the last to be received by Lin Dong into the prehistoric demon pot. Lin Dong was vigilant enough, and the strong of the Ten Cities was divided twice! Before Qin Yan cursed Lin Dong among them, they learned their lesson, even if they had the chance to win, be careful!

“Jiang Xian, you pass the order on, let the powerhouses of ten cities, five factions, three families and one valley annex the rest of the forces!” Lin Dong said quietly.

The Devil Star is the strongest among the ten cities, five factions, three families and one valley, but there are many other large and small forces!

The strength of those powerful forces combined will not be lower than the strength of ten cities, five factions, three families and one valley. This is a powerful force, and Lin Dong must be in his hands! If you are obedient, you can continue to survive on the evil star. If you are not obedient, die!

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