The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 111: 3 contenders!

Luo Yuankun was annoyed that he, a Wudi-level powerhouse, was actually blackmailed in public, but what can be done?

  Lin Dong’s strength is stronger, and he is at a loss!

   In order to avoid death after taking out the crystal diamonds, Luo Yuankun took out a lot of crystal diamonds, and Lin Dong put them away with satisfaction. With these crystal diamonds, his strength can be stronger!

   “Lin Dong, the old man can go!” Luo Yuankun said solemnly, his face was gloomy, this time he was embarrassed.

   Lin Dong nodded slightly: “It’s okay…Luo Yuankun, I advise you, don’t trouble me again in the future, if there is another next time, it is not just a simple pile of crystal diamonds!”

   Luo Yuankun left without a word of ruthlessness. He knew that he would not be able to reach the height of Lin Dong in his lifetime, and Lin Dong would probably be stronger!

   “Friend Lin, great!” When the Silo family came to this side, a strong man said with a smile, “I don’t know if Brother Lin intends to join our Silo family? The promised benefits before are not good, and we Silo The family can provide Brother Lin with a lot of crystal diamonds, no less than what Brother Lin just got.”

   A coquettish woman from the Tuoba family said: “Brother Lin, don’t join the Slow family. The Slow family can be said to be big and rough. There are more beautiful women in the Tuoba family! If you join , Can also give you a lot of crystal diamonds!”

   “Brother Lin, the door of the Liang family is also open for you.” A martial emperor-level expert in the Liang family here smiles, “When the time comes to get benefits, there must be a share of Lin brother!”

   Lin Dong was slightly interested, but the crystal diamond he just got probably won’t restore him to the intermediate level of Wusheng, but if he gets a lot more, it should be about the same.

  If you have the strength of the intermediate martial sage, in this land of punishment, it should be the top! When the time comes, the benefits will be even greater in the blood domain of the frost! Moreover, the three big families speak in front of so many people, and if he refuses, he might offend all the three big families.

  ”A few fellow daoists, you make me embarrassed.” Lin Dong said helplessly, “If I choose, and I join one party, I will offend the other two parties, which is not what I want.”

   “Let’s do it, several Daoists, which side of the three big families is more sincere, I will join which side, and the initiative is in the hands of the three big families.”

   “Cunning guy!”

   Many people present thought so in their hearts, in this way, Lin Dong can get more benefits!

  ”Very good!” The strong man headed by the Slow family smiled and said, “Friend Lin, I don’t know what you can ask for?”

   Lin Dong calmly said: “I join any party, I am regarded as a guest, and I am not subordinate to a certain party. I will help, but I will refuse the unreasonable request. In addition, if I don’t want other things, I just win Once the drill is complete, only high-quality crystal diamonds are needed!”


   The strong man who had just spoken in the Slow family nodded, and they didn’t think that Lin Dong would really join the Slow family. It would be best if Lin Dong helped a lot and died in the Heavenly Frost Blood Domain!

   As long as Lin Dong helps, it doesn’t matter if the guest is not guest! As for the unreasonable request that Lin Dong refuses, it is normal. Lin Dong doesn’t mention it. When the time comes, he will still refuse!

   “Friend Lin, our Slow family was the first to propose, please give priority to our Slow family.” The strong man headed by the Slow family laughed, “We give the marquis rank, just three times the crystal diamond. In addition, the treasure that Brother Lin obtained alone in the operation belongs to him! This is only a preliminary benefit. If Liang Jiatuo gives more, we can add it!”

   three times the crystal diamonds, and the treasures that you get alone at that time belong to you, this is already very attractive!

   The strong men of the Liang family and the Tuoba family did not speak immediately. The benefits given by the Slow family are great. If added, will the benefits brought by Lin Dong be comparable to the benefits they have paid? this is a problem!

   “Marquis, quadruple crystal diamond!” The woman from the Tuoba family said. The Tuoba family did not give Lin Dong the benefit of alone. “Brother Lin, you may not get it by then. Benefits, I don’t want to lock in the current benefits first!”

  The strongman of the Liang family smiled and said: “Brother Lin, don’t think about the Tuoba family. Maybe you can get a lot of treasures by then. It’s not worth giving up a lot of possible benefits for double the crystal diamond. We The Liang family gave a quadruple crystal diamond, then the benefits you get alone belong to yourself, and the benefits you get together are distributed according to your contribution! The marquis’ title was originally intended to be given, but I think for you, Brother Lin, this is actually not Necessary!”

   “Quadruple Crystal Diamond, Marquis, the benefits you get alone belong to you, and the benefits everyone gets together will be distributed according to the amount of effort.” The strong man of the Slow family smiled and said, “Friend Lin, our Slow family is very sincere. , I hope Fellow Lin Dao can become the guest of our Slow family!”

   Lin Dong didn’t immediately agree, he looked at the strong man in the Tuoba family and the Liang family.

   hesitated for a while, the Tuoba family and the Liang family once again improved their benefits, and then, the Slow family also improved their benefits!

  The time of one or two sticks of incense passed, Lin Dong bowed his hand to the strong of the Slow family: “Happy cooperation in the future!”

   “Happy cooperation.”

  The strong man headed by the Slow family laughed, but he was a little depressed, and he paid a lot of money, six times the crystal diamond, the marquis rank, plus the benefits of individual private ownership, the benefits that he got together. Distribution by contribution!

   If Lin Dong is only at the middle level of Emperor Wu, and has the power of Emperor Wu in the event of an outbreak, then the Silo family will certainly not pay such a big price, but Lin Dong must have the strength of Emperor Wu’s peak, and it may be possible in the event of an outbreak. With half the strength of the martial arts, this is worth more of them. Of course, it is unknown whether they can pay back!

   If there is no benefit at all in the Sky Frost Blood Domain, then this time it will be a big loss!

   Six times the crystal diamond, the title of the Marquis, this benefit is not low!

   Soon the six-fold crystal diamonds promised by the Slow family came in hand, Luo Yuankun gave a lot of crystal diamonds, and six-fold is a huge number. If these crystal diamonds are absorbed, Lin Dong knows There is definitely no problem with his strength reaching the intermediate level of Wu Sheng!

The title of the Marquis of    also came to Lin Dong, the identity token was changed, there should be a ceremony as usual, but Lin Dong is not interested in tossing, he didn’t plan to stay here for long!

   “Brother Lin, congratulations.” Hu Zhan said, a quarter of an hour has passed, and the strong people have separated. Lin Dong arrived in a restaurant, and only Hu Zhan and Fang Qing were with him.

  Lin Dong’s eyes swept over Hu Zhan and Fang Qing and smiled: “I have to congratulate you too, when will you get married?”


   Fang Qing made a big red face, and Hu Zhan’s old face was also slightly red. The two did have feelings, but the layer of window paper hadn’t been broken before, and Lin Dong pierced it all at once.

   “Don’t marry him.” Fang Qing hummed.

   Tiger Zhan smirked: “Fang Qing, if you don’t follow me, I have brother Lin to help, we will not be disturbed when we get married.”

   “Tiger war, don’t just talk in vain, you have to say something, don’t you want something to propose?” Lin Dong smiled.

   Tiger was also clever in battle, and quickly took out a beautiful gem ring: “Fang Qing… you try, it should be suitable.”

   “If it doesn’t fit, don’t think about it.” Fang Qing’s eyes flashed with surprise. With her eyesight, she could be sure that the ring was definitely suitable, and Hu Zhan had been prepared.

   Soon, the exquisite ring was put on Fang Qing’s finger, and it was just right.

   Lin Dong smiled slightly, he agreed with Fang Qing and Hu Zhan coming together.

   “Hou Fei and the others?” Lin Dongdao.

   Tiger Battle and Fang Qing’s eyes dimmed a lot, “We ran into a lot of troubles after we arrived in the City of Heavenly Punishment. They were afraid of being involved, and left the team one after another. Now the Dawn Squad does not exist anymore.” Hu Zhan sighed lightly, “Lin brother, thank you, if it weren’t for your help, we probably won’t escape this time.”

   “It’s your hand to do it yourself.” Lin Dongdao.

   Tiger Zhan said in a stern face: “Brother Lin, you must be careful when you travel to the Sky Frost and Blood Domain. The Slow family seems to value you very much, but when necessary, they will definitely abandon you!”

   “The three big families are not good-for-all, it doesn’t matter whether they are good or bad, only benefits!”

The news of    Sky Frost Blood Domain was only known to a few people at first, but now it has spread, but most people will definitely not have the information to enter the Sky Frost Blood Domain by then-unless there is a lot of cannon fodder inside!

  ”The three big families just want to get a powerful cannon Dong said quietly, “If I die, I will find out the danger for them. If I live, the strength of the Slow family If you surpass the other two, the benefits will be even greater at that time! “

   “Anyway and vertical take advantage.” Fang Qing said.

  Lin Dong’s eyes flickered. With his strength, the Slow family may not be able to take advantage!

  The treasures obtained alone are his. If he takes the lead, he might get a lot of good things!

  Danger often coexists with chance. The Slow family takes less risk and is likely to get less chance!

  If he really only has the strength of Emperor Wu’s peak, if he gets a huge benefit, the Slow family may kill him and win the treasure, but he is not the strength of Emperor Wu’s peak, but the martial sage!

   The Slow family played well in abacus, but underestimated his strength, the ending may not be what they like!

   “Hehe, let’s not talk about this, when will you get married? The Tianshuang Blood Domain is probably about to open. I drank your wedding wine and then went in, soaked in your joy.” Lin Dong smiled.

  Hu Zhan and Fang Qing are much lower in strength than him, but they have helped, and they are friends with each other.

  ”This…Fang Qing, what do you think in three days? It’s a bit rushed, but it should be ready in three days.” Tiger Zhan said.

   “Okay, okay!”

   Fang Qing said shyly, “Anyway, we have no relatives or many friends. Keep everything simple.”

   (seeking flowers~)

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