The Elysium Across Deep Space Chapter 410: VIPs

It’s hard to tell what age this ancient spaceship was. I don’t know how many years it has been floating in the universe, and now the audience suddenly appears in the seat?

Yanyan looks bright and enchanting, but as the co-owner of the demon clan, she naturally has her pride.

In her hand, the Zhanshen Banner roared loudly, the golden patterns intertwined and resonated, like a sea of ​​stars surging, and the waves crashed on the shore, drowning the front.

How could the demon master tolerate it? Some people regard her as a gladiator, as a “player” in the ring for people to watch and entertain.

In the four beams of light falling from the sky, there was a hazy scene. Two of them were clapping their hands. The applauding was very slow and light, as if they were expressing their satisfaction with restraint.

The golden flag surface is rapidly enlarged, and it will arrive in an instant. With its golden texture like an ocean, it hits the four beams. Normally, even if the peerless powerhouse is in today’s real world, it must avoid its edge!

An earth-shattering sound came, as if two meteorites fell from the sky, met in the air, and collided violently. The light was dazzling, as if igniting the dark universe!

The four “spectators” are very skilled? Wang Xuan’s pupils shrank for a while, this place is too evil.

The four stood still, and a blazing light suddenly rose up, like a baffle, blocking the attack of the demon master Yanyan.

The light-textured, near-transparent baffle touched the golden pattern spread out from the Zhanshen Banner, causing this terrifying explosion. .

After the two collided, the runes splashed everywhere. It was the remnant of the rules of the world. It was really amazing. A normal extraordinary person would be killed instantly.

Behind the “baffle”, the four humanoid creatures were stunned, as if they were taken aback, and then a woman pointed over and said something.

“Sigula Palletizing and Cutting…” A language that was completely incomprehensible was transmitted through the light-textured partition, and she seemed very excited and indignant.

She stood in the sky-high beam, her figure blurred, but she could only roughly see the outline of a woman, with long hair in a shawl, and a diamond-shaped luminous body the size of a finger belly on her forehead.

She was very angry, she didn’t know what she was talking about, she pointed at the demon master.

Beside her, there was a very tall man with a diamond-shaped luminous body between his eyebrows, which signaled her to be calm, as if he was about to make a move.

The man took a step forward, and in an instant, the light-quality baffle began to vibrate violently, and the orderly streamer splashed, and he wanted to fight back against Yanyan.

The flag of the God-killer was enlarged, the flag was overwhelming, and the hunting sound was heard. The demon master Yanyan held it with one hand and used it as a spear, and suddenly stabbed forward.

The flag surface cracked the clapboard, and the flagpole penetrated there, surprising the figure in the four beams.

However, the man didn’t retreat, he was about to jump over the barrier and actually fight the demon master, and the beam of light that enveloped him was also moving forward.

“Alarm, super creature out of control, danger, defense activated!” The mechanical voice sounded again, very harsh.

The crack-filled baffle melted into a splendid glow, shrouded in there, roaring non-stop, as if something was passively turned on, four beams wrapped around four people, connected to an unknown place, and quickly disappeared.

The remnants of the baffle and the glow were shattered like crystal glass, and they exploded in a rush. Pieces of streamer light dissipated in the huge cabin.

At the same time, in the area where Wang Xuan was located, three beams descended, as if they were connected to the sky and penetrated the highest bulkhead.

Three vague figures appeared on the seat, standing in the beam of light. One of them looked down at the ring, seemed to be smiling, pointed at Wang Xuan, and communicated with his companions.

Just like the time difference between the two sets of armors, the same is true for these two groups of humanoid creatures. The second group of audience members arrived and sat in the seats opposite Wang Xuan.

A man threw an object, landed on the high platform, and rolled to Wang Xuan’s feet. It was like a medicinal fruit from the spiritual world, which could replenish the soul.

Wang Xuan raised his eyebrows, what does this mean, do you take him as a monkey on the stage?

“Ka Ka!” Opposite the baffle made of near-real super energy, a man made a voice and gestured towards Wang Xuan.

At the same time, a mechanical voice sounded from the broken black armor on the ring: “VIP wants you to show your speed.”

How many viewers are there really? With a bang, Wang Xuan stepped on the black armor, causing it to sag in the abdomen, overflowing with super-material.

Behind the baffle, the humanoid creatures in the three beams stood in front of the seat and looked down, a little dissatisfied. One of them clenched a fist and lightly beat his chest.

“Munida!” He also made this sound.

“The VIP lets you show your wild power.” The mechanical voice sounded again.

Wang Xuan raised his eyebrows. He was really watching a play, treating him as a monkey on the stage, a beast in an iron cage. Let him perform?

He glanced at the spiritual medicine fruit on the ground. It was between half-material and half-energy transformation. Is that all? He didn’t even have more than one celestial medicine.

Wang Xuan kicked the fruit, swept towards the baffle, and said, “You did a good job, but don’t beat your chest, you can hit your own head with your fist.”

“Dry Tea Ceremony…” The black armor under his feet transmitted simultaneously, as if translating his words.

On the opposite side, the two men and one woman were stunned when they heard the words, and then glanced at Wang Xuan with a strange look on their hazy facial contours.

The woman opened her mouth, her voice was not unpleasant, melodious and rhythmic, and she said something there.

“A noble lady wants to buy you, cultivate you, free you from primitiveness, break free from ignorance, and become an excellent warrior of barbarian gods.” The mechanical voice sounded again.

Wang Xuan’s eyes were deep, and he didn’t turn his face immediately, because he heard some valuable information, and he wanted to know more about it. It was a bit outrageous.

However, the other party stopped talking, waiting for him to respond, as if waiting for the black armor to evaluate something.

After a while, the mechanical voice sounded: “After testing, he is still a savage and has not been captured. If you want to buy it, you need to wait and hunt him into a cage first.”

It is still the sound of the black armor, gradually getting rid of the ancient language of the old land, and getting closer to the language of the present world. It seems that it can be optimized simultaneously, and the current language system of the old land has been obtained.

Wang Xuan’s face was slightly cold, and he was defined as a primitive savage? How powerful and proud this civilization is.

Then, he lifted his foot and stepped on the black armor, causing it to deform as a whole, pitted and dented.

“Warning, although he is a super biological cub with good bloodline, he has a serious tendency to violence and is suspected to have a genetic defect, so it is difficult to tame it. It is not recommended to buy it.”

This kind of mechanical language made Wang Xuan angry. What kind of species dared to locate him like this, he stepped on the black armor, but it could still make a sound.

The demon Lord Yanyan walked over lightly and said, “Interesting, there hasn’t been such an incident for a long time. There are people who dare to look down on us? It’s very interesting, but I really want to arrest them and study.” /

She was wearing a long red dress that was dragged on the ground, one side was slightly split, revealing part of her long snow-white legs, and she was actually stepping on crystal high heels, made of special materials, and she wore a mix of ancient and modern.

“You, come here, I want to train you.” Wang Xuan pointed behind the baffle and looked at the two men and one woman.

The demon master did not rush to act, for fear that the three of them would also be taken away by the beam and leave the scene.

In the hazy beam of light, the three blurred figures all seemed to have different colors. Although they were offended, they were not angry, but were even more attracted.

However, this kind of gaze made Wang Xuan very uncomfortable. It was not an appreciation of the same kind, but more like surprise, a different look at the different.

The electromagnetic sound was harsh, and the cabin seemed to be invaded by some energy substance. It kept humming softly, but it quickly stabilized.

Then, the woman in the three beams of light spoke up, revealing the old local language system. She seemed to have communicated something just now and acquired this language system.

“I ask to capture him immediately. I want to cultivate this alien in its primitive state, and one day, it may evolve into an excellent savage god.”

She spoke gently, with a smile on her hazy face, and there were glowing objects between her eyebrows, but not diamond-shaped crystals, but crystal red dots, adding a strange beauty,

Wang Xuan remained calm and did not have any seizures. He said, “Who are you, and which civilized race are you from?”

If it wasn’t for the purpose of finding out their origins and wanting to know the truth, he would not have a peaceful dialogue with them, and he would have already started.

He judged intuitively that these three people did not come from a nearby galaxy civilization, perhaps from an extremely distant deep space, or even belonged to this universe.

“I will be your cultivator, you don’t need to know the rest for the time being.” Although the figure of the light beam is blurred, it can be seen that she is a young woman with blue hair.

“She’s not bad either, she has excellent bloodline, a rare super creature.” The blue-haired woman looked at the demon master Yanyan, looked at her carefully, and said, “I should probably buy you too and make you a partner, um, Your descendants may mutate and become worth looking forward to!”

Wang Xuan frowned, looked at her again and again, and was ready to start. Since she refused to tell the origin, there was nothing to say.

The demon master Yanyan pulled away her smile, her pretty white face was about to climb to the black line, who was that woman, who dared to face her with such an attitude?

“I think it’s good to catch you and let you and this ‘cub’ breed offspring. It’s worth cultivating.” Yanyan said, staring at the woman in the beam of light.

Since she can communicate and have a conversation, she naturally hopes to tell more words, wants to know more, and if she doesn’t come up, she will use the Slashing God Flag to split the opponent.

As soon as these words came out, the two men in the beam of light sank, obviously unhappy.

The blue-haired woman in the beam of light did not get angry. Instead, she tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, “It is not without precedent. The combination of cultivators and super creatures has given birth to extremely excellent mutant descendants. However, his current The level of life is still very low, so I won’t consider it for the time being.”

What is this? Simply…

Wang Xuan looked at this woman and then at the demon master Yanyan, what are these two women saying, are they treating him as a “species”? !

“Okay, capture them immediately, I will buy both, and take them away to cultivate super bloodlines,” said the blue-haired woman in the beam of light.

Thank you: There is a dark deity, thank you for the support of the Silver Alliance, I am a little ashamed to be floated by silver during the adjustment.

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