The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8959: Crazy

The disciples of the Holy Land of the Ancient Buddha were in chaos, hurriedly facing the enemy.

This battle between Buddha and Demon broke out.

In the midst of many chaotic demons, Ye Chen suddenly saw a slender figure in the distance. She has not exposed the appearance of the chaotic demons, and still maintains the clean appearance of the starry sky.

She is that Zi Chuan Fei.

Marven Ye was taken aback and wanted to contact Zi Chuanfei in the past, but when the war broke out, her figure was quickly drowned by endless beacon smoke, and she didn’t know where she went.

“Star God Race, Chaos Demon, which is their truth?”

“Are they good or bad?”

Marven Ye couldn’t understand, maybe in this world, many things only have positions, not good or bad.

But now, countless chaotic demons have invaded the ancient Buddhist holy land for no reason and slaughtered them. This is naturally an evil move.

Marven Ye didn’t talk nonsense, and flew up to a temple on the mountain.

This temple is being slaughtered by the three-headed Chaos Heavenly Demon, and the monks in the temple are completely unable to resist.

“Hehe, these monks, I heard that they are followers of Sakyamuni Buddha, why are they so weak? They can’t stop me.”

“Hey, it seems that Shakyamuni Buddha is not as good as our supreme Demon Venerable.”

The three-headed Chaos Heavenly Demon looked hideous, with black energy lingering all over his body, filthy aura flowing, holding a ghost tooth knife, slashing and slaughtering, killing monks in the temple, all of a sudden, the corpses were lying on the pillow, and the scene was bleak.


Ye Chen’s eyes were furious, and with a wave of his hand, the holy light gathered, displaying the ultimate Taoist method of the God of Light, the sacred book.


The dazzling and holy sacred book suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen, and shot out countless bolt-like holy lights, shooting at the three chaotic demons.

With the improvement of Ye Chen’s cultivation, his magical powers and powers in all aspects have also been greatly improved.

This sacred book is no exception.

Under the penetration of the powerful divine power of the sacred book, the three chaotic demons screamed and were killed by Ye Chen on the spot, their body and soul were destroyed, only the wings were not destroyed, and they fell to the ground.

The black air swirling around the wings dissipated, showing a bright and clean atmosphere again.

The monks in the temple were rescued and hurriedly thanked Ye Chen:

“Thank you for your help! Is the donor a descendant of the God of Light?”

Marven Ye shook his head, did not speak, and rushed to the next temple.

Actually, he knew that this was an illusion. The monks he had just rescued were actually killed by the Chaos Heavenly Demon in the real past.

Those chaotic demons are extremely powerful. Ordinary people face them like ants and have no resistance at all.

Even if it is a master of the Infinite Realm level, the apparent strength can fight against the Chaos Heavenly Demon, but in fact it cannot be beaten.

Because of those chaotic demons, the filth and evil spirits on their bodies are too terrifying, and they can easily destroy people’s Dao Heart, making people lose the power to resist, and finally let them be slaughtered.

Of course, Ye Chen is more powerful, and ordinary Chaos Demons are not his opponents at all.

In several temples, Ye Chen killed the demons and saved the monks. He quickly killed ten chaotic demons and was qualified to pass the test.

However, Ye Chen didn’t leave. This fantasy world could repeat the secrets of the past, and he also wanted to see the peak showdown between Buddha and Demon.

Ye Chen came to a secluded barren mountain. At this time, he had gradually become familiar with the changes in the air in this fantasy, so he released his will and summoned Master Chifeng, Yelan, Zanghai and others to come over.

Although he passed the assessment with ease, he quickly killed ten demons. The Master Chi Feng, Yelan, Zanghai and the others were not easy, and the situation was very stalemate against the Chaos Demons.

Marven Ye intends to call them over and help them, so that they can also pass the assessment smoothly.

While waiting, Ye Chen saw a woman with a panic-stricken face, stumbled, fled into the barren mountains, and ran towards him.

It’s actually Yuhuang Aoxue.


Ye Chen was taken aback when he saw Yu Huang Aoxue coming.

I saw Yu Huang Aoxue’s hair is messy, and there are some torn marks on his clothes, and he looks quite embarrassed.

Ye Chen’s face sank. He knew that Emperor Yu Aoxue was not weak, and even if he faced the Chaos Heavenly Demon, he would not be so embarrassed.

“Marven Ye, you really are here, please help me.”

Yuhuang Aoxue panicked a little, ran to Ye Chen’s side, and threw himself into his arms.

Ye Chen subconsciously hugged her tight waist, his mind swayed slightly, and said, “What’s wrong?”

Yuhuang Aoxue said: “Yuhuangye is crazy. He killed the Chaos Heavenly Demon and was attacked by the demonic energy. He has lost his mind and wants to…want to violate me.”

Marven Ye: “What?”


There was a huge roar of airflow from the outside of the mountain, and I saw a figure, bursting at a rapid rate.

That is Yuhuangye.

I saw Yu Huangye, his face was hideous, his eyes were completely split, his hair was scattered, and his body was surrounded by demonic energy. He was already looking crazy.

When he saw Ye Chen and Yuhuang Aoxue, he hugged each other, blood flashed in his eyes, and hissed:

“Miss Aoxue, come back to me, you are my woman!”

When the voice fell, he offered a sword in his hand, which was the Apocalypse Demon Sword built by Apocalypse Supreme in the past.

He swung the Apocalypse Demon Sword and stabbed Ye Chen. Ye Chen’s heart sank, and he felt that Yu Huangye’s sword had a particularly fierce aura, far stronger than before. He didn’t know whether he was sheltered by the Supreme Apocalypse, or he became so fierce because he was attacked by demonic energy and fell into madness.

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