The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8633: Tomb Excalibur

Xia Ruoxue, Wei Ying, Shan Rou, Yun Jin, Ye Luoer and others also rushed to the altar in a hurry. Seeing that Ye Chen was unconscious, the girls were in a hurry.

The celestial girl was still alone, sitting in the corner, and seeing Ye Chen’s failure to attack the Tianxuan realm, she felt a little fortunate in her heart.

“If he can’t step into the Sky Profound Realm in his entire life, I don’t need to fight him.”

“Maybe, that’s a good thing.”

“Hey, what am I thinking, it’s my long-cherished wish to destroy reincarnation, to dominate and to be respected, how could it be that mere love can stop it?”

The goddess had thousands of thoughts, and finally silently left the Demon Palace.


Ye Chen was in a coma. I don’t know how long it took. In a daze, he seemed to see the brilliance of a red moon, his heart trembled slightly, he opened his eyes and woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Ye Chen found that he was no longer in the Demon Palace, surrounded by a desolate world of blood moon, which was actually Ren Feifei’s territory.

Not far away, under a big tree, two people are playing chess, Ren Feifan and Xuan Hanyu.

“The Extraordinary Immortal Emperor, you should have killed that perfect Great Sage!”

Xuan Hanyu ate Ren Feifei’s son, and said with a hint of coldness in his voice.

“I wanted to kill, but the Night Mother wouldn’t let me.”

Ren Feifan’s voice was calm, but in fact, he had long wanted to use the killer to solve the hidden danger.

However, the Night Mother stepped in to stop it.

The Great Sage Perfect is the messenger of the Truth Society after all. If he were to be killed, the consequences would be extremely serious and unimaginable.

Can’t kill, this is the bottom line of the Night Mother.

“Well, maybe this is life.”

Xuan Hanyu sighed.

Ye Chen woke up under the big tree, came to the two in a daze, and bowed his hands: “Senior Ren, Fairy Xuan.”

Seeing Ye Chen awake, Ren Feihan and Xuan Hanyu stopped playing chess.

“You’re awake.” Ren Feihan said.

“Yeah.” Ye Chen was in a complicated mood.

“You’ve been in a coma for several days. Fortunately, you have a deep background, but nothing has happened.” Xuan Hanyu said.

A few days ago, Ye Chen failed to attack the Sky Profound Realm in the Demon Palace, and she brought Ye Chen back.

“Boy, reach out to me.”

Ren Feifeidao.

Marven Ye still stretched out his hand.

Ren Feifan frowned, took his pulse, and remained silent.

“Senior Ren, what’s wrong with me? Could it be that I never have the chance to advance to the Sky Profound Realm in my entire life?”

Marven Ye asked quickly.

“There is still a chance, as long as I fly to no time and space.”

Ren Feifeidao.

“Senior Ren, if you want to leave, don’t you submit to that perfect saint? Is there really no way to solve his curse of karma?”

Marven Ye gritted his teeth, full of unwillingness in his heart.

Ren Feifan lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said, “This curse of karma is very strange. If you want to cut it off, it is almost impossible, but you can try to bury it.”

Marven Ye was stunned: “Buried?”

Ren Feifan gave a “hmm” and said, “In this world, there is a sword technique called the Great Tomb Divine Sword, which is one of the thirty-three divine arts, and also the nine-day divine arts, the Manzhusha Huajing. source.”

“This sword technique, it is said that it can bury everything, and bury everything between heaven and earth in the tomb, so it is called the Great Tomb Divine Sword.”

“I have a friend named Fenghuo Lingzu. If I ask him to help, maybe it can solve your problem.”

Marven Ye was pleasantly surprised: “The Thirty-Three Days of Magic, the Great Tomb Sword?” He thought that Ren Feifei really had a wide network of connections, and he actually knew the powerhouse who controlled the Thirty-Three Days of Magic.

You must know that the thirty-three-day magic is very difficult to cultivate, and it is extremely difficult to control in the real world.

Xuan Hanyu on the side was slightly surprised when he heard Ren Feihan’s words, and said, “Is the beacon fire ancestor? Can his swordsmanship even cut the law of karma?”

Ren Feifan said: “It can be cut continuously, but it can be buried, the same is true.”

Xuan Hanyu frowned slightly and said, “This Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor is the leader of the previous generation of the Zihuang Immortal Palace, and his identity is no trivial matter. I once had a servant named Xuan Xin, who was also under the Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor’s seat. I have practiced.”

“According to what my servant said, the spirit ancestor of the beacon fire was very withdrawn. Although he was a decent leader, his methods were ferocious. .”

Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor, the former decent leader of Zihuang Immortal Palace, after he retired, he was succeeded by the real person of Chongyang.

Today’s Chongyang real people are upright and powerful, act in a principled manner, and rarely kill people. Even if they encounter treacherous things, they will mainly suppress and persuade them.

But his predecessor, Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor, was the exact opposite.

Fenghuo Lingzu believes in the rule of cutting grass and rooting, as long as it encounters wicked people, all people will be executed.

When he was in charge of the decent Taoism, all the wicked people in the whole world were trembling, lest they meet this killer.

Later, Fenghuo Lingzu killed too many people and was riddled with murder, so he had to abdicate.

Nowadays in the Taishang world, very few people have heard the legend of the beacon fire spirit ancestor, that time is too long.

However, Xuan Hanyu came from an ancient background, so he naturally knew the horror of the beacon fire spirit ancestor.

That Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor, who is notoriously withdrawn and stubborn, kills Teng Teng, and it is not easy to ask him to take action.

Ren Feifan said: “I have a little friendship with the beacon fire spirit ancestor, maybe we can try it.”

Marven Ye’s heart tightened and said, “Senior Ren, are we going to Zihuang Immortal Palace?”

Ren Feifan nodded lightly and said, “Now your curse of the law of karma, only the Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor can break it, so let’s go to Zihuang Immortal Palace.”

“Relax, although there is a discord between us and the Taoist Heavenly Venerate, it has not yet reached the point of a complete break. There is still room for negotiation.”

Marven Ye was silent, thinking of the second enchantress in his heart, and nodded.

If you go to Zihuang Immortal Palace, you may be able to inquire about the current situation of the second enchantress.

Xuan Hanyu said: “I’m with you too.”


The negotiation has been decided, Ren Feifei will meet the Zihuang Immortal Palace, saying that he wants to visit.

Nowadays, although there is a gap between the Zihuang Immortal Palace and the Samsara camp, as Ren Feifan said, there is still room for negotiation, and it has not yet reached the point of breaking.

There is also news from Zihuang Immortal Palace that they are willing to meet.

The two camps agreed to meet in three days.

In the past three days, Ye Chen also entrusted the Qinglai Chamber of Commerce to investigate the information of the beacon fire ancestor.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be able to go anywhere.

Soon, the Qinglai Chamber of Commerce sent all the investigation information to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the information, but found an amazing past.

Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor once had a daughter who was helped by the Lord of Reincarnation in a certain lifetime.

In other words, the daughter of Beacon Fire Spirit Ancestor is closely related to the Lord of Reincarnation in a certain life!

This information made Ye Chen very surprised, and at the same time secretly worried.

Because the information said that the daughter of the beacon fire ancestor is dead. In those days, Fenghuo Lingzu retired and resigned from the position of a decent leader. In addition to killing evil, there was another important reason, which was the death of his beloved daughter, which made him disheartened.

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