The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8463: Please!

Fortunately, he was ready.

Reincarnation Holy Soul Heavenly Bodyguard.

The Wings of Freedom shines behind him, dispelling unknown.

The blood of the rock **** burns, activating Zhaowu’s feathers and turning it into a golden bell-like shield, providing a stronger defense.

But even so, Ye Chen still felt tremendous pressure, and the air had a very sharp smell, as if it was covered with fine needles.

Even, Ye Chen had hallucinations, as if he saw countless worms with sharp teeth, desperately drilling into his skin.

Take a deep breath and activate the protective power of the Holy Soul of Samsara to the extreme, and then Ye Chen got rid of the influence of this illusion.

“The atmosphere here is too strange and depressing. No wonder the Heaven Smiting War Emperor and the Demon God didn’t come to collect the Heavenly Monarch’s Conferred God Monument.”

Ye Chen understands that the aura emanating from the Heavenly Sovereign Monument has a terrifying erosive effect on people’s souls.

If Ye Chen didn’t have the protection of Samsara Saint Soul Tian, ​​he would have died on the spot.

The Heaven Smiting Battle Emperor and the Demon God have no physical bodies, but only have a battle spirit, so naturally they dare not approach the Heavenly Sovereign Monument.

In the Haotian Territory, the powerhouses of the Ancestral God Sect did not dare to approach.

Today, the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Monument is covered with more than ten layers of prohibition, which is very terrifying.

Those restrictions, some are the will of the Heaven Smiting War Emperor to kill, some are the killing will of the demon god, and some are the will of the ancestor **** king.

And among all the restrictions, the most terrifying is a layer of darkness!

The spiritual foundation of Tianjun Fengshen Tablet is too majestic, majestic to the point where the real world can hardly contain it.

Such a majestic spiritual energy directly attracts countless dark covets.

Countless dark evil qi breeds on the Tianjun Fengshen tablet, turning into twisted black mist and tentacles, full of demonic aura.

Ye Chen’s heartbeat is getting stronger and stronger. Looking at the monument that day, he seemed to see the ultimate truth, which is darkness.

At the end of truth, there is boundless darkness.

Darkness keeps multiplying and multiplying, and eventually it will devour everything. Whether it is the past time and space, the present time and space, or the future time and space, it will be swallowed up by the darkness. In the end, everything will be turned into the darkness of the source. Can’t see any light either.

Darkness has a strong corrosive mind, eroding everything that shines.

The spiritual energy on the Tianjun Fengshen tablet is so majestic that it has already attracted the erosion of darkness.

The surrounding space was eroded by darkness, and space cracks appeared.

Through these space cracks, vaguely, you can glimpse the scene in Wuwu Time and Space, which is also an abyss-like darkness, as if it represents the ultimate of the world and the ultimate of truth.

Marven Ye’s heart was beating wildly. If it weren’t for his tenacity, if it wasn’t for his guardianship of the Holy Spirit of Samsara, he would collapse and go mad in an instant just by witnessing these dark sights.

“The monument to the God of Heaven’s Monarch is so terrifying.”

Marven Ye took a deep breath, and suddenly felt extremely troublesome.

The place where he was standing was a thousand steps away from the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Monument, which was quite a distance.

But even so, his heart was beating wildly, and he was having trouble breathing.

If there is direct close contact, I am afraid the situation will be even more difficult.

“Fairy Xuan, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take the Tianjun Fengshen tablet away.”

Marven Ye sent a voice transmission to Xuan Hanyu.

The monument of the Heavenly Sovereign Conferred God has been eroded by darkness, and the dark aura surrounding it comes from no time and space, which is extremely terrifying.

Let’s not talk about taking away the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Monument, even if he just touched it, Ye Chen can be sure that he will be swallowed up by the endless darkness, and even scum will not be left.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the Heaven Smiting Battle Emperor and the Demon God, as well as the powerhouses of the entire Clear Sky Territory, have not been able to subdue the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Stele, so you know how terrifying this stele is.

“This is troublesome…”

Xuan Hanyu’s pair of curved eyebrows, frowning toward the center of her brows, also felt very troublesome.

She had a hunch that it would not be easy to take away the Heavenly Sovereign Monument, but she did not expect that it would be so difficult.

Although now, no one wants to **** Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen also couldn’t get his hands on the monument of Tianjun Fengshen.

“Lord Tomb Master, if you do anything, I can help you.”

“My law of light should be able to compete with the darkness of the Monarch’s Monument that day.”

At this time, Immortal Emperor Shengguang’s voice came from the reincarnation cemetery.

Light can overcome darkness.

Immortal Emperor Shengguang has cultivated the profound strength of light for many years, but his power may suppress the Heavenly Sovereign Monument.

When Ye Chen heard this, he was overjoyed.

Although he also cultivated the law of light and absorbed a drop of the divine blood of light, his profound knowledge of light and profound energy, accumulated gradually, was naturally incomparable to Immortal Emperor Shengguang.

“Senior, can you suppress the darkness?”

After the surprise, Ye Chen was a little worried.

The dark aura on the Tianjun Fengshen tablet is very terrifying.

He was worried that Immortal Emperor Shengguang couldn’t suppress it, and he might even perish because of it.

“Lord Tomb Master, my law of light, combined with your blood of reincarnation, should be suppressed.”

“It’s a bit risky, but try it anyway.”

The Way of the Holy Light Immortal Emperor.

Ye Chen nodded, Immortal Emperor Shengguang was right, he has come this far, and there is absolutely no reason to give up.

“Okay, senior, then please!”

Marven Ye’s eyes once again looked at the Monument of Heavenly Monarch Conferred God.

Near the Tianjun Fengshen Monument, there is another layer of prohibition blocking it, which is the leyline prohibition of Clear Sky Territory itself.

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