The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8438: Disputes

The main hall of the mountain gate of the Ancestral God Sect, facing the statue of the Ancestral God King, is magnificent and majestic.

At this moment, in the main hall, the senior members of the Ancestral God Sect have already arrived.

The first of the ten sacred mountains, all present.

The one sitting on the highest seat in the north is the leader of the Zushen Sect, the current first ancient Qing court in Zushen Peak.

At the bottom of the ancient Qing court, one left and one right, two strong men were seated.

A arrogant and arrogant king, surrounded by sword energy, is the first Yang Zhuxian on the pilgrimage cliff.

The other person is an old man with white eyebrows, long beard fluttering, and immortal spirit fluttering. He is the first Bai Zixu in Ascension Mountain.

The other seven heads sit on both sides of the main hall, behind which are the major guardians.

The entire hall is murderous and eerie.

Su Rong strode into the hall and sat beside the leader Gu Qingting.

Marven Ye and Wang Jingxi, as servants of Su Rong, stood behind.

From their point of view, they can overlook the entire hall.

I saw a man kneeling in the center of the hall. He was wearing shackles, blood dripping, scarred, and his eyes were fierce like a beast. It was Wang Dong.

Wang Jingxi was saddened to see her brother like this, and it was almost impossible to keep it.

Ye Chen gently held her hand and infused her spiritual energy into it, so that she could stabilize her mind and not be exposed on the spot.

“Junior sister, you are here.”

Gu Qingting smiled and greeted Su Rong first. Although the two were husband and wife, they were still brothers and sisters.

“Why, I can’t come?”

Su Rong said in a cold tone.

“No, no, Junior Sister, today is the day to judge the remnants of the Wang family. You may be a witness.”

Gu Qingting laughed.

Su Rong snorted, noncommittal.

Gu Qingting straightened his face, cleared his throat, and said to Yang Zhuxian, who looked down, “Yang Shouzuo, you caught the man, and you will be in charge of the trial today.”

Although he is the leader, he speaks very politely, a little cowardly, and does not seem to dare to offend the other leaders.

Yang Zhuxian stood up and said, “Yes!”

Turn around to look at Wang Dong, and said coldly: “Wang Dong, you are greedy for life and fear of death, refuse to worship the ancestor **** king, defected from the Haotianyu, and later even colluded with the master of reincarnation, do you know the crime?”

Wang Dong gave a “bah” and said angrily: “If you want to kill, then kill, what’s my sin? You are just trying to find an excuse to destroy my royal family, and then take the ancestral gods and martial arts.”

“You are the sinners of the Ancestral God Religion. One day, the Ancestral God King will punish you and kill you all!”

Yang Zhuxian was furious and said, “Bold! You traitor, how dare you be mad here? Come, punish me!”


The left and right guards walked out, chasing the king with the stick, only to beat him with blood and blood. The scene was quite tragic.

Wang Dong gritted his teeth, but never snorted.

Wang Jingxi trembled and bit her lip, almost out of control.

Yang Zhuxian bowed to Gu Qingting and said, “Sir, this traitor is stubborn and stubborn. Let’s execute him immediately and take back the ancestral gods.”

After these words fell, the top executives in the audience heard a faint commotion.

The Ancestral God’s Martial Art Book is the source of all martial arts magical powers in Haotianyu, and it is extremely precious.

It is said that whoever is in charge of the ancestral god’s martial arts can get the blessing of the ancestral **** king.

It is precisely because the ancestral gods’ martial arts scriptures are too precious that even Yang Zhuxian dare not take them personally, so he wants to judge Wang Dong, and then plot his funeral.

Gu Qingting nodded and said: “Yang Shouzuo said very well, then kill this traitor and get back the ancestral gods.”

Yang Zhuxian was overjoyed and said, “Yes!” Wang Dong was about to be executed.


At this time, I heard Bai Zixu, the head of the Ascension Mountain, speak slowly, and said coldly, “Then who will take charge of the ancestral gods after taking back the ancestral gods?”

An elder of Pilgrimage Cliff said: “The first building in my family is the most important one, and he is in charge of the ancestral gods and martial arts.”

Yang Zhuxian smiled and said, “If you don’t dislike it, then I will take care of the Ancestral God’s Martial Art Book first.”

Bai Zixu snorted and said with a sneer, “Yang Zhuxian, I’m afraid you are not qualified to take charge of the Ancestral God’s Martial Canon.”

Yang Zhuxian’s face changed, and he said, “Bai Zixu, what do you mean?”

Bai Zixu stood up, with immortal glow all over his body, Ruixia blooming, his spiritual energy gushing out, and he said disdainfully, “When I was in the Clear Sky Territory, you and the leader were still little kids. Yuyu, already destroyed by Yan Mo Death Realm, is it your turn to speak?”

“The Ancestral God Martial Art Book, I should be in charge of this old man!”

These words were very arrogant and rude. After Yang Zhuxian and Gu Qingting heard it, their faces suddenly became very ugly.

The atmosphere in the hall also instantly became tense.

Gu Qingting, Yang Zhuxian, the guards, guardians, and elders of the three forces of Bai Zixu drew their swords and swords one after another, and the situation was about to explode.

The other heads looked at each other, not knowing what to do.


At this very moment, a light laughter sounded.

I saw Su Rong holding a silk scarf, covering her mouth and smiling, her face full of disdain.

She is quite proud, her chest rises and falls when she laughs, her branches tremble, and her body is full of seductive aura.

The eyes of many of the powerhouses were straight, and even Yang Zhuxian and Bai Zixu felt their hearts sway, and they couldn’t help themselves.

Bai Zixu took a deep breath, calmed down, and shouted, “Su Rong, why are you laughing? It’s not your turn to intervene in today’s trial.”

Su Rong said indifferently: “I am the teacher’s wife, am I not qualified to intervene?”

Gu Qingting hurriedly said: “Junior sister, forget it, you go back first.”

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