The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8385: panic

“Because this sword has been tempered by me, it is stained with the blood of countless followers of the **** of death. If the ‘witch’ comes, she will definitely avenge you.”

“The strength of that ‘witch’ is ten thousand times stronger than that of the giant at dusk, not to mention in the real world, even in the absence of time and space, she is a supreme existence. If she comes, you will surely die! “

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, “The witch killed me, what’s the matter with Guan Wuzu?”

Tao Dao Tianzun said solemnly: “Because that witch was once the confidante of Wuzu, the founder of Xianyan Sect, the sage of ancient times, before she fell into darkness, she was called Fairy Cleansing Beauty.”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed, and he could hardly believe his ears, and said, “Fairy Cleansing Beauty? The number one witch in the Death God Religion is actually Fairy Cleansing Beauty?”

Ye Chen has also heard the legend of the Xianzong of Cleansing Incense.

Fairy Cleansing Incense founded the Immortal Sect of Cleansing Incense. She is a generation of patriarchs and sages of ancient times.

In that era, Wuzu entered the Wuwu time and space, but Fairy Cleansing Yan thought that Wuzu had fallen, and in sorrow, he died in a burial.

After her death, the Dao Lineage has been sealed, and it was not until this era that it was accidentally inherited.

The person who inherits the Dao Lineage of Fairy Cleansing Beauty is Hong Chunqiu of Wanxu Temple!

Hong Chunqiu is a high-level executive of Wanxu and one of the ten great ancestors of Heavenly Monarchs, but he has great ambitions and is unwilling to submit to the Ancient Emperor Yuhuang all the time, and secretly has other plans.

At present, Hong Chunqiu is the suzerain of the Cleansing Incense Immortal Sect, but outsiders don’t know his identity.

Hong Chunqiu is still an inner ghost, leading the way for the Reaper Order.

The Cleansing Beauty Immortal Sect he leads, the founder of the mountain is the Cleansing Beauty Fairy.

And Fairy Cleansing Beauty is now the chief protector of the Reaper Order, codenamed “The Witch”.

When these clues were connected, Ye Chen couldn’t help feeling numb in his scalp and terrified inside.

Tao Dao Tianzun said: “Yes, the witch is the cleansing fairy, and the cleansing fairy is the witch.”

“Hong Chunqiu has become an inner ghost, and it is also the arrangement of the witch.”

“When Fairy Cleansing Beauty was buried, her virtuousness touched the truth and she was summoned to Wuwu time and space, but unfortunately she never got the care of Wuzu. Because of love and hatred, she finally fell into darkness and turned into a witch.”

“You are a descendant of Martial Ancestor, and this status may lead to additional hatred of witches.”

Marven Ye said: “So you already know who the inner ghost is.”

Tao Dao Tianzun sighed: “I know, I know everything, but in front of outsiders, in order to deceive the truth and the secret, I must pretend to be confused.”

Marven Ye asked: “Aren’t you tired of living like this?”

Moral Heavenly Venerate is silent and speechless.

After being silent for a long time, Daode Tianzun was quite sad, and said in a sullen mood: “You go, be careful the witch kills you, you are my daughter’s love after all, and I don’t want you to die.”

“The witch is very powerful, and it is unlikely that she wants to come to reality, but the people in her subordinate Yan Mo Death Realm will never let you go.”

Marven Ye said: “The world of Yan Mo’s death?”

Deity Tianzun said: “Well, as the chief protector, the witch has her own territory.”

“Her territory is called Yan Mo Death Realm, and she is the realm king.”

“The people of Yan Mo’s Death Realm only pledge their allegiance to her, not to the Religion of Death.”

“Once the dark turmoil breaks out, Yan Mo’s Death Realm will definitely target you. If you want to escape, it is absolutely impossible. Now, if you are willing to put down the Shenxi Tianjian, I can still save your life.”

Speaking of the end, Daode Tianzun again persuaded Ye Chen to put down the Shenxi Tianjian.

Marven Ye didn’t speak, just shook his head, without changing his mind.

Tao Dao Tianzun let out a long sigh and said, “Forget it, that’s all, I won’t stop talking nonsense anymore.”

“In this battle of great merit and virtue, you will be reincarnated in the camp, and there will be casualties. If you want to survive, don’t force your way, or you won’t have to fight the witch, and you may fall today!”

When the voice fell, the surrounding world of corpses and blood continued to twist and change.

Ye Chen only felt the air flow in the space, and after a while, he broke away from the spiritual world of Daode Tianzun and returned to reality, but he had already left the underground palace and returned to the ground.

Above the ground, night is shrouded in darkness, and the darkness is still strong.

Ji Siqing, Xia Ruoxue, Wei Ying, Fan Xingyan and others, as well as all the disciples of the Samsara camp, are fighting fiercely with Guichen’s Jianmen camp and Yuhuang Aoxue’s Wanxu camp.

The light of various martial arts and magical powers, the light of magic weapons, shook the sky, and actually ripped apart the space.

There are space cracks around, and the other end of these space cracks is the mysterious fifth area, the void area!

During the battle, people were constantly being driven into the void zone, screaming and falling directly into the dark abyss, completely perishing.

Ye Chen looked around the battlefield and saw his reincarnation camp, which was obviously disadvantageous.

I saw that the core of the Samsara camp was Ji Siqing.

Ji Siqing burns the blood of the **** of fire and builds a magnificent world of Suzaku, where countless flames steam, flames roar, Suzaku dances, and there are long rivers of fate that are constantly flowing.

Everyone in the Samsara camp relies on this Suzaku world to fight to the death with the Jianmen camp and the Wanxu camp.

The two sides fought fiercely. One by one, the universe was born and destroyed. Countless creatures were reproduced and slaughtered.

“Si Qing!”

Ye Chen’s heart clenched, and Ji Siqing’s face was as pale as paper. She had burned out all her strength and wanted to protect the Samsara camp at all costs.

Marven Ye wanted to help, but the battle with Mengtian Silkworm just now cost him a lot.

Furthermore, coming out of the spiritual world of the Taoist Tianzun, his spirit was also affected, his mind was restless, and his head was aching.

Tao Dao Tianzun warned him that it was reasonable to tell him not to force his way forward.

Now that Ye Chen is in this state, if he forcibly comes forward, he is likely to fall.

But the reincarnation camp is dangerous, how can Ye Chen remain indifferent?

“Marven Ye!”

In that Suzaku world, Ji Siqing, Xia Ruoxue, Fan Xingyan, Wei Ying, and many others from the Samsara camp couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw Ye Chen coming back, and their faces were full of surprise.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s return is not shocking, but as long as his figure appears, it can bring people incomparable confidence.

The disciples of the Samsara camp cheered loudly and cheered loudly.

“Is this guy really not dead yet?”

On the side of the Wanxu camp, Yu Huang Aoxue was so surprised that he almost fell from the air when he saw Ye Chen’s return, and his beautiful eyes were full of shocking colors.

On Jianmen’s side, Gui Chen was also surprised when he saw Ye Chen came back.

The rest of the Loose Cultivation contestants were also stunned and panicked.

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