The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8378: Holy Book

“Senior, what is your relationship with Zihuang Immortal Palace?”

Marven Ye asked as he walked forward.

The Immortal Emperor Shengguang was silent for a while, his eyes blurred, and he seemed to fall into memory.

After being silent for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, “I’m… a friend of Daode Tianzun.”

Marven Ye was taken aback and said, “Friend?”

Immortal Emperor Shengguang said: “Yes, but I don’t know if he recognizes me as a friend.”

“After all, in the eyes of Daode Tianzun, there is only fire.”

“He was born to protect the fire. He has almost no emotional fluctuations, and his mind is terribly calm. To protect the fire, he can do anything.”

Listening to Immortal Emperor Shengguang, Ye Chen nodded in agreement.

Immortal Emperor Shengguang continued: “At my peak, I had the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Later, Daode Tianzun built an altar for me in this underground palace and helped me soar.”

“Unfortunately, I am a believer of the God of Light, and as soon as I ascended to No Time and Space, I immediately attracted the attention of the Reaper Religion.”

“I was intercepted by the Giants of Twilight, and I regretted my fall.”

Ye Chen was stunned. Immortal Emperor Shengguang’s words contained too much information, and he was a little confused.

The Immortal Emperor Shengguang once ascended in this underground palace, and there is the help of the moral **** behind him.

He also believed in the God of Light, and was even intercepted by the Twilight Giant!

“Senior, were you killed by the Twilight Giant?”

Marven Ye felt a little trembling inexplicably.

He was also nearly buried at the hands of the Twilight Giants.

Twelve guardians of the Death God Religion, the twilight giant in the sixth seat is so terrifying that it is too powerful to come to the real world.

Even the “tyrant” Heavenly Soul Emperor, who is ranked tenth, is also a believer of the Twilight Giant.

In front of the Twilight Giants, the Heavenly Soul Emperor is as small as an ant and is not worth mentioning.

Immortal Emperor Shengguang said: “Yes, the Giant Twilight killed me, and I also felt his breath, and I woke up from the tombstone when I was stimulated.”

Ye Chen’s face was solemn, and it seemed that luck and misfortune really depended on each other. He was almost killed by the giant at dusk, but the breath of dusk also activated the tombstone of Immortal Emperor Shengguang.

The Immortal Emperor Shengguang said: “I believe in the God of Light, the legendary God of Light, one of the nine gods. I was lucky enough to get his Dao Lineage, cultivate the profound strength of light, and finally be promoted to the Immortal Emperor of Holy Light. God Tianzun’s Taoism is too profound, and I have an ultimate bright secret technique, which I have never been able to comprehend…”

While speaking, Immortal Emperor Shengguang sacrificed a piece of jade slip, the word “light” was printed on the jade slip, and countless divine and great brilliance flowed out, but if you look closely, there are many mottled on the jade slip. Traces, even cracks, seem to have suffered a blow.

“Lord Tomb Master, your reincarnation talent is invincible in the world. I will teach you the Taoism of the God of Light. See if you can comprehend it.”

Immortal Emperor Shengguang gave the jade slip to Ye Chen with worship and expectation in his eyes.

He believes in the **** of light, but more in reincarnation.

Because, in the era of the Nine Gods, the Nine Gods fought for hegemony, and what they wanted most was the Taoism of Samsara.

But unfortunately, the nine gods all failed.

To this day, the person who inherits the reincarnation Taoism is Ye Chen!

In a sense, Ye Chen is far more great and mysterious than the former nine gods, so mysterious that even Ye Chen himself has not fully grasped the truth of the law of reincarnation.

Ye Chen took the jade slip, and his spiritual power penetrated into it, concentrating on comprehension.

In this jade slip, all the great methods of the God of Light are recorded, such as the shield of light, the holy wash, the enchantment of light, the wings of light, the silence of the sky, the thirteen swords of the holy way, the sword of the light god, Shen Xi’s Three Poisons, the Holy Book, etc.

Most of these bright divine passage methods have been practiced by Immortal Emperor Shengguang.

There are traces of Immortal Emperor Shengguang’s Dao Heart on every Dao method.

Marven Ye’s talent is extremely high, and almost effortlessly, he has fully comprehended all the magical powers of light, only one step away.

That magical power is called the Holy Book!

If you say Wings of Freedom, it is Fengshen’s strongest magical power.

The most powerful magical power of the God of Light is the Holy Book!

After this magical power is cultivated, it can gather the power of light and turn it into a sacred book, which can suppress all darkness and unknown.

The magical powers of this sacred book are extremely complex and profound, and even Immortal Emperor Shengguang himself has not comprehended the slightest.

The strongest ultimate move used by Immortal Emperor Shengguang is called “Shenxi Three Poisons”.

Shen Xi’s Three Breakthroughs can be ranked second among all Bright Dao methods, second only to the first sacred book.

Shen Xi shatters three times, one shatters the darkness, two shatters the sky, and three shatters nothingness. It is very powerful.

If the sacred book is not released, Shen Xi’s Three Breakthroughs will be the strongest light spell in the world, and the means of attack and killing are extremely powerful.

However, the No. 1 Sacred Book is more than a hundred times more powerful than Shen Xi’s third!

Marven Ye was deeply comprehending the secrets in the jade slip, and wanted to spy on the secrets of the sacred book.

However, he was surprised to find that the secret of this sacred book was incomplete.

“Senior, the secret in the jade slip is flawed!”

Ye Chen opened his eyes, and with the comprehension of various bright ways, his body also burst into pure white brilliance, but there was no joy in his eyes, but doubts.

The Immortal Emperor Shengguang smiled bitterly and said, “I was intercepted by the Giant Twilight. The jade slip, the secret of the divine Taoism, was also severely damaged, and the secret of the sacred book was damaged and became incomplete. .”

Marven Ye was a little itchy and said, “Is there a way to recover?”

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