The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8346: Supreme Glory

The Moon Soul Fairy sitting opposite Ye Chen, her body trembled violently, her pale skin was gradually turning rosy at this moment, as delicate as a girl, apparently nourished by Ye Chen’s reincarnation blood, and is gradually recover.

Chi chi chi!

The body of Fairy Moon Soul continued to emit black smoke and steamed.

The dark aura in her body is rapidly evaporating under the mighty power of reincarnation blood, and the strange face that originally had no facial features gradually emerged.

This scene, the effect is immediate.

Marven Ye’s reincarnation blood, almost instantly, played a role that was visible to the naked eye.

Shentu Wan’er was also overjoyed when she saw this, and said, “Ye Chen, your reincarnation bloodline is indeed the existence that surpasses all the heavens, and such a strong darkness has been resolved by you.”

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth twitched and wanted to say something, but he felt dizzy and couldn’t speak.

He dispels the darkness for Fairy Moon Soul, and the effect is indeed remarkable, but his own reincarnation blood is rapidly being consumed, which is a great burden on the body.

Fortunately, these blood are ordinary blood, not concentrated blood. Although it consumes a lot, it will not harm the foundation of martial arts. As long as you have enough rest, you can recover.

After Shentu Wan’er was pleasantly surprised, her face showed a hint of alertness, her beautiful eyes lowered coldly and looked at the darkness outside the altar camp.

It was night, and monsters and monsters were rampant in the forbidden area, but Shentu Wan’er had a special status and was the ruler of the future demon god. No monsters dared to offend her before.

But now, the fluctuation of Ye Chen’s reincarnation blood makes many monsters in the dark unable to hold back their greedy thoughts.

After all, for monsters and monsters, the blood of reincarnation is the biggest supplement!


With a low roar, outside the altar, there was a dark Kui cow, which finally couldn’t bear it any longer. Following the footsteps of shaking the ground and the mountains, it rushed out and headed straight for the altar.

This dark Kui bull has eyes like the sun and moon, roars like thunder, and is extremely powerful. It is an ancient alien species that has fallen into darkness.


Shen Tu Wan’er saw the dark Kui Niu and wanted to ram Ye Chen, her eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, she pulled out the Wuwei Heavenly Sword, and burst out with a touch of extreme dark sword energy.


The Kui cow was beheaded by Shentu Wan’er’s sword qi, and fell to the ground on the spot, with more than a dozen purple flames falling out of its body.

In the nearby forest, there were many dormant beasts and monsters. Seeing Shentu Wan’er’s fierce appearance, they were all very afraid. There were many low voices, and no one dared to reappear.

However, Shentu Wan’er did not let down her guard.

She clenched the Wuwei Tianjian tightly, guarding Ye Chen firmly.

As a precaution, she turned a sword into a formation and arranged a dark sword formation that enveloped the entire altar.

Whoever dares to break in will be immediately beheaded by countless dark swords.

The monsters and monsters hidden in the dark are even more afraid when they see this scene.

Many monsters reluctantly retreat, but there are also some monsters, unwilling to give up reincarnation blood, still dormant, waiting for an opportunity.

Time passed little by little, and it was almost midnight.

Shen Tu Wan’er looked at the sky, and then looked at Ye Chen and Fairy Moon Soul on the altar.

She estimates that the ceremony will be completed by dawn.

At that time, the divine power of reincarnation blood will completely wipe out all darkness, and Fairy Moon Soul will return to its original state.

“Ancestor Lich, you want to take away Fairy Moon Soul, have you asked me if the Reaper Order?”

Shen Tu Wan’er was nervously guarding her when she suddenly heard a cold voice from the sky.

In the night sky, the wind and clouds broke apart, and the thunder and lightning ghost rain exploded.

Amidst the thunderstorm, a majestic and tyrannical figure descended, surrounded by countless twisted pieces of flesh, countless mysterious tentacles, and countless dark monsters.

That figure was so majestic that he was like a king in the world, and his eyes were full of tyrannical expressions. At a glance, people felt the urge to surrender.

“Heavenly Soul Emperor, why are you here?”

Shen Tu Wan’er looked at the figure, her pretty face sank suddenly.

On the altar, Ye Chen also felt the changes in the outside world. He opened his eyes and looked at the majestic man who fell from the sky. He was stunned for a while, thinking: “What a powerful breath! The ten guardians, the emperor of heaven and soul?”

There are twelve guardians in the Reaper Order, and the tenth is called the “tyrant”.

On the Emperor Soul Emperor that day, Ye Chen really felt a tyrant-like arrogance.

Emperor Tian Yuhun looked down at Shentu Wan’er, his eyes sinking like the sun and the moon, shooting a sharp light, and sneered: “Ancestor Lich, Fairy Moon Soul has joined my Death Sect, you forcibly take her away. , what do you mean? You dare to defy the majesty of my Reaper Order?”

He called Shentu Wan’er “the ancestor of the Lich”, which was not very accurate.

Because, the ancestor of the Lich is the future body of Shentu Wan’er, not her present.

However, in the eyes of Tian Yuhun Emperor, Shentu Wan’er’s future body and current body are the same person, and there is no difference.

Shentu Wan’er said indifferently: “I am the ruler of the demon god. Your Death God Religion is just a remnant of the old era. In front of me, you dare to turn the sky upside down?”

Between her words, she has an invincible attitude that dominates everything and crushes everything, as if she is the supreme being in charge of the supreme glory in the world.

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