The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8085: Hongmen Banquet?

Those who don’t know the inside story thought that between Ye Chen and Mozu Wutian, the host and guest were in love with each other, but they would have an incomprehensible grievance.

Marven Ye and Wu Yao, holding hands, walked towards the Jianmen Mountain Gate.

On the way, pedestrians lined the streets to welcome, applaud, and praise:

“Welcome to the Lord of Reincarnation, Lord of Mercy!”

“Reincarnation for thousands of years, compassion for all generations!”

Wu Yao saw the lively scene around her, and she also showed a little girl’s joy. She didn’t hate the demon ancestor so much in her heart.

Ye Chen brought Wu Yao, surrounded by many welcoming disciples, and finally came to Jianmen.

In order to welcome Ye Chen, Jianmen was obviously carefully decorated and decorated with lanterns, which was very festive and lively.

“The Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of Mercy, welcome the two great drivers!”

Jianmen headmaster Zhang Qingyu brought many elders and elite disciples to greet him.

In the crowd, Ye Chen saw Fu Hongchen, the head of the seven sons of Jianmen.

However, Fu Hongchen has been avoiding Ye Chen’s gaze, not daring to look directly.

After all, he had chased and killed Ye Chen together with Mo Caidie and Nie Gukuang from the Ghost King Realm before. The conflict between the two sides was still there, and it was obviously not so easy to resolve.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and didn’t say much. He followed Zhang Qingyu and stepped into the sword gate.

After entering Jianmen, another team came out to greet Ye Chen. The leader was a handsome young man wearing a black robe, who was Guichen.

“Brother Ye…”

Seeing Ye Chen coming, Gui Chen looked quite complicated.

In the Wanxu Temple before, he fought side by side with Ye Chen, but even so, the two sides could not resolve their grievances in the end.

The relationship between Mozu Wutian and Ye Chen can only be endless, and today’s negotiation cannot really usher in peace.

“Thank you for what happened in Wanxu before.”

Marven Ye also looked at Gui Chen with complicated eyes, and thanked him.

Gui Chen was silent for a while, but he also knew that there was no possibility of reconciliation between the Samsara camp and the Wutian camp. His voice was a little sad and said: “Brother Ye, go in, the ancestor is waiting for you inside.”

Ye Chen nodded and entered the inner hall of Jianmen hand in hand with Wu Yao.

In a quaint and magnificent hall, there is a Zhang Yu case. On the jade case are all kinds of delicacies, delicious wine and fragrant mash. Next to them, there are graceful singers dancing, and the sound of silk and bamboo is clear and sweet. . On the north side of the main hall, there is a strange and terrifying man in black. ,

The eye sockets are empty, making people feel creepy at a glance.

This is Mozu Wutian!

When Ye Chen saw Mozu Wutian, he couldn’t help being surprised.

He knew that Mozu Wutian’s left arm and eyes had already been transferred to Gui Chen, and the two merged.

However, seeing the appearance of Mozu Wutian really became so strange and terrifying, he was still a little scared.

On the surface, Mozu Wutian’s physical body is already very decayed. In the previous battle of shackles, he was severely damaged and defeated, and the physical wear and tear was even more serious.

Now, from the surface of Mozu Wutian, there is no sense of majesty, only a strange dark, twisted and grotesque atmosphere.

However, when Ye Chen’s divine consciousness touched the divine consciousness of Demon Ancestor Wutian, a majestic majesty like a mountain torrent, as high as the sky and the earth, as large as the sun and the moon, overwhelmed the sky and covered the earth.

Although the body of Demon Ancestor Wutian is decaying, his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. After many changes, his spiritual consciousness is even stronger than before!

This decaying body can no longer hold his consciousness and soul, so he decided to gradually merge with Guichen.

As for the Demon Emperor, it is naturally a good container, but he has been standing on the side of the reincarnation camp, and he can’t get it, he can only take risks and merge with the dust.

In the cognition of Mozu Wutian, it is naturally very dangerous to merge with Guichen.

Once Buddha and Demons blend together, Buddha-nature good thoughts take over, and his consciousness is likely to be submerged!

“See my ancestors!”

Gui Chen, Zhang Qingyu, Fu Hongchen, and many other Swordsmen characters came to the hall and saluted the Demon Ancestor Wutian in unison.

Mozu Wutian nodded lightly, and everyone sat down.

Ye Chen and Wu Yao were assigned to the top seats, the closest to the Demon Ancestor Wutian.

“Lord of reincarnation, stay safe. I haven’t seen you for a while. Your cultivation has improved again.”

Mozu Wutian’s empty eyes glanced at Ye Chen.

Afterwards, he looked at Wu Yao again and said with a smile, “Miss Wu Yao, you are so grown up, the goddess are not as beautiful as you.”

Wu Yao didn’t speak, and stood next to Ye Chen, watching the Demon Ancestor Wutian vigilantly.

Ye Chen said: “There is no heaven for the devil, so there is no need to say polite words. What is the purpose of you negotiating with me? I need to give you something before you are willing to let the devil emperor go?”

These words are straight to the point, and Ye Chen directly explained his intentions.

The atmosphere in the main hall also became tense and serious. All the singers stopped their dancing and retreated silently.

The Demon Ancestor Wutian listened to Ye Chen’s words, only smiled slightly, took a sip from the wine glass, and said, “You are really devoted to the Demon Emperor, sigh, he always refuses to rely on me, then I I can only use the killer.”

Marven Ye’s face was slightly distorted, and he said, “If you really want to use a killer, then there’s nothing to talk about between us!”

Mozu Wutian smiled and said, “Master of reincarnation, don’t be impulsive, you can talk about it if you want.”

After a pause, Mozu Wutian changed his posture, leaned on the back of the chair, and said slowly:

“You want me to let go of the Demon Emperor, yes, hand over the Soul Eater Orb.”

Hearing the conditions of the Demon Ancestor Wutian, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

The Soul Eater Orb is a stepless artifact, and Ye Chen has already obtained two fragments, so it is naturally impossible to hand it over easily.

The more important reason is that the Soul Eater Orb can restrain the soul!

Once the Demon Ancestor is Wutian and gets the Soul Eater Orb, Ye Chen is in danger. Even if he has the protection of the Holy Soul of Samsara, he may not be able to stop it, because he is restrained!

“What do you want the Soul Eater Orb to do?”

Marven Ye asked in a deep voice, if Mozu Wutian wanted general magic weapons, even wishing stars, ships of sin, swords of judgment, etc., he could trade them.

But unfortunately, Soul Eater Orbs can never be traded, otherwise such a weapon will in turn kill and injure oneself.

Mozu Wutiandao: “I need the Soul Eater Orb to devour Gui Chen’s self-consciousness, so that I can safely merge with him.”

When he spoke, Mozu Wutian’s empty eyes turned to Guichen again. Gui Chen’s expression was heavy, but he also had a sad and decisive thought. Obviously, he knew the plan of Demon Ancestor Wutian.

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