The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8009: I want to

Original Demon Lord said: “It’s okay, when you see the eternal greatness, you will understand.”

Paused for a while, then said: “Remember, find the other half of the Rainbowless Divine Sword as soon as possible, and restore the body, the luck of reincarnation is too strong, if you don’t take action as soon as possible, the other half of the Rainbowless Divine Sword is likely to fall. That kid’s hands.”

Ye Linyuan froze in his heart and said, “Where is the other half of the cut-off sword?”

The Primordial Demon Lord shook his head and said: “The vicissitudes of time, the hidden secrets, I don’t know, but in the Xianhu Sect, there is a sword tablet, which still has the idea of ​​the Rainbow Excalibur, you go to observe the sword tablet, maybe We can trace the cause and effect, reverse the secret, and find the whereabouts of the half-truncated sword.”

When Ye Linyuan heard the word “sword tablet”, his heart moved.

Now the messenger of the Xianglu Sect is outside.

As long as he hands over the Shura Sword, he can go to observe the Sword Monument.

Observing the Sword Monument has always been his long-cherished wish, and it is the key to breaking through the Nine Swords.

Now, I heard from the Primordial Demon Lord, that sword tablet is still the key to finding the other half of the Rainbowless Divine Sword!

The Primordial Demon Lord said: “You inherit my will and lead the demon gods of the heavens. Perhaps you can directly kill the Xianglu Sect and take back the sword tablet.”

“But, Emperor Zihuan, the patriarch of the Xianglu Sect, is a sage of ancient times, and his cultivation is unfathomable. You should not be careless.”

Ye Linyuan said indifferently: “I don’t need you to teach me when I do things. Let’s start the inheritance. I will make my own decision.”

The Primordial Demon Lord listened to Ye Linyuan’s arrogant tone, and did not show any expression, but nodded lightly and said: “Okay, you will witness the eternal greatness, you are more suitable than me, in charge of the eternal law, I can Resting your eyes, Ye Linyuan, you will build an eternal kingdom of heaven and complete my mission.”

Between the words, the skeleton body of the Primordial Demon Lord began to disintegrate, turning into wisps of mysterious and unpredictable demonic energy, digging towards Ye Linyuan’s ink-wash body.

Ye Linyuan only felt a majestic energy of will pouring in.

This energy is not killing, but a kind of calm, heavy, and immutable law breath, which is more ancient than the sun, moon, galaxy, and the abyss of the universe, and it is not easy to change.


Under the perfusion of this will, Ye Linyuan seemed to have a vast picture unfolding in front of him.

That’s a picture of eternal heaven!

In this eternal heaven, there is no chaos, no sin, no killing, only eternal peace, serenity, no life will die, all existence is eternal existence.

This is not a pool of stagnant water, but a radiance of order, not the order of reincarnation, but the order of eternity.

In the kingdom of reincarnation, living beings are in danger of dying, but in the eternal kingdom of heaven, no living beings will die. Everything is eternal.

This eternal will deeply shocked Ye Linyuan’s Taoism. He was a little dazed and recalled his ancestor Ye Chunjun, thinking: “In this eternal heaven, does the ancestor not have to die?” /

He has no interest in establishing an eternal kingdom of heaven, but when he thinks that the kingdom of heaven is established and everything is eternal, Ye Chunjun doesn’t have to die, and his heart is faintly touched.


Suddenly, the picture scroll of the eternal heaven was eroded by endless mysterious demonic energy.

The boundless demonic energy made the eternal heaven a purgatory-like existence, with countless twisted demons and monsters roaring.

That is the bloodline of the Demon God of the Primordial Demon Lord, the demonic energy he possesses.

Eternity is the law of light, and it is also the hope of redemption for the gods and gods to free themselves from darkness.

The Primordial Demon Lord believes in eternity, and in fact it also means saving the demon family.


However, the demonic energy is too strong, all kinds of twisted and grotesque demons, screaming and roaring sharply, obscuring the eternal splendid kingdom and turning this place into a paradise of demons.

Ye Linyuan opened his eyes, and he was surprised to find that the Devil’s Paradise was not an illusion, but a real existence.

The majestic demonic energy broke through the shrine hall of the Tianqing Alliance and ran through the sky.

In all the worlds, the whistles and roars of countless demons and monsters sounded, shaking the world.

The thick and thick demonic energy gathered into layers of black clouds, covering the sky in the Azure Domain.

Ye Linyuan’s body, as if receiving some kind of blessing, slowly rose into the air.

“Eternal Heavenly Venerate, Demon Lord Eternal!”

One after another, the voices of chanting and worship, filled with the majesty of the mysterious darkness, came from all directions.

Thousands of demon gods and monsters distorted their bodies and worshipped Ye Linyuan.

At this moment, Ye Linyuan has inherited the will of the Primordial Demon Lord and has become the new master of the Demon God. He is admired by the gods and gods, and his cultivation base is infinitely close to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Many disciples of the Tianqing League were shocked when they saw Ye Linyuan’s weather.

Some of the former powerhouses of the Tianqing League had the intention of rebelling, but seeing Ye Linyuan becoming so powerful, everyone trembled, and did not dare to have any more thoughts of betrayal. All the gods and gods worship Ye Linyuan together.

Several envoys from the Xianglu Sect felt Ye Linyuan’s terrifying demonic energy, and they were also shocked and looked at each other.

“This guy, Ye Linyuan, actually inherited the will of the Primordial Demon Lord?”

“He… doesn’t he want to lead the gods and gods?”

“That would be invincible!”

The voices of several messengers were shocking, and under the induction of heaven’s secret, they instantly captured from Ye Linyuan the various thoughts and causes and effects of the Primordial Demon Lord.

The Primordial Demon Lord passed on his own mind rules to Ye Linyuan, and did not deliberately conceal it. Instead, it had a taste of telling the world, so that everyone could clearly feel everything.

Among the heavens and the world, there are many creatures in the world who are infected by the thoughts of the Primordial Demon Lord, and even submit to Eternity on the spot, become eternal believers, and bow down to Ye Linyuan from a distance.

Ye Linyuan stood tall in the sky, with a domineering domineering look at the world, overlooking the envoys of the Xianglu Sect, and asked coldly:

“Do you want to invite me to the Xianglu Sect to observe the Sword Monument?”

Those messengers trembled, one of them said, “Yes, Ye Linyuan, as long as you are willing to hand over the Asura Sword, you can go and observe the sword monument.”

Ye Linyuan laughed and said, “I want the Asura sword, and I want the sword tablet, can you stop me? I am the eternal immutable eternity, I am the incarnation of eternity, even if it is the law of reincarnation, Can’t erase a single bit of me!”

When the voice fell, Ye Linyuan waved his hand and led the mighty army of demon gods to kill the Xianhu Sect.

At this moment, he inherited the will of the Primordial Demon Lord and felt the greatness of eternity. Although he did not say he changed his beliefs, he did accept a lot of the eternal way.

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