The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7864: Reincarnation Majesty

Ye Chen let out an “um”, and immediately calmed down and attacked the shackles of his eyes.

The human eye is imprisoned by shackles, unable to see the world clearly. . .

Only after the shackles of the eyes are cut off, will one’s eyes truly become clear and vast, and they can see all kinds of things that were impossible to see before.

Ye Chen turned his spiritual energy and began to attack the shackles of his eyes.

Bang, bang, bang!

In Ye Chen’s ear, he seemed to hear a dull impact.

However, the shackles of the eyes are still firm, and there is no sign of being shaken.

“The shackles of the eyes are so strong, even stronger than the shackles of the skull!”

Marven Ye was surprised for a while, but he didn’t expect the shackles of his eyes to be so difficult to cut.

“This is nature. Human eyes are easily blinded by various things. Over time, the shackles will accumulate deeper and deeper. If you want to cut them off, you need to use extraordinary means.”

Xuan Han Jade Road.

“What extraordinary means?”

Marven Ye asked quickly.

“Carry out the water-stopping kendo and cut both eyes with the sword, maybe you can break through the shackles.”

Xuan Han Jade Road.

“Stop water kendo, the sword cuts both eyes?”

Ye Chen’s heart skipped a beat, the lethality of Zhishui’s kendo was so fierce, he cut his own eyes, isn’t this courting death?

“This is the quickest way. If you have time, grind it slowly. Maybe you can break the shackles, but you don’t have time.”

Xuan Han Jade Road.

The battle outside is getting more and more fierce, and I don’t know how many people died, and Yuhuang Ancient Emperor and Demon Ancestor Wutian are obviously useless.

There is not much time left for Ye Chen. If you continue to delay, the situation will only get worse.

“Okay, let’s do it!”

Ye Chen gritted his teeth and stabilized his mind. A wisp of spiritual qi turned into sword qi, and the breath of water-stopping kendo gradually spread out.

The water-stopping sword energy was suspended in front of Ye Chen’s eyes, and the breath became more and more intense.

With the help of the Wuxiang Tianyuan Array, Ye Chen can more keenly capture the breath of Wuwu, and it is much easier to perform the water-stopping swordsmanship.

As the breath of the water-stopping sword energy continued to spread, the crowds around him who were fighting fiercely also felt the same.

Their eyes, looking towards Ye Chen, saw the sword energy in front of Ye Chen, and the weather became more and more surging, like a waterfall floating.

Many people were surprised and wondered if Ye Chen wanted to give up the shackles and join the battle?

But the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

I saw that water-stopping sword energy, and it was cut fiercely, but it was not cut at any enemy, but at Ye Chen’s own eyes!

At this moment, Ye Chen has opened his eyes and looked directly at the sword qi that came from the slash.

“Marven Ye, you are crazy!”

Not far away, Ji Siqing, who was in the fierce battle, saw that Ye Chen actually cut his eyes, and he was shocked and pale.

Wei Ying, Mu Yinxi, Shan Rou, Huan Meixin and other women were also very surprised and thought Ye Chen was crazy.

Ye Chen’s body was stiff, looking at the water-stopping sword qi coming from the slash, he instinctively wanted to dodge, but he endured it.

He believes in his own kendo, and he believes that this sword can cut the shackles of both eyes without hurting the eyes.


Zhishui’s sword finally slashed into Ye Chen’s eyes.


Marven Ye only felt a sharp pain in his eyes, as if he had gone blind, and the whole world fell into darkness.

The sharp, violent, and raging cry shook the world, causing everyone’s eyes to turn to Ye Chen.

Marven Ye’s body fell to the ground, his hands on his eyes, his face contorted with severe pain.

“Did the shackles fail?”

Ren Feifei was horrified when he saw Ye Chen’s painful appearance.

“No! It worked!”

Ye Xie Shen’s voice was firm and confident.

As soon as his words fell, he saw Ye Chen sitting up tremblingly again, as if the pain had passed, he put down his hands and exposed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen’s eyes were not cut, nor did any blood flow out.

Marven Ye’s eyes are extremely clear and bright, countless times purer than the clearest spring and the brightest sky in the world.

Everyone looked into his eyes and felt a sense of inner peace and a sense of satisfaction.

Even people who don’t understand martial arts know that Ye Chen’s eyes have no shackles and obstacles. In the world, no one’s eyes are brighter and purer than Ye Chen.

Because the shackles of his eyes have been severed.

“Marven Ye, congratulations, the shackles of both eyes have been broken, and the last shackles of the heart are still missing, and you will be completely complete!”

Xuan Hanyu also made a surprise congratulatory voice.

Ye Chen was dazed, and could feel the pain in his eyes. He was gone, and his vision became extremely clear. All the cause and effect between heaven and earth, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, leaves and ants, all the details were vividly visible.

“Is the shackles of my eyes finally broken?”

Marven Ye was in a daze, the water-stopping kendo worked, just cut off the shackles of his eyes without hurting his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Chen is already ninety-nine in the shackles, and the last shackle of the heart can be completely declared complete!

Shout! laugh!

As the shackles of Ye Chen’s eyes were cut off, two golden rays of reincarnation also shot from his eyes.

These two golden lights are so strong and dazzling that they are unbelievable, and they contain the majesty of reincarnation.

Where Ye Chen’s eyes see, the majesty of reincarnation falls.

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