The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7848: Tianquan!


Now, in the Heavenly Palace near Lost Time and Space, countless cultivators have come here because of its fame, and it has flourished for a while.

After the battle of abandonment and despair in the past, the Yin Demon Holy Ancestor was seriously injured and escaped, and his whereabouts are still unknown. After the news was passed to the Tiangong Divine Sect, under the attack of the Human Race Alliance led by Tianxue Xinxin, the Yin Demon Temple has become history… …

As for whether there are any remnants left, and the final whereabouts of the Yin Demon Sage Ancestor, Ye Chen doesn’t know much about it. . .

The Zunling Celestial Clan, which has always been mysterious, has been hidden from the world since then.

The elders of the Zunling Celestial Clan used forbidden techniques to contaminate all kinds of cause and effect. In order not to implicate their clan members, after the destruction of the Yin Demon Temple, they also traveled the world alone.

Land of the Heavenly Palace, Lintiancheng.

“Zun Lao has always been uncertain about his whereabouts. After the Tiangong Divine Religion is stabilized, he will no longer be traced. We look for it like this, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!”

Linger frowned.

Marven Ye raised his brows and said, “Do you mean to change the method?”

“Since I can’t find it, let him come to find us!” Linger said with narrowed eyes.

“Looking for us?”

Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up and said, “Yes, Zun Lao likes to collect spirits from the world…”

“Marven Ye, you don’t have good wine, do you want to ask the Eternal Saint King to see?”

Hearing Linger’s question, Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed, he laughed, and explained:

“I am the Lord of Reincarnation, how could I not have good wine. I used to suppress the Great Emperor Sha Killing in the Territory of Abandonment, and the spirit of Despair was finally preserved by the power of the guardian’s golden seal. I diluted it. A little mixed into the wine, this is not enough to attract the elderly?”

After speaking, Ye Chen placed a large pot of wine with his eyes closed, waiting for something.

Six hours later.

A voice woke Ye Chen up.

“This wine…not bad!”

A dilapidated old man appeared in front of Ye Chen.

The old man squinted, regardless of whether Ye Chen agreed or not, he directly enjoyed the golden brew, smacked his dry lips and said with a smile: “You kid can think of this way to find me, it seems that you are in big trouble? “

Ye Chen smiled and scratched his head. He didn’t know where to start, but he heard the old man on the opposite side ask again:

“Because of the vision of the earth yesterday?”

Obviously, there was a gap in the sky, and the giant eyes of the galaxy looked at the sky, and the old man felt the oppression!

Ye Chen nodded lightly and said, “I went to the Heavenly Dao Slashing Land, and indeed caused some trouble…”

He told the old man about his trip to Daocheng concisely.

“So, yesterday’s vision was that someone with a heart came after him…”

Zun Lao picked up the wine glass in his hand and said leisurely.

“Senior Taishen’s injuries, I can’t heal, and even the defense mechanism of the self can’t be broken…”

“I want to ask the old man to make a move and deduce it!”

Marven Ye took a deep breath and directly explained the purpose of his visit.

Hearing this, the old man’s fingertips in charge of the wine in the glass paused, silently tasting the golden wine, and Ye Chen waited quietly.

After a long time, Zun Lao put down the cup and said softly: “Tianxing deduction is a forbidden technique. Logically speaking, the cause and effect of contamination, I should have been severely punished, but the secret has been erased!”

“This old bone of mine is still breathing…”

Zun Lao looked at Ye Chen: “You little guy, you are really getting more and more terrifying!”

“This time, it’s your favor!”

The old man laughed and took another sip of the golden brew.

Ye Chen got up, bowed slightly to the old man, and said softly, “Thank you for respecting the old man!”

Zun Lao’s eyes had a smile, and countless stars were reflected in the light, one by one turned into a river of stars, and the blue light scattered into the sky.

In an instant, the dark clouds in Lintian City covered the eyes, and the torrential rain poured down!

The people on the street dispersed spontaneously. In the corner of the alley, Ye Chenlinger and Zun Lao sat upright, their clothes not stained with a drop of water.

Every drop of rain falls like a living star falling, falling to the ground and dying.

Marven Ye’s heartbeat seemed to be connected with the pouring rain, and the demise of every drop made his heart tremble.

At the same time, the scenes are unpredictable, it is the gods fighting!

He couldn’t see the figure on the opposite side, and the light was so bright that even the outsider he was shocked.

He spied on a corner of time and space, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth, and his heart was damaged, but he didn’t notice it.

“Lord of Reincarnation, don’t spy on that level of battle, just watch it!”

Suddenly, Zun Lao’s voice sounded like thunder in Ye Chen’s ear, reminding him to guard his heart.

Torrential rain was pouring, Ye Chen’s eyes looked through Taishen Mountain!

“That’s right, the Supreme God Temple, Zhu Yuan and others are here!”

Ye Chen was shocked, the so-called domineering forbidden technique can spy on time and space arbitrarily!

He was anxious when he saw Wuji Lingji and the others pacing.


The strange feeling didn’t last long, but Ye Chen felt a tingling in his eyes, his eyes went black, and he could no longer see any pictures.

“Respect the old man, this…”

Sitting on the stall, Ye Chen frowned, and Linger on the side blessed him with all the spiritual power to help him return to reality.

“Still not working…”

At the most critical time, his spiritual sense was penetrated, and he did not see the most critical future!

Zun Lao shook his head with a smile, and said, “You have already experienced Tianxingshu. How much you can see depends on what you want to know. You just want to know everything!”

“And your spiritual power is not enough to support such a lengthy message! Even if you have the Holy Spirit of Samsara, your current state is still unable to exert the full power of the Holy Spirit of Samsara.”

“Remember, the stronger the cultivation base and strength, the stronger the Samsara Heaven Sword, the stronger Samsara Bloodline, and the stronger Samsara Saint Soul Heaven.”

Zun Lao continued to speak to Ye Chen: “If you want to know how to save Taishen, then this question should be carried through to the end!”

The old man pointed at the empty cup where the golden brew was drained, and said softly: “Look!”


The torrential rain stopped abruptly, and the rainbow after the rain was gorgeous, reflecting a shimmer of light into the cup.

The juice derived from the empty cup is as clear as a handful of clear springs. Inside it, a dragon soul exudes vitality and is faintly visible!

“This is…”

Marven Ye was completely shocked by the small scene in this cup. When he came back to his senses, there was no other scene from the previous scene, but it was just the coldness of the leftover cup.

The old man stroked his beard and hair, pondered for a while, and said:

“There is a lack of vitality in the gods!”

The lines between the old man’s palm lit up with different lights, and the stars of the heavens faintly flickered in the sky after the rain.

“How could…”

Even the old man was moved by it. Ye Chen and Linger looked at him and were stunned for a moment. The strange pattern engraved on Zun Lao’s palm was written in a big word for ‘天’!

“Is there a lack of vitality… Tian… Tianquan?”

Zun Lao murmured, but the puzzled look on his face was also announcing that even he, who knew everything from outside the domain, had never heard of this place!

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