The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7778: Personal apprentices

Could it be that his grandfather turned the tide of time, crossed the ages, returned to the past, and saved his previous life?

Marven Ye’s heart was pounding, and he only felt that there were all kinds of indescribable and unpredictable things circling in front of him.

What is the origin of this person! Is this grandpa? Or some kind of will?

Su Wanru hurriedly said, “Brother Ye, what’s wrong with you?”

Marven Ye swallowed his saliva and calmed down a little. . .

Fortunately, he has completed the Holy Soul Heaven of Samsara, and his spiritual will is strong. No matter how much the Dao Heart is impacted, it will not be shaken.

Otherwise, in the face of such a bizarre thing, he is likely to collapse in fear.

“It’s nothing, nothing, you go on.”

Marven Ye waved his hand, it was incredible that his grandfather saved himself in that lifetime.

Speaking of which, Ye Chen had not seen his grandfather for a long time, so he didn’t know where he went.

Ye Chen thought about it in his heart. When he sees his grandfather in the future, he must ask clearly.

Su Wan was a little worried when she saw Ye Chen’s expression changing constantly, but she thought that Ye Chen was guarded by the Holy Spirit of Reincarnation, all evils would not enter, and the Tao’s heart would never be worn out, and there was absolutely no danger of collapse, so she settled down. , Road:

“That mysterious old man saved your life, and finally let the luck of reincarnation continue to you.”

“And Ye Linyuan has no chance to be the master of reincarnation again. He and Ye Chunjun flew to the Supreme World and became a member of the Wanxu Temple, serving the ancient emperor Yuhuang.”

Ye Chen calmed down and said with some doubts: “You said just now that Ye Linyuan is now missing in order to avoid disaster. What kind of disaster did he avoid?”

Su Wanru said: “Brother Ye, you and Lord Tiannv were almost killed by the ancient emperor Yu Huang. The weapon used by the ancient emperor Yu Huang was the legendary scepter.”

“Guess where the legendary staff got its energy?”

To activate Wuwu artifact fragments, it is necessary to accumulate energy, and the energy required is so strong that it may not be enough to accumulate an era of time.

The legendary staff of Emperor Yu Huang suddenly accumulated energy, Ye Chen was horrified, he had already guessed it, and said: “Yes… Is it the breath of Ye Chunjun, the ancestor of the Ye family?”

Su Wanru nodded and said, “Yes, the Yuhuang Ancient Emperor is mean and unkind, completely disregarding the life and death of his subordinates. In order to replenish the energy of the Legendary Staff, he has already drained the blood of Ye Chunjun, the ancestor of the Ye family.”

“Now, Ye Chunjun’s qi and blood are exhausted, and he is almost dying. Ye Linyuan is afraid that it will be his turn next, so he has disappeared and no one knows where he went.”

“It is also fortunate that he avoided disaster and disappeared. Otherwise, we would not have been able to obtain the Divine Book of the Earth Emperor.”

Speaking of the end, Su Wanru’s tone also contained a hint of happiness.

Earth Emperor Divine Book, Ye Linyuan couldn’t easily let go of this kind of artifact.

This time, she and Ye Chen were able to get it so easily, thanks to Ye Linyuan’s daring not to expose it easily and to avoid Wanxu’s pursuit.

Ye Chen understood everything, and even felt the viciousness and viciousness of the ancient emperor Yu Huang.

It’s just that the current Ye Linyuan, hiding in the dark is also a threat.

Shaking his head, Ye Chen didn’t think about it any further. Ye Linyuan wanted to kill him, and it was by no means easy. After all, he had an extraordinary guardian.

“You said your cousin is Ye Linyuan’s direct disciple?”

Marven Ye looked at Su Wanru and asked.

Su Wanru said: “Yes, he has obtained the true inheritance of Ye Linyuan, and his cultivation base is the Sixth Layer of the Sky Profound Realm. He is very powerful.”

“Sixth Heavenly Great Consummation…”

Ye Chen pondered slightly, now he has killed ninety-two, and in terms of comprehensive combat power, it is enough to kill ordinary powerhouses in the sixth layer of the Sky Profound Realm.

However, facing the Great Perfection of the Sixth Layer of Heaven is still a bit tricky.

Su Wanru weighed the ancient decree of truth and said: “I promised to give this token to my cousin, but now you want it too, I can’t do it, you still come home with me. , discuss it with my cousin.”

Marven Ye nodded and followed Su Wanru back to the Su family mansion.

The identity of Samsara should not be revealed, so Ye Chen took the pseudonym Ye Huangchen, pretending to be a disciple of the God of Wishes, and went out with Su Wanru as a teacher.

Marven Ye and the goddess are entangled, and he wants to pretend to be a disciple of the God of Wishes.

Su Lie, the head of the Su family, who is also Su Wanru’s father, was shocked when he heard that Ye Chen was visiting and wanted to get the ancient order of truth.

In the discussion hall, Ye Chen, Su Wanru, Su Daoguang, Su Lie and others sat down separately.

Marven Ye’s heart was about to move, but he was calm and calm on the outside, sat down and took a sip of tea, quietly looking at a man sitting opposite him.

The man was Su Wanru’s cousin, Su Daoguang, who had cultivated to the sixth level of the Sky Profound Realm.

From him, Ye Chen really caught a trace of Ye Linyuan’s breath, and the other party was indeed Ye Linyuan’s direct disciple.

Su Wanru stood up and said to Su Lie and many elders, “Lord Patriarch, all elders, under the order of Lord Tiannv, I can’t give you this ancient order of truth. Lord Tiannv also wants to run for the son of Buddha.”

She is a bit rusty with respect to her father, and addresses her directly as the head of the house.

After the voice fell, Su Wanru handed over the ancient order of truth in her hand to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also stood up, bowed his hands to everyone in the hall, and said, “Everyone, I’m really sorry, I was ordered by the goddess to run for the son of Buddha, this ancient order of truth, we hope that the gods will take it back .”

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