The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7702: Amazing

The realm king smiled and said: “You have purified Shanrou’s demonic energy, the demonic energy of **** destiny has not disappeared, but returned to the **** world. Guess where the demonic energy of heavenly destiny fell.”

Marven Ye’s heart trembled and said, “Isn’t it in Forbidden City?”

The realm king smiled and said, “That’s right, Ren Qingfeng, the **** son of Forbidden City, has become a new generation of Hell’s Destiny. If you dare to approach Forbidden City, as long as you expose the aura of reincarnation, he will kill you immediately!”

Ye Chen said: “The destiny of hell, Ren Qingfeng…”

His heart was pounding, and after listening to the King’s words, he also caught the extremely dangerous atmosphere of heaven. . .

The destiny of hell, adhering to the supreme will, was born to bury the reincarnation. If Ye Chen is exposed, he will definitely be hunted down, and it is impossible to kill the shackles safely.

Ye Chen asked in a deep voice, “What kind of cultivation is Ren Qingfeng, the son of the forbidden god?”

Jie Wang said: “The four layers of the Sky Profound Realm, combined with the terrifying bonus of the Forbidden Heaven City’s atmospheric luck, yes, and the pressure of Hell’s destiny, it is enough to kill you.”

Ye Chen’s heart is solemn, the sky is four layers of heaven, and it is indeed difficult to fight on someone else’s territory.

In the past, Ye Chen had also encountered the enemy of the fourth layer of the Sky Profound Realm, Liu Changqing, a genius of the Tianqing Alliance.

At that time, Ye Chen relied on the help of the power of reincarnation, and he was also consuming a lot of money, so he killed him just now.

Now, the four Chaos God Emperors have all died out, and the old man has not woken up. With Ye Chen alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

In the faint, Ye Chen captured again that Ren Qingfeng, the son of the forbidden god, seemed to have a trace of relationship with Ren Feihan, Taishangtiannu and others.

Marven Ye asked: “What is the origin of Ren Qingfeng, and what is his relationship with the Taishang Ren family?”

The realm king smiled and said: “Hehe, Ren Qingfeng was once a genius of the Taishang Ren family. Later, he was ordered by Emperor Yu to spy on the Iron Throne, but he was turned into a statue by iron, and he only woke up a thousand years ago. .”

“His aptitude is no worse than Ren Feifei and Taishang Tiannv. It’s just because he slept for too long and woke up a thousand years ago, resulting in insufficient accumulation of martial arts. Otherwise, the top ten masters in the world should be He has his place.”

After Ye Chen heard the words of the realm king, he was completely shocked. He didn’t expect this Ren Qingfeng to have such a big background.

In terms of aptitude, Ren Qingfeng and Ren Feihan, Tiannv and others are actually almost the same. It’s just because of setbacks and ups and downs that they are now only at the fourth level of the Sky Profound Realm, far from being able to compare with the masters of the world, but as long as he is given enough time , he will rise sooner or later.

It’s no wonder that this person can be favored by the destiny of **** and succeed in inheriting it. The original qualification is so terrible.

“Strange, how can the Ren family produce so many talents?”

Ye Chen keenly discovered a problem, Ren Feifei and Taishang Tiannu are both members of the Ren family, and their talents are extremely terrifying.

This Ren Qingfeng’s aptitude is not that bad.

The luck of the Ren family is too outrageous to be able to produce so many outstanding talents.

The realm king smiled slightly, stroked his beard, and said, “I guess the monument to the gods was taken by the Ren family.”

Ye Chen was shocked and said, “Heavenly Sovereign Monument?”

Jiewang said: “Heavenly Sovereign Monument, a sacred artifact of the thirty-three days, ranked first, it used to be the magic weapon of Tianwu Xianmen, but it was later acquired by one of the ten ancestors of the Heavenly Sovereign. “

“None of the ten great ancestors would admit that they stole the Heavenly Sovereign’s Conferred God Stele. I see that there are many geniuses in the Ren family, and most of the stele was stolen by Ren Duxing, the ancestor of the Ren family.”

“It is precisely because of the protection of the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Stele that the Ren family can give birth to so many geniuses.”

“Hehe, that Ren Duxing is really good-natured, courageous, and good-natured. He refuses to admit that he stole the stele, because he knows that once the stele is taken back, the Ren family’s luck will be dissipated. Whether it is Ren Feifei or Tiannv, their vitality will be greatly damaged, and there will be no chance to fight against Emperor Yu.”

After listening to the inference of the king of the realm, Ye Chen was drenched in cold sweat and horrified.

Ren Duxing, the ancestor of the Ren family, was personally executed by the ancient emperor Yu Huang, and Ye Chen witnessed it with his own eyes.

Before the execution of Ren Duxing, Emperor Yu Huang also asked about the whereabouts of Tianjun Fengshen Monument, but Ren Duxing always said he didn’t know.

Ye Chen never imagined that it was very likely that the monument was stolen by Ren Duxing that day!

Otherwise, the Ren family would not have produced so many geniuses.

The realm king shook his head, and said with some regret: “It’s a pity that Ren Duxing died. That day, when the emperor conferred the **** monument, no one knows his whereabouts.”

“Compared to the illusory Wuwu artifact, a magic weapon like the Tianjun Fengshen Tablet is the existence that we people in the real world should pursue.”

Without divine weapons, warriors in the real world cannot control it, but it is possible for the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Stele to control it.

Who is in charge of the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Stele, who can control the real world, the most majestic luck!

Marven Ye deeply believed that the monument of Tianjun’s conferring gods must have been taken by Ren Duxing.

Under the protection of Tianjun Fengshen Stele, the Ren family successively gave birth to peerless geniuses such as Ren Qingfeng, Ren Feihan, Ren Tiannv and so on.

The realm king looked at Ye Chen and said, “Do you still want to go to Forbidden Heaven City? Ren Qingfeng was born by adhering to the Heavenly Monarch Conferred God Monument, and he is also the **** child of Forbidden Heaven City. If you want to kill you, like slaughtering pigs and dogs, you have to go to death?”

Shan Rou gently held Ye Chen’s hand and said, “Brother Ye Chen, forget it, that place is so dangerous, you should not go there, why don’t we go back to the Palace of the King of the Realm together, and we will deal with the matter later. plan.”

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