The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7623: Di Shitian

Di Shi Wanye’s face was bleak, and he immediately returned to the Wanxu Temple with his subordinates.

He didn’t think about escaping anything, because his life and soul was pinched by Emperor Yuhuang. Even if he escaped to the ends of the earth, the ancient Emperor Yuhuang could kill him with a single thought.

Returning to the Wanxu Temple, Emperor Shi Wanye met Yuhuang Ancient Emperor in front of the Cuizhu Immortal Pond.


Emperor Shi Wanye knelt down, silent, with a frighteningly pale face.

Emperor Yu gave a “hmm”, nodded lightly, and sighed, “I already know.”

There is no need for Emperor Shi Wanye to elaborate. Under the induction of heaven’s secret, the ancient Emperor Yu Huang knew that he had failed again.

He felt powerless. He didn’t expect to send Emperor Shi Wanye down this time, but he still failed.

“The Lord of Reincarnation, the wings are hardened.”

The ancient emperor Yu Huang sighed and sighed, afraid that the prophecy that reincarnation would replace Wanxu would come true.

The Lord of Reincarnation, worthy of being a person of great luck, with the eight-layered body of the etheric realm, he cut off the shackles of his hands and advanced his martial arts.

This time, Ye Chen escaped, and the consequences were extremely serious.

The ancient emperor Yu Huang could already predict that when he sees Ye Chen next time, the latter is likely to have smashed the shackles and achieved an unprecedented splendor.

You must know that the number of his shackles is only ninety-three.

The goddess slashed the shackles at ninety-six, and Ren Feifei cut the shackles at ninety-seven, which had already made the Yuhuang ancient emperor feel extremely threatened.

If the reincarnation slashes hundreds of paths, the luck of Wanxu will be completely suppressed, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Di Shi Wanye said: “Old Ancestor, I am ineffective, I am willing to die!”

At this moment, Emperor Shi Wanye just wanted to die quickly.

In the hands of Emperor Yu Huang, death is the best ending, at least it can be liberated.

The most fearful thing is to be refined into a puppet, or to be used for alchemy or something. It is really better to die than life.

Emperor Yu nodded lightly and said, “Of course you want to die, but you have to die for something worthwhile.”

The Emperor Shi Wanye was frightened, and kowtowed: “The ancestor is kind, I just want to die quickly, please give me a treat.”

Emperor Yu smiled and said, “Don’t worry, you won’t be tortured too much.”

After saying that, Yuhuang Ancient Emperor waved his hand, and a giant cauldron appeared.

Afterwards, Emperor Shi Wanye felt that his whole body was blocked.

A roll of Yuhuang Ancient Emperor’s sleeve robe, Emperor Shi Wanye’s body has been soaked in the giant cauldron.

The inside of the giant cauldron is filled with all kinds of immortal water and spiritual liquid, and there are many precious medicinal materials floating on the surface.

Di Shi Wanye was terrified and said, “Ancestor, what do you want to do! Please give me a relief for the sake of us fighting together back then!”

The Emperor Yu said: “Don’t panic, I will give you a relief.”

The tone of Yuhuang Ancient Emperor’s speech was very flat.

This plain tone revealed a deep and cruel murderous intent, which made Emperor Shi Wanye shudder.

I saw Yuhuang Ancient Emperor flicked his hand, and a black enchantment appeared on the ground.

Inside the barrier, black mist filled the air, and a cage slowly emerged.

In the cage, a remnant of the soul is trapped.

That’s Di Shitian’s remnant soul!


Di Shi Wanye was shocked when he saw Di Shi Tian.

At this time, Emperor Shitian had a withered soul and a depressed appearance.

His ideal has been shattered, and now the whole person is lost and confused.

The ancient emperor Yu Huang sighed: “Emperor Shitian, you are a person of great luck. In this world, you may be the only one who can defeat the Lord of Samsara.”

When Emperor Shitian heard the words “Lord of Reincarnation”, his dazed expression fluctuated a little, and he looked up at Yuhuang Ancient Emperor.

Emperor Shi Wanye was also looking at the ancient emperor Yu Huang. He didn’t know what the ancient emperor Yu Huang wanted to do when he summoned Emperor Shi Tian this time.

Emperor Yu opened the cage, released Di Shitian’s remnant soul, and said, “Di Shitian, are you interested in working for me? I can help you recast your body, and even help you destroy your inner demons. Great curse sword, practice to the ninth floor.”

Hearing this, Di Shitian showed a grim smile and said, “Do you want to court death?”

If you train to the ninth level, it will be enough to judge the entire world, cleanse all sins, and turn every living being into its own puppet, which is extremely terrifying.

If Emperor Shitian’s Inner Demon Great Curse Sword really reaches the ninth level, he is even confident that he can judge Yuhuang Ancient Emperor!

You must know that the murder of demons is inexorable, and it can ignore the gap between realms.

It was not Di Shitian who killed, but the demons in other people’s hearts!

Characters like Emperor Yu Huanggu have great desires and deep demonic obstacles. Once his inner demons are seduced, he will immediately lose his mind and become a puppet.

The stronger the cultivation base, the deeper the inner demon, and the more afraid of the killing of the inner demon big curse sword.

Emperor Yu Emperor naturally knew this, even he was not sure to fight against the inner demons of the peak realm, which is a terrible magical power that is enough to judge the entire real world.

“The legendary Inner Demon Great Curse Sword originally had only eight layers. Later, due to the influence of time and space, the ninth layer was born.”

“This ninth-level demon is the law of no world, a sharp blade that controls the real world.”

“I ask myself about the invincibility in the universe, but in the face of Wuwu and inner demons, I am a little cowardly after all.”

“I will help you rebuild your body, and even assist you to reach the top of the inner demon, of course, there are conditions.”

The ancient emperor Yu Huang smiled slightly, and did not hide his fear of Wuwu and inner demons.

The real strong person is not fearless, but knows how to face fear and how to solve it.

Di Shitian’s heart moved and said, “What conditions?”

Emperor Yu said: “I will plant a restriction in your body, and you will serve me again.”

“Once you betray, I can kill you with a single thought.”

Di Shitian smiled and said, “Want to use me as a tool?”

Ancient Emperor Yu Huang said: “Yes, but you also have the opportunity to fight back, the ninth level of the inner demon, once you practice it, maybe you can turn around and use the inner demon to control me, thus ruling the whole world! “

Di Shitian shook his head and said, “I’m not interested in ruling the world. Everyone in this world has demons, and there is no meaning of existence.”

“I just want to clean up this sinful world and build an ideal country.”

“I believe that the brilliance of ideals can even break through the limitations of reality and shine into the world of Wuwu.”

Listening to Di Shitian’s words, Di Shi Wanye was dazed and said, “Tian’er, you…you’re already crazy.”

Di Shitian not only wanted to judge the world, but even wanted to rely on the brilliance of the ideal country to illuminate Wuwu, so as to prove the Tao against the sky.

This is a really crazy idea.

The ancient emperor Yu Huang stroked his beard with a smile and said: “I am a relatively common person, I don’t understand what the ideal country is, what the glory of the trial, I just want to rely on your magic sword to kill the reincarnation. Lord boy.”

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