The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7549: The Holy Grail

Ye Wuhen knelt on the ground and said, “Reporting to the headmaster, the disciple’s skills are not as good as others, and he was defeated by the Lord of Samsara.”

Zhang Qingyu nodded and said: “Well, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. I don’t blame you. Where is your Tingyu sword?”


Ye endless cold sweat, lips blue and white, said: “I made a bet with the Lord of Reincarnation, I lost, I handed the Tingyu Sword to him.”

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyu’s face twitched, and he said, “Who told you to make a gambling contract? Then Ting Yujian is a treasure in this sect, and there is a Nine Nether Sword Soul sealed in it, which is of great value! Who gave you the courage? , take the Tingyu sword to bet?”

Ye Wuhen trembled and said: “Master, you gave me that sword, I have the right to deal with it, this loss is my fault, but…”


Before he finished speaking, there was a flash of ink in front of him, and Zhang Qingyu had already slapped him hard.

“What I gave you is yours!? You are so bold, you dare to gamble with your treasure!”

Zhang Qingyu’s eyes were so angry that they almost burst into flames. He didn’t expect Ye Wuhen to be so bold that he would gamble with the Tingyu Sword.

Elder Song Ji stood up, his eyes were dark, and said: “Endless, you suppress the realm, and duel with the Lord of Reincarnation, even if you lose, you can restore the method of Tianjun, just don’t admit it, why? To be so stupid, do you really hand over the Tingyu Sword to him?”

Ye Wuhen said: “Elder, but if this is the case, wouldn’t it be a breach of promise?”

Song Ji sneered and said, “Xinnuo is a piece of shit! You haven’t sworn a poisonous oath, so don’t worry about causal backlash, even if you don’t admit it, what can the Lord of Reincarnation do to you?”

Ye Wuhen said: “But, elder, didn’t you say that behind the Lord of Reincarnation, is there any extraordinary guardian?”

Song Ji sighed, “As long as you don’t hurt his life, then Ren Feifei won’t show up easily. Alas, your mind is too rigid, and practicing swordsmanship is really stupid.”

After a pause, Song Ji looked up at Zhang Qingyu again and said, “Headmaster, fortunately we haven’t told him the secrets of our sect, otherwise I’m afraid it will be a big deal!”

Ye Wuheng said: “Elder, what is the major secret of this sect? Why have you been reluctant to tell me?”

“Stop talking!”

Zhang Qingyu waved his hand impatiently. He always wanted to cultivate Ye Wuhen and become a confidant.

But judging from today’s events, Ye Wuheng is indeed a sword idiot. Many things do not know how to change, and it is inexplicable that he lost Jianmen’s heavy treasure Tingyujian.

“You have lost the Tingyu Sword, which has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years. According to the rules of the school, you should abolish the dantian and be expelled from the school.”

Hearing this, Ye Wuxian’s face turned ashen, knelt on the ground, and said, “Sect Master, be gracious!”

Zhang Qingyu had a gloomy face, did not speak, only waved to Song Ji.

Song Ji’s eyes were also gloomy. He stepped forward, grabbed Ye Wuhen’s collar, and said, “Xi Wu, you lost the Tingyu Sword today, you are the eternal sinner of my Jianmen, and you are ashamed of the seven sons of Jianmen. Title, today I will abolish your dantian and expel you from the division, what else do you have to say?”

Among the many geniuses of Jianmen, seven are the most famous, known as the “Seven Sons of Jianmen”.

Ye Endless is one of the “Seven Sons of the Sword”!

However, the sin he committed today is too great, and the sword gate can no longer tolerate him.

“Elder, be kind! I can make up for it!”

Ye Hentai’s heart is like a knife, and he pleads again and again. Under the grief in his heart, the chaotic rain and sword heart shook the world, causing the world in this painting to rain heavily.

A drop of rain falls on the land of ink and wash, picking up puddles of ink like a dream.

“It’s not necessary to make up for the wrongs, take the blame!”

Song Ji raised his palm and wanted to abolish the endless dantian of the night.

“Master, wait a minute!”

At this time, a voice sounded.

I saw a man with a red long sword on his back, striding into the world in the painting.

“Song Yanjun!”

Ye Wuhen looked at the man, his face twitching.

The man’s name is Song Yanjun. He once competed with Ye Hentai for the title of “Seven Sons of the Sword Sect”, but he was eventually defeated by Ye Hentai.

This Song Yanjun is also a direct disciple of Elder Song Ji.

“Jun Yan, what are you doing?”

Elder Song Ji said slowly.

Song Yanjun folded his hands and said: “Master, head teacher, this night is endless and heinous, you don’t need to do it, I will abolish his dantian.”

Song Ji was taken aback and glanced at Zhang Qingyu, the headmaster.

Zhang Qingyu did not speak, but acquiesced.

Song Ji nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll leave it to you.”

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Ye Xian’s collar, blocked his aura, and threw it directly to Song Yanjun.

“Thank you, Master!”

Song Yanjun was overjoyed, looking at Ye Wuhen on the ground, he sneered: “Senior Brother Wu Wu, I’m sorry, who told you to be so arrogant and lost the supreme weapon of my Jianmen, today you were abolished in dantian , to be expelled from the teacher’s door is also self-defeating!”

Speaking of which, Song Yanjun raised his hand and slammed it against Ye Wuhen’s lower abdomen.


Ye Wuxian opened his mouth and spurted blood, only to feel severe pain in his lower abdomen, and his dantian had been broken.

In addition to the dantian being abolished, he clearly felt that there was a scorching ray of lihuo dark energy that had penetrated into his body.

“Song Yanjun, you…”

Ye Hentai’s face was distorted, knowing that Song Yanjun was avenging his personal revenge, in addition to abolishing his dantian, he secretly buried a ray of evil spirit in him, and when that evil spirit broke out, he would definitely die!

“Headmaster, Master.”

After Song Yanjun abolished Ye Wuhen Dantian, he stood up and bowed to Zhang Qingyu and Song Ji.

Zhang Qingyu’s face was gloomy, and he didn’t talk nonsense. With a flick of his sleeves, Ye Wuhen’s body flew out of the world in the painting.

“From today onwards, that night will be endless, and I will no longer be a disciple of my Sword Sect!”

“Song Yanjun, you will make up for the absence of the Seven Swordsmen.”

Zhang Qingyu said lightly.

Song Yanjun was overjoyed and said, “Thank you for teaching!”

Elder Song Ji was very worried and said, “Headmaster, we lost the Tingyu Sword, and the luck of the Dao Lineage will be greatly affected. What should we do in the future?”

Zhang Qingyu pondered for a while, then frowned and said, “How is the investigation of the whereabouts of Lihuo Realm?”

Elder Song Ji said: “You mean the place where the treasure of the Chaos Yan Emperor was located in the past, the realm of Lihuo?”

Zhang Qingyu said: “That’s right!”

Elder Song Ji said: “I have already found out the whereabouts of Lihuo Realm, and I even took Yanjun to the periphery of that secret realm, grabbed a trace of Lihuo Shenyan, and gave him to cultivate inner breath.” He looked at Song Yanjun.

Song Yanjun hurriedly said: “Exactly!”

He was in Ye Wuhen’s dantian just now, quietly burying a suffocating fire, enough to kill Ye Wuhen.

Zhang Qingyu said: “I heard that in the Realm of Li Huo, there is a collection of the life-long treasures of the Chaos Yan Emperor, among which there are two great treasures, one is the divine fire left by him, and the other is the legendary man slaughtering the Holy Grail!”

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