The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7522: Criticism

“I…” Even Xiao Qin was speechless by the black-clothed elders for a while, the head of a dignified clan, who wanted to escape in times of crisis, how could this convince the public?

Xiao Qin took a deep breath, gently shook off Ling’er’s little hand, and continued: “Elder Xiao is very true, if there is really a disaster, as the patriarch, I should live and die with the Xiao family!”

Seeing this, the black-clothed elder softened a bit.

And at this moment, they all were seen by those eyes in the dark.

The light flashed away, and in the ruined world nine days away, countless shattered stars perished, and the whole world fell into darkness. Emperor Taiyan stood in it, and the darkness engulfed his face.

“Boy, fight with me, you are still tender!”


“Xiao Qin, you are confused!”

Linger was so anxious that she jumped straight.

“Old man, do you know how much trouble Xiao Qin will cause if he stays here?”

“Once Emperor Taiyan arrives, there is every reason to slaughter the Xiao family. Can you bear the anger of a powerhouse of this level?”

Ling’er’s words made the black-clothed elder look shocked, and the other elders of the elder group beside him also frowned.

In the past, the city that was close to Taichi, that domineering and unparalleled figure is still imprinted in everyone’s hearts. …

“If you want to go, you can take everyone from the Xiao family with you!”

The elder in black obviously didn’t even have the courage to offend Emperor Taiyan, even if he opened his mouth.


Linger rolled her eyes at the man in black, and immediately said solemnly: “Old guy, let alone the thousands of people in the Xiao family, even Xiao Qin can’t take away so many people at the same time with the power of space. right?”

It is obvious that an open and above-mentioned escape is not feasible. Now, the only option is to tear open the cracks in the space and retreat silently.

Xiao Qin frowned and seemed to think of something:

“Emperor Taiyan is looking for Ye Chen. In other words, even if he comes to the city of Taiyan, he is only looking for me. If I am not there, Emperor Taiyan’s reputation will never be open to the Xiao clan. Killing and quitting, was cast aside by the world.”

“If the Xiao family flees collectively…then the nature will be different!”

Once discovered, it is doomed!

Linger continued: “Ye Chen angered that old guy. If you don’t want to get burned, let me and Xiao Qin leave. If someone asks, you don’t know it!”

The black-clothed elder frowned, Emperor Taiyan couldn’t afford to offend him, but the situation would be extremely complicated if he kept people here.

Xiao Qin felt a killing intent, and immediately said: “Elder Xiao, if you want to keep her, there will only be one battle!”

The firm eyes looked at the elders, Xiao Qin, the domineering head of the Xiao family, always kept his word!

The elder in black saw that Xiao Qin was willing to be an enemy of the elders for the sake of a mere Ye Chen, and he was also muttering in his heart, but he did not know that the entrustment of the Soul Code Venerable Wang Xiaoyu was to make Xiao Qin no matter what. You can’t be an enemy of Ye Chen.


The old man in black, who has aged a lot in an instant, has been weighed several times, but he has never made a move, and said lightly to Xiao Qin: “Let’s go, if Emperor Taiyan comes, the old man will try his best to deal with it!”

Xiao Qin bowed slightly to the elders of the group of elders, and immediately tore open a corner of the void with Linger and left.

The guardian totem beast of the Xiao family dared to raise his eyes and whispered softly: “The suppression of blood and the power of space…”


Near the city of Taichi, Ye Chen’s eyes were tightly closed and opened from time to time, looking at the giant city not far away, his indifferent reincarnation sky eyes were bursting with ripples.

Playing with the bottom of the purple sea, the sword embryo cast by Xingchenyun only exudes a faint dark starlight, other than that, it is indistinguishable from a dead object.

He intends to fuse this sword with the Desolate Heaven Sword.

The growth of the Reincarnation Heavenly Sword requires a sword soul, while the growth of the Desolate Demon Heavenly Sword requires devouring.

This thing is extraordinary, and it may be able to improve the Heavenly Demon Sword.


The familiar sound of sneezing sounded, and behind Ye Chen, the void slowly cracked open, and Xiao Qin and Linger holding the little unicorn suddenly appeared in front of them.

“Too tired… I want to sleep for a while…” Before the word ‘will’ was uttered, the little purple unicorn was completely tilted and fell asleep. After a while, Snoring everywhere.

“This little thing has just got out of trouble, and it has used magical powers several times. It can’t bear it anymore in its infancy. When it wakes up, it may grow into a new form! This time may be years, maybe months. , or several days.”

Linger smiled, and the little unicorn in her arms turned into a streamer and poured into Ye Chen’s reincarnation cemetery, and there was no sound.

Such a strange beast cannot be handled with common sense. No one knows how long it will take for the little guy to fall asleep this time…

“What the **** happened?”

Xiao Qin asked when he saw that Ye Chen was safe.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to answer, Ling’er on the side said, “What else, the old man has the same attitude as the three major families, he just wants Ye Chen’s fire!”


At this moment, a shocking thunder flashed across the nine heavens, and the thunder of the thickness of the arm was raging, and the flashing thunder ripped apart the sky with an extremely strange gesture. To the edge of the stars shine.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The old laughter penetrated down through the dome, and even the entire city near Tai Tai was dominated by these almost crazy sounds.

“No, how did that old guy find this place!”

Linger jumped up in an instant, looking at the sky vigilantly, she believed that the space blockade of her cooperation with the little unicorn would never be traced.

“Marven Ye, Xiao family!”

Wang Teng, who was near the city of Tai, had a smile in his heart at this moment. With such a strong shot, ten Ye Chen and the Xiao family would also fall!

“It seems that it is the one who is going to liquidate!”

The Qi family and the Zhu family looked at the vision above the nine heavens, and a touch of excitement surged in their hearts.

Once the Xiao family falls, the situation in this city close to Tai Tai… will be completely changed!

“Ye Chen, even if you run to the ends of the earth, you won’t be able to find the palm of this old man!”

Above the nine heavens, the sound of drinking sounded, the red robe was gently tossed, and behind the crack, the boundless star burst into pieces in an instant, and a figure rushed out, condescending to examine the common people!

The current Taiyan Emperor has long since lost the fatigue of the previous World War I, and his broken body has completely healed.

“The traitor Ye Chen, the old man is cultivating it intentionally, but you little guy doesn’t know how to praise you. When the old man is not prepared, you have stolen the treasure. Today, I will take care of the city of Jintai and get rid of your scourge!”

Emperor Taiyan had a sarcastic look on his face. The world’s general trend was just a sentence that he could easily rewrite!

For a while, the warriors in the city near Tai were all shaken, and the voices of Ye Chen’s verbal and written criticism were endless.

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