The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7135: Cooperation

“But at that time, the heavens were shattered, and the dark cloud from nowhere completely blocked the passage of the space, followed by lightning and thunder, and the violent storm poured down! We stood below, at a loss, I want to get close, but I don’t dare.”

As Nangong talked about it month by month, Ye Chen and the Lord of Judgment finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

The Ouyang family disappeared in the front, and the four major families that followed had an irreversible abnormality in the decisive battle.

It’s all tied together and questionable.

Now the entire Immortal City, as well as the tens of thousands of miles of land outside the city, has become a place of gunpowder smoke.

They wanted to negotiate with the Ximen and Beiluo families, but Beiluohuang, the young tyrant of the Beiluo family, was not willing to negotiate with them at all.

Then Beiluohuang used cruel means to persecute other clansmen, slaughtering them, and expelling them from the city of immortality.

“It turns out that you want to use the power of the altar formation! But the altar formation is useless. The seeds of the holy fire are in the hands of the Ouyang family, and in the last battle, the formation also cracked. .”

Nangong said month by month.

“But… maybe we can work together!”

Nangong’s mind was spinning fast month by month.

She plans to use Ye Chen and the Lord of Judgment, two people who have never appeared before, to disguise and sneak into the immortal city!

“Okay! That’s exactly what we mean!”

Marven Ye agreed immediately, as long as he could get close to the altar formation.

After all, this is the only way to save the Devil Emperor.

Of course Ye Chen wanted to go directly to the dark forbidden sea to save people, but the last time he rescued Yuchiyao, Wutian had been alerted. If he really went through the dark forbidden sea, he would definitely die.

Although I am much stronger, the gap with Wutian is still too huge.

Nangong sent some people every month to follow Ye Chen and set off together.

A few of them disguised as ordinary outsiders and approached the city.

Marven Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the endless magnificent city.

This immortal city is huge, terrifying, and surrounded by rubble.

The most important thing is that the city walls faintly emit seven-color light, and those consciousnesses seem to be moved out of the forbidden area of ​​life, which is extremely mysterious.

What’s even more surprising is that the city couldn’t see the real shape at all, and was covered by a chaotic haze. What Ye Chen reached was just a corner.

The space debris is flying everywhere, and the falling stars one after another, as if they are all rushing into an endless abyss.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen couldn’t help frowning slightly.

This giant city is indeed a little weird. He had never heard of such a mysterious existence in the Earth’s Heart Domain before.

The connection between the geocentric domain and the upper world, as well as those ancestors, is far from being as simple as it seems.

The white fog churned and the rays of the sun rose, and Ye Chen seemed to transfer from one space to another in an instant.

An old man in front dressed as a refugee is walking slowly. This man is named Dongfang He, and he is the leader sent by the alliance.

There are several people behind him, also wrapped tightly, covering most of their faces.

Marven Ye felt strange immediately. The alliance’s move was to let them go into the city to inquire about the situation, to do something, and to bring them both in by the way.

But Ye Chen always felt that things were not that simple, not to mention the strange behavior and strange behavior of these people. The immortal city can’t see the entrance for a long time, which is also quite bad.

The Dongfang He, who was walking in front, suddenly slowed down. He still had his back to Ye Chen, but his voice could reach Ye Chen’s ears.

“You need to be careful, young man, and follow us closely, or it’s easy to get lost in this immortal city.”

Dongfang Crane reminded.

Ye Chen replied yes, he felt that the identity of this Dongfang He should not be simple. After all, looking at his indifferent appearance, it is obviously not the first time that he has come to this immortal city.

Then Ye Chen looked back again, and the Lord of Judgment followed silently, looking at the thick haze, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

“How many times have you been to this place?”

Marven Ye couldn’t help but ask.

The Lord of Judgment was stunned for a while, and then said: “There should be two times. At that time, the city of immortality was not fully developed, but it only looked like a giant city.”

Marven Ye turned his head and continued to move forward. After a while, the thick white mist dissipated, and he could see clearly that many people came out of the mist.

The outline of the giant city gradually appeared in the clouds and mist. When Ye Chen looked at it, he felt a little depressed, because this immortal city was not standing on land, but in the void.

It left the ground and floated into the air, like a place where gods lived, out of reach.

And in the middle of the immortal city is a sea of ​​clouds, in which there is a vision evolved from clouds and mists, rising into the sky like a sea tide, and the waves are overwhelming.

Almost half the wall!

Even if some strong people want to break through, they have to weigh their own strength, whether they will be swallowed by this wave before reaching the Immortal City.

And between this side of the world and the immortal city, there are bridges paved with iron locks spreading over, which appear extremely withered in the sea of ​​clouds.

Ye Chen roughly counted, the number of these iron chain bridges is about a hundred, shaking in the air, looking extremely dangerous.

But no matter how rough the tide was, it couldn’t affect the bridge.

The iron chain bridge stands still, as stable as Mount Tai.

Ye Chen walked to the bridge and felt the endless gust of wind blowing up from underneath, and his expression became a little dignified.

The robes on his body rattled, and immediately a rune appeared, protecting him from the wave.

Ye Chen followed Dongfang He and others, stepped on the iron rope, passed through step by step, and finally reached the other side.

After crossing this iron chain bridge, you can see the majestic and magnificent city.

The gate of the city looks like an open devil’s mouth and two fangs.

The actual fangs, up close, are actually two pillars supporting the upper jaw of the demon.

Just when Ye Chen wanted to walk in, an old beggar stopped him in the desolate place outside the city gate.

“This immortal city is unfathomable. After entering, you must pay attention. Don’t be fooled by the false appearance in front of you. The most important thing is to follow your heart.”

The old beggar suddenly sat up, grabbed the corner of Ye Chen’s clothes, and muttered to himself like a madman.

Marven Ye looked at the old beggar with a thoughtful expression.

But soon, he entered the city with Dongfang He and others, while the old beggar still sat there, not saying a word.

There are many guards at the gate of the city to check the identity of those who enter the city.

Before entering, Ye Chen put a bracelet given by Dongfang He on his wrist.

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