The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7085: Let’s go!

He tried to find the truth in the depths of this formation, and finally, in a state of emptiness, he saw a shadowy figure in the depths of the mountains.

It is Yuchiyao!

The Yuchiyao here is the real body, sealed in the depths of this formation, unable to escape.

Ye Chen focused on the center, and the power of reincarnation shuttled in and out of it, and finally broke the barrier!

Then he no longer hesitated, and directly rolled up Yuchiyao’s spiritual body and took it out without any sluggishness.

It’s not easy to find a chance in this great formation!

As expected, the backlash is coming! And it came very quickly. The order received by this formation was to trap Yuchiyao, but now Yuchiyao’s spiritual body was intercepted, which naturally caused turmoil.

There seems to be a huge riot throughout the giant city, with countless sand and rocks falling.

Ye Chen turned around and saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly, he snorted coldly, and the monstrous power of reincarnation swept out, like a fierce beast, facing the impact.

The two collided, and the sky and the earth were torn apart, with the giant city as the center, spreading outward.

The desolate Tianniu, Shentu Wan’er and the others, who were originally facing each other, instantly disintegrated their offensive, and the shocking force struck quickly, causing them to quickly activate their own defenses.

The shocking power that reaches the depths of the soul is almost unmatched!

It was at this moment’s block that Ye Chen brought Yuchiyao’s spiritual body out, slapped it with the palm of his hand, and sent it back into his body.


The chains wrapped around Yuchiyao’s body also disintegrated.

“Let’s go!”

Ye Chen didn’t say a word, he took Yuchiyao and rushed out, the two towers swirled and floated, advancing rapidly.

Where the two towers passed, the space burst, the sky and the earth roared, and even the rules in the void were crushed.

The wild ancient beetle and the woman in Tsing Yi suddenly looked dignified and waited.

But suddenly, the monstrous sword intent that came out from the middle of the two towers shocked the two of them.

“No, just dodge!”

The Desolate Heavenly Bull was the first to perceive the terrifying power contained in that sword, and without saying a word, directly avoided it.

The woman in Tsing Yi hesitated for a moment, but she put away the jade pipa and avoided it.

After Ye Chen displayed the water-stopping sword, he manipulated the two towers and rolled forward, rumbled like a planet, and the giant beast roared. At the same time, he also brought Shentu Waner and Xiao Huang also pulled in.

In an instant, the void was torn apart and escaped into it.

Seeing this, the Desolate Heavenly Bull and the Tsing Yi woman changed their expressions one after another.

“Not good! These guys are going to escape from the void tunnel, and they must not be allowed to succeed.”

The ancient beetle took out a page of letter paper and set it on fire.

In this way, it is equivalent to notifying the other powerhouses of the Old Japan Alliance, and there will be someone to intercept the space.

As the guardian demon generals of this ancient city’s great formation, they don’t have to come forward.



Ye Chen has torn through several layers of space. He did not return along the original path, but directly used the power of the Samsara bloodline and the virtual tablet to break through the hundred obstacles.

During this period, Linger made a few shots, but for some reason, Ye Chen faintly felt that something was wrong with Linger, and seemed to be thinking.

But no matter how Ye Chen asked, Linger kept silent.

Marven Ye broke through many obstacles, but in the end, he was blocked.

It was not one person who stopped Ye Chen, but a whole murderous army!

The soldiers of that army, ghost-faced and fangs, all wore masks and gathered together, forming a very powerful force.

When Ye Chen saw this, his pupils could not help shrinking.

He seems to have heard the name of this army before.

This army is called the “Dragon Army”, and it was built by the Demon Ancestor Wutian. It is said that the strong men of the Tianlong Army are all soldiers forged from the remains of the ancient gods and demons. They are cold and ruthless. God’s command.

Ye Chen also heard from the Demon Emperor Zhetian before, because Mozu Wutian never sent this army to the outside world to fight, so many people don’t know its name.

Unexpectedly, today, they triggered the interception mission.

The waves of the magic soldiers surrounding them were astonishing.

The ghost-faced fangs were neatly arranged before attacking, and there was a strong sense of chill.

The entire void is shaking, as if it is about to disintegrate in the next moment.


This is the roaring killing intent that permeates from it, like thick smoke, and it lasts for a long time.

“Hurry up and let me solve it!”

Marven Ye opened the entrance to the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Yuchiyao and Xiaohuang quickly entered it, but Shentu Wan’er stayed.

“Wan’er, hurry in.” Ye Chen shouted.

Shentu Wan’er shook her head: “I want to fight side by side with you. These demon soldiers are guarding the gate of the void world. If we don’t defeat them, none of us can escape.”

Ye Chen nodded, and then his aura quickly gathered and condensed into some kind of wave, and roared out!

“Bing Zi Jue!”

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and pinched the seal, and the brilliance bloomed in an instant, like thousands of trees, pear blossoms bloomed, and golden yellow flowers bloomed brightly in the entire void.

A moment later, the petals shattered, and a path was made in the monstrous murderous aura of the cold and deep cold.

“The True Solution to the Great Desolation!”

Ye Chen let out a low voice, his palms stretched out like eagle claws, and the golden brilliance that filled the sky, condensed with demonic energy, mighty and mighty, a black hole-like deep image emerged.

Aura and magic energy were compressed into a single point.

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