The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 3644: Kneel! (four more)

However, he was also a little angry. Ye Chen was not a good-tempered person. He was repeatedly entangled by Xu Shenglong without breaking out.

The next moment, Xu Shenglong let out a sky-shattering tiger roar. In the Xingyue Palace, some of the weaker disciples screamed in agony, and their ears were shaken with blood. !

Endless demonic energy surged out of Xu Shenglong’s body, and the golden robe on his body instantly radiated light, billowing with tremendous force, collapsing in his body, and punching Ye Chen again!

This punch, Xu Shenglong still did not use any demon power, but a punch with pure physical strength!

However, it’s not at all like the random grab before, it can be compared, it’s more than five times stronger?

With a punch, the hurricane whistled, and the furniture in the hall made of top-quality materials turned into powder in an instant, in the hurricane!

Nan Fengyin, Yuan Ping and others all have their pupils shrinking wildly. Is this the strength of the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Sect?

This punch seems to use only physical strength, but in fact, the perfect control of power has already brought the meaning of the Great Way!

The meaning of this Dao is not deliberately comprehended, but is similar to instinct, and after the control of power reaches the extreme, it will enter the realm on its own!

In this way of returning to the basics, the power of the Divine Dao comprehended is far stronger than that obtained by normal comprehension!

Because, this way of understanding the Dao is the closest to the essence of the Dao, and there is almost no complication!

However, ordinary people can’t learn this method even if they want to learn it, because only martial practitioners with martial arts aptitude and extreme martial arts can master it naturally!

Nan Fengyin, being able to become the Palace Master, naturally does not need to say much about his qualifications, but, even in Nan Fengyin’s tens of thousands of years of martial arts career, the number of times that he naturally understands the Dao itself is never More than three times!

And Xu Shenglong?

Judging from the strength of its avenues, at least it takes hundreds of times of perception and understanding to do it!

Of course, there is also a downside to completely relying on this method to master the power of the divine way, that is, the time required is too long, which may be thousands of times as long as normal enlightenment!

Yes, the lifespan of the demon clan is extremely long. Xu Shenglong has some time, doesn’t he?

And he’s not more than a thousand years old this year!

As a monster, he has such a talent for martial arts.

The most important thing is that Xu Shenglong is not yet the most talented demon clan of the Nine Saint Demon Sect…

Everyone couldn’t help shaking their heads, Ye Chen was able to shake Xu Shenglong’s arm, which was beyond their expectations, but that’s all…

Although Xu Shenglong still used pure physical strength for this blow, from the moment he brought this incomparably pure Dao rhyme, the outcome was basically determined.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Chen would be defeated by Xu Shenglong’s blow, a sky-shattering demonic aura suddenly appeared in the hall of Xingyue Palace!

The moment Nan Fengyin and the others felt this demonic energy, their expressions changed, and they looked extremely shocked…


Because, this demonic energy doesn’t come from Xu Shenglong!

It came from Ye Chen!

Marven Ye looked at Xu Shenglong coldly, with anger looming in his eyes!

Compared with demon energy, compared with strength? He doesn’t lose any of the Heaven-Mending Realm!

His body is surging with great strength against the sky, a fist is closed in the chest, destroying the divine aura, permeating from the top of the fist, ready to go!

Marven Ye was really fed up with Xu Shenglong. With this punch, he wanted to completely defeat Xu Shenglong without giving the opponent a chance to stand up again, so even Ye Chen, the body of a demon, used it!

He stared at Xu Shenglong’s punch and smiled coldly. It seems that Xu Shenglong is also extremely proud. If he loses to himself in pure power, he will use pure power to win it back?

Haha, unfortunately, compared to strength, he, Ye Chen, has never been afraid of anyone!

The next moment, one punch!

This punch also does not have any spiritual power fluctuations, but it is still enough to make everyone’s brains tremble!

Those present, no weak ones, can naturally feel how powerful this punch is!

But, what shocked everyone in Xingyue Palace the most was that Ye Chen actually had the bloodline of the demon race, and it seemed to be a very high bloodline of the demon race!

Even, the moment Ye Chen released his demonic energy, Xu Shenglong trembled, the golden light in his eyes dissipated instantly, and a look of fear appeared on his face!

As if being suppressed by the bloodline!

This is really beyond their expectations…

Xu Shenglong is the nephew of the demon emperor of the Nine Saint Demon Sect, and his bloodline will naturally not be weak. To suppress Xu Shenglong, how terrifying bloodline is needed, one can imagine!

In an instant, everyone’s eyes on Ye Chen changed!

Monster clan, respect bloodline, since Ye Chen has such a terrifying demon clan bloodline, it is very likely that he also has a good position among the demon clan!

However, the one whose expression changed the most was Xu Shenglong!

Just a second before the collision between the fists of the two sides, Xu Shenglong gritted his teeth fiercely and forcibly reversed his punch regardless of the injury, and he was even more defenseless towards Ye Chen hit the fist!

The people in the Xingyue Palace, seeing this scene, will be frozen in consciousness!

What exactly happened?

Even Ye Chen frowned slightly, and at the moment when his fist was about to hit Xu Shenglong, he dissipated his power and retracted his fist.

In terms of understanding of Tao, Ye Chen is still far ahead of Xu Shenglong!

Otherwise, how can one comprehend the divine way of destruction?

Actually, Ye Chen’s Daoist rhyme also has almost no impurities, but the breath is more restrained, and ordinary people can’t feel it.

As for the reason, even Xuan Hanyu is very puzzled. Ye Chen relies on his own understanding. The way of cultivation should be the same as that of ordinary warriors. The power of the divine way is not pure enough. All of Chen’s understandings seem to be completely in line with the essence of the Great Way of the Heavens!

Marven Ye was able to achieve the effect of natural comprehension in the way of ordinary people’s comprehension!

In Xuan Hanyu’s view, this may also be related to Ye Chen’s previous life!

At this moment, Xu Shenglong’s hand bones have been broken due to forcibly twisting the power of his punch, but this small injury is nothing to the demon clan.

At this moment, he couldn’t even take care of the fracture, and in front of everyone’s eyes, he knelt down in front of Ye Chen without hesitation!

The entire hall was silent, and everyone was stunned to watch this scene…

The high-level demon clan, who has always been extremely proud and would not be humiliated even in death, actually knelt down?

Even Ye Chen looked at Xu Shenglong with astonishment on his face. Even by the standards of the demon clan, this Xu Shenglong was definitely an existence with few roots in his mind…

One moment ago, he still shot with all his strength, **** for tat, and the next moment, he kneeled directly?

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