The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 1631: I can! (one more)

Zi Ning said these words, and she was slightly shocked in her heart.

She didn’t understand why she was willing to give Ye Chen this chance.

After all, what is sealed in her body is related to the lifeline of Xuanyue Sect.

Even, from a certain point of view, her behavior is to betray Xuanyue Sect.

But for some reason, there seemed to be a voice in her heart asking her to promise Ye Chen.

During this period of time, she got to know Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen is mysterious, he is definitely not that kind of villain.

Even, Ye Chen has a righteousness in his heart.

All kinds of details made her curious about this little junior brother from the low martial plane.

“Would you like to?”

Zi Ning’s Ye Chen didn’t react at all, and the gentle voice sounded again.

At this moment, Ye Chen seemed to be stunned by happiness!

How could he not want to!

I was brought here by the Eternal Holy King for the sake of one of the reincarnation monuments!

Although Zi Ning did not fully agree to give this thing to herself! But this is at least an opportunity!

Knowing it was so easy, he took the initiative to say it from the beginning!

“Sister, I will!”

Marven Ye suppressed his inner excitement and said.


Zi Ning took a deep look at Ye Chen, and stepped out, the faint **** dress danced slightly, revealing a snow-white neck and a clearly visible collarbone.

There are bursts of light all over the body, and it slopes down like snow.

The next second, her fingers clenched, and the light all over her body burst out!

It’s like a huge barrier covering the whole house!

“This matter is so important that I have to cover everything.”

“Also, this matter, God knows, earth knows, you know and I know. There can’t be another person who knows, understand?”

Zi Ning’s serious voice sounded.

“Senior sister, don’t worry!” Ye Chen said.

After he finished speaking, he also released his spiritual knowledge to the extreme with extreme caution.

Zi Ning nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a golden jade token.

A drop of blood is forced out.

Essence and blood fell on the jade plaque.

And then!

The whole house is filled with colorful light!

The jade plaque is suspended above Zi Ning’s head, and countless ancient Sanskrit characters are surging!

Sanskrit is like a sharp sword, tearing open a special space in front of Zi Ning!

Marven Ye knew that it was the seal in Zi Ning’s body!

As soon as the space is opened, the seal is released, and the whole house is swept by a gust of wind!

The surrounding furniture is all smashed to smithereens!

And Ye Chen was not feeling well either, the violent air wave directly shook his body back, and even spurted out a mouthful of blood!

This power is beyond anything! Even Immortal Venerable can’t bear it!

Not to mention Ye Chen!

Zi Ning’s face was pale, she glanced at the injured Ye Chen, and said with concern: “Are you sure you want to see that thing?”

“This seal was planted by my master, and it contains the coercion and terrifying blow of the powerhouse, which is unbearable for the general creation realm, not to mention your cultivation level in the Primordial Realm.”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed, he stood upright with difficulty, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and walked towards Zi Ning step by step: “I can.”

These three simple words contain Ye Chen’s determination.

Then, with every step closer, Ye Chen realized that the pressure of the seal was even more terrifying!

In other words, the seal did not recognize Ye Chen at all!


Marven Ye spat out another mouthful of blood, and his face was extremely pale!

Zi Ning was slightly startled, a little afraid of Ye Chen’s accident, and said kindly: “Ye Chen, that’s it, that seal is too strong, and it doesn’t recognize anyone, if you come close to me, you will die!”

Before the words were finished, the violent power burst out, and Ye Chen’s body flew out like a broken kite!

Then, it slammed heavily on the wall!

A loud bang resounded!

Zi Ning just wanted to put away the seal, Ye Chen’s blood-filled hand supported the ground and climbed up.

“Sister, don’t close.”

“I can.”

Marven Ye’s voice sounded again.

He knows that if he can’t even solve this small seal, what kind of reincarnation blood will he awaken!

I don’t deserve to own the Reincarnation Monument!

This is not just a test given to him by Zi Ning!

It’s a test given to him by the Reincarnation Monument!

Zi Ning was slightly moved when she saw Ye Chen’s appearance. She wanted to say something, but she still didn’t say it.

The next second, her pupils dilated!

Because she found that Ye Chen moved!

At this moment, Ye Chen’s whole body was swept away by countless demons!

My eyes are covered with icy demonic energy!

“A person from the demon race?”

Zi Ning was slightly shocked. After all, people from the Demon Race were not welcome in Lingwu Continent.

The Xuanyue Sect will not accommodate a single demon.

If Marven Ye is really a remnant of the demon clan, she may give up this move.

May even take action to solve Ye Chen.

Just when Zi Ning was about to close the seal, Ye Chen’s body rushed out of an extremely thick blood!

Zi Ning was not too surprised. After all, anyone in the Lingwu Continent who wants to live to the end must have a lot of lives on their hands.

Only, Zi Ning frowned slightly.

Because she found that Ye Chen’s blood was too strong.

How many people did this kill?

She was even a little curious about what Ye Chen had experienced over the years.

Just when she panicked, a giant tiger phantom rushed out of Ye Chen’s body! The golden light covers it!

The giant tiger phantom is suspended on Ye Chen’s body, as if helping Ye Chen resist the power of this seal!

“Ancient beasts! This kid has refined the blood of ancient beasts? How is that possible!”

Zi Ning is not calm at this moment!

The ancient beasts have almost disappeared from the sky and the earth.

Although every hundred years there will be some rumors from the top auctions of Lingwu Continent.

But this kind of auction, only big people can participate!

Cultures in the realm of creation are not eligible!

But how could this kid from the low martial world have it?

Also, there is no such small place as Kunlun Xu!

Is it because of Marven Ye’s bloodline?

People from the demon race?

Zi Ning stared at Ye Chen, and found that Ye Chen was constantly approaching.

Stubborn as a cow.

“It seems that this guy really cares about what is sealed in my body.” Zi Ning murmured.

Before she could finish her words, suddenly, another dragon roar resounded!

And then!

Zi Ning saw an unforgettable scene in her life!

A blood dragon phantom actually drilled out of Ye Chen’s body!

The blood dragon is so huge that it will burst the whole house!

The icy longan seems to be ignoring mortals!

Zi Ning felt the urge to kneel!

What is the origin of this blood dragon!

How could it appear on a kid in a low martial world?

That one dragon, one man, one tiger, and three figures made the whole world silent!

The endless pressure suddenly dissipated.

I don’t know how long it took before everything went smoothly.

A magnetic voice suddenly sounded in Zi Ning’s ear: “Senior sister, I’m here.”

Zi Ning was startled, only to realize that Ye Chen had broken the pressure of the seal and came to her.

Marven Ye actually did it!

Even the seal admits it?

No way!

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