The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron Chapter 298: The invisible hand

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The one who answered him was Su Yu’s cold voice in the ruins.

“Space Warp!”


A spiraling force of space overflowed from Tiemu Commander’s chest!

If you can see through, you will be able to find that the heart of the iron wood commander is only bound by a distorted space force.

Su Yu can twist and explode it with just one thought.

Commander Ren Tiemu is powerful, but his heart is still the Achilles heel.

Feeling the approach of death, the Ironwood leader turned pale.

However, in a critical moment, the potential explodes, and the feet are forced and suddenly ejected.

As the body moves, the heart tends to leave the center of space distortion!


However, at the moment he ejected, the ice **** silk wrapped around his body suddenly tightened.

The body that ejected it was frozen in place, unable to move!

This is the effect of ice silk.

Although space warp can ignore his defense and warp his heart, once it is cast, it can only be fixed in one place.

Once the enemy finds out and moves their body away from the space distortion range, there is nothing they can do.

With the powerful perception of the Feather Triple, under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to deceive them and twist their hearts.

Only like this, taking the opportunity to fix its body, can it be unexpected!

Su Yu showed his weakness again and again, and finally let him relax and create a great opportunity.


The power of space is twisted, and there is a sound of shattering and destroying from the chest of the iron wood commander.

His heart shattered on the spot!

The dazzling red blood flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth.

My body seems to have been drained of strength, and my body is so weak that it is so weak that my face is full of pain and grimness.

After all, it is the triple feather, even if the heart is broken, it will not be killed immediately.


Ice **** silk condensed into a long sword and pressed against its throat.

In the ruins, the gravel swayed, and a silver-haired figure covered in blood struggled to climb out.

There are many skin and flesh on the body, the flesh is blurred, and the injury is not light.

Su Yu’s kick was resolved in time, but he was still injured.


Su Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was filled with murderous intent.

“Hurt you? Do you think I’ll just hurt you?” Su Yu smiled, like a dark blooming flower, very evil.

Su Yu Tiemu’s pupils shrank, his expression suddenly condensed, and there was a bit of fear in the depths of his pupils: “You…you dare to kill me?”

It was Su Yu’s extremely indifferent eyes who answered him: “What do you say?”


Leader Tiemu secretly took a deep breath, and in the depths of his heart, a sense of fear finally surged.

“Master of the Silver Feather Palace! You’d better think carefully! I represent the headquarters of the dynasty, the Holy Monarch Bailuo, and the law. You hurt me, and you have already committed a horrendous criminal. Remedy in time, and there is still room for manoeuvre. If you kill me, In the world, no one can save you…” Commander Tiemu took a deep breath.

Su Yu stepped forward, and the murderous intent on his face increased instead of decreasing.

“Have you forgotten something?” Su Yu sneered: “In the eyes of your Tiemu Commander, I, Su Yu, are already dead. Even if I let you go, will you be grateful to Dade and let me go?”

Leader Tiemu’s face was pale. Just now, he tried to kill him and cut off his last retreat.

Su Yu is at the end of the road, and his actions must be crazy!

Gritting his teeth, Commander Tiemu argued: “If you can get the forgiveness of Holy Monarch Bailuo, you may not die. After all, your crime still needs to be investigated, but if you kill me in public now, everything will be lost. wiggle room.”

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn’t help laughing: “Hahaha…my crime still needs to be investigated? I dare to ask, just now, who was pressing me every step, who was killing me, who was it? Iron mouth and copper teeth bite me?”

“Don’t you want to tell me that you are avenging private revenge? The charges have not yet been determined and the facts are not yet clear, so you will be executed first and then put me to death?

“How can such a person be qualified to represent the dynasty and the law?”

A series of rhetorical questions left the Tiemu commander speechless and sweaty on his forehead.

“Accept your fate, in fact, even if you really represent the dynasty, the Holy Monarch Bailuo, and the law, I, Su Yu, will kill you!” Su Yu stepped forward, the tip of the sword penetrated his muscles and stabbed into his throat Medium.


Blood water spewed from the Tiemu commander’s throat, his eyes were round, filled with unwillingness, and his body gradually fell soft.

Withdrawing the ice **** silk, Su Yu said lightly: “It doesn’t matter if you hurt me, the reason you should be damned is because you have implicated Zi Yunxiang… She is just an innocent woman…”

The figure is erratic, Su Yu has no time to take care of the injury, and chases in the direction of Tulong.

At that time, it was half a cup of tea.

Tu Long took Zi Yunxiang hostage, summoned his subordinates in the city, and confronted the guards, which took a lot of time.

In addition, he was seriously injured and his body was far from his peak, so he only escaped forty miles.

Just at the limit of Su Yu’s vision.

The figure flickered again and again, and Su Yu chased in the air, leaving an echo in the sky above the Silver Feather Mansion.

“Order: Those who are stronger than the seventh realm of Dragon Transformation in Silver Feather City, follow me!”

The mighty voice, wrapped in a trace of the eight words of Brahma, rolled and moved, shaking people’s hearts.

Whoosh whoosh—

All the masters in the city kept up, chasing Su Yu’s footsteps, and punishing the dragon together!

.[,! ]

One hundred in the seven realms of the Dragon Transformation, ten in the first layer of the feathering.

The mighty crowd, black and white, flew away from Silver Feather City.

Su Yu carried a huge team, and the speed was seriously slowed down.

Fortunately, they were far apart, and Tu Long was unaware. While recovering from his injuries, he flew steadily towards the borderland.

A full day later.

Silver Feather Territory and God’s Air Territory are at the junction, the home of black water thieves.

In Su Yu’s sight, Tu Long led his people into an inconspicuous valley.

It seems ordinary, but inside the valley, on the stone wall, there are caves cut through, and countless black water pirates live in them.

This place is the Blackwater Pirates stronghold where the people of the Silver Feather Territory are terrified.

Several sieges, all of which were defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

Su Yu was anxious and forced herself to be rational, but did not rush in.

As a stronghold of the Blackwater Pirates, there is no one to defend outside the valley, so there must be something strange,

“Palace Master! The black water thief master is proficient in formations. At the entrance of the valley, there is an attack formation. If you do not know the password and enter without authorization, the formation will be activated immediately, killing countless people!”

Array? A mere robber, but also proficient in mysterious formation?

“The three previous sieges of our Silver Feather Territory were all based on the movement technique. We lost troops and lost our generals and suffered heavy casualties! If we can safely pass through the formation, with our strength, we will be able to wipe out most of the black water pirates.”

Except for the leader, the second leader, and the third leader, the rest of the Black Water Pirates are the first-level powerhouses of feathering, and the number is no more than ten.

They swarmed up, not necessarily afraid of black water pirates.

What they don’t know is that the black water pirate’s first-level feathered powerhouse has been wiped out by Su Yu as many as nine.

In the current stronghold, the feathered one-level powerhouse, but there are too many.

Su Yu’s eyes showed a look of thought. Judging from the situation, the scale of the black water pirates was not as large as imagined.

How could they have the ability to invade the Seventeen Cities at the same time?

Let’s not talk about the strength, just the number is difficult to meet the conditions of chaotic seventeen cities at the same time.

“It seems that we are not just dealing with black water pirates.” Su Yu said meaningfully.

There must be an invisible hand behind this chaos.

This kind of handwriting is definitely not something a black water thief can accomplish!

Even, Su Yu not only guessed that Tu Long took a risk and entered the city alone, was it really just for looting?

“Palace Master, what should we do? If we force the formation, the casualties of the brothers will be extremely heavy.”

“That formation password must be known to every blackwater thief who comes in and out. Haven’t you caught scattered robbers over the years and forced them to ask for the password?”

The accompanying person smiled bitterly: “If it was so simple to intercept the password, the Blackwater Pirates would have already been captured by us! That password will change every half a day. The password we intercepted and the array password can be changed at any time. When the other party is alert, we do nothing.”

Is that so? Su Yu was lost in thought.

After a while, Su Yu took the group to a secret place, sat cross-legged, and said, “Don’t disturb me for half an hour, you keep secret.”


Su Yu’s invisible soul leaves the body and floats to the valley.

The soul is invisible and invisible, non-material existence, even if it is an array, it cannot be perceived.

Therefore, Su Yu has no obstacles, penetrates the formation of the killer secret, and easily enters the valley.

Sweep across, in the valley, the strong are rare.

The first-level feathering powerhouse was almost wiped out by Su Yu, and the rest were just hundreds of dragons.

Once the formation is activated, the Silver Feather Domain team will march straight in, and they can be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Su Yu sensed the existence of Tulong and floated away.

It was a well-guarded cave, open and bright, luxuriously furnished.

There are three people in the cave.

A purple cloud incense.

A dragon slayer.

The last one, leaning on the animal skin throne, is tall and tall, wearing a black robe and a bronze mask.

Except the mouth, nose and eyes, all are hidden under the mask.

“The big boss, his subordinates are weak and unable to complete the task.” Tu Long knelt down on one knee with deep respect.

The man with the bronze mask is the leader of the Black Water Pirates!

No one has seen its true face, because those who have seen it are already dead.

The head of the family leaned on the throne, opened his mouth to pronounce, under the mask, his voice was rough, loud and powerful, as if it could penetrate the heart: “You are hurt.”

Tulong was ashamed: “The master of the Silver Feather Palace is cunning and cunning, and his subordinates were ambushed. With luck, he managed to save his life.”

In the eyes of the great master, there was no wave in the ancient well, and a hint of surprise flashed leisurely: “Oh? It’s really not easy to make you lie in ambush. This silver feather is really not easy.”

Tu Long’s shame is even deeper: “It’s because his subordinates are incompetent. They only captured people, but they didn’t bring back the keys that the Silver Feather Palace Master took away from the ruins.”


Su Yu stood in the hall in the form of a soul, and their conversation did not fall into place.

Hearing the “door”, Su Yu’s heart trembled slightly. In the ruins, the Dou Li man killed by Su Yu was like a sea madman, and he came for the so-called key.

Probably, Tu Long thought that if Su Yu could leave the ruins alive, the key must be on him.

Therefore, the seventeen cities were in chaos, and he ventured into the city.

“You don’t have to blame yourself, you can catch Zi Yunxiang back and you will be half-successful. Next, you only need to exchange keys with her.” The head of the family said lightly, with a light face.

Hearing this, Tu Long was just loose.[,! ] breathed, glanced at Zi Yunxiang who was on the spot, hesitantly said: “The boss, how should she deal with it?”

The head of the family raised his eyes slightly, the beautiful figure reflected in his pupils, his eyes lit up slightly: “What a beautiful woman!”

A ray of cool color crossed her lips: “Since you know the existence of the key, of course you can’t keep it.”

“With the cunning of the Silver Feather Palace Master, if you don’t see Zi Yunxiang in person, the other party may not be easily fooled and hand over the key.” Tu Long is not worried.

The head of the family said lightly and teasingly: “Who told you that she was going to be killed now? Burning the piano and cooking the crane is not what I like. Such a peerless beauty, naturally, I have to taste it first.”

Tu Long understands: “Yes, the subordinate will immediately take the maid, send her to wash, and then send her to the bed of the master.”–856030610386633001++298–&

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