The Divine Hunter Chapter 8: The Brand and the Banshee

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Roy and Leisuo listened carefully. Apart from the howling wind, they could not hear any unusual movement in the tomb. The Snake Pie pendants around their necks did not vibrate, indicating that there was no active magic power nearby.

There are no demon spirits.

“Where did Mrs. Mary’s body go?” Roy pondered while browsing the animal skin drawings. The drawing depicts the split sword grid, hilt, and sword body. The size and thickness of these three parts, as well as the materials required for casting, the furnace temperature, and the technique are all recorded in detail.

This is a complete blueprint for forging the Viper School steel sword.

“With the Viper Steel Sword, half of the purpose of this trip to White Orchard has been accomplished. There is still one more drawing of the Viper Silver Sword.” According to the unsent letter on Kolgrim’s body, the remaining drawing They were raided by Lord Ignatius of White Orchard.

“Just on my way…” Roy put the steel sword blueprint close to his body and “asked Lord Ignatius to settle a debt.”

On the other hand, Leisuo was still thinking about the issue of Lady Mary’s body. His long career as a demon hunter made him feel that there must be something fishy about this matter. “There is a connection between Kolgrim’s death and Mary’s missing body. Roy, search the remaining coffins as well.”

In the past, they would never have done this. After all, demon hunters are not tomb robbers. They adhere to certain principles and will not deliberately open coffins and desecrate corpses.

Right now, there is no better way.

“John, Florian… there are three of you, sir, there are a lot of them, don’t argue with us…” Roy mumbled and opened the coffin.

There are two and a half remains in the three coffins. Why do we say half? The baby was too petite, with a skeleton similar to that of an adult male’s fist, and was automatically excluded.

In order to determine the gender of the other two remains, the witchers mainly examined their pelvic regions.

“The pelvis was thick, high and narrow, and the greater ischial notch was narrow and deep,” said Reso, who became the makeshift coroner. In fact, with his decades of experience as a demon hunter, he is already familiar with the structure of human bones. “The pubic symphysis is higher and the lower angle of the pubic bone is smaller. Judging from these characteristics, both corpses are male.”

Still no whereabouts of Lady Mary’s body. The two of them didn’t intend to touch the coffins in the surrounding walls, that was unnecessary.

After Leisuo checked the pelvis, he took a brief look at the other parts of the two corpses. Unexpectedly, he made a new discovery – a string of small black letters were imprinted on the back of the skulls of the corpses.

“This seems to be an ancient saying, Roy, come and take a look…” Leisuo said, turning the skull the size of a baby’s thumb, and suddenly took a breath of cold air, “Oh God! Who could it be, so crazy and heartless?” To this extent, even the newborn baby will not be spared!”

“Let’s take a look!” Roy was more proficient in the ancient language inherited from the blood of the El Sheidi tribe than Leitho, “Po?wi?ca?si?…” He read it out.

“What do you mean?”

“Sacrifice, sacrifice? This… This is the meaning of sacrifice in ancient language, which means that they were selected as sacrifices.” Roy looked stern, “This situation is usually recorded in witchcraft books , and it is an evil witchcraft that is expressly prohibited… through cruel and secret means to achieve some ulterior purpose!”

“How do you know?”

“In the Meliteli Temple, Coral mentioned it to me when she was teaching the basic theory of magic. Her expression was very serious at the time.”

For a moment, only the dull heartbeats of the two people were left in the tomb.

“Unknown, evil witchcraft, sacrifice… So Kolgrim’s death is more than just a simple tomb demon.” Letso pondered, “Is there another hidden story?”

There must be some kind of problem with the Viriles family, the rulers of White Orchard.

“Are we going to continue?” Roy looked around the gloomy tomb and felt his body getting cold for no reason. “Don’t you always say that curiosity killed the cat?”

“The vitality of a demon hunter is much stronger than that of a cat…Do you want to back down?” The bald man’s eyes turned cold.

“Just kidding,” Roy immediately corrected his expression and changed his words, “Kolgrim is an important member of the Viper School. We will never let him die in an unknown way.”

“It’s good that you know.”

“But as for witchcraft… the clues we currently have are extremely limited. Apart from knowing that these three corpses are all direct relatives of Sir Ignatius, and finding the sacrificial talismans on their skulls, there are no more clues. I can only see Sir Ignatius. But I have new ideas about Mary’s body.”

Lesuo paused and said, “There are three possible situations…”

“Tell me about it.”

“One is that she was hidden in the coffin in the wall, and the other is… there is no body in the coffin at all. As for the third situation – Roy, do you remember how the demon spirit was born?”

“Special environments, such as the Villires family tomb we are in now, are undoubtedly an excellent place for the birth of demon spirits.” Roy recalled the knowledge of biology, “In addition, there are also Consider the psychological state of the deceased before death. People who can transform into demon spirits have a huge emotional burden. Before death, they are often unwilling, have unfulfilled wishes, or have strong attachment and hatred in their hearts.”

“Marie Villiers died in childbirth…” Reso emphasized,

“You mean Mary’s body turned into a demon and killed Kolgrim?”

“Let me correct you, she did not kill Kolgrim. It is impossible for the demon spirit to take the initiative to move the human body into the coffin. From this it can be inferred——”

“Kolgrim hid in the coffin himself.” Roy murmured, patted his head suddenly, and imagined a scene in his mind, “The exhausted snake sect demon hunter knew that he could not deal with the demon spirits, so Hide in the sarcophagus to heal your wounds and recharge your batteries.”

Yes, Geralt, the wolf sect’s demon hunter, used the same trick when he dealt with the bloodthirsty demon bird in Vizima.

“Unfortunately, I guess Kolgrim was too seriously injured and couldn’t survive in the sarcophagus. But where did the demon spirit go?” Roy was confused, and Leisuo couldn’t answer this point. “This tomb was not found. Evil Spirit Dust, I have a hunch that Mary’s demon spirit will never die easily.”

Roy rubbed the rough surface of the sarcophagus with his palms, stared at its empty interior in ecstasy, and suddenly jumped into the sarcophagus on a whim, imitating his predecessors.

“Hey, kid, are you having a brain cramp?”

“I want to try and see what it’s like to lie in a coffin.” Thinking of it, Roy lay down in the coffin.

But he was particularly dissatisfied.

“Lesuo, help me cover the coffin…”

“Are you crazy?” The big man looked disdainful, but he still thoughtfully closed the sarcophagus for him.

In an instant, Roy entered another dark, narrow, and cold world. His mutated eyesight allowed him to still see in the dark. His eyes swept over the stone slab above and slowly moved downward. At a certain moment, his pupils shrank. He reached out and touched the lower surface of the coffin lid. The regular scratches were extremely clear.


“Are you scared, kid? Come out quickly, don’t waste time!”

“There are words in the coffin… I think this is a warning left by Kolgrim to those who come after him.”

“Is there a word?”

“Kolgrim carved two words with a steel sword – Banshee.” Roy struggled to open the coffin board and sat up. “He’s telling us that Marie Villiers has turned into a succubus!”

“No wonder!” Leisuo couldn’t help stroking his first I was wondering why there were no demon spirits in the nearby tombs. This was obviously unreasonable compared with the previous situation, but now it is explained Pass. Powerful beasts are usually territorial and will drive away any threatening individuals in their territory. This phenomenon also applies to demon spirits. Marie Villiers is a powerful succubus who frightens nearby spirits. ”

The names of banshee and demon spirit are one word different, but their strength is very different.

The latter is just a muddleheaded evil spirit that relies entirely on instinct, while the banshee retains a small part of her life memory, has more stringent birth conditions, and also possesses some special and powerful abilities.

For example, the female plague demon can spread plague wantonly.

The banshee can emit fainting wails, wake up the dead, and can even leave the tomb and move freely in the sun.

“Mary died in 1259, two years ago,” Roy walked to Reso. “The banshee that Mary transformed into must have left the tomb. Where did she go?”

“Mary is Sir’s mother. What was the place she was most obsessed with and missed the most during her lifetime? Let’s go and meet the lord of White Orchard, Ignatius Villiers…”

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