The Divine Hunter Chapter 27: Calanthe’s plan

“So you deliberately concealed the news that you were alive?” Ye Nai asked in French with surprise. She used her slender index finger to brush away her hair and massage her temples, “Because of the child in your belly?”

Calanthe leaned back in the large chair, caressed his swollen belly, and fell into a slightly guilty silence.

Seems to acquiesce to the sorceress’s doubts.

Everyone else enjoyed the table full of delicious food without saying a word.

Bran ​​Ann Tursek, the King of Little Skellige and the Islands, dealt with the roasted suckling pig on the plate. His hand movements were simple and powerful, as if he was facing an enemy on the battlefield. Queen Beel beside him Na pursed her thin lips and put a shelled lobster on the plate of her young son Svenridge. A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and he rebelliously put the shrimp back on his mother’s plate.

Kratz Ann Clete, the owner of Keldro Castle, looked out the window, showing his profile in front of everyone with a hint of unwillingness. Ciri across the table could not understand the topic of discussion and was chewing his mouth. He looked around at the people present with his emerald green eyes.

King Skellige’s magical advisor, Druid Mossak, broke the awkward silence by stroking his beard that hung down to his chest.

“This is not Calanthe’s decision alone. Her Majesty the Queen is always dreaming about one day in the future, driving those **** invaders from her homeland and regaining control of the Kingdom of Sintra.” He The penetrating words resounded throughout the dinner hall, and he explained patiently, because he knew that there was a group of demon hunters standing behind the sorceress, and his junior Evelyn often conveyed news to him. “She is eager to destroy all the Black Armored Army and avenge the dead warriors of Cintra, her citizens, her relatives, and the warriors of Skellige!”

“In the first few days after arriving…” He glanced at the queen’s gloomy face, and said every word in his heart, “For this reason, she didn’t think about food or tea, and often went to His Majesty East’s house. I cried in front of the tomb and couldn’t sleep all night long.”

“She had serious health problems, including colds, fever, anemia…she almost lost her baby.”

“Ah! Grandma, are you still feeling uncomfortable?” Shirley immediately put down the knife and looked with concern at Calanthe, who was several meters away. A happy smile appeared on the latter’s round face.

“Xirui, haven’t you seen that grandma has gained a lot of weight in the past few months?”

“At that time, Ms. Evelyn of Novigrad sent word that the witcher failed to pick up Ciri. She escaped from the castle and her whereabouts are unknown…” King Bran’s son Svenrej interjected. Mouth.

Xili’s fair little face felt strangely warm, slightly uneasy about her original willfulness and naughtiness.

“Even before we think about it, she may have met with something unexpected. So the child in Calanthe’s belly may be her only remaining relative, her husband who died heroically, Uncle East, the only one left in the world. of flesh and blood.”

“Once word spreads that Calanthe is alive, there’s no doubt…trouble will be overwhelming.”

“The remnants of Cintra…the mages of Nilfgaard…the spies of the four northern kingdoms…”

“Under numerous attacks and pressures, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to keep the child in her belly. We must create an environment for her to prepare for childbirth with peace of mind.”

Yennefer began to imagine herself in his shoes.

On one side is the blood feud between the family and the country, on the other side are the flesh and blood in the belly.

If she were Calanthe, she would undoubtedly choose children!

This is the nature of every woman and mother!

Even if it seems selfish.

“So we all persuaded her together.” Kratz shook his head, and the unwillingness on his face turned into a sigh, “Let’s put aside the hatred between the country and the family for the time being, and wait until the child in the belly is born, and then we can make a long-term plan. We Skelly It’s impossible for the heroes to let go of Nilfgaard! The thousands of our dead brothers cannot be sacrificed in vain! Our dragon ship has been waiting for the opportunity.”

“Yes…” King Bran wiped the oil stains on his beard and agreed, “My future nephews and nieces are still there, and I must ensure the safety of their mother and daughter. Otherwise, I will feel sorry for my dead brother!” ”

Queen Bilna responded to her husband’s words and lovingly took a piece of pork knuckle meat for Calanthe at the right time.

But Ye Naifa clearly saw a strange light in her gray eyes.

The queen of the Skellige Islands seems to be anything but simple.


“Are there any other considerations?” the sorceress asked.

“Since you are here on behalf of the respected Master Demon Hunter, and you are so liked and trusted by Xiao Xili, we will not hide it from you.” King Bran stroked his beard and said coldly, “At present, Cintra It has been completely occupied by Nilfgaard, and the situation cannot be reversed in a short time.”

“The Southern Empire has long built fortifications nearby, promoted the Sun Religion and customs and culture of the South, and used their higher-gold currency florins to replace the local currency. And they spared no effort to win over the remaining people in the local villages and towns. .”

“According to our spies’ reports, in the past six months, the farmers and craftsmen who stayed in occupied Sintra and actively assimilated have been better off. They are freer, richer, and the merchant guilds have also improved. Enjoy more privileges.”

“Residents in the south are called by the country and are constantly crossing the Amer Mountains and immigrating to the north to ‘open up wasteland’.”

“They will soon use the materials, workers, and production chains in the south to produce more goods to replace our northern market.”

King Bran’s deep eyes flashed with fear, “Whether you believe it or not, in just half a year, Nilfgaard relied on its strong economic and cultural strength to attack Xint with lightning speed. La, as well as the area of ​​​​Ober Soden, formed a de facto occupation!”

“Even if Calanthe stands up and raises his arms and shouts! Will the people who choose to compromise with Nilfgaard and enjoy their preferential policies risk their lives to ‘abandon the darkness and turn to the light’?”

It was dark outside the window.

A shrill cold wind blew against the window lattice.

Everyone’s heart is cold.

No way!

The sorceress shook her head.

Nilfgaard knows how to occupy other countries and has rich experience.

Since decades ago, when they invaded small countries such as Ebin, Mechit, and Nasser, they have conducted countless “experiments” and the “invasion” theory has been completely formed.

“There is no need for Calanthe to stand up and put himself in that dangerous position!” King Bran concluded.

“Currently, most of the kings of the northern countries, as well as the governor of the ‘province’ of Cintra to the south, Menno Ku’horn, the emissary of the Nilfgaardian Emperor Emhyr var Emreth, the Eternal Flame The bishops and the forces from the north and the south, under the auspices of the northern warlock Wigfortz, who was brilliant in the Battle of Soden Mountain, opened a peace meeting at the central castle of Soden north of the Yaruga River.”

Under his father’s encouraging eyes, King Bran’s son Svenrej tried to add, “The content of their discussion is very simple. Stop the war that hurts both sides, and divide the forces after the war. The battle of Soden Mountain, it seems. The North won the final victory, but was also severely damaged.”

“Redania, Temeria, Kaedwen, Aedirn, Lyria and Rivia are all unwilling to fight again. Otherwise, who will be the vanguard and pay the greatest sacrifice when the time comes?!”

The sorceress nodded.

The four northern countries have never been of the same mind.

In the future, they will even create chaos, allowing Nilfgaard to reap the benefits.

“Looking at Nilfgaard, their rapid expansion has been temporarily stopped! But they still have a large number of troops, and their goals and steps are consistent. They are all under Emhyr’s command, and they are not worried about continuing to fight!”

“In terms of peace talks, they will have the upper hand! If an agreement is reached…” Svenrej looked around at the people present, “In all likelihood, the Northern Alliance will hand over Cintra to Nilfgaard. In exchange for this A breather.”

Everyone present was silent.

“Aunt Calanthe has lost her country and her army. If she shows up in Soden to participate in this meeting, Skellige’s sea fleet will not be able to reach deep into the land.”

“She can only be held hostage by the four northern countries and become a puppet, or she can be coerced into losing her freedom by Nilfgaard…”

“Even if she joins to denounce Nilfgaard’s atrocities and conclude their unjust acts, the situation of this peace conference will be biased towards the north, and the Northern Alliance will win Cintra…”

“But at that time, Sintra became a vassal of the northern countries… The days that followed were like cutting flesh with a dull knife. It is conceivable that there is no way to turn over, and the glory is no longer!”

“How different is this from being occupied by Nilfgaard?”

“So if you show up, why not hide and recharge your batteries and wait for the opportunity!”

Yennefer couldn’t help but glance at Calanthe.

In such a miserable situation, there is still such great ambition.

Reconquer Sintra completely and be subordinate to no one.

But why?

Do they have any other arrangements?

After Svenreggi finished explaining, King Bran nodded appreciatively to his son.

“However, in the six months since the end of the war, it has not been all negative news”

“Once Nilfgaard regards Cintra as a province and the basis for its northern advance, and vigorously develops it, its forces will inevitably shift northward.”

“At that time, the strength of the southernmost Nilfgaard mainland will be reduced! It is inevitable to lose sight of the other. Outside their capital, the Golden Tower City, the vast coastline will become defenseless.”

“When the war between the North and the South resumes, it will be our dragon boat’s turn to show its power!”

A ferocious smile appeared on Kratz’s face,

“Skellige’s armada will harass the coastal areas in the hinterland of Nigeria and interrupt their trade routes. We will make them suffer!”

Yennefer suddenly realized, no wonder after the brother country Cintra was destroyed.

The Skellige Archipelago remains untouched.

It turned out that we were planning such a dirty trick!


“The current situation…” Calanthe intertwined his fingers on his stomach and stared at a bright red tapestry on the pillar embroidered with fishing scenes. Two dragon boats and hundreds of warriors were throwing down a mask. The sky covers the sun, just like what they are doing now.

There was a hint of strength in her originally soft tone.

“In addition to my closest comrades and relatives, King Bran and Kratz, we have contacted the Generalissimo Visekid of Cintra who was secretly developed by Bruge a few months ago.”

“The marshal who commanded the battle of Manada?” Yennefer asked.

“Yes. Freya bless…” Calanthe said excitedly, with a rosy glow on his face, “He survived the war and moved to Brugg, the noble Vincelav The king accepted him and helped him receive the remnants who had escaped from Cintra.”

“King Vinslav is a great character.” Yennefer agreed, “Fair, tolerant, and peace-loving. The year before last, he sent Geralt to Broklon Forest to make an appointment with the Dryad Queen. Sign a peace agreement. The other two countries, Verden and Kairak, are hostile to the tree spirits.”

“In short, Visekid is developing very well in Brugue. When I contacted him last month, the armed resistance force formed by the people of Sintra already numbered 4,000 people, and it was still growing at an alarming rate. Expanding rapidly.”

Everyone present smiled when they heard this.

The sorceress was shocked, this was already an army that could not be ignored!

And after the country was devastated by Nilfgaard, they were still willing to join the Restoration Army, which had no hope at all, and tied their heads to their belts. The will and combat effectiveness of the soldiers of this army should not be underestimated. !

“So, Marshal Visekid knows your whereabouts?”

“He has always been a loyal minister of the Kingdom of Sintra and is sincere to the country. The relationship between him and me is like a brother and sister. Naturally, there is no need to hide it. We exchange intelligence information every month.” Ka Lancer glanced at his granddaughter who was dealing with a charcoal-grilled octopus, “During the time when Xili disappeared, he also tried his best to search for it!”

“When the day comes… when the child in my belly is born, I will no longer have any worries and will devote myself wholeheartedly to the cause of restoring the country. When the North and Nilfgaard are at odds again, rekindling the war, and constraining each other.”

“My opportunity has come. Brugg’s Restoration Army and Brother Skelligebrain’s fleet will attack at the same time, giving the black-armored army guarding Cintra a blow! Fight for the order The glorious bloodline has returned to the city of Sintra! This is justifiable!”

Calanthe smiled charmingly, with emerald fire in his eyes, “When I fled from Cintra in disgrace, I swore an oath to all the dead people, the warriors of Skellige, and the spirits of East in the sky. !”

“One day, we will definitely regain the lost territory and make the Black Armored Army pay the price!”

“Just wait.”

The window grilles are blown by the strong wind.

The eyes of everyone at the dinner table were sparkling.

For a moment, the sorceress’s violet eyes burned with the fire of ambition.

Helping a country recover, if successful, she will receive unimaginably generous rewards and benefits.

But then, she glanced at the confused little girl, shook her head and laughed.

Forget it, screw your power and ambition.

I have to stay with Shirley.


“So, Yennefer, as you said before, someone is hunting for little Ciri…and he has no choice but to take her to Skellige to escape.” Kratz wiped his oily hands on his deerskin coat.

“A guy named Riens, a mage and part-time spy.” The sorceress said frankly, “I suspect that he is an agent of King Kaedwen.”

“Now that he found out about Ciri.”

Calanthe pursed her lips, and the white-haired demon hunter and the young demon hunter with dark gold and silver-grey pupils seemed to appear in front of his eyes. She hasn’t had time to thank those two people yet, and since Cintra is dead, she can’t fulfill her promise to pay Roy a lot of money.

“Is the master witcher of Novigrad in danger?”

Hearing this, the little girl looked at the sorceress nervously with her green eyes, only to see her shake her head and say confidently,

“Danger is unavoidable, but Geralt and the others can handle it!”

“The witchers in Novigrad are not simple.” Mossak, who had been silently studying the antlers on his head, exclaimed with admiration, “Evelyn, a member of the Druid Circle of the Archipelago, is working for them. During several months of communication, Evelyn praised the witchers so much, especially a guy named Kyaan.”

It’s like a wife praising her husband.

“She claimed that not long ago, the witchers brought back several plant seeds that she had never seen before, saying they were trophies from exploring another unknown realm. Although I can’t understand how they did it, But with this method, why worry about mere spies?”

“Anyway, since the Master Demon Hunter has protected Ciri for so long…keep her safe from the persecution of the northern and southern countries!” King Bran turned slightly to let Queen Bilna wipe his beard better. , “They are Skellige’s friends and brothers!”

Looking at the sorceress with a clear look,

“Brothers are in trouble, if you need anything, just ask!”

“Send out hundreds of Skellige heroes, no problem!”

Yennefer nodded gratefully.

“Ms. Yennefer, there is another important question.” Calanthe looked at the good granddaughter across the dining table eagerly, “What is the ancient bloodline of Ciri you mentioned before and the child in my belly? What’s the situation? Is it possible that I can’t even kiss my little Xili before I give birth?”

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