The Divine Hunter Chapter 12: Knight Charge

“Thousands of years have passed, and Ayn El is still walking on the wrong path, plundering as he pleases?!”

“Avallac’h, leave, don’t make the same mistake again!”

The elf lady stopped the sorceress who was brewing a spell beside her, and turned her blue eyes to the wild hunting Aine Savini,

I saw him shaking his head,

“My poor compatriots who are oppressed by humans. I’m sorry, but bringing the ancient blood back to Tilnaria is my lifelong pursuit. What’s more, you don’t know anything. Both worlds are already in danger. Only by doing this can we Find a glimmer of hope.”

“Now if you cooperate obediently and hand over Xili and the child,

I immediately persuaded Eredin to stop. You and the remaining demon hunters will survive, and it is impossible for you to escape the catastrophe with us! ”

“Go away, liar and murderer!”

Xili hugged her aunt tightly, her eyes filled with hatred,

“Take all your disgusting skeleton knights away! You are not welcome here!”

“It’s really the same stubbornness and stupidity. Your mother Laura Doron also betrayed me and the race and threw herself into the arms of humans. As a result, she was deceived and played with, and ended up with no bones left.”

“What’s going on? I don’t know Laura Doran, my mother’s name is Pavetta!”

Avallac’h gave the girl a friendly smile,

“The answer is very complicated. I will explain it to you later. But there is an old saying in human beings. Every mistake made will become a valuable experience. I will not let this mistake repeat again!”

His tone turned cold and became like a command,

“Come here,

Swift! ”

“Go to hell,

Son of a bitch! ”

An ice blue energy ball flew through the air,

Hit the floating Avallac’h,

But it just blew the bangs on his forehead,

It fades away like a mud cow entering the sea.

Thump thump!

The spells of the four sorceresses followed one after another. The dazzling fire snakes, the roaring wind, and the invisible hands of energy hit Avallac’h hard.

The majestic chaotic energy exploded in mid-air, like a gorgeous firework, but it only dispersed an illusion like a reflection in the water.

There was a helpless sigh in the air,

“Stupid choice, but I will make it happen for you!”

Ho **** ho!

A space door opened in mid-air, and a group of wild hunting dogs jumped out, hissing and roaring, and pounced on the sorceresses like sharp arrows.

Coral and Triss looked at each other, the magic talisman on their chests reflected colored light, and a huge blue energy shield centered on them and spread around, covering all their companions.

Francesca’s hand suddenly pointed forward, and a ball of blue flames immediately burst out around a running hound, with gravel and soil flying everywhere.

The hound howled and was set ablaze by the flames.

Yennefer recited a spell loudly, the air trembled, and a blue lightning struck down,

Then a hound rushing to the left turned into a toad covered in abscesses, cooing comically,

Then he was trampled into a pulp by his companions who rushed behind him!


But the magicians’ spellcasting ends there.

Howling hounds rushed in front of them,

Opening his **** mouth, the frost breath violently eroded the energy shield. In just an instant, the shield fell apart!

The cold air invaded, making the sorceresses’ faces turn pale as paper.

“Ciri, do you still remember the usual training? Lend me your magic power!”


Eleni also nodded with a silly smile.

Yennefer held Ciri’s little hand, feeling the magic power from the ancient blood. She bit her lips and stretched out her hand again. Suddenly, the roar of the three-headed hound turned into a crisp chirp. Ming.

Three colorful kingfishers flapped their wings and were burned to ashes by Francesca’s fireball!



The shield is broken!

Coral and Triss’s shoulders trembled, a trace of blood spilled from their mouths and noses, and they quickly rubbed their rings and amulets. An invisible resistance field was like a wave of waves, washing away the surroundings and knocking away the attacking hounds.

But a fish that slipped through the net rushed in front of them with a mouth full of jagged fangs.

It’s too late to react!

A dark golden light shattered the air!

Grim Sigurd roared, and the dark gold giant sword raised above his head thundered down, and the hound was split in two along the waist.

“Ladies, don’t worry!” Toussaint’s champion knight stood in front of the women and children, lifted up the “Y” shaped visor, revealing sharp eyes, with high fighting spirit, and a group of white roses behind him The knight quickly surrounded the sorceresses, “I swear on the honor of the knight that I will keep you safe!”

He paused and turned to Xili,

“By the way, little lady, is Cassirer okay?”

The girl suddenly looked stunned, and suddenly realized that Cassirer was the knight who Roy said protected her?

“He…wuwu…he was killed by the Wild Hunt.”

There was a hint of crying in her tone, and her expression was painful and self-blaming,

“Did he die an honorable death?”

Grim asked in a deep voice.

“He died heroically as a true knight!”

Yennefer answered on her behalf, her violet eyes sparkling with admiration and gratitude.

Grim closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

As he turned to the waves of hounds and soldiers jumping out of the portal.

The strong body suddenly jumped up, jumped into the group of barking dogs, and landed like a windmill spinning the sword of justice. The wings of the raptor on the helmet fluttered in the wind, and the sword blade was as wide as a door panel. There was a whirring sound in the air, and the extremely sharp ancestral soul weapon instantly broke through the frozen flesh and blood.

In an instant, more than three hounds were separated from their heads.

Kill the legendary object.

Grim achieved unparalleled brilliant achievements in the first half of his life.

But glory often lasts only a moment!

He put himself in danger!

He attracts most of the attention in the center of the battlefield.

The cold breath from all directions stained his thick body armor with white frost.

His movements of swinging the sword suddenly slowed down, and the fierce fighting spirit also cooled down with the low temperature. He fell into a drowsy state, and his body was shaky and he could barely support himself with the giant sword.

Out of the corner of my eye are cruel and desperate pictures.

A group of White Rose Knights guarding the sorceress fell into a pool of blood covered in frost just a moment after the fight. Gu Yu

The hounds stepped on their bodies, biting and howling.

The mortal body is as fragile as glass, and ultimately cannot compete with the legend.


Grim bit the tip of his tongue. The sweetness and sharp sting slightly awakened his spirit, and then his pupils shrank.

A burly Wild Hunt soldier, more than two meters tall, shook his horn helmet, brandished a two-handed war hammer, and hit him straight on the head.

Wherever the hammer points, the air makes a horrifying whistling sound. There is no doubt that it can break through all armor and defenses, and smash flesh and blood into pulp.

It’s not over yet.

The heir to the Sigurd family must not die in such an embarrassment!

A knight’s life should be as bright as a flame!

Grim holds the sword of justice high.

The dark gold sword blade shines brightly in the sun, and there are faintly majestic and simple faces passing by on the sword.

A high-pitched and loud war song began to echo in his mind.

Ancestral spirits in the Horcrux, protect me!

Your descendants will also practice that path.


The sword of justice!

A raging flame spread upwards along the hilt of the giant sword, and burned all over the champion knight in an instant. His eyes turned into liquid flames, and he wore a red flame battle suit.

Among the limbs and bones, unprecedented power surged, temporarily dispelling the coldness of the white frost!

Slash forward!


The clash of hammers and swords.

The jumping Mars outlines a dazzling waterfall in mid-air.

As the first attacker, the Wild Hunt soldiers were shaken by the huge force and involuntarily took a few steps back.

And Grimm was like a **** descending from the earth, firing out several swords in a row, slashing diagonally, slashing vertically, stepping forward, and marching forward. The center of the battlefield was filled with the light of jumping flames, roars and wails, and violent sword shadows.

The Wild Hunt soldier is like a big tree that has been torn down by the violent storm, constantly blocking and struggling to maintain balance.

Several hounds were struck by the flames and turned into ashes.

A certain moment.

Grim raised the sword above his head and knocked the soldier away a few meters again. He suddenly changed his posture, holding the middle of the sword blade with his right hand, holding the hilt under his arm, and pointed the tip of the sword towards the center of the Wild Hunt’s rib-like breastplate. .

A solemn and solemn momentum filled the air.

The Sword of Justice transformed into a knight’s spear more than two meters long in his hands.

He jumped forward with his spear in hand, and a red flame war horse solidified beneath him.

Fuzzy figures surrounded by flames floated behind him, raising their spears and letting out a war cry.

The bright red cloaks and flags swayed with the strong wind.

Justice and courage!

Grim Sigurd, who has adhered to the way of knighthood all his life, shouted in his heart at the end, and the memories of his past life quickly passed through his mind,

In the end, it all turned into one belief.

Better than thousands of troops!

Horse hooves are like thunder.

Charge with the flaming golden knight!

Forge ahead!

The spear of courage flew away the warhammer and penetrated the chest of the Wild Hunt, allowing him to bow his limbs on top of the spear and sing a tragic song, leading him across the battlefield!


A hound was reduced to ashes in the flames. Charge!

The Wild Hunt soldier who sneaked up on Cat Vulture and Aiden from behind was pierced by a spear.


The white frost hitting Cohen’s back was blocked.


The hound that overwhelmed Vesemir turned into mince.


The golden knight’s armor, hair, flesh, and bones turned into fuel, burning with the flames and quickly becoming illusory and transparent.

He ran wildly in the battlefield crisscrossed by magic roars, sword lights and hoarfrost.

The raised hoofs of the horses left a trail of flames, and each one hunted wildly and drank in hatred under the spear.

The knight’s red pupils reflected faces with happy smiles, and the heroic spirits of the Sigurd family opened their arms to him.

Kasier, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, stretched out his hand to him.

Finally, Grim galloped to the side of the demon hunter with flying white hair, and looked back at him, with a hearty smile of joy on his face with flying blond hair,

“Lavix of the Four Corners City, you defeated me in the battle of Cintra, and the treasures of the Sigurd family are left to you.”

The words fell to the ground.

The smile on his face froze.

The whole person was completely burned, like a stone sculpture that had been weathered for thousands of years, scattered into wisps of dust, and disappeared with the strong wind in the battlefield.


The giant sword flashed with dark golden light and fell from mid-air, sinking deeply into the ground.

“Who is this sir? He saved the old man’s life!”

Askar helped up the pale Vesemir and asked the white wolf in a trembling voice.

“A true knight.”

Geralt wiped off the ice on his face with protruding veins and pulled out the Sword of Justice.

The figure of the blond knight on the sword flashed away.

He once again rushed towards the battlefield where blood, fire and **** frost intertwined!

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