The Devil’s Cage Chapter 60: Tied

Who is the strongest   ?

   Hearing the question from Kieran, the inhumans present were stunned.

  Want to choose the strongest and most representative conversation?


   Ready to stand up?

   No one knows what Kieran asks about the meaning of this sentence, but in inhumans, someone came out.

   is tall and has a handsome face, wearing a blue and white long dress, even if a little blood stains, he did not hinder the other person’s demeanor.

   Even, it can be said to add a strange feeling of evil to the other party.

  Many inhumans looked at this person, and did not speak out to stop or object.

   Obviously, of the remaining inhumanss, the other party is really the strongest.

   But the Kieran looking at the other party is brow raised.


   is too weak!

   is weaker than he thought!

   This inhumans is not as good as Pine Rock.

   However, even Pine Rock……

   thought of the speculation that just appeared in his heart, Kieran shook his head slightly.

   However, such a shaking head obviously misunderstood the inhumans that came out.

   “This adult, do you think I am not the strongest among this group of people?”

  Although frightened by the strength of Kieran, the other party still asked.

   Because, it’s about his glory.

   Moreover, the other party does not think that Kieran will treat himself.

   In the previous battle, Kieran let the two strange men avoid them, and the people standing around were enough to represent Kieran‘s identity as Herder.

   As we all know, the alliance relationship between Herder and inhumans.

   Even, to some extent, Herder needs to rely on inhumans.

   Therefore, when faced with Herder, inhumans was born with a psychological advantage, and this advantage made them sometimes make wrong judgments.

   Faced with the other party’s inquiry, Kieran ignored it.

   Kieran who has got the answer will turn around and choose to leave.

   looked at Kieran, who was about to turn and leave, that person inhumans was anxious.

   “Wait, you make it clear…”

  that person inhumans wanted to block Kieran, but the words were only exported, and Kieran‘s eyes were more chilled.

  Faced with this coldness, this inhumans, like Thunder Strike, took a few steps back, and at the last step, it was unstable and stumbled to the ground.


   The other party fell ugly in that posture.

   But the people around didn’t make a mockery.

   Because these people were also scared by the coldness flashed in the eyes of Kieran.

   is like a frost in June, which is instantly cool.

   Watching the figure of Kieran leaving, none of the inhumans dared to speak.

   They were really scared.

   Before meeting Kieran, they never thought that a person would be terrible to such a degree that it only takes a look to startle.

   After the figure of Kieran and his party disappeared completely, these inhumans looked at each other.

  They have no idea what Kieran wants to do.

   Stop talking about these strange inhumans.

   is as full of doubts as Paradis, Lu Kan, Puntur behind Kieran.

   And Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster?

  Why are the two weirdness that fully execute the Kieran command so much?

   Both of them felt the hard-won sunlight and were very excited.

  【Stone of Sioudi】Although they made them more constrained, they also gave them shelter. At least, they didn’t need to avoid the viper from the sun.

  Ox-head Monster extended his hoof and happily stepped on the shadow of Horse-head Monster.

  Horse-head Monster pokes the shadow of Ox-head Monster with a long knife, as if poking Ox-head Monster.

  The two weirdness is like childish play.

   continues until you leave the city and enter the edge of the suburbs.

   “Adult, here is predators!”

   “Well, be careful!”

  Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster said one by one.

   “Is it a crocodile head, a chicken body, and flapping its wings will not make a sound?”

   asked Paradis.


   “Have you met?”

   “Isn’t it eaten because the adult is by your side?”

  Ox-head Monster nodded and asked simply.

   This made Paradis look black and turned his head with a cold snort.

   Of course he wanted to refute.


  This is the truth.

If it weren’t for Kieran, he would have been eaten.

   And at this time, Puntur approached Paradis and whispered information about predators. After knowing the approximate, the expression of Herder from the Gulf area became more and more solemn.

   here is more terrifying than he thought.

   At night, there are monsters at night.

   During the day, there are monsters during the day.

  If you are acting alone, it is difficult to guarantee your own safety.

  Because a person needs rest.

   No one can guarantee to keep your eyes open and stay awake while sleeping.

   Therefore, team formation becomes inevitable.


  Puntur looked at Lu Kan, then Kieran and Paradis, and he was slightly relieved.

The strength of Lu Kan is unquestionable.

  Kieran is even more terrifying.

  Paradis also performed exceptionally in temporary camps. Although it is not the most advanced, it can occasionally enter the top ten, and Puntur always suspects that Paradis is hiding itself.

   is just like him.

   With such a group of teammates, security can be assured.

   is just…

  Puntur quietly looked at Kieran.

  He thinks Kieran is really too hard to figure out.

   is like the behavior just now.

  In his opinion, it is not necessary at all.

   When inhumans and Weird appeared, they quietly retreated, hiding Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. As the key moment, trump card is the best choice.

   has the same kind of inquiry as before, which also makes him puzzled.

   But Puntur, who has self-knowledge, did not ask.

  He is not willing to break the good situation in front of him.

  Or he has self-knowledge.

  Know how important you are in Kieran.

   and his party marched on the alert of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. When they came to a forest, Horse-head Monster shrugged and snorted.

   “Adult, there is no smell of those guys here.”

   “It’s safe!”

  Horse-head Monster said.


   Kieran glanced around, and after confirming that they were correct, nodded.

   Immediately, Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster took action.

   Two weird wielding weapons immediately cleared an open space in Mori, and Paradis raised a campfire.

   The wounded Lu Kan fell asleep by the campfire when the campfire rose.

  Puntur is from hunting in the woods to a few hares.

  Using a very neat technique, peel and string the hare on the campfire. After a while, the scent of rabbit meat will come out.

   “Want to try it?”

  Puntur asked Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster.

  Although the two are weird, in Faction, there is no harm in making a good relationship.

   Moreover, in Puntur‘s idea, it is really not too easy to use food to buy weirdness.

   In fact, in the eyes of most Herders, the weird behavior is very simple. Except for some because of hatred, the rest is predatory behavior.

   Of course, weird food is naturally different from ordinary food.

   Therefore, when roasting the rabbit, Puntur put some soul crystals.

   Soul Crystal is the crystal of the soul.

  When destroying evil spirit, there is a certain possibility that it will be obtained.

   is one of Alchemy‘s must item.

   is also one of the most popular foods for weird people.

   However, in the face of the invitation of Puntur, Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster were completely indifferent. They stared at Kieran in a daze.

   or more precisely, backpack of Kieran.

   It contains food prepared by Mimosa for Kieran.

  Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster are full of longing.

   I hope Kieran can give them a little food in backpack.

   The food there has long made them salivate.

  If that backpack was not Kieran, they would have been robbed.

   Facing the eyes of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, Kieran was not moved at all. He raised his hand and touched backpack, and took out one of the foods.

   is beef rice with sauce.

   The sauce was frozen into a jelly and wrapped tightly with rice.

  When the meal box was placed on the campfire for a few minutes, a strong fragrance filled the camp.

The sleeping Lu Kan woke up.

   Thinking Paradis has also recovered.

  Puntur is the first one to be attracted.

  Especially when Kieran opened the lunch box, the scent seemed to explode, and it rushed in all directions to a degree that was many times higher than before.

  Ox-head Monster, Horse-head Monster looked at Kieran pitifully, swallowing saliva.

  After discovering that Kieran didn’t even care about himself, this was full of grievances and snatched the roast rabbit from Puntur.


   “It’s really bad!”

   “Poor cooking!”

   “Waste food!”

   Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster rarely stood on the front line, and the roast rabbits in the opponents made similar comments.

  WTF? !

  Puntur thought that the idea of ​​trying to win two weird things before was simply a stupid head. This kind of weirdness could not be pulled away at all.

   And this time, Kieran finished the first meal.

  Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster threw the barbecue in their hands and rushed towards Kieran.

   “Adult, do you need to wash the lunch box?”

   “Leave it to me!”


   “Sir, please give it to me!”

  Two weirdly flattered hands rubbed their heads and said with their heads bowed.

   “No need.”

  Kieran said a little, put the empty lunch box back to backpack, took out the new lunch box and put it by the campfire.

   Suddenly, the two strangers returned to the bonfire, staring at the new lunch box and picking up the barbecue again.

   “It’s like chewing wax.”

   “It’s like eating a fire beetle last time.”

   “And, it’s still the kind of rancidness.”

   Listening to two weird words, there is no fluctuation on the Puntur surface, and heart is the beginning of words such as F and Japanese, forming a series of complete greetings.

   The rich fragrance bursts out again with the passage of time.

  This forest is hard to block the taste of Mimosa food.

   even if it is not freshly made.

   Many animals have been attracted inexplicably.

   It’s just the two strange flavors of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster that make them dare not step forward.

  However, some existences are not afraid of two weirdnesses.


   The low roar from the sky.

  The predators with crocodile head and chicken body appeared on the top of everyone’s head. Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster immediately returned to their original shape, carrying their respective weapons and watching the predators with vigilance.

  Lu Kan, Puntur and Paradis are also nervous.

  Only Kieran is different.

  He sat there, raised his hand and picked up the lunch box, and opened it like that.


   The lunch box contains two huge buns.

  I don’t know what the stuffing is, but the buns with brown skins make people look at the index finger, and the attention of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster is attracted unconsciously.

   Although the Herders told themselves to be vigilant, the tip of their nose was still shaking.

  Sky predators is no exception.

   It shook the crocodile head and rushed straight down.

   It came for food.

   Now with such a delicious taste, how can it not be indifferent.

   can someone be faster!

   Just when predators was about to land, a white hand was just drawn on its cheek!

   “Go away!”

  With a whisper, the huge predators flew out so horizontally.


After breaking several large trees, predators was paralyzed on the ground, shaking his head and trying to stand up, but he could not do anything.

   Obviously, that slap is definitely not just about strength formidable.

   Lu Kan, Puntur and Paradis looked solemnly at the person who knocked down predators.

  Intuition to more Ox-head Monster, Horse-head Monster is like the enemy looking at the people in front of them.

   However, the people who came did not pay attention to these people. They used extremely special techniques to circumvent these people in three swings, and came to Kieran.

   “I knew the food I thought so, and only Luo Ye can make it!”

  ”How about sharing me?”

   “As long as you give me a third of the food, I will form an alliance with you in this “Winter Night Battle“.”

   As soon as he stood firm, he said.

  Kieran ignored the other party and put the second bun into his mouth.

   Such a move made the illusory ears appear on the top of the person’s head, and the tail behind him was fleeting.

  Paradis is staring at the coming person closely, just now he feels that the coming person is a bit familiar, and at this time, he finally remembered who the other person is.

   “Pine Rock!”

  Paradis exclaimed.

  Lu Kan and Puntur apparently heard the name, and the expression became more tense.

  Pine Rock, there is no good reputation in Herder.

   “You guys!”

   “Always such an indifference!”

   “Don’t you want to be the winner of “Winter Night Battle“?”

   “Tell you, I will stop you!”

   “If you don’t give me food, I will make trouble!”

  Pine Rock said hummingly.

   She was the first inhumans to leave the city. She originally wanted to find a safe place to observe temporarily. Who knows, the smell of food was smelled before the place was found.

   Subconsciously, Pine Rock came after the scent of food.

  Where does the food come from? Pine Rock has speculation.

  After seeing Kieran, she was not surprised at all.

   She doesn’t think a second person can make that kind of food.

   is just like she doesn’t think there is a second person as inhuman as Kieran.

   They are also acquaintances anyway.

   actually gave her no food at all.

   “This time “Winter Night Battle” has no winner.”

  Kieran shook his head~ What does mean? “

  Pine Rock frowned.

  Although she hates Kieran very much, she knows that Kieran is not a guy who uses language to gain attention from others.

   To put it simply, Pine Rock believes that Kieran said so and must have discovered something.

   Facing the Pine Rock’s gaze, Kieran will take out the watch that he carried with him before entering this place, and just thrown it into the campfire. Pine Rock is very simple. Throw the watch directly into it, she doesn’t care These, she was just curious, annoying to find out.

  Under the constraints of [Stone of Sioudi], Paradis has no choice.

  Northern Herder simply chose to believe in Kieran as a life-saving benefactor.

   The rest of the Puntur is a little hesitant before learning.

  He doesn’t believe Kieran, but he is also curious about what Kieran found.

   Moreover, he is not willing to leave this team.

  After everyone made a choice, Kieran looked at Pine Rock and said slowly–

   “It’s very simple, we have all been cheated.”

   “Stepped into someone else’s trap.”

   “Especially like you, it has become a meat ticket for others.”


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