The Devil’s Cage Chapter 21: Response

  Kieran left his residence and sprinted to the police station in the shadows.

  He needs to know whether there is secret path under the stronghold where Shuberg was blown up.

  If there is really secret path, then his previous guess is a little more affirmative.

   of course does not exclude that this secret path is reserved for other uses by Shuberg.

  And this needs Kieran to confirm.

  Kieran‘s residence is not close to the police station.

  Although they belong to the same district, they are one in the south and one in the north.

  However, under the full speed of Kieran, twenty minutes is enough for him to clearly see the outline of the police station.

  Kieran did not enter the police station immediately.

  The appearance of mastermind named ‘Evan’ made Kieran more cautious.

  Although his guess is not confirmed, if the assumption is true, the other party is deliberately seeking Church of Dawn to accumulate thousands of years of wealth. Whether it is the identity on the bright side or the arrangement in the dark, it is not his “just” Entering the Player in the dungeon game can be compared.

   For example: Put your own manpower in the police station!

   “Asshole! Damn asshole!”

   “Has something like explosives become a must-have for gangs item?”

   “Why are the other guys mastering it except for the **** Shuberg?”

The roar of Deputy police chief Leschuder clearly passed into the ears of Kieran.

   Suddenly, the flash of Kieran both eyes flashed.

   Sure enough, it is not simply to let the army enter the city, but to create chaos!

   If it is just to support the ‘agent’, the ‘agent’ in front of them is too much.

  Deputy police chief Leschuder‘s roar continues.

  Kieran did not venture into the police station, but looked outside.

  He wants to ask in a more secret way.

  police chief John and vice police chief Leschuder are naturally best candidate.

   Moreover, the two people’s offices are in second floor, and next door is adjacent, and climbing the second floor building is naturally with no difficulty for Kieran.

   However, just as Kieran was preparing for action, a person walked out of the police station.


  Kieran recognized the young policeman at a glance, although the other party took off his uniform.

   looked at the tired face, Kieran slowly followed.

  Carl‘s destination is very clear.

Single dormitory provided by    police station.

   This is one of the few police benefits. Of course, after marriage, you still need to rent or buy a house yourself.

   And this is too early for Carl.

  At least, he didn’t think about it in the short term.

   has to spend at least the most recent period.

   When I think of the disappearance of ‘Black Hand’ Jimmy from last week, to what happened in the last two days, even the energetic youngster like Carl can’t bear it.

  He has only rested for less than ten hours in the last three days.

   This is also his ability to return to rest when ordered by the deputy police chief at the busiest time.

   ‘All I need is a brave lion! Not a sleepy! ’

   Deputy police chief‘s words make Carl feel happy.

  The young policeman encouraged such words.

   And in fact, it is the same.

   The stubborn, old-fashioned Leschuder is able to say such words, which is itself appreciated.

   entered Carl in his room and threw himself directly on the bed.

   The next second, I will enter the dream, but there is a call in my ear.


   “Kieran Your Excellency?!”

   quickly sober, and Carl, who was in a warning posture, looked at Kieran in front of her and exclaimed.

   “Are you here?”

  Carl looked at Kieran puzzled.

  He couldn’t figure out why Kieran appeared in front of him in this way.

   “Something happened! I must act secretly!”

  Kieran‘s identity, and previous help, made Carl willing to believe such words.

   “Then will you find me?”

   is not stupid Carl is very clear that Kieran appeared in his dormitory late this night, definitely not to chat with him.

   “Is secret path found in the Shuberg base?”

   “I found it, a long one, which leads directly to the next block!”

  Carl said truthfully.

   “Go straight to the next block?”

   “How often does Shuberg occupy that stronghold?”

  Kieran was shocked. The length of secret path reminded him more.

   “A week ago! When “Black Hand” Jimmy disappeared!”

  Carl answered subconsciously.

   And after saying such a thing, Carl froze.

  What the young policeman thought of.

   An secret path that can lead to the next block is not something that can be made in a short time!

Don’t say it’s a week, ten weeks are not necessarily completed, and this is far beyond the time when Shuberg established that stronghold!

   “Kieran Your Excellency?”

  The young policeman looked at Kieran.

   “Is it really ready?”

  Kieran did not give the other party an answer. After heart slightly pondered, he continued to ask: “Our deputy police chief led the team to’clean up’ other gangs?”

   “Well! After clearing Shuberg, the deputy police chief wants to blow all those guys together in one go!”

   “However, those guys have the same self-made. explosives as Shuberg!”

   “And, it seems…they know everything about us! Just like last night!”

  Carl is hesitant.

   But I finally expressed my doubts since the face of the failed Shuberg raid yesterday.

   Sure enough, there was a traitor!

  After hearing Carl, this is the first reaction of Kieran heart.

   Then, Kieran once again began to evaluate the power of that person ‘Aven’.

   After all, it was just speculation before, but now it is confirmed.

   “What exactly is what happened?”

   Looking at the thinking Kieran, Carl couldn’t help but want to ask the answer again.

   “Something bad happened!”

   “A lot of people are involved!”

   “So, Carl I hope you can keep it secret, and no one can tell-you have not seen me, and once you return to the dormitory, you fall into a deep sleep!”

  Kieran looked at each other seriously.

   What the other person subconsciously wanted to say, but in the end nodded.

   “Okay, Kieran Your Excellency!”

  The young policeman said with a very serious expression, as if he was swearing.

   Then, Carl who thought of something spoke again.

   “Kieran Your Excellency, there is one more thing…police chief hasn’t appeared in a day!”


  Kieran was startled.

   “police chief did not appear in the police station on time in the morning!”

   “Deputy police chief also sent someone to police chief‘s home. Mrs. Adams said that police chief has not returned home in a week!”

   “Although this has happened before, this time…”

  Carl said, his face was worried.

   “I got it!”

   “What kind of urgent thing should John deal with, I haven’t had time to tell you-I will check it out!”

  Kieran appease the little Carl.

   “Remember our agreement!”

After instructing Carl again, Kieran quickly left the single dorm at the police station.

   When Kieran walked out of the single dormitory of the police station, his face quickly dimmed.

   police chief John has an accident!

   Almost when Carl said that police chief did not appear for a day, Kieran had this guess.

   As for what happened?

  Kieran is also well aware.

  After all, when the two were separated yesterday, police chief John explained that he wanted to unite more people and then pursue the Shuberg incident.

   “Damn it!”

   “The other party’s power is greater than expected!”

   “Hope is just house arrest, not…”

  Kieran does not want an upright person to die, even if they haven’t known each other for a long time.


  Guntherson looked at the returned Kieran.

  Kieran‘s dignified complexion made Guntherson quickly guess that things are not so simple, and they must have developed in an unpredictable direction.

  ”How is it?”

   However, as Guardian Knight‘s Guntherson, there is no slight he asked indifferently.

  Guntherson has gone through too much.

   is already accustomed to the waves when facing anything.

   Because, he is very clear that panic will not give him any help.

   “Please wait a moment!”

  Kieran walked up to Rusham, who was still unconscious. After waking up with cold water, he asked simply: “Is these self-made. explosives from Evan?” >


   looked at Svoko’s body and the cold-eyed Kieran, and the other responded very cooperatively.

   “It shouldn’t be wrong!”

   “The behind-the-scenes supporters of Shuberg and “Evan” are the same!”

  A hand knife, stunned the opponent, Kieran immediately informed Guntherson of his previous guess.

   Suddenly, the former Guardian Knight also frowned.


  Guntherson is very aware of the terrible army. Even he can’t ignore hundreds of guns, not to mention that there are more powerful guns than guns.

   It is not at all resistant to flesh and blood.

   countless of his friends and colleagues have proved this with his life.

   “We need a plan!”

  Guntherson said.

   “Well! We can’t fight the whole army!”

  Kieran is very in favor of Guardian Knight, he said while thinking: “But we also have our advantage… What the guy most wants-Church of Dawn has accumulated thousands of years of wealth in our hands!”

   “At least…the other party thinks this book readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in phone users please go to read.

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