The Devil’s Cage Chapter 125: Broken!

With an order.

Hundreds of Players surged.

Broker’ did not follow the team while sitting there, but looked at Bohr, who was stunned.


“Forget, return your most important things to you.”

Broker’ patted his forehead and pulled a glass ball out of his arms and threw it straight towards Bohr.

Bohr wants dodge.

But at this time, he did not have the ability of dodge at all.

Just hit by the glass ball.

The glass ball has not been bounced, but just integrated into the body of Bohr.


The tide-like memory shocked Bohr violently!

Ahhh Ahhh!”

With a scream, Bohr fell to his knees.


He saw Atandin again!

He saw the coming ‘Witch’!

He saw the ruined Atandin Castle!

He saw North Continent, which was plagued by plague!


Endless death!

No one can avoid it!

Including him!

Even, he is the most miserable one.

Because, he was cut by ‘Witch’ a little bit.

Both body and soul are like this.

The power he extracted was integrated into the body of ‘Witch’ and became the power of the other party.


Is it dead?

Bohr whispered to himself.

Something he always feels wrong is explained thoroughly at this time.

So he was already dead.

He is now just the resurrected him.


He just has a ‘unknown true and false memory’.

Bohr is silent.

However, soon, he thought of something.


2567 is still there!

Witch’ will also be there!

2567 is in danger!

Thinking of this, Bohr stood up hard, and he stepped back step by step.

The power of **** has disappeared, but in the face of ‘Broker’, he dare not have a little care.

Not only the strength of the opponent, but also the power.

I’m afraid no one thought that the other party would be the leader of “Revolter“, right?

Also, the other party will attack ‘Dome Clock Tower’!

Assault this place where Unique/only and Witch are related after Witch disappears.

Is it related to 2567 of Atandin?

As for how ‘Broker’ resurrected himself and how to use ‘time’, Bohr didn’t even think about it at this time.

He just wants to leave here.

It seemed to him that it was difficult.

Even, he has left a message for Lawless.

However, until he retreated to the door, ‘Broker’ didn’t stop him. He just looked at him with a smile. Although his face was blocked by the system, Bohr was sure that ‘Broker’ was laughing.

“My purpose has been achieved.”

“You have completed your mission.”

“So, you are free as a reward for you.”

‘[.]Broker’ said lightly.

But this tone does not make Bohr feel relaxed.

In contrast, Bohr heart sank.

Broker’ is a qualified businessman.

This is undoubtedly recognized by everyone in Giant City.

Therefore, ‘Broker’ cannot be traded at a loss.

The cost of being able to’resurrect’ a person…

“How is 2567?”

Bohr asked directly.



“I never had evil intent with him.”

Broker‘ smiled, and then waved his hand directly at Bohr and continued: “However, something will always happen unexpectedly. If you don’t want to find a way to help him, he may really be The problem, of course, is not a life problem, but… lost!”


“Yes, lost!”

“He will be lost in the world of Atandin and will never come back.”

“If you want to help him, hurry up.”

Speaking, ‘Broker’ walked out in stride.

that personRegistrar’ follows.

Looking at the back of ‘Broker’, Bohr ran to ‘Harvest Inn’ while sending messages to Lawless.

He felt more than one trap.

But he thinks that Lawless must know.

It has nothing to do with it.

Only because Lawless and 2567 are friends.

And he and Lawless are friends again.


“Go to drink quietly. Rachel is a ball. I think she is like a dog. She doesn’t wash her hands after using the toilet…”

With the mop, Lawless sings a song that only he knows.

If the floor under your feet is not a material problem, Lawless can guarantee that it can be used as a mirror.

But Rachel asked him to drag it three more times.

Just drag it three times.

He is used to it.


But why was his secretly hidden wine found again?

When he confirmed that he was hiding, Rachel was not in the tavern at all, and there was no one around him.

Moreover, Rachel didn’t know anything to hide from him, and he was always out of the pub recently.

There are also ‘Blacksmith’ and ‘Alchemist RefinerLemer that haven’t appeared in a long time.

The Hans and Cole that appeared every day before were also mysterious.

Ramont even rejected his proposal to explore the edge of Giant City together.

But Deldel often visits him and chats with him.

What a nice guy!

Just don’t drink!

Compared to this, Bohr is much better!

Lawless thought of the friend who had just left and smiled involuntarily, and at this time, the message belonging to Bohr in his message bar began to flash.

Without much thought, Lawless opened.

After seeing the content of the message, the smile on Lawless‘s face disappeared instantly.

A cold, blade-like breath appeared on this tall man.


He whispered.

Next, the second message of Bohr came.

There is a lot of text in the message.

Summary is just one sentence: 2567 is trapped in Dungeon World!

Without much thought, Lawless began to contact Rachel.

Lawless: 2567 was trapped in Dungeon World, a ghost of ‘Broker’ bastard, and also involved in ‘Witch’.

Rachel: Wait for me to go back.


After a brief conversation, Lawless sat patiently waiting.

Smoke of cigars quickly filled the tavern.



In the heavy breathing sound, a tiger phantom with its eyes closed became looming.


Lawless that fool got news from another idiot.”

Rachel said to his friend Wu.

“What are you going to do?”

Wu didn’t look up, and asked while offering sacrifices of Magic Item.

“Are you sure?”

Rachel replied without asking.

“2567 is no problem.”

“He will not let me down.”

“I will not let him down.”

After talking about ‘Wu’, he knelt down on the blanket and began to pray.

She returned in ‘prayer’ Kieran.

At the expense of all the conditions she can afford.

Rachel looked at her friend and wanted to stop it, but she couldn’t even say a word. She could only silently quit here and then told her partner to go to ‘Harvest Inn’ to gather.

After doing all this, Rachel hesitated, she sent a message to…



“A little golden sugar.”

“Is it necessary to replace the eyes of Feather Dragon with the eyes of Hydra?”

“Plutonium’s heart.”

Devil Lord’s Flesh Essence.”

“Breath of ‘The Original Lord’.”

Mimosa put a portion of ‘raw materials’ into Grand Battle Pot.

Duyer Cookbook】【Test Food Record】The inspiration for Mimosa is very big.

Enable Mimosa to fulfill the oath of Kieran with more appropriate ingredients.

It will not be a drag on 2567.

To be a help for 2567.

It will be ready soon.

The brilliance of indescribable colors began to appear in [Grand Battle Pot].

Looking at the gradually appearing… buns, Mimosa narrowed his eyes with a smile.

“With it, the strength of 2567 can go further.”

The delighted Mimosa began to prepare a hearty table to welcome the return of Kieran.

This is a habit.

Although it hasn’t been a long time to develop this habit.

It is enough to make Mimosa serious.

Not a double word, but a true double.

Treat food, Mimosa is serious.

Treat Kieran and Mimosa seriously.


The message in the information bar interrupted Mimosa. Looking at the message sent by Rachel, Mimosa changed his face, turned slightly white, and figure stumbled for several steps.

It takes a few seconds for Mimosa to pass the gods.

Quickly, Mimosa ran to the living room.

There is a seemingly ordinary backpack.

Pick up backpack and Mimosa starts to pull out scroll from the inside out.

[Praying Technique (small)] x12

[Praying Technique (middle)] x12

[Praying Technique (large)] x12

[Praying Technique (super large)] x12

A thick stack of [Praying Technique], including various levels.

This is what Mimosa prepared for himself.

Because Mimosa knows that it often has trouble.

So, Mimosa prepared these.

Of course, not just these.

Fortune Elixir】x3!

Three bottles of potion with golden light appeared in front of you. Mimosa did not hesitate to pick up a bottle and drink it.

However, Mimosa did not use the stack of [Praying Technique], but reached out to touch backpack again.

A roll of parchment was found.

It’s very shabby.

It’s no different from those actively abandoned scroll.

It’s just a fine distinction, enough to feel the moon’s radiance from above.


If you’re not serious, you can’t tell.

The name of this scroll is: [Dean’s Blessing]!

This is what Mimosa found in a ruin.

And this is naturally not the last trump card.

Mimosa drank a bottle of [Fortune Elixir] again.

Next, Mimosa reached out to backpack again.

Another sheepskin roll was found.

Golden like the sun shines!

With a shallow Dragon Roar sound!

The unreal hourglass phantom flashed away on scroll.

Leaf’s Blessing】!

After seeing this scroll, Mimosa was obviously relieved.

Then, Mimosa drank the last bottle [Fortune Elixir].

After moving quickly, 36 pieces of [Praying Technique]scroll were torn apart, followed by [Dean’s Blessing], and finally [Leaf’s Blessing].

The sound of blessings singing in the room echoed.



Also appears.

Sun and Moon Tonghui!

Mimosa who prayed with his eyes closed did not find this at all.

But others saw it.

A room that should be able to block everything, can’t block such moonlight and sunlight at all.

Taking this room as a point, a round of meniscus and a round of sun appeared over the huge city.

The crescent moon is bright and bright.

The sun and golden glow are hot.

The two echoed each other, and a wonderful resonance began to appear.


Anyone who knows Rheinster will be infected with the other person’s gentleness.

The attitude of being slow and polite, makes it easy for Rheinster to gain the trust of others.

The “prison” is different.

The cold and fierce opponent is the most dreaded in ‘Guardian ’.

However, most people look at eight Inspection Envoy.

Compared with these two hidden Supervision Envoys, the eight Inspection Envoy gathered attracted the attention of Guardian members.

Lee of ‘Sword of Inspection Envoy’.

Inspection Envoy of the Shield’ Hack.

‘Gun of Inspection EnvoyAdler.

Inspection Envoy of the Bow’ Rhodes.

‘Flame Inspection EnvoyCul.

‘Bingzhi Inspection EnvoyRosol.

‘Wind of the Inspection EnvoyZeke.

‘Ground Inspection Envoy‘ gloves.

People looked at each other without knowing what happened.

But they know what it means when the eight Inspection Envoy gather.

So standing one by one, waiting quietly.

A few seconds later, a footstep came from the side of the stairs.

A man with an unclear face and an eagle standing on his shoulder came.

When I saw the eagle, everyone’s breathing was stagnant.

They are too familiar with this eagle.

It can even be said that without the selection of this eagle, it is impossible for them to become a member of ‘Guardian ’.

And someone who can make this eagle stand on his shoulders…

Head? !

One by one ‘Guardian ’ members began to guess.


“I’m sorry to meet you on this premise.”

“Originally we should meet in more solemn occasions.”

“Unfortunately, because of some accidents, we have to advance the time.”

“You can call me “order”!”

“Please don’t call me ‘leader’!”

“Because this name is only eligible for Master that person.”

“And we are all Guardian of that person adults.”

“Both Guardian that person‘s “treasure” and waiting for the return of that person, but now there are mischievous people staring at that person‘s “treasure!”

‘Ling’ said straight away.

Adult that person, needless to say, knows that it is Witch.

However, “Ling” maintains its honorable title.

Similarly, the members of ‘Guardian ’ who were present also maintained corresponding respect.

For them, ‘Witch’ is completely an idol to be worshipped.

No need to incite.

The people who stay is directly fighting intent.


Guardian ‘ members shouted in unison.


In a loud shout, the explosion happened outside the door.

The sturdy and indestructible gate was blown up.

Broker‘ walked in with a smile of’Revolter‘ members.

‘Ling’ looked at ‘Broker’ with hate in her eyes, but was immediately attracted by the Sun and Moon wonders above Giant City.

Sun and Moon Tonghui?!”

“How is this possible?”

“How can you do this?”

He shouted incredulously.

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