The Devil’s Cage: 2018 is coming~

The hot liquid poured on the face, and the dying Smith opened his mouth involuntarily, swallowing heavily.

When he reacted to what he drank, the human side made him sick and wanted to vomit.

However, the side that belongs to blood descendants absorbs this hard-won food at a faster rate.

The scars on Smith’s body recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye, and his breath became slightly formidable.

The very weak become stronger.

However, it is remarkable in Intuition of Kieran.

Kieran watched the mixed-eyed eyes before he could not help but emerged vigilant.

If the other party’s layout is just smart, the other party’s ability to **** the same kind makes him wary of freshmen .

Although blood descendants is not well understood, Kieran can determine that there is no such capability in blood descendants.

Otherwise, with the performance of the previous blood descendants, the blood descendants in the Adarsh may have killed each other long ago.

When Kieran looked at Smith, the latter was also looking at Kieran, and in the other party’s eyes, almost the same vigilant eyes as Kieran appeared.

Even be more vigilant and careful.

The Smith at this moment didn’t thank the bastard’s death.

He only knew there was a problem with his plan.

And this…

It’s about his life and death.

Smith‘s brain quickly turned.

Suddenly, he said: “No. Avon Street17!”

When speaking this address, Smith‘s both eyes stared closely at Kieran, hoping to see something from Kieran‘s face.

But what disappoints Smith is that the men in front of him haven’t changed their faces from beginning to end. They are all so cold and expressionless.

The failure of the trial made Smith‘s heart sink.

He knows clearly that he met a completely different opponent from that blood descendants.

But the next scene is still beyond the expectations of Smith.

He looked at the man in front of him and raised his hand.

The rope that bound him was cut immediately, and he fell from midair. When Smith adjusted his posture and prepared to land steadily, a hand knife fell on his neck.


Smith stared at both eyes, and fell to the ground before the words were finished.

Kieran picked up the other party and walked out. He would not believe what the other party said. He would only believe what he saw, and he would never ask the other party what Avon Street17 had.

It’s a waste of time.

With such time, it is better to see it with your own eyes.



The gunshots sounded intensively at Avon Street.

Mill leaned on an alleyway, quickly filled with bullets, and beside her, a Special Task Force member was bandaging several companions.

“Damn it!”

“When did Avon Street become the nest of blood descendants!”

Mill cursed in a low voice, but the revolver in his hand suddenly lifted up.


The fire at the muzzle flashed, and a newly raised blood descendants on the opposite roof was planted like this, but the death of an blood descendants had no effect on the situation.

The Special Task Force of Adarsh is still suppressed by blood descendants.

Not only the number, but also the firepower.

Four heavy machine guns are so staggered and mounted on the highest building of Avon Street, like a machine gun tower, spitting fire tongues at all sides of Avon Street.

More importantly, from time to time, a piece of explosive was thrown down.


A brick wall collapsed with the explosion, and Will curled up in the corner of the wall to use its own experience to avoid the biggest explosion damage, but the gray face is inevitable.

He shook his body so that the dust on his hat quickly fell, and then squinted at the ‘machine gun tower’.

A long rifle appeared in his hand.

When the muzzle is adjusted slightly, it is aimed at the target.


The machine gun spouting out the tongue immediately.

The members around Special Task Force immediately gave a cheer, but when the cheer fell, the machine gun began to spit out tongue again.

Moreover, the remaining three machine guns also turned their muzzles together and fired at the location of Will.


The masonry was converted into gravel in the bullet’s shooting and splashed everywhere.



The members of Special Task Force exclaimed one by one, and at the same time, they began to turn the muzzle and returned to the machine gun that was spitting out its tongue.

They hope to get a moment for Will.

If their opponents are humans, this approach is very effective.

Unfortunately, their opponent is blood descendants.

A group of blood descendants ignoring most of the damage, even undead even in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, such counterattacks not only did not have corresponding effects, but also revealed their position.

Puff, puff!

Four or five blood flowers emerged, and several members of the action team collapsed to the ground. Motionless.


“Pay attention to concealment!”

Will shouted loudly, and the wrinkles on his face were involved with such a shout.


Will really wanted to pull this group of **** off the ground and asked them aloud, did you forget the training on weekdays?


Will heart is puzzled. Why did the entire Avon Street become the nest of blood descendants, but he did not receive any sound of the wind, so that the decision-making mistakes completely fell into the disadvantage.


Will, he knew very well that he and his subordinates would be buried here sooner or later.

But he has no solution at all.

The anger of the first floor floor.

Raised Will‘s breath.

He is ready to take a risk.

Take off the hat and quickly throw it to one side.


The gunshots sounded.

Will quickly rushed out of hiding place.

But at the moment he rushed out, Will‘s eyes were all fixed.

Because, just across from him, an blood descendants is smiling at him with a gun.

The other party obviously waited for a long time!

When did it appear?

The footsteps were covered with the help of gunfire!

Will heart raised a moment of enlightenment, and then the gun in his hand was aimed at the other party.

He knew he couldn’t survive.

But this does not mean that he is going to catch up.


The trigger was pulled, and blood descendants, who was still grinning, was shot by a shot, but this was not a fatal injury to the other party. As early as the moment when the Will fired, the blood descendants was penetrated by a narrow blade Longsword, /


[Dandelion’s Puncture] As the heart of Kieran shot out again, hidden in the corner, another blood descendants who thought he would not be discovered by anyone was pierced through his neck.

It’s like the blood descendants on the tallest building with a machine gun.

They consider themselves foolproof.

Height, firepower, and a body far beyond ordinary people are all sources of their confidence.

So when [Dandelion’s Puncture] appeared, they were unprepared to watch.

Tread, tread.

Kieran walked on Avon Street with bullets flying.

Many blood descendants have seen this conspicuous goal.

Subconsciously, they raised their guns.

But no blood descendants has a chance to shoot.

When they exposed evil intent, [Dandelion’s Puncture] had reached directly in front of them, like a sickle of death plundering their lives.

The gunshots that burst like beans in the previous moment stopped at this moment.

The remaining blood descendants looked at the dark shadow step by step.

Special Task Force members were shocked and revered.

The enthusiasm of Mill both eyes is different from ordinary people.

All of these appear in Intuition of Kieran.

However, his focus was on Smith.

The other party has awakened.

When Kieran reached Avon Street, the other party was woke up, and the emotion was so excited that even his breathing became rapid.

And when you get here, the other party completely gave up the disguise and just looked at the big iron gate in front of her—

Avon Street17.


Randomly, Kieran threw Smith to the ground, watching the other party rush towards the iron gate.

He follows behind him.

He wanted to know what was there.

Dandelion’s Puncture】Flying around, removing one after another blood descendants with evil intent.

Courtyard, anteroom, corridor, cloister.

When coming to the lobby, Smith rushed down the stairs without any hesitation.

There is a secret room.

Full of blood.

It’s full of uneasiness.

“Si, Smith.”

In a faint voice, there was a cry.

A little girl was hugged out by Smith, her face was pale and frightened, and behind Smith, she followed a few young girls of the same age.

This is all.

Kieran glanced over the huge, secret room with about fifty cages, his already cold face, and it became more and more cold.

“This is what you want to know.”

“This is a ‘restaurant’ at blood descendants.”

“A lot of blood descendantss come here to eat, including those who follow the rules.”

Smith said to Kieran with her little girl in her arms.

Finally, Smith looked at Kieran calmly.

He is very clever. He has already guessed the reason why Kieran brought him here. Similarly, along the way, he has also learned the formidable of the man in front of him.

That’s formidable that he can’t resist.

The other party wanted him to die, just a thought.

Because Smith knows clearly, whether it is the other party or the flying Longsword, it can be done by with no difficulty.

Under such a premise, Smith has let go: he only needs to rescue the people he cares about.

As for the future?

Smith hugged the little girl and raised her hands to wipe the tears off the other person’s face, revealing a rare smile.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

Smith said so.

The little girl in her throat is completely speechless and only knows to hug Smith.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Smith closed his eyes at ease.

Even death.

Just die together.

The last bit of fear in Smith that had such a thought emerged from heart.

He is waiting for death.

However, death did not come as scheduled.

“Let’s go.”

In a quiet voice, Smith opened both eyes and looked at the cold man in front of him.

“Leave here.”

“Bring them.”

In the cold words of Kieran, he turned and walked out of the building.

After stunned for Smith, he immediately followed.

Just like when you came, you returned more smoothly.

Dandelion’s Puncture】The blood descendantss who had come to eat here were already scared. They hid one by one and watched the shadow leave.

Some of them with extraordinary status are howling at heart Wrath.


“Damn, humble human being.”

“Sooner or later, you will be my lunch.”

When I saw the shadow disappeared completely out of sight, these extraordinary people jumped out immediately.

“What about the family guard?”

“What about our most formidable warriors?”

“Why haven’t they shown up yet?”

“And we are here to eat!”

“Why suffer such treatment!”

“Masters, we will give the adults a satisfactory account.”

“Please adults please be restless.”


The roar echoed through the building.

The Kieran, far away from here, heard clearly, including the explanations, but he didn’t care.

After all, no one cares about a group of guys who die immediately.

He turned his head to look at the little girls surrounded by Special Task Force.

Mill looked at these little girls with red eyes.

The members of the surrounding Special Task Force also gritted their teeth one by one.

When these little girls showed up, these people who had been dealing with monsters all year round immediately responded to why these little girls appeared here.

I also understand why there are so many blood descendantss here.


“Why don’t our people find the anomalies here?”

When seeing the bleeding scars apparently on the arms of several little girls, Mill could no longer restrain it, and she looked at Will with questioning eyes.

She hopes that Will will give her an answer.

Unfortunately, Will shook his head.

“I don’t know why the intelligence department ignored this.”

Will said, looking at the little girls apologetically.

It’s just that these little girls hid timidly behind Smith, and no one ignored him.

This made Will sigh.

“I assure you.”

“I will give you an…”



sound of the wind, interrupted the voice of Will.

The wind came suddenly.

Subconsciously, everyone looked at where sound of the wind appeared.


A whirlwind appeared on the open palm of Kieran.

That whirlwind is not big.

It can even be said to be small.

But everyone who sees this whirlwind has an instinctive heart palpitation.

In particular, Will.

He got the power of Intuition.

Moreover, he also knew that that was not all.

“Stop it, d!”

“I said that, I will give them an explanation.”

Will, who had sweat on his forehead, shouted loudly.

“That’s what you give them.”

“What’s with me.”

Kieran answered faintly, the whirlwind in his hand began to grow rapidly.

“This is Adarsh!”

Adarsh with its own rules!”

Will shouted as hard as he could.


“Follow the rules Demon Hunter, or Demon Hunter?”

Kieran raised a corner of her mouth and smiled.

The icy face did not melt because of this smile.

On the contrary, it is getting colder.

Seeing this smiling person, heart is chilling, as if seeing the smile of death.

They watched the whirlwind fly out of the palm of ‘Death’.

They watched this whirlwind expand to a radius of 100 meters.

They looked at the Great Dragon like a wind roaring in the sky, and rammed into Avon Street.

They looked at the entire Avon Street, destroying the dead, and were erased from the Adarsh map.

And they, watching the disappearance of their terrified place,… sighed involuntarily.

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