The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated: 382 “I will stop her.”, the fastest update of the devil does not have to be defeated in the latest chapter!


This is not the sound of thunder, nor the sound of an earthquake, but the sound of evil spirits.

On this day, the black and misty evil spirit, like a flood, and like an avalanche, finally rushed out of the temple, rushed out of the evil place, and poured into the entire Cosmos.


“What is this!?”



Many people couldn’t help leaving the building because of the horrible movement. They saw the evil spirit coming like a flood and avalanche. They fell into panic and shock, and immediately began to flee desperately.

On the streets of Cosmos, countless people panicked, screaming, and fleeing hurriedly. The scenes of being chased by the dark flood and avalanches are everywhere. It seems that it is really no different from the end of the day. .

The most frightening thing is that in that evil spirit, there are countless irrational evil things roaring out and rushing towards the people.

The people can only fear, scream, run away, and even cry bitterly, turning this fortress into purgatory.

That was a disaster.

That was a nightmare.

People who have witnessed this scene will never forget what happened today, and this day will even be recorded in history.

The terrible scene made the knights who were guarding the gates no longer able to calm down, and finally chose to escape, unable to bear the fear in their hearts.

Thanks to this, the people who gathered at the gates of the city rushed out without saying a word, making the crowds of people flow from the gates of Cosmos. Like the ants gushing out of the cave, it looked quite spectacular.

They are unfortunate.

But at the same time, they are also lucky.

Although the torrents and avalanches of evil spirits are still chasing them, trying to swallow the world outside Cosmos, at the moment of the moment, beams of light suddenly rose from all corners of Cosmos. He got up and went straight to the sky, turning into a huge transparent barrier, covering the entire Cosmos.

“What is that?”

Leshia, who was still watching from the top of the building, saw the barrier above Cosmos with a surprised expression.

“What a magical power…”

Anima also murmured.

At this time, beside the women, a halo like a ripple sheltered them, so that they would not be touched by the rush of evil, and thus fall into madness.

The halo is black and white. The black is caused by Ai, and the white is naturally what Anima did.

When the evil spirit rushed over, the two waved their hands at the same time, calling out this black and white halo, blocking the evil spirit from coming.

So they can clearly see what happened in Cosmos.

Now, under the action of that huge transparent barrier, the evil spirit surging in Cosmos has been blocked, unable to rush out of this fortress city.

The evil creatures are the same. They should have rushed out of the city, scattered on the ground, and became a real disaster, but they were stopped by the barrier, they could only scream and knock on the barrier, and couldn’t get out at all.

In addition, in Cosmos, innocent people were chased by evil spirits and evil things, and when they were about to encounter misfortune, they suddenly disappeared.

They were transferred to the outside of the city, or to the outside of the barrier. They were looking at the evil spirits and evil things rioting inside the barrier with suspicion, and their faces were full of lingering fears.

Ayi looked at all of this and understood something.

“This is that guy’s masterpiece, right?”

Ai Yi looked at La Xia.


La Xia is the only person who is not surprised by this situation.

Because she knows exactly why this happened.

“After learning about the evil **** Lilith from Miss Elise, Mr. Sean prepared for this moment.”

La Xia explained the reason for this.

Since learning of the seriousness of the matter, when she made the decision to simply break the seal if she had no other way, Sheen had prepared this second move in order to prevent Cosmos from carrying the disaster.

“In the past few days, Mr. Sheehan has actually been asking me to take him to and from all corners of Cosmos, where he set the magical characteristics.”

La Xia explained blankly.

“The effects of those characteristics are different, but in general, when they are activated, they will directly form an independent enchantment that can isolate the entire Cosmos, and will All individuals are rejected.”

This is not an easy task.

It’s just that Cosmos has always been randomly shifting due to the existence of the Dark Temple. This fortress city was also an independent space with the Sealed Temple before. Therefore, if it is possible to change the environment here and Use the conditions that have been formed, and use magic to reconstitute the technique, then this can be done easily.

For this reason, Sheeen squandered his magic power wantonly, and used his huge to almost infinite magic power to the extreme, only then set up such a large-scale enchantment.

In this way, even if it is the power of the evil **** Lilith, or the ancient powerful creatures, it will not be an easy task to break through the barrier and run out.

“We can continue to stay here now because the two magic powers are not much worse than that of Mr. Sheen. At this time when the two are under protection, the barrier can’t unilaterally exclude us. “

La Xia said so.

“Similarly, as the enchantment builder, Mr. Sheen, who possesses no less than enchantment magic power, and the goddess Lilith who broke out of the enchantment, are probably still staying in the temple and not being ruled out by the enchantment. .”

In other words, Sheen is facing the evil **** Lilith alone now.

The whole Cosmos, bystanders, are only four people here.

No, not four.

“It seems that there is another person who accidentally stayed.” Aiyi seemed to have seen something. While looking in the direction of the temple, she calmly said to Anima on the side: “It seems that it is because your magic power is protecting She was not excluded from the barrier because of that little girl, right?”

“…This should be the case.” Anima sighed and said: “I really don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse for her.”

Anima’s words didn’t make Ai Yi feel much.

As if she was completely disinterested in that girl, Aiyi just continued to look at the temple and silenced Laxia on the side.

Lai Xia naturally does the same.

However, looking at the huge barrier that enveloped the entire Cosmos, and thinking of the brave who was once a little green, Laisha felt mixed.

“Has he grown to the point where even this kind of large-scale magical enchantment can be constructed?”

I still remember that when she was still observing Sean secretly, Sean was just about to learn new magic, and she could only use the elementary elemental magic that was forced to be elevated by the huge magic power. It’s just a novice magician who came to face the enemy.

Less than a few months later, this novice magician actually possessed such magical attainments, which really made Laixia have to sigh for it.

La Xia on the side seemed to be aware of the master’s mind.

“This is Mr. Sheehan.”

Laxia said this to Laxia for some reason.

“La Xia?”

Laixia was startled, and looked at Laxia with some surprise.

But Laxia didn’t seem to pay attention to Laxia anymore, and she also looked in the direction of the temple.

There, an earth-shattering collision is just about to begin.



The storm-like evil spirit blasted all around, like a big dark explosion, devastating everything.

The temple has collapsed.

All the evil things were blown away by this evil spirit and disappeared.

The goddess with twelve black wings on her back is suspended in the air, like the center of a dark storm and the core of the vortex of hell, constantly releasing amazing evil spirits.

That is no longer the evil spirit that has survived thousands of years ago, but the true power of the evil god, the endless evil poison that can make all creatures in the world mad, degenerate, and mad, the deepest darkness , The most original chaos.

There is no such thing as a life that can maintain a rational life under this evil poison.

The will to resist this evil spirit is also not something an individual can possess.

That is not a sin that humans can bear. Even gods and demons have to fall for it, which is very terrifying.

Under such circumstances, in the evil storm, there is actually a figure holding a young girl, while resisting the evil that strikes like a storm, while stunned.

“Why are you not excluded from the enchantment?”

Sheehan hugged Elise, her complexion not very good.

“Hey…! Ah…!”

Elise groaned as if it were painful, her face twisted, and a frenzy flashed in her eyes from time to time, telling Sheen that she had been eroded by the power of the evil **** Lilith.

If the power of the goddess of life were not still working in her body, then, Elise would have lost her mind and turned into an evil thing.

Only Sheen, in the evil atmosphere of this storm, was actually intact, not affected by even the slightest.

However, Sheehan is not feeling well now.


The evil storm is still raging, and the power is amazing. She doesn’t know how many times Sheen, who is holding Elise, was shaken off for the first time. Like a cannonball, she hit the outer wall of a building. .

Suddenly, rubble and rubble fluttered, and soot was everywhere, causing Sheen to be smashed directly into the interior of the building.

The power of the evil **** Lilith hasn’t been able to affect Shinn, but it can still cause physical phenomena like this and affect Shinn.

Of course, Sheehan was not injured.


With a burst, Sheen blasted away the rocks and rubble covering her body, holding Elise, and jumping out of it.

“Damn it!”

Sheehan spit out a mouthful of drool that was soaked in dust, and put Elise on the ground.

“Hey, Lord Saint, you should be more confident and stick to it. If there is a way, then leave here as soon as possible.”

Sheen could only yell at Elise.

“You…what are you going to do?”

Elise couldn’t help catching Sheehan, making a difficult voice.

Sheen responded with a sentence.

“I will stop her.”

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