The Desolate Era Chapter 42: Quadressence Water

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

Ji Ning temporarily resides in a side hall of immortal residence, Ji Ning sits there, looks out from the fence, and looks at this vast and beautiful Trileaf Realm world.

“Wow.” Ji Ning‘s fingers stretched out, and there was a trace of dark yellow thunder and lightning at his fingertips, which seemed to be beautiful, but in fact they were extremely powerful.

Ji Ning stretched out a second finger again, and suddenly saw the stream of water flowing from the fingertips, flowing around the fingertips. The current was glowing green, crystal and beautiful, but its threat was more than the previous lightning. To be even better, a powerful First Step Dao Lord, when touched by this current, will instantly freeze into an ice sculpture, and even the True Soul will freeze and smash.

This is Quadressence Water made by Ji Ning.

“Thunderstorms are furious. It’s really harder to manipulate thunder and lightning than divine water.” Ji Ning nodded gently. “Tri-essence Thunder is already a short-term limit for me. It’s too difficult and too difficult to train to Quadressence Thunder.” >

First Stage divine lightning, Dual-essence Thunder … up to Novessence Thunder.

The difficulty of cultivation is soaring. According to Dao Lord Allgod, First Step Dao Lord barely hopes to become Tri-essence Thunder, Second Step Dao Lord will barely hope to become Pentessence Thunder, and Third Step Dao Lord may become Heptessence Thunder. Fourth Step Dao Lord can hope to become Novessence Thunder! Ji Ning is now only World Level, but with the help of Azureflower Mist Energy and Seven Leafpill Chapters, it has also become Tri-essence Thunder.

“Now my strongest finishing move is already ‘Yin Yang Sword Intent Domain‘.” Ji Ning suddenly laughed, obviously a defensive move. Because of divine lightning and divine water, it became the strongest finishing move!


Ji Ning waved.

There is a Dao (together) figure in the air next to it. It is World God Pillsaint with a look of ignorance. World God Pillsaint is now a loose fiery red robe with red lips and white teeth, but the oil stains on the corners of the mouth have damaged his temperament.

Master.” World God Pillsaint smiled when he saw Ji Ning. “I’m still wondering, how to eat well, suddenly came here.”

“You are happy to eat, but I worry about being afraid for a long time.” Ji Ning smiled, Ji Ning was really upset when he was just taken away by Paragon of Pills, but fortunately good thing.

“What’s wrong?” World God Pillsaint wondered and looked around at the same time, “Where is this? Right, Youji? Master Don’t you have any other companions, why do you sit here alone, alas, there seems to be Some minions. “

Ji Ning shook his head: “You talk so much, close your mouth first.”

World God Pillsaint closed his mouth.

“I let you come out to give you a chance.” Ji Ning said.

“Chance?” World God Pillsaint wondered.

“Well, don’t resist.” Ji Ning said, and stretched out his finger, and clicked directly on space between the eyebrows of World God Pillsaint.

Ji Ning taught the first chapter of “Seven Leafpill Chapters” to World God Pillsaint. According to the instructions of Paragon of Pills, Ji Ning will pass the first three chapters at most! If World God Pillsaint can learn the first three chapters in a short period of time, then Ji Ning will be able to send ‘World God Pillsaint‘ to Paragon of Pills, and maybe World God Pillsaint will have a great chance.

After all, after if goes home, I am afraid it will be difficult to return to this side of the universe.

A long time

“Wow, this, this, this is simply … incredible, incredible. This is Alchemy (pill-refining). It’s amazing. What I learned in the past can be considered Alchemy (pill-refining)?” World God Pillsaint exclaimed.

Ji Ning laughed at the sight.

“It’s amazing. Alchemy (pill-refining) can do this. I saw another brand new way of Alchemy (pill-refining).” World God Pillsaint was extremely excited, and the eyes looking at Ji Ning became very frantic. “Master, what you taught me, it seems that Incomplete? “

“This is just the first chapter,” Ji Ning said.

“What’s next?” PIllsaint was excited.

He is best at Alchemy (pill-refining). Getting the first chapter of Dao of Alchemy‘s supreme scripture “Seven Leafpill Chapters” has made him extremely excited.

“You have completely learned the first chapter, and I will pass on naturally to the second chapter.” Ji Ning said.

“Chapter 2? Is there chapter 3 Chapter 4?” PIllsaint‘s excited face flushed, “Who created this Alchemy (pill-refining) method? The master I worshiped was also very good at a Dao Lord of Alchemy (pill-refining). Fame. But compared with Master you taught me … the difference is too big, I must worship the teacher, I must worship the Supreme Being as a teacher. “

Ji Ning shook his head: “You have to worship, that Supreme Being may not be willing to accept it. You will learn to pass me on to you first, you may have a chance in the future.”

“Okay.” World God Pillsaint nodded.

Master.” World God Pillsaint suddenly knelt down and wanted to scratch his head.

Ji Ning for a moment, and then stood up and pulled up: “PIllsaint, what are you doing?”

Master, you may not quite understand what this Alchemy (pill-refining) method means, but for me, it is a path to supremacy. This is the real ‘Dao of Alchemy‘. With it, I hope to achieve Dao Lord, and even You can go further. “World God Pillsaint thanked him,” Grace of Tao, I do n’t think PIllsaint will report it … “

Ji Ning nodded: “Then you learn well.”

This Dao of Alchemy is always leading to Eternal Emperor! Paragon of Pills is Eternal Emperor with Dao of Alchemy.

PIllsaint saw his hope of becoming Dao Lord, and began to go to study and understand enthusiastically. Ji Ning only learns the Alchemy (pill-refining) technique, but PIllsaint is really a thorough study, even Alchemy (pill-refining) to try, PIllsaint on Alchemy (pill-refining) is very talented, but has not been a good guide, his past master is also good, but it is Dao Lord Allgod is much worse, let alone compared with Paragon of Pills.

The opportunity is here, and PIllsaint also has a real chance to skyrocket.

Ji Ning is very clear, his simply is Dao of the Sword after all! Regarding “Seven Leafpill Chapters“, he is mainly pondering the Alchemy (pill-refining) technique. PIllsaint is a follower of his own and can be a great master of Alchemy (pill-refining).

After giving Tao to PIllsaint, the next day, Ji Ning left immortal residence, turned into flowing light and flew away.

“Under Darknorth, have seen fellow Daoist.”

Fellow Daoist Darknorth.”

Ji Ning also saw a lot of World Level along the way, and even occasionally saw some Dao Lord.

Trileaf Realm is a very vast world. Like Brightshore Kingdom, it also has countless souls cultivator.

Emperor Gonflame?” Ji Ning took more than three hours, flying all the way to shuttle in the void, and finally arrived at the location of Emperor Gonflame.

“This is Emperor immortal residence, you must not trespass.”

immortal residence There are two boy guards at the door. When Ji Ning comes in, he immediately scolds.

“The junior heard that Emperor is good at refining, so they came to be famous, I don’t know if they were lucky enough to have a look.” Ji Ning said.

“Want to buy talisman?” One of the boys pointed not far away. “Go in through the side door and receive you by yourself. If you buy talisman, don’t you know which door you enter? The main entrance of immortal residence, some Major Power who came to ask to see us Emperor are waiting here, and wait for our help. “

“It’s junior reckless.” Ji Ning didn’t mind, and flew to the side immediately.

The two boys are proud at the door of immortal residence.

The Master is the first Emperor in the refiner of this universe. It ’s true that they have a lot of Master gates. Do n’t even talk about Dao Lord. Even Eternal Emperor came to see them. They have arrogance in naturally, where can they look down on a little World Level.

“Well, many of talisman are at the door …” Ji Ning flew to the side door, and was shocked as soon as it approached.

Although it is a side door, it is also dozens of feet wide.

There is also a waiter in front of the side door. There are three talisman suspended above the side door, a bead glowing with flames, faintly exuding powerful energy. The other is a white flower exuding bursts of white light, bathing in white light can not help but feel peaceful and peaceful. The other is a scroll, which has a faint landscape of mountains and waters.

“But this fellow Daoist is going to buy talisman?” A waitress standing at the door exuded Dao Lord breath, which should be First Step Dao Lord, she said with a smile.

“Yes.” Ji Ning nodded.

“Please come in fellow Daoist, you can buy as much as the internal talisman looks like.” The waitresses are not neglected because Ji Ning is World Level. Their talisman is exclusively sold to the outside, and they are all made by Emperor Gonflame during training Some treasures, even if refined at will, are enough for Dao Lord to break their heads.

Ji Ning stepped in immediately.

I don’t feel anything outside the threshold, but within the threshold of entry, I suddenly entered a vast void world with countless bright stars in the void.

There are cultivators walking in this void, and some waiters are receiving in the void. They walk in the void and point and point at the stars. Each star is a talisman.

“This talisman is too expensive for 3 million parties, can you convenient?”

“I want this one!”

The Dao Lord are here, all of them pose very low. Emperor Gonflame, there is no talisman below one million square meters, but it still makes countless cultivator crazy. As for this World Level … almost all just come to see, just can’t buy, it’s also an eye-opener.

When Ji Ning walked into the void, the waiters looked at them, but they were still polite on the surface, but secretly muttered, “Another World Level, I just can’t buy it.”

(To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!)

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