The Desolate Era Chapter 35: Command

Misty Rock Star, altogether nine World-level Expert, here refers to the World Level who has lived in the long!

After all, Misty Rock Star leads ninety-six Chaosworld, and many World Levels have been born over a long period of time. Like ‘Misty Rock Star Sovereign, the father of , the last Misty Rock Star Sovereign, left Badlands Territory and broke away! In fact, World-level Expert went to other territory wandering and wandering a lot, even Misty Rock Star Sovereign, where the training period is quite short, has also been to several territory.

Now these nine.

Among them, ‘Misty Rock Star Sovereign,’ World God Blackmist, and Immortal Skyram, are specifically cultivated in the vein of Misty Rock Star.

The other six are vassals, similar to ‘guest official’.

“Since Starlord said that, okay, I also agree to participate in the war, and I will do my best when the war with the Black Lotus Empire, but if the situation is not good -… I will keep my life up.” Bald golden-robed The old man said slowly.

“Everything comes as planned, I agree.”



“Haha, reminds me of the days when I ventured abroad. In Misty Rock Star, I have been silent for too long and too long. This time, it is time to fight well.”

Starlord has paid so much, we will certainly agree.”

Nine World-level Experts all agreed to go to war with the Black Lotus Empire!

Misty Rock Star Sovereign nodded gently.

“Uncle, please go to Badlands Everworld, buy that Minor Thousand Elder God Formation, and

‘Xiaoqian Ancestral Immortal array, now. “Misty Rock Star Sovereign.

“Hmm.” World God Blackmist nodded.

“Everyone, everything will go according to plan, it will be easier for several people.” Misty Rock Star Sovereign said, “I don’t even ask you to kill the enemy, just help me hold back.”

“Don’t worry, Starlord.”

“This little thing is not difficult for us.

Starlord has paid such a price, and the Black Lotus Empire is undefeated. It’s difficult to be undefeated.” These dependent World Levels, including Imaginary Silence Immortal, all secretly marveled at this’ Misty Rock Star pulse. It has a long history and it is true Deep enough to make the entire Misty Rock Army match ‘Minor Thousand Elder God Formation‘.

In fact, after years of accumulation, originally Misty Rock Star has three sets of Minor Thousand Elder God Formation. This time, in order to be more confident, we will buy three sets of Elder God (Ancestral Immortal array), and Imaginary Silence Immortal is also willing to lend one, Imaginary Silence Immortal is also attached The most unpredictable in Immortal.

Xiaoqian Elder God (Ancestral Immortal) array refers to a thousand Elder God (Ancestral Immortal) arrays. It takes about three 100 cubes chaos spirit liquid to buy. Generally, all the net worth of World-level Expert may not be affordable.

Daqian Elder God (Ancestral Immortal) array refers to nine thousand Elder God (Ancestral Immortal) arrays. That formations is too expensive and its value is almost as high as that of a Eternal Weapon but formations. The if is trapped in it and the World-level Expert is almost No doubt!

Retrace Feng Chaosworld.

Dongning mountains.

In Heaven Spying White Tower, Ji Ning sits cross-legged, pondering the seventh turn of “Starseizing Hand“.

Although he spends most of his time on study and understand Sword Technique, he also needs some adjustments. In the hundreds of years dating back to Feng Chaosworld, combining “Misty Rock Destruction” and “Nine Yuan Destruction”, Ji Ning has gradually transformed “Starseizing Hand” into the seventh. Shaped.

Master.” A shout came from outside.


Ji Ning opened his eyes and he did not isolate the outside sound. He could clearly see the outside through Heaven Spying White Tower.


In a study room, Ji Ning appeared out of thin air and swept away Heaven Spying White Tower on the desk.

“Squeak.” Opening the door, Elder God Wilddog was standing outside the study.

Master, Misty Rock Star‘s order came.” Elder God Wilddog say in succession “The other three Misty Rock Army captains stationed here have passed.”

“Missing order?” Ji Ning was surprised, nodded, “Go, go and see.”

“What? All back to Misty Rock Star?” exclaimed Elder God Mountain Eater in gold.

“Retrace Feng Chaosworld, no need to station troops?” The other two captains Flying Spirit Immortal, Deep Tear Elder God were also surprised.

Ji Ning is the messenger watching.

The ambassador ordered respectfully to Ji Ning: “General, three captains, this is the order of Starlord. You can take a look.” He said he took a scroll with astral light and handed it to Ji Ning.

Ji Ning has a look.

It has the breath of the text written by divine power, which is indeed the breath of Misty Rock Star Sovereign.

“Look at the three of you, too.” Ji Ning passed it.

The captains Elder God Mountain Eater, Flying Spirit Immortal, and Deep Tear Elder God took it after reading it. They were still confused. They did not suspect that the false order could make the identity false, and that the scroll could not be false. What can be faked so that a few of them can’t see it ‘don’t need to cheat them by this little trick. !

“This border is so heavy that it hasn’t been stationed in the army. It hasn’t been in so many years.” Elder God Mountain Eater whispered to himself.

“Okay.” Ji Ning nodded and instructed, “Since Starlord commanded, then we will immediately return to Misty Rock Star ……… Also, the above is clear, we must retreat quietly.”

“Yes.” All three captains answered.

On the same day, Ji Ning let the subordinate‘s three must-sword masters stay in the Dongning mountain range, which is considered to protect those fairy demons who live around. Others like Flamefairy Su Youji and Elder God Wilddog all followed Ji Ning together.


Ji Ning took the servants of subordinate, and more than 300 Elder God Ancestral Immortal of Misty Rock Army left Feng Chaosworld and went to Misty Rock Star.

When Ji Ning arrived at Misty Rock Star, only Elder God Ancestral Immortal was found on Misty Rock Star.

“I haven’t seen so many Elder God Ancestral Immortal for a long time.”

“So much.”

The sergeants marveled one by one, gathered in groups of three or five.

“General, Starlord summoned.” Ji Ning was not as leisurely as Sergeant ordinary, and was immediately summoned to Starlord’s Estate.

Starlord’s Estate.

The hall, there are already four figures in the hall.

“Huh?” Ji Ning walked into the side hall and saw the four sitting there at a glance. The four were extraordinary, including women, children, and alien appearances.

“Meet the four generals.” Ji Ning said first.

“I heard that we have a general in Misty Rock Army who has played against World God Blackmist. Unfortunately, when I knew it, Fellow Daoist Sunrise you have left Misty Rock Star.” Said the cultivator, a tall man with white scales and a large body in blue robes .

“I’ve seen Sunrise Sword Immortal.”

Brother Sunrise, we have a chance to try and compare.”

The four generals are relatively close to Ji Ning. They are mainly from the same side. They have a relationship of Lifeblood Oath, and of course they will unite.

Soon, the sixth general has arrived, even Gongchao Ancestral Immortal.

Starlord is here.” The seven people in the side hall all looked outside. They sensed the breath that was endless like stars, and saw the man wearing astral-robed come in.

“Meet Starlord.”

The six generals and Gongchao Ancestral Immortal salute respectfully.

Misty Rock Star Sovereign sat down in the main seat, and commanded: “You also sit down.”

“Thank Starlord.” Ji Ning they all sat down.

“The Elder God Ancestral Immortal who gathered here is here, and you must have guessed it.” Misty Rock Star Sovereign smiled.

Ji Ning They are all curious.

Many borders have withdrawn, all converging at Misty Rock Star. Nothing major is to blame.

“I will dispatch an entire army of Misty Rock Star. Nine World Level and Elder God Ancestral Immortal troops will all start … attack the Black Lotus Empire.” Misty Rock Star Sovereign said.


Every surprise.

Ji Ning was also surprised. Although he was waiting for a better opportunity to deal with Xin Shenjiang, he was still shocked to hear the news. Because the various forces in Badlands Territory are generally some small-scale confrontations, they are hone subordinate Elder God Ancestral Immortal. Rarely rise to the level of World-level Expert fight! The fighting at such levels … the impact is too great, and the casualties will be severe.

Misty Rock Star although there are nine World Level.

But the Black Lotus Empire also has six! And the fight against cultivator cannot be simply compared by quantity. A very powerful World Level is even worth seven or eight weak World Levels. Even some extremely powerful, like the original World God Northrest holding Divine Sword Purple Light Jade, ten World Level of ordinary, he can easily kill them!

So the number is not absolute. After all, no one knows whether a certain World Level is hiding some powerful means.

“The plan has been set.” Misty Rock Star Sovereign said, “Seven of you, each of you will lead 999 Elder God or Ancestral Immortal! Form six Minor Thousand Elder God Formation and a small Ancestral Immortal array”

Seven Base Array?” Ji Ning secretly marveled at the size of the pen.

A thousand Elder Gods combined with formations, the weaker World-level Expert may be besieged alive! Even if it is strong, it can resist it!

Gongchao is responsible for the Xiaoqian Ancestral Immortal array. Six of you will lead the Minor Thousand Elder God Formation ……… Next I will give you a month to let you master formations.” Misty Rock Star Sovereign commanded, “After a month, set off Go to the Black Lotus Empire. “

“Yes.” Six generals and Gongchao Ancestral Immortal responded.

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