The Desolate Era Chapter 29: Three-Ruler Sword Tenth Form

“Under Ji Ning, pulling the copper pillar is just for you.” Ji Ning said.

Ji Ning is very clear. It is no longer the era of Fiendgod. It is the era of Grand Xia Dynasty unification! human fighting with each other is a trivial matter, but as long as no Fiendgod is subject to human, everyone will shout! Those free Fiendgods can only run around poorly, such as the ancient Fiendgod of Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp, which is obviously stronger than Loose Immortal and can easily pinch an Loose Immortal, but the Fiendgod on the other side dares not fight back and has been fleeing.

As for submission?

These more than 900 Fiendgod have been held in torture for endless years and have not surrendered to Youngflame Clan. I am afraid it will be difficult to surrender to other human.

“We Fiendgod have gratitude and revenge.” Leader Jiu Fiendgod whispered, and then he looked at the nine Celestial Immortals of Youngflame Clan, and sent out a shouting roar: “Youngflame Clan, your detention tortured us for endless years, today It’s time for revenge, before Emperor Xia‘s Tu Shenwei comes, kill them all! “


“Kill them.”

The sound of monstrous shouts is filled with monstrous hatred.

More than 900 Fiendgods have formed a battle array. divine power is surging like a whole. There is an ancient Fiendgod phantom with an ancient whole body surrounded by flames in the sky. The strong breath makes Ji Ning a little. Shocked: “This is the Fiendgod battle array?” He just heard of the Fiendgod battle array, this is the first time he has seen it.

Fiendgod, is a strong man born to fight.

Fighting and fighting, I would rather die than be unyielding.

It’s typical like Daoist Threelives. After he had torn one arm by the enemy, he still kept one arm! To many human, this is really stupid, but Daoist Threelives does just that, this is his pride! In the face of the catastrophe that year, he could completely shrink back and hide. At the level of Daoist Threelives, he could still save his life, but he wasn’t … clearly know was extremely dangerous, he just faced difficulties and died without regrets!

Ji Ning looked up. A large group of Fiendgods in the sky were voluminous, all holding weapons and killing the nine Celestial Immortals.

On the one side is the Fiendgod battle array, and on the other is the Baxian Zhenhai array of the Xian Family!

“嘭 ~~~”

A violent impact sounds as if Heavenbreaker is cracking.

Chi Xin Celestial Immortal, Jin Zhong Celestial Immortal, Deadwood Celestial Immortal and other waves around the eight major Celestial Immortal surge, the impact was completely released. This Eight Immortal Zhenhai Array … is the real top defense formations of Three-Realms. Do not seek for merit, but for nothing! They know that it is difficult to kill this group of Fiendgod now.

“Hahaha, just this way?” The ancestor of youngflame sneered, “I advise you to leave quickly, I have informed Emperor Xia, I believe Emperor Xia will soon send Tu Shenwei over here, but you will not leave … Can’t get out! “



The Fiendgods ignored it and rushed again.

Boom ~~~

Fiendgod battle formation formed a huge flame **** ghost shadow, and once again hit the Eight Immortal Zhenhai array, the Chi Xin Celestial Immortal, Xuanji Celestial Immortal and other people who formed the Eight Immortal Zhenhai face were all white.

Patriarch, what should we do, what should we do?” Xuanji Celestial Immortal said anxiously, “We can’t resist for long, their Fiendgod battle array is too strong.”

“What can I do?” The single-horn golden-robed person glanced coldly at Xuanji Celestial Immortal. “This is more than nine hundred Fiendgod, of which more than six hundred are Void Fiendgod. Under their cooperation, the world is shaking and you want to use Greater Teleportation Dao-seal Can’t do it. As for hiding in the portable Immortal Estate and then performing Greater Teleportation Dao-seal? But these more than 900 Fiendgods can make Immortal Estate shattered in an instant and want to escape. Now simply cannot escape. There is only one way. I’ll be a little longer … As long as the Emperor Xia Tu Shenwei arrives, we will be saved! “

It takes time to perform Greater Teleportation Dao-seal, and it is not allowed to be interrupted!

“Are Emperor Xia Tu Shenwei in time?” Jin Zhong Celestial Immortal followed up.

“I have notified Emperor Xia.” single-horn golden-robed Humane.

“What if Tu Shenwei deliberately delays?” Chi Xin Celestial Immortal worried.

single-horn golden-robed The human pupil shrinks and lowers his head: “No, Emperor Xia knows old bastard. I have a treasure to take away all of you. Just use this treasure once and it will be shattered. Not until the end At a critical juncture, I will never use it lightly. “

The treasure that can block the impact of more than 900 Fiendgod is also a life to Celestial Immortal. The ancestor of this youngflame is also reluctant to use it!

“You Fiendgod, you are wasting your time, the more you waste, the more you will die in a while.” single-horn golden-robed people Immortal energy voices, rumbling loudly through the world, “As soon as Tu Shenwei arrives, you are very Knowing the power of Tu Shenwei, you will be dead. “

“Death, also destroy your Youngflame Clan.” Fiendgod full of scale armor roared.

“What is life and death? Youngflame Clan, you Celestial Immortal all die.”

Youngflame Freak, I know you have a lot of divine clone, but you subordinate these eight Celestial Immortal, but today all of them have to die.”

Fiendgod roared.

A joint attack on the Baxian Zhenhaizhen again.

“It’s so brave, I don’t want to die anymore. It’s a pity that after endless years and endless torture, I have never been willing to bow my head for this day of freedom. Now I am free, but for the so-called revenge It will be overtaken and killed by Tu Shenwei. It is a shame. If I were you, I would have escaped one by one, and even escaped this Grand Xia Realm. “single-horn golden-robed people laughed.

Some of the more than 900 Fiendgods are hesitant.



Not imprisoned or tortured, it is difficult to appreciate how valuable this freedom is. They waited too long for this day, in order to get revenge? Are you giving up freedom?

“Without killing Youngflame Clan, even if we are alive, we are still alive. Today, we are going to kill the Celestial Immortal Youngflame Clan group, kill them, and then escape quickly.” Jiu head Fiendgod growled.

“What you want is a happy one.”

“Hahaha, nine songs, I seem to be back in the war with human, yes, what I want is a happy moment. What is death?”

“Happy, happy.”

Howling one by one.

The more powerful Fiendgod, the more fearless of life and death, their innate warfare makes them all crazy.

The Ji Ning below is shocked.

“Is Fiendgod?” Ji Ning muttered to himself.

Although he has also cultivated Fiendgod Body Refining, he does not have a true Fiendgod heart. After all, he is still human.

If it was his endless years of torture, endless torture, and once escaped, I saw that the danger was too great, I’d rather run away first, and then come slowly to revenge later! However, Fiendgod is different. Fiendgod is even unwilling to wait. When they are angry, they have to take revenge, and they have no fear of death. This kind of warfare, inherent warfare completely shocked Ji Ning.



“Hmm.” The roar in the sky keeps going. The eight major Celestial Immortals sometimes eat a miracle supplement Immortal energy and try their best to resist. Under this shock, even Celestial Immortal Jindan has been damaged, and they are just barely supporting now. , Fiendgod are even more crazy.

Time passes in minutes and seconds.

But none of the Fiendgod left, they were all on the offensive.



“Kill it clean.”

Ji Ning murmured to himself, Dao (together) Daoqi appeared around naturally, and Ji Ning surrounded by countless Jianqi was like the **** of swords.

I saw Ji Ning close her eyes.

Dao (together) Tao inspiration continues to gather …

Since Ji Ning decided to start a real battle with Youngflame Clan, his heart has become more and more clear, and his warfare has become stronger.

The Fiendgod who saw the endless years of torture in spite of freedom, just seeking to kill him, also aroused the war in Ji Ning‘s heart.

The more the war intentions become stronger.

Heart, the brighter it becomes.

All past insightss keep coming to mind.

Nine hundred Fiendgod siege siege to the nine Celestial Immortal, and the nine Celestial Immortal are also trying to delay. The ancestor of youngflame is also clench one’s teeth. He is very reluctant to use his life-saving treasure. In his heart, he is comparable to life-saving things The lives of the two Celestial Immortal are much more important. But if all the subordinate eight major Celestial Immortals are dead, then he is really alone, and he still does not want this to happen.

“Wait a second, resist, resist.” Youngflame Clan anxiously encouraged.

The eight major Celestial Immortals are also struggling to support them. This breath cannot be relieved, they are all supporting.

“Boom ~~~” Suddenly a wave appeared.

This greater teleportation fluctuates.

“Huh?” Youngflame Clan Nine Celestial Immortal looked up at the same time.

More than 900 Fiendgod heads up at the same time.

There is an ancient ship that seems to be agglomerated by Blood Wave in the sky. This Blood Wave ship is equipped with a guard wearing a blood red armor, all of which are extremely powerful and shocking.

“Tu Shenwei!” Youngflame Clan Jiuda Celestial Immortal is overjoyed.

Hurry up!



More than nine hundred Fiendgods couldn’t help it. In the booming sound, they directly tore the space, one by one, along the Dao (together) road space crack, fast began to escape.

“Follow me.” The tall general on Blood Wave ship looked indifferently at the nine Celestial Immortals of Youngflame Clan, and then ordered coldly.

There was a lot of blood, and he chased along the cracks in the space of Dao (together).

Peace between heaven and earth.

Fiendgod disappeared.

Tu Shenwei also disappeared.

“Whew.” The nine major Celestial Immortal were relieved.

“Fortunately, fortunately.” single-horn golden-robed nodded secretly, “Fortunately, I did not rush to use the treasure, otherwise it will be wasted.”

“Then Ji Ning didn’t escape!” Xuanji Celestial Immortal pointed down and sneered. “Although I was waiting for a serious injury, there were three poisonous insects and beasts. I can completely suppress this Ji Ning.”

Other Celestial Immortal including youngflame ancestors are below overlook.

Ji Ning is standing in the ruin fair and honest below, Ji Ning is closing her eyes, even with a smile on her face, which is the joy of comprehend the dao.

“Where is the Tao …” Ji Ning opened his eyes and whispered, “Although tens of millions, Relentless Advance!”

Om! !! !!

In the ruins around Ji Ning, the innumerable pieces of gravel, broken grass, and water droplets are all suspended, all of them are faintly converging with swordsmanship. All All Things seem to be swords! Even the large number of fairy swords and Darknorth Sword suspended in the Zifu space of the Ji Ning body also made a sword groan.

“Although my talents are high, my insights has already surpassed the Northwalker predecessors. But on Jianxin, until today, I can barely compare with the Northwalker predecessors.”

Ji Ning feels that a sword intent in his heart wants to spray out. This sword intent is so powerful and so grand.

“Where the Tao …”

“Where the Tao …”

Ji Ning whispered to himself, “This sword that I newly realized is called ‘Relentless Advance‘.”

Three-Ruler Sword Tenth Form Relentless Advance!

Ji Ning looked up at high altitude. Fiendgod is no longer in the sky. Only the nine Celestial Immortal and the three beasts are still there.

(To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!)

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