The Desolate Era Chapter 29: Lux

There is nothing else in this grey space. Ji Ning stomps the grey gas underneath his feet, as if stepping on the ground.

“Where is the test of Divine Ability Palace?” Ji Ning glanced out, suddenly the sound of “Wow!”, a dark monument appeared out of thin air, and fell to the ground. This dark monument has a hundred dense Fiendgod text .

“Use the power of Fiendgod!”

“You can choose the weapon next to you.”

“Go and kill!”

Divine Ability is a stunt of killing.”

“The more fighters you kill, the more powerful Divine Ability you get. There are too few kills, not even the seventh Divine Ability. You ca n’t even get the seventh Divine Ability … here, kill yourself crazy, The moment you drop your body shattered, the test of Divine Ability Palace is over. “

Looking at the Fiendgod text on the monument, a huge case appeared out of thin air near the dark monument. There were a lot of weapons on the case. There were hundreds of swords and hundreds of knives. There are hundreds of guns and hundreds of sticks … densely packed weapons are stacked on top of the case.

“It’s really my choice.” Ji Ning was surprised, the number of weapons was really large.

Ji Ning dare not hesitate.

Brush! brush!

Lian picked up two swords of the same size and length as Darknorth Sword.

“Huh?” Ji Ning hesitated a little, “Single swordsmanship and rainwater sword field alone is not too expensive for me Mindlord (mind).”

The large number of smaller long swords in that case suddenly flew, and nine long swords flew in full. For this test, Yellow Hair Giant Bear just said that it was not allowed to use gas refining. And Divine Soul … is an Divine Will that has its own life and is a powerful Divine Soul. naturally cannot be regarded as a means of gas refining.

“I control the nine swords with Divine Will, although the power is worse. Whatever the outcome has the ability to assist.” Ji Ning thought secretly.

This battle …

I have to do my best to get a higher Divine Ability as much as possible. If I get the sixth and seventh Divine Ability, even if I get it, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill Xu Li Adept. The most deadly thing is that neither Yellow Hair Giant Bear nor this dark monument have told themselves. How many kills will count as the third Divine Ability, and how many kills will count as the first Divine Ability.

When the Ji Ning just selected the sword, the gray gas in the surrounding void began to condense fast. Into a humanoid.

“This is it!” Ji Ning was nervous.

These humanoids are very strong, with three eyes full of fierce light, and their bodies are almost naked. Just a pair of pants and skirts around the waist. They all had some fat on their bodies, and they also held a pole weapon in their hands, some with axe, some with long sticks, and some with sledgehammers.

Their breath is like bolt of lightning, their footsteps make the earthquake tremble, and they exude a terrible fierce breath.

In a blink of an eye in all directions, hundreds of these humanoid monsters have condensed.

“This is what Luxi said on the dark monument?” Ji Ning was shocked. He had read many legends in some books, and there were some Lux in the Major Power. The so-called Lux ​​is some doing hard work, such as guarding the force, such as carrying Ding Lishi, such as guarding the mountain, even carrying the mountain, and dancing to the Hynix …

They do different things. The names are also different, of course, the strengths are also very different.

Luxi is rumored not to be a life, but a simple and intelligent servant created by Major Power. Of course, if there are some powerful people who have taken up the seat of Major Power, they are willing to use the name of “Li Shi”. But like some very powerful ordinary Lux, they are not life.


“Kill!” Hundreds of fierce armoured soldiers around. Stepping on the clouds and fog, turned into a violent wind, and directly killed Ji Ning.

They shouted the Fiendgod word “kill” in their mouths. Their fierce three eyes only locked the Ji Ning, and the speed was amazing. In a blink of an eye, they went from thousand feet (333 m) to Ji Ning.


Raindrops are falling, covering the surrounding thousand feet (333 m) range.

The rain is sharp like a knife for a moment. Thousands of knives cut away from these fighters for a while. The rain, which contains the mystery of Tao, is amazing. These fighters howled one by one, all cut directly into pieces, and then turned into mist and disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

Large numbers of Lux are still condensing in the distance. More Lux are condensing than before.

“Kill.” Ji Ning did not hesitate to control the rain, killing these fighters.

Yu Shui Yu Yu is Dao Domain, which is insights.

Rainwater, it is the Heaven and Earth power quantity.

This is not a gas refining method.

“Huh?” Ji Ning‘s face changed slightly. “Lux is getting stronger, they are faster, their bodies are tougher, and even the axe and hammer methods are improving.”

It’s obviously more difficult to kill these fighters through the rain sword area.

Luxi is constantly condensed in this gray space, and Ji Ning is slaughtered by the rainwater sword field, so it is fast. With only five breaths of effort, Ji Ning killed more than ten thousands of Lux.

“嗤嗤嗤 ~~”

The rain cuts left Lishi’s strong body with scars, but he could no longer kill them.

“It’s not enough to rely on the rain sword area.” Ji Ning‘s eyes flashed. First, a blooming water and fire lotus condensed in the surrounding rainwater. These blooming huge water and fire lotuses frantically strangled those powerful and powerful people. They also used weapons to resist and dodge, but they still had their lives killed.

Brush! brush! brush! …

I saw the Jiudao sword light also broke away. This is a nine-handed sword controlled by Ji Ning Divine Will. Under the control of Divine Will, these nine-handed swords exhibited the strongest Ji Ning sword move ‘silver rain line’ !! At first, the only reason to choose a nine-handed sword was because it was necessary to use a powerful sword, and Ji Ning Divine Will could not control too many swords.

“Bully ~~~” is like chopping melon and cutting vegetables, Divine Will controls the sword, and powerful energy itself is Early Zifu Stage. But relying on swordsmanship and rain sword area … make these swords extremely powerful.

Jianguang leap, a large number of Lux are cut in half. Then it turned into mist.

Using the rain sword area, water fire lotus, and Divine Will to control the sword … Ji Ning slaughters Lux at an amazing speed.

Ji Ning arrived at Serpentwing Lake and then entered Underwater Manor with ‘Millions of No Traces’. Actually it took a short time. The only thing that took a little longer was talking with Yellow Hair Giant Bear, which was far less than tea time.

When Ji Ning is slaughtering those fighters in Divine Ability Palace space at this moment …

Ox Horn Mountain, halfway up the mountain.

Yichuan, you must be careful here.” Ji Ninefire looked at Ji Yichuan. “Try to delay as much as possible. We have five people now, but try to delay as much as two days. Although you have the root cause, you can also delay as much as possible Click. “

“I understand.” Ji Yichuan nodded.

He looked at Whitewater Hound aside, Whitewater Hound put his head lightly against Ji Yichuan, and he was very reluctant.

Little White.” Ji Yichuan stroked Whitewater Hound lightly.

His Ji Yichuan parents died early. The highest status in his mind is his wife, son, and his brother, Little White. Little White followed him for much longer than his wife and son followed him.

Only Little White, always follow him.

Adventure together …

Even if death is ahead, it will not be pushed back.

“I went.” Ji Yichuan bowed her head and kissed gently on the head of Whitewater Hound.

Whitewater Hound has tears in his eyes.

Ji Yichuan followed his head and rushed into the aisle separated by the side, and Whitewater Hound watched Ji Yichuan leave … He wanted to accompany Ji Yichuan, but Ji Yichuan if will ban the operation, the strength will soar, and with the help of Deep Dragon Lock Heaven Array blessing, the strength Even more amazing. He a Xiāntiān (Protocosmic) complete spirit beast can only be a burden.

Knowledge is a burden. He knew this trip was dangerous, but he still wanted to come because he understood that his most important brother, ‘Ji Yichuan‘, was afraid to die this time. How can he not come?

Whitewater Hound.” Ji Ninefire said.

Whitewater Hound turned to look at the patriarch Ji Ninefire.

“I only have five people left in Ji Clan, and I can barely maintain Deep Dragon Lock Heaven Array.” Ji Ninefire said, “if Yichuan is dead. There are only four left. Deep Dragon Lock Heaven Array cannot maintain the strongest powerful energy. I have a copy of Ji Ning here. liquefied elemental essence ‘, you can use it to try to break through. If you can break through and become Zifu-level monster, then after Yichuan‘s death, you can replace him. “

Trapped in large array, no one can escape …

Since it’s about to die. It’s even more exciting.

“Roar.” Whitewater Hound nodded slightly, holding his jade bottle directly.

In the beginning, Ji Ning consumed about one third of liquefied elemental essence, broke through to Zifu and consolidated Early Zifu Stage! The remaining liquefied elemental essence Ji Ning was not wasted, but left to the clan leader.

Whitewater Hound has desire in his eyes. He wants to break through. He wants to help him with Master, his Big Brother, his most important relative in the world.

Underwater Manor, outside the hall of Divine Ability Palace, Old Black Bull and Yellow Hair Giant Bear are all there.

“Oh!” Yellow Hair Giant Bear sighed.

Big Brother? What’s wrong?” Old Black Bull say in succession.

“Sure enough, I expected it.” Yellow Hair Giant Bear sighed, “This Ji Ning is the only way I can really get the Divine Ability method left by Master. His Divine Soul is powerful and can be Divine Will master. Tao’s insights is also extremely high, both reaching Dao Domain. With the rain sword domain, Divine Will Imperial … he swept all the way, killing countless Lux, but now the Lux is getting stronger and stronger, even if he uses it himself Fighting with two swords is still very difficult. “

“If you wait another five years.”

“His Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens may be able to get Eighth Stage and even Ninth Stage. At the speed of his insights improvement, in five years, his insights will also make rapid progress.

“His own deity is stronger, and the insights of the Tao is higher. At that time, he is likely to get the Divine Ability method left by Master. Unfortunately, it is a pity.”

Yellow Hair Giant Bear shook his head and sighed.

“Then he?” Old Black Bull worried.

“His slaughtering speed is very fast. In the tea time, he has already killed tens of thousands of fighters, but I look at his strength. Whether this third Divine Ability method can be obtained is dangerous.” Brother Huang Mao shook his head, ” As for the first Divine Ability method, I do n’t know how far. Unfortunately, if you wait another five years … ”

“Yeah, but he refuses to wait five years.” Old Black Bull also booed.

I hope Ji Ning will turn over, please vote monthly!

To be honest.

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