The Desolate Era Chapter 2: Three-Realms secret (medium)

! Subhuti‘s eyes have the color of remembrance, and said softly: “Let’s start with Primordial Chaos. Before Primordial was born, our current Three-Realms area was a Primordial Chaos. Primordial Chaos was amazing A pair of Elder God, True God and Empyrean God have begun to be born, and because of their origin, they are also known as Elder God of Primordial Chaos, True God of Primordial Chaos and Empyrean God of Primordial Chaos. “

Elder God?” Master Gang said, Ji Ning was shocked.

“The Tao contained in this world is divided into Ten Great Heavenly Dao, Eighty-one Grand Dao, and Eighteen thousand Lesser Dao.” Subhuti said, “Like the top ten Elder God, they all mastered the existence of Heavenly Dao when they were born. And the Pangu that understands Dao of Primordial Chaos, the Nuwa that understands Dao of Life, the Fuxi that understands the way of destruction, the Feng Huang that understands Heavenly Dao of yin, the Zu Long that understands Heavenly Dao of yang, and the other Five Elements Heavenly Dao, which are Firegod Zhurong, Watergod Gonggong, Metalgod Rushou, Woodgod Jumang, Earthgod Houtu. “

“These ten … are born to control the existence of Heavenly Dao. Among them are Pangu as respect!”

Subhuti looked at Ji Ning, “You son, you seem to have a lot of doubts.”

“Yes, why Elder God, disciple never heard?” Ji Ning shocked, “disciple thought True God was already peak.”

“There are very few people who know about Three-Realms. I will slowly say the reason behind them. Pangu Nuwa they are one by one, different from us. They were born to control Heavenly Dao, and they are stronger than us.” Subhuti said, “In Primordial Chaos Among them, True God was born to control Grand Dao! Among them were teachers and me, as well as Threelives, Crimsonbright, such as Daoist Three Purities, Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata, Welcomer Buddha, etc. all are True God. “

“Once again, there are eighteen thousand, born to have mastered Empyrean God of ordinary Dao (together).”

Subhuti said, “This is the Elder God, True God, and Empyrean God bred in Primordial Chaos.”

“The most powerful Holiness is the Pangu that controls Dao of Primordial Chaos. Pangu said that it is too powerful but it is also controlled by destiny.” Subhuti lamented, “He was born to destiny, and it is the sky. Pangu is the last One came out, he took a Pangu axe, creation of the world, and even burned his life, and eventually died. He also created this huge Primordial Pangu world. “

“After creation of the world ………, the world of Primordial Pangu has also begun to give birth to many lives. These are world-born. The strong can reach Empyrean God Realm, and the weak can be at least Xiāntiān (Protocosmic).”

Ji Ning listen carefully.

“Everything is born in heaven and earth is very exciting. We came from Primordial Chaos and we are curious about everything.” Subhuti emotion “is the leader of the land, or a reclusive side …. with the Primordial Pangu world The many lives of that Primordial World are even more exciting. Like Threelives, even several Elder God have even led a country, started a battle, even killed at death. “

Ji Ning nodded.

For their ambitions, war is normal.

“Many Major Powers have also created the Qi Refining Techniques method for countless lives in Primordial World.” Subhuti said “like Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata, it created the Buddha’s method, which is actually a kind of Qi Refining Techniques. So it was a bit True God, like me and Tathagata, they all practiced on Qi Refining Techniques and became Daofather. “

Mother Nuwa is the first breakthrough.” Subhuti said, “Mother Nuwa relies on great perseverance and wisdom, insights created Yin and Yang and two Heavenly Dao, and then created human. After Mother Nuwa controlled Yin and Yang two Heavenly Dao, the strength suddenly soared. Primordial only knew one after another. The Heavenly Dao that originally realized Xiangke can go to the next level. “

“So, each of the Primordial World Major Power is under training, but found that after understanding a Heavenly Dao, it is extremely difficult to understand the opposite Heavenly Dao. Like Heavenly Dao of Life

If you want to realize the destruction of Heavenly Dao again, you will be hindered by the strong interference of the original Heavenly Dao of Lifesimply cannot be insights. “

“For a long time, except for Mother Nuwa, there is no second insights but Heavenly Dao.” Subhuti said.

“Later … Daoist Three Purities appeared.”

Daoist Three Purities, also from True God of Primordial Chaos, was originally called Yuanshi! He was also very good. He has realized Heavenly Dao of Yang and destroyed Heavenly Dao. However, he wants to understand the opposite of Heavenly Dao or Heavenly Dao of Life of Yin, but has been unsuccessful. So … He made a big determination. “Subhuti said,” He committed suicide. “

“Suicide.” Ji Ning froze.

Redsnow laughed next to him, although it was a secret, but Redsnow, born after creation of the world, knew it when following Daoist Threelives.

“Then Daoist Three Purities set restrictive spell in his True Soul, he must understand Heavenly Dao or Heavenly Dao of Life of Yin in order to awaken past life memories.” Subhuti said, “Daoist Three Purities directly enters reincarnation, and then commits suicide. Because he committed suicide during reincarnation. , His True Soul went to naturally and reincarnation went. “

“This is a big gamble.”

“After Daoist Three Purities reincarnation, the if soul is flying away, then his True Soul will enter the long river of fate. That’s over.” Subhuti said.

Ji Ning nodded.

You must comprehend Heavenly Dao or Heavenly Dao of Life of Yin to awaken past life memories, that is to say, at least before becoming Daofather, you cannot awaken past life memories. How difficult is it to become Daofather without the help of past life memories? Even if the talents are excellent because of True Soul, road of cultivation is too dangerous.

if The killing spirit fluttered away, it is indeed over.

“He failed in succession and reincarnation nine times in his reincarnation.” Subhuti said, “Of the nine reincarnations of his reincarnation, six have been mortals and have not been able to enter road of cultivation. So he died naturally reincarnation. Two other lives died at the Zifu level, and the same reincarnation went. Until the ninth, he was reborn as Primordial human Laozi! “

“In this life, he was fascinated and moved forward swiftly. Because there was no interference from memory, he realized the Yin Road in one go and became Daofather. At this time he awakened the original memory … Yang Zhi Heavenly Dao, Destruction Heavenly Dao Both were in control again. His strength soared immediately, at that time he realized that the method of gasification of Three Purities … The strength of strength, even the original Mother Nuwa may be inferior, almost the first leader at the time of Primordial .Because I realized that the Three Purities method was a gasification, he also called it Daoist Three Purities. Since then, he passed down the multiple Dao family methods, created Dao Sect, and became the leader of Dao Sect. “

Ji Ning is shocking.

“Because reincarnation is used to conceal the memory of previous lives, so understanding Heavenly Dao will not be affected. However, this is gambling. if The soul is dissipated, but it is really dead.” Subhuti said with emotion, “In the beginning, because of Daoist Three Purities, six Bit Daofather also goes to reincarnation, and also sets restrictive spell in True Soul. “

“But they have no more news, from Primordial to today Three-Realms, they have no trace of them.” Subhuti said, “They may be dead, or they may be reincarnated in the endless reincarnation.”

Ji Ning sighed.

Continuous reincarnation?

Those Daofather go to reincarnation, True Soul is extraordinary, talented naturally is extremely amazing. As long as you have the chance, you can generally embark on the road of cultivation. On the road of cultivation, it is very dangerous, and the soul that is likely to be killed by the enemy is scattered! It has been too long since Primordial. Those six Daofathers are probably dead long ago, and True Soul has entered an endless long river.

“After that, Primordial Major Power has been quite a long time, no one is reincarnation anymore. But Major Power is too strong, and each yearns to become strong.” Subhuti feeling, “So, at that time, the strength in Major Power was average. Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata also entered reincarnation and committed suicide reincarnation. At that time, Tathagata had realized the other four Heavenly Daos in Five Elements Heavenly Dao. Only the last Heavenly Dao of Earth Element could not be cultivated. if practice was hindered by the other four Heavenly Dao. ” /

“No madness, no survival.” Subhuti shook his head and sighed, a reincarnated third generation, became the prince of a small country at that time human named Shakyamuni. naturally was stunning and finally realized that Heavenly Dao became Daofather. Awakening the memory of previous lives, the strength immediately increased. At that time, Buddha Sect, which was only one of the many forces of Primordial, immediately increased its strength. Tathagata was also the leader of Buddha Sect. “

“After listening to the training of the two leaders Dao Sect Buddha Sect, what do you think?” Subhuti looked at Ji Ning.

“Big perseverance, big determination.” Ji Ning sighed.

The two are already Daofather.

In fact, it’s completely free to go to heaven and earth. But those two still have a strong sense of direction. For the higher level of insights, they would rather use endless life to gamble!

They won.

But more Daofather, lost the bet.

It ’s too difficult, too difficult to practice.

“At the time … Primordial was also endlessly fighting.” Subhuti said, “The strongest of them is the country under the leadership of several Elder God.”

“On one occasion, Elder God of Water Gonggong and Fire Elder God Zhurong, the two parties they led were crazy, and the two Elder God were also fighting Primordial World … Then Gonggong watched his own party be defeated, completely crazy, Gonggong , Even in a rage, he broke the ill-shaped Zhoushan Pangu‘s spine.

“This time, the sky is broken, and it has affected the foundation of Primordial.”

“The earthquake shook for a while, as if the end of the world was coming.”

“At this time, Gonggong and Zhurong were panicked. At that time, the Major Power of Primordial gathered, and there was no way to stop the destruction of the world. It was still Mother Nuwa, and meditation … Five Elements Heavenly Dao Completely understand. Mother Nuwa immediately took Yin and Yang as the foundation, collected the Five Elements essence of heaven and earth, refined colorful stones, and filled the heaven and earth with fetish and colorful stones … After Nuwa makes up the sky, the heaven and earth are restored to stability. .Because of the control of Yin and Yang and Five Elements, Mother Nuwa is also the deserved Primordial strongest. Because Mother Nuwa makes up for its achievements, in Primordial, all peoples respect Mother Nuwa. “

“At this time, he had a deep relationship with Mother Nuwa, like brother and sister Elder God Fuxi … First, he did not like the battle, and second, he saw that the strength of Mother Nuwa continued to break through, but his strength increased little. So he even committed suicide reincarnation. Now, I do n’t realize Heavenly Dao of Life, I do n’t awaken the memory of the previous life. ”Subhuti shook his head with emotion,“ and he reincarnated into human and became the Fuxi family of Primordial human Three Sovereigns. He has not been able to awaken the memory of the previous life. ”

P1: The history of Three-Realms will be explained in detail, and everyone can be more clear. The next chapter will be the origin of Infernal Affairs.

P2 In September, Tomato didn’t expect to get the monthly ticket first.

Because the monthly ticket was relatively backward at the beginning, Tomato was thinking about the plot carefully, after all, it also wrote the key chapters that Yu Wei finally exposed. Even at the end of the month, Tomato just shouted a voice, Tomato paid more attention to the plot, who I think you all surprised me! Really, this is a surprise, the monthly pass went straight to the top and kept leading.



Now that the book has reached a critical moment, many secrets will be fully revealed. But the endless Primordial Chaos is too mysterious, not even many of Subhuti. The next episode will be more and more exciting! Tomato does not dare to say how fast it can be updated, but it will definitely write attentively. Everyone sees how it feels. I believe that my own judgment.

Beginning in the last October, it seems that the beginning of October is still doubled. Don’t wait for the end of the month. Now you can vote for two monthly tickets. If you have a guaranteed monthly ticket, please vote for tomato!

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