The Desolate Era Chapter 14: Sell it to me

Take the flying boat and rely on the Spacetime teleport array to return to Badlands Everworld.

Badlands Court, here it is.”

Ji Ning and Su Youji walked on the water, and soon came to the lake island where Badlands Court is located. On the edge of the island, a red-haired man wearing a loose robe smiled and stood up: “Brother Darknorth, congratulations on breaking through to World Level. Flamefairy also broke through? It seems that this time out, the two harvests are not small.

“Brother Qi, why are you here?” Ji Ning was surprised.

“Master just told me to wait for you here.” The red-haired man smiled, “Go, let me see Master.”

Ji Ning was secretly surprised.

It is indeed Dao Lord Badlands. The treatment of ‘Eternal Blood‘ is indeed to ask him for help, but he hasn’t told him yet, but he knew it early, and let disciple meet here … p. >

Youji, you go to the water to live together first.” Ji Ning instructed.

“Yes.” Su Youji obediently left first.

“Brother Qi, please.” Ji Ning and the red-haired man walk side by side, and the layout of the entire Badlands Court is also quite exquisite-as if a mysterious-formations, if no one leads, Ji Ning really does not know Dao Lord Badlands Well, they soon came to a quiet pavilion.

The pavilion is very simple, Dao Lord Badlands sits cross-legged leisurely, there is only a pot of wine on the case in front.

“Master, bring Darknorth.” The red-haired man respectfully said.

“You step down first,” Dao Lord Badlands ordered.

The red-haired man retreated respectfully and immediately retreated, and Dao Lord Badlands‘s eyes fell on Ji Ning‘s body, showing a smile, and pointing to the opposite: “Sit.”

“Thank Dao Lord.” Ji Ning sat across from Dao Lord Badlands cross-legged.

“Has it become World Level? Old Brother Solesky knows that it must be very happy.” Dao Lord Badlands laughed, “I sensed something early this morning, carefully calculate that you have something to ask me for help.”

“Yes.” Ji Ning say in succession, “There is indeed a thing, the junior got a treasure named Eternal Blood by coincidence in that Allgod Estate chance.”

Eternal Blood?” Dao Lord Badlands showed surprise.

Although he is good at deduction, he doesn’t know everything, especially the deduction of the future. Deducing the past is relatively easy. Because the past has happened, but the future has not happened yet, there are too many possibilities! Inferring the future can only infer something that is more likely.

For example, Ji Ning asked him for help, because it involved Dao Lord Badlands himself, so he could sense naturally. After a brief deduction, it became clear that Ji Ning asked him to help, because at this time Ji Ning has actually arrived at Badlands Everworld. This is on foot The probability is extremely high.

“Is that Eternal Blood of Emperor Melobo?” Dao Lord Badlands followed.

“Hmm.” Ji Ning nodded, “This drop of Eternal Blood, I heard Aeonian Race is crazy.”

“Of course it ’s crazy.” Dao Lord Badlands eyes brightened and smiled and praised, “This drop of Eternal Blood is almost half the life of Emperor Melobo, Emperor Melobo also recovered after a long time. This drop of Eternal Blood is of infinite value , That’s a baby who wants to buy it, but nowhere to buy it, especially the attraction to Aeonian Race is far beyond your imagination.

Ji Ning said: “I listened to the Allgod Estate array, so I also have a headache how to handle Eternal Blood, so I thought of asking Dao Lord for help.”

“Well, the easiest way is to dedicate directly to Dao Alliance.” Dao Lord Badlands laughed. “But I have another idea, but I don’t know if you want to.”

“Please say Dao Lord.” Ji Ning said.

“You sell this drop of Eternal Blood directly to me.” Dao Lord Badlands said.

“Oh?” Ji Ning froze slightly.

“You dedicate to Dao Alliance, Dao Alliance is estimated to give you two million square meters of chaos spirit liquid, and you will be included in Dao Alliance. If you sell it to me, although you cannot directly enter Dao Alliance, you can also enter Dao Alliance in the future And I give you three million squares! “Dao Lord Badlands said,” Although you can say what methods, treasures, etc. you want, you can offset them with chaos spirit liquid. “

Dao Lord Badlands really wants this drop of Eternal Blood.

For Dao Alliance, the use is not so high, but Eternal Blood is too rare! If there is a drop of Eternal Blood in Dao Alliance, it must be bought directly by some powerful Samsara Dao Lord and even Eternal Emperor, Dao Lord Badlands simply cannot be grabbed. Those powerful Samsara Dao Lord are pondering one by one.

Note that Eternal Blood is the divine blood that Emperor of Aeonian Race will condense. It takes half a life to condense this drop of divine blood. The strength is greatly damaged, and it will be done without Eternal Emperor. And Aeonian Emperor is one of the few!

So this drop of Eternal Blood, Dao Alliance is always acquired by two million parties, but too few.

Dao Lord Badlands is dazzled …

Dao Lord Badlands is a stunning Dao Lord. In the words of Goldeye Golem and Zhenling, if Dao Lord Badlands reaches the ‘Daomerge edge, it ’s an inverse Deva comparable to Dao Lord Allgod.

Such amazing people, of course, have ambitions! He didn’t have so many treasures before, even if a drop of Eternal Blood was in front of him, he would not have much thought. But this time Dao Lord Solesky asked him for help, Dao Lord Solesky but Vastheaven Palace palace master, lived so long, the accumulated wealth is amazing, ask him for help to give treasure worth enough to reach 20 million cubic meters!

The middle portion score is used to cultivate ‘Dharma Body/Avatar‘.

What are the other treasures?

Dao Lord Badlands had various ideas before, and now Ji Ning put a drop of Eternal Blood in front of him, which made Dao Lord Badlands have other ideas.

“Perhaps my children can use the power of absorb Aeonian Race.” Dao Lord Badlands dark secretly thought, “According to my calculations, more than 20% of the possible performance success, first Dao Lord Solesky sent treasure, now this Ji Ning friend invited me again Help me deal with Eternal Blood. This is my destiny. This is my chance! “

“What do you think?” Dao Lord Badlands looked at Ji Ning.

“I ’m not in a hurry to join Dao Alliance. I want to dispose of this Eternal Blood as soon as possible.” Ji Ning laughed, “It ’s the same whether it is dedicated to Dao Alliance or sold to Dao Lord.”

“Okay.” Dao Lord Badlands laughed, “Three million squares of chaos spirit liquid, some more powerful Dao Lord all the babies are estimated to be worth this, Ji Ning friends, this opportunity may have me live, let ’s say these three million chaos spirit liquid, what treasures and methods do you want, I will help you get it. If you only need chaos spirit liquid, you can also! “

What are you doing with so many chaos spirit liquid?

Become your own strength as soon as possible.

“I want a lower portion for Divine Ability.” Ji Ning said, “This Divine Ability is called” Golden Idol “.”

“Protective body Divine AbilityGolden Idol “?” Dao Lord Badlands nodded. “This is not difficult. You can buy it directly in Dao Alliance. Do you want to cultivate it yourself or buy it for a wide range of teaching. If it is passed, the price paid may be Dozens of times. “

“I use it alone.” Ji Ning is not that luxurious.

“This Divine Ability is quite powerful. It can train the **** body to be comparable to the best Divine Weapon in Taoism. This type of Divine Ability is very rare. I will buy it for you. You need 200,000 cubic chaos spirit liquid.”

Ji Ning is secretly dumbfounded, more expensive than a Pseudo Samsara Pill.

You have to practice so high, you need to teach it in a wide range, it will cost dozens of times, is it not millions? No wonder even Vastheaven Palace doesn’t have such a good method. After all, a powerful sect door needs to be spent in many places. World God Northrest is also the “Golden IdolDivine Ability that was later modified, and it is only upper portion, middle portion.

“The divine body is comparable to the best Divine Weapon in Tao, which is generally only needed by Samsara Dao Lords.” Dao Lord Badlands said, “You don’t have to rush to buy it, haha, but you have three million square chaos spirit liquid, it is a trivial matter to buy.”

Ji Ning secretly thought.

Although I am not Dao Lord, my body is quite comparable to Dao Lord.

“What else?” Dao Lord Badlands asked.

“I heard that there is an eternal talisman called Fire and Water Element Gourd,” said Ji Ning, “I want to buy it.”

“Yes, yes, this is indeed a good baby, more convenient, and very practical for World Level.” Dao Lord Badlands nodded, “This gourd requires fifty million square chaos spirit liquid.”

Fire and Water Element Gourd

Includes ‘Firecloud Lightning and‘ Hookah divine lightning, both Dao Lightning! It ’s the ‘Novessence Thunder’ obtained by Ji Ning, two of the nine Dao Lightnings required for Lightning Mystery. Ji Ning bought it first, and it can be used now. It can also be used when the secret mystery can be used.

Dao Lightning is very precious, because capturing is too difficult.

Dao (together)Dao Lightning, the minimum is 200,000 square meters chaos spirit liquid, Firecloud Lightning, hookah divine lightning are the two most common Dao Lightning, some extremely rare Dao Lightning, simply has nowhere to buy. At that time, Dao Lord Allgod only found nine Dao Lightnings!

Tomato for a recommendation ~~~

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