The Desolate Era Chapter 12: Raging Sky

Aeonian Race‘s three strongest Emperor, the body surface flame rises.

At the same time, these flames began to be connected to each other, and gradually gathered into a strange pattern, which was a pattern of giant palms into claws. This is the way to open the estate-world created by Autarch Bolin.


The flames of the eternal blood instantly wrapped around the three Emperors, and they were directly transmitted into estate-world.

“Hurry up.” Emperor Anchen, Islehide Emperor, Emperor Duug Seeing the surrounding void, seeing the distant stars and rivers, immediately understand that they have arrived, Emperor Anchen is even more anxious, “I’m late, I’m afraid more trouble.”



Emperor Anchen fluctuates along the space, with the other two Emperor, disappears instantly.

This world is very stable, let alone them, even Hegemon can’t tear Spacetime forcibly! However, if it is only a space surgery, it has little effect. The space surgery is only a surgery using space fluctuations, and the distance is generally short.

“Here it is.” When the three of them appeared again, they had already reached the sky above the giant strange star.

“No Islehide Emperor‘s face changed suddenly, originally‘s red eyes became blood red, “Holy Blood Fruit Tree, Holy Blood Fruit Tree disappeared!”

Emperor Anchen, Emperor Duug also look away.

They also saw the distance. There was a surging stream of air in that place, and it also dispersed the surrounding mist. Let Emperor Anchen see them at a glance. At originally Holy Blood Fruit Tree, there is only one huge pit left. In the deep pit, a tall figure was holding that Autarch Blood, trying to get rid of it.

“He even took away Holy Blood Fruit Tree, but also wants to take away Autarch Blood?” Emperor Anchen also cut his teeth with clench one’s teeth, and was about to crack.

“It’s Dao Lord Darknorth and Ninedust Sectlord!” Islehide Emperor recognized at a glance the Ji Ning holding the Autarch Blood and Ninedust standing next to the big pit. Before Waveshift World, Islehide Emperor has also seen Ji Ning and Ninedust. At that time he also got some fruits from Ji Ning, but now he has become a big enemy!

“Two Dao Lord, dare to take the foundation of my Aeonian Race?” Emperor Anchen became even more angry, “kill.”

“Kill them.” Emperor Duug also growled.

“Kill.” Islehide Emperor is equally killing.

Where do they put the two Dao Lords in their eyes? They are the three most powerful Emperors in the entire Aeonian Race. Usually, they look at those Dao Lord with the mind of their younger generation. They are too powerful, even if they eat Dao Lord. It didn’t help them much. Like some weaker Emperor, like Emperor Melobo and so on. There are Dao Lord of Aeonian Race, they also like to eat Dao Lord of Dao Alliance.

Swallow it!

That’s why Dao Alliance and Aeonian Race have become rivals.

Ji Ning has the shape of majestic. Six hands reach out and try to hold this Autarch Blood.

Every attempt, you will see that thread, and countless threads connect the whole world on this side.

“This thread?” Ji Ning also watched carefully. Want to figure out why Autarch Blood is connected to this side world, as long as you figure it out, find a way to cut off the connection between the two. It would be much easier to take away this drop of Autarch Blood.

Ji Ning has opened more than 80,000 formationss for more than 10 million years, and now it is habitually started to study.

Aeonian Race!” Suddenly there was an exclaim, which was the exclaim of Ninedust Sectlord.

Ji Ning was surprised. I even looked up and saw that fair and honest in the distance had three aggressive figures fast rushing down, Ji Ning recognized it at a glance, one of them was the Islehide Emperor that I talked to, and the other two had not seen it in person, but they also got According to the intelligence information, it is also recognized that Aeonian Race is another two strong Emperor, Emperor Anchen and Emperor Duug.

Emperor Anchen, Emperor Duug, Islehide Emperor. All three are comparable to the Lord of the eight holy cities.

Of course, just like the peak Dao Lord, there is also a difference in strength. The main series of the eight sacred cities, Eternal Emperor, have their respective strengths.

Because of some tricks?

Because of weapons?

Because of mystery?

In short, it makes a difference in strength. Aeonian Race, because of the ‘eternal blood’, all three Eternal Emperor are very strong. Especially the boy in the gorgeous black robe Emperor Anchen is the strongest of Aeonian Race! He is said to be extremely scary and even has a treasure of the universe. The strength is not too close to the Hegemon level.

“Two patriarchs.” Ninedust anxiously voiced, “You have said that any cultivator come over to pass your test. The three Emperor of their Aeonian Race should also pass your test.”

“This is naturally.” The Ice Beast Chief nodded.

“Hmm.” The giant beast chief of the Fire Beast nodded.

The Ice Beast leader flew up. Winding in the air, a low and vigorous voice was issued: “Three Emperor, stop.”

“Never stop, you will face the siege of our two major ethnic groups.” The fire beast tribe stepped on the ground, the flames of his whole body skyrocketed, the momentum was soaring, and he also roared.


Nearly two hundred strange beasts were in midair, and at the same time, they angered and shouted.

咻咻 咻.

The three Emperor of Aeonian Race under the high-speed dive of originally stopped suddenly, and all three of them looked ugly.

“He pulled out the Holy Blood Fruit Tree of my Aeonian Race, and now wants to move Autarch Blood.” Emperor Anchen stood in midair, staring angrily at the distant Ice Beast patriarch, and issued an angry rage, “I am going to kill Aeonian Race I ’ve got these two thieves! Dao Lord Darknorth, Ninedust Sectlord, you two are so brave, dare to touch the treasure of my Aeonian Race ancestral land. “

“Treasure of the ancestral land?” Ji Ning flew to the side of Ninedust, both looking far away.

There are two major ethnic groups blocking them, and they are not panic.

“My two ethnic groups are guarded by the order of Autarch, want to get the benefits of Autarch Blood? Must pass the test of me and wait, Darknorth friends passed the test, then he will comply with the order of Autarch, even if they take Autarch Blood, There is nothing wrong, “said the chief of the Ice Beast.” As for the three of you, if you can pass the test, you have to fight and kill, our two major groups will not control it. But if you cannot pass the test, then we can only protect Good Darknorth little friend. “

“You, you …” Islehide Emperor was angry.

“If you pass the test, you don’t have to? It’s very simple, you can come one by one and defeat our two big groups,” said the Beast Chief.

Emperor Anchen All three of them look ugly.

Successfully defeated the two major ethnic groups?

Each of these beasts and fire beasts has reached the level of the lord of the holy city. Among them, the patriarch is stronger and besieged by so many together. At least the real Hegemon can hope to pass. Emperor Anchen has been tried long ago, the gap is too big.

“We are Aeonian Race, this is our place.” Emperor Anchen angered.

“No, this is the place of Autarch, we only know the order of Autarch.” The ice beast chief said.

“That … that … that Holy Blood Fruit Tree, I am Aeonian Race.” Emperor Anchen said.

“Hahaha, your strength is too weak, you ca n’t use much of the benefits of Autarch Blood. So long ago, you transplanted a Holy Blood Fruit Tree here. Endless years, you pick and do n’t know how many times. The value of those fruits has already surpassed the original Holy Blood Fruit Tree. “The chief of the ice beast said,” You have got enough, since Darknorth friends can pass the test, how to deal with that Holy Blood Fruit Tree, you can’t control . “

“That’s ours, it’s ours Aeonian Race.” Islehide Emperor on the side was anxious.

This transformed Holy Blood Fruit Tree, even if it is not absorb Autarch Blood, is equivalent to twelve ordinary Holy Blood Fruit Tree strains, which is also Qibao.

The most important thing is that it can absorb the essence of Autarch Blood and condense the magical fruits. The value should be more precious, and the value will increase tenfold! It’s even close to Crimsonwave Temple! Definitely the lifeblood of the entire Aeonian Race. If that Holy Blood Fruit Tree is missing, if you want to transplant another to gradually evolve absorb, at least millions of chaos cycle will succeed.


There are more than one million chaos cycle, Yin-Yang Samsara Whirlpool will destroy Endless Territory! So they can’t breed the second strain of simply. This amazing fruit tree is also the only one. They started to accumulate fruits long ago. After all, if Yin-Yang Samsara Whirlpool destroyed everything. I am afraid that this side world will also be swallowed. Therefore, if the fruit is lost, it will be gone in the future! They also plan to try the best of absorb Autarch Blood in the last one million chaos cycle, and in the future they will crush this fruit tree, absorb this tree contains the ‘Autarch Blood’ essence.


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