The Desolate Era Chapter 12: First entry

Ji Ning feels a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space, which is similar to the feeling that Underwater Manor passed itself from Serpentwing Lake teleportation.

“Huh?” The scene in front of me became clear, with his Mu Northson Junior Apprentice-Brother standing next to him, and other cultivation people around him.

“Are you there?” Mu Northson stared with wide eyes, “It’s really fast.”

Ji Ning is looking around carefully. They are now in a teleportation array with a height of about thousand feet (333 m), which is obviously smaller than the Chilong Mountain. As for further distances … it is a vast wilderness of Osawa. The mountains, Osawa, and wilderness are everywhere, and there is no end at a glance.

“It ’s only a moment in two million miles.” Ji Ning knows it clearly, but ca n’t help but marvel at it. “I heard that some Immortals have a means of instant teleportation millions of miles. I do n’t know when, and I ’ll Capable. “

“Come out.”

Hurry up.

The old voice sounded, and there were two plainly dressed old men urging outside the teleportation circle.

A group of cultivation people stepped out of the base of the base one by one.

“You guys, you all heard clearly.” An old man with gray hair shouted, “This is Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. For you, the only safe place for the whole Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp is this! This is where Raindragon Guard is stationed all year round, and the surroundings are more It was large array, and no one dared to violate this. “

Ji Ning and Mu Northson both looked closely, and they also found that this teleportation array was built on a mountain peak, and there were other celestial immortal residences in a row on the mountain peak. I am afraid that many people are stationed there.

“There are still a few things to entrust you with,” the fat old man said again. “The first one is that you cannot return here within three months. If you return to this asylum, you will fail.”

“Second, you must be careful when you run around in Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. You must not stay in one place for too long. For example, staying for one month or something, you must know that there are more monsters in Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp than people. They are also better than Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp You are more familiar. If you stay in one place for a long time … it is easy for these big demon to join forces with each other and kill you. However, occasionally staying for a day and a half rest is OK.

Ji Ning and others listen carefully.

It’s all life-saving.

“The third is this Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. Although the monsters are dangerous, the environment of Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp itself is more dangerous. In some places, it may be the space of shattered … If you are not careful, you may have major world on this side. To At that time, your strength will definitely die. “

“The fourth is Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. Because of the environment, it ’s difficult to determine the direction. Do n’t judge the direction of the southeast and the northwest by feeling! You have to judge the direction based on the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. Otherwise, rely on the feeling alone. Not coming back, will always spin in Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. “

“Okay, I have told you all the four key points. Go ahead and hope to see you in three months.” said the old man.

The thin old man also finally said, “If you find it too dangerous, you can’t be sure, but come back quickly, although it failed, you can at least save your life.”

“Go, go.” The fat old man waved.

“Go.” The thin old man also said.

Ji Ning and hundreds of other cultivation people glanced at the faint faint immortal residence on this mountain, and felt that there was a powerful force around this mountain, that is the power of formations.

Brush! brush!

Dao (together) stream of light started fast and flew out of the mountain, and flew directly into the distance. Some are solitary and some are in pairs.

Ji Ning Senior Apprentice-Brother, which direction shall we go?” Mu Northson.

“Every direction is the same.” Ji Ning glanced over and pointed to the north. “There are more mountains there, let’s go there.”

“OK.” Mu Northson nodded.


A dragon-headed battleship soon appeared in mid-air, and the younger brothers Ji Ning and Mu Northson Senior Apprentice-Brother got on the battleship. This dragon-headed battleship was only ten feet long at this moment, apparently running in Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp. If the warship is made too big … it will only make the monsters find them earlier.

A hundred cultivation people scattered in all directions soon.

The two old men responsible for maintaining large array have complicated eyes. The thin old man said with emotion: “I really admire them. I feel strong and angry in them. Obviously they are still young. Young is the capital. They There is a lot of time to continue to fight, we can go further on the road cultivation. But we have no such opportunity. “

“At least we have lived for hundreds of years,” the old man laughed.

“I don’t know how many of them can survive.” The thin old man looked away.

“Half of them can be considered good.” Fat old man said, “But this group of people clearly know is dangerous, they still have to come. As long as they become Raindragon Guard … With the help of a lot of Dao-Repository treasures of Raindragon Guard, etc., they can be on the cultivation road. Go faster and more stable. Even those who are really good may go to Grand Xia Dynasty Imperial City, and our Raindragon Guard headquarters will be cultivated! “

The dragon head battleship flies in the high-altitude clouds.

“In this high-altitude cloud, the entire Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp is relatively the safest place.” Mu Northson stood at the bow.

Ji Ning nodded: “But still be careful, if finds that there are some spatial distortions and we must avoid them.”

“I know, warships are flying slowly.” Mu Northson said.


Ji Ning nodded.

“Look.” Mu Northson sees a big mountain below through the thin clouds below, and the mountain is so majestic and strange that it even towers directly into the clouds. And with the naked eye, you can see that there are many monsters on this mountain. Some monsters transformed into human figures are acting like the army.

Ji Ning Senior Apprentice-Brother, there must be a Wanxiang monster on that mountain.” Mu Northson said.

“As far as I know … Prison Mountain Wilderness Swamp is more common with the Wanxiang monster, Zifu monsters are everywhere. As for Primal-level monster … it is very rare.” Ji Ning said, “Some monsters occupy the mountain as king, and some monsters are It is lonely. Those who can occupy the mountains as kings are all strong. “

Mu Northson nodded.

“It is difficult to meet the Wanxiang Demon who is alone now.” Ji Ning said, thinking, “So our goal should be the monster whose king is Zhanshan. But the king who is Zhanshan is king, I will wait and see In other words, simply cannot determine the strength of Beastly King that Zhanshan is king. If you are unlucky, you may encounter Primal-level monster. “

“What then?” Mu Northson said.

Ji Ning has long thought of a solution, just looking at Mu Northson: “junior Shuo, what can you do?”

“I thought of a few.” Mu Northson frowned. “The first one is to follow other cultivation people, let other cultivation people to look carefully first, and wait for them to fight off … Make sure the target is the Wanxiang monster, we Start again. “

“Yeah, good.” Ji Ning nodded in praise.

Mu Northson also said: “The second way is to find a monster mountain that doesn’t look very powerful, and in most cases it is the Wanxiang big monster.”

“What about the third one?” Ji Ning continued to ask.

“The master said that it ’s unpredictable.” Mu Northson‘s eyes brightened. “That being the case, I am afraid that other cultivation robbers happened. Generally, a few cultivation dared to join hands. Several cultivation Since I joined forces, I don’t believe that they have no Wanxiang big demon corpses with heads. We set up a bureau … who will rob us, and we will rob them in turn.

“But all three methods have their own shortcomings, and they are not sure.” Mu Northson was troubled, “but we have three months, it should be enough.”

Ji Ning smiled: “The methods are all good, but I have an easier way.”

“What way?” Mu Northson looks forward to looking at Ji Ning.

“Look for a monster hill that looks very general.” Ji Ning laughed.

“Isn’t it my way?” Mu Northson stared.

“After I found it … I Divine Sense swept away!” Ji Ning smiled, “If the other party can detect it, I’m afraid it is Primal-level monster. If you can’t detect it … it’s the Wanxiang monster. Even if the bad luck really encountered the extremely rare Primal-level monster , We will immediately perform cricket techniques and escape in an instant. “

Mu Northson was surprised: “Divine Sense, Senior Apprentice-Brother, is your Divine Soul really Divine Sense level?”

Ji Ning nodded.

“You are really …” Mu Northson was shocked. “When you got started, you defeated Bloodshadow Senior Apprentice-Brother and they can perform multiple Sword Technique at the same time. Many Senior Apprentice-Brother Senior Apprentice-Sister suspect that your Divine Soul is very powerful, probably Divine Sense level. There are many more Senior Apprentice-Brother Senior Apprentice-Sister I suspect you are ‘reincarnation Immortal‘. You have actually reached the level of Divine Sense. For more than three years, you never even said. “

“You didn’t ask.” Ji Ning smiled.

“Are you a reincarnation Immortal?” Mu Northson eyes lit up, “I heard that as the strength of the reincarnation Immortal grows, it will gradually awaken the memories of previous lives.”

Ji Ning shook his head: “I don’t know, at least I didn’t wake up to my Immortal memory.”


It is clear to me in my previous life that simply is not Immortal.

“Oh.” Mu Northson nodded, and then excited, “That would be great. The test of Raindragon Guard is difficult for others, but you are too simple for Senior Apprentice-Brother. We went far from Divine Sense … confirmed You can start immediately. You ’re so lucky that you can even run into Primal-level monster, which is extremely rare, and you can slip away immediately. It ’s so simple.

Ji Ning smiled: “If you have Divine Sense Divine Soul, if you can’t get Raindragon Guard, that’s a weird thing.”

“Domineering.” Mu Northson grinned, “then Junior Apprentice-Brother accounted for Senior Apprentice-Brother your convenient.”

“Brother Senior Apprentice-Brother is also polite What.Ji Ning looks down and starts to look for the monster mountain to go down.

After only half an hour.

Ji Ning and Mu Northson are both standing in a wilderness, looking at a precipitous mountain in front. This precipitous mountain can see some monsters with the vision of Ji Ning.

“That’s it, I’ll investigate.” Ji Ning said.

“Hmm.” Mu Northson already holds a copy of Dao-seal.

Although both of them can perform simple earthenware techniques, they can instantly reach a few miles, but with Dao-seal, they can reach thousands of miles away. Ji Ning knows that … even Primal-level monster, Divine Sense is difficult to detect thousands of miles away.

“Wow!” Ji Ning changed his mind, and suddenly a powerful Divine Sense swept over the mountain.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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