The Delicate Lady Coroner Chapter 76: Sihexiang 16, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Wu Zuo Jiao Niang!

Chapter 76 Sihexiang 16

“How do you know?” Li Yuluo asked in shock.

Bo Ruoyou smiled bitterly for a moment and did not explain much. He just said: “Miss Li, could you please tell me in detail what happened on the boat that day?”

Li Yuluo looked at Bo Ruoyou in surprise, and was stunned for a moment before she spoke, “That day… when Wodan got off the boat that day, because the pedals were a little loose, she fell into the lake. At that time, there were poems all over her. The sisters in the club were all shocked. Fortunately, there was a boatman on the deck. The boatman jumped down and rescued Wotan. Wotan choked on the water, but was not seriously injured, except that his clothes were soaked.”

“The shopkeeper was also shocked and quickly arranged for Wodan to go to the guest room. It was already autumn at that time, and it was very cold as soon as the sun went down. Wodan took off all his soaked clothes in the guest room. But there was nothing to cover myself with, and there were many inconveniences on board. I was wearing an underskirt that day, but Shuer wore two pieces, so Shuer took off her coat and gave it to Wodan to cover it up.”

“The shopkeeper had ordered someone to go to a distant silk shop to buy clothes. We waited for half an hour before the clothes came. In the meantime, the shopkeeper also made **** soup. Wodan drank it and it was fine at the time. I bought the clothes, changed them and left. However, after I returned, I caught the wind and cold and took a few days to recover.”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, “Miss Xu took off her robe, what was she wearing at that time?”

Li Yuluo thought for a while, “She is wearing a sixteen-piece Hunan skirt and a tulle short jacket.”

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly asked, “Then where is the cinnabar mole on her body?”

Li Yuluo looked at Bo Ruoyou with a strange look and pointed to her left arm, “On the outside of the upper arm.”

Bao Ruoyou thought for a moment and then asked: “But who brought the clothes in? The shopkeeper said there were no maids on board…”

“Yes, there are no maids on the ship. Except for Miss Lu and the others who are responsible for the arrangements, the rest of us will not bring maids, otherwise it will be too crowded. The one who brought the clothes was a silk shop. The person is a little girl, very familiar. After delivering the clothes, she saw that Wodan was still well-dressed and left.” After all, Li Yuluo’s memory was better than that of the shopkeeper, and she also knew the situation in the house. She thought for a while and then said: “That girl The clothes that were delivered were quite complicated, and I wanted to help Wodan change them, but Wodan had nothing and was not used to changing in front of strangers, so he changed his clothes behind a small screen in the room.”

Bao Ruoyou was about to ask whether he should dress in front of the girl, but he didn’t expect that it was across a screen. Bao Ruoyou had been to that room, and of course he remembered that there was a screen in the room. That room was for guests. The resting place is equipped with a dressing table and a low couch. If there are many people on the boat, it can also be used as a private room. She frowned slightly.

“You said that Miss Xu has a cinnabar mole on the outside of her arm. Could it be clearly visible through the gauze she was wearing that day?”

Li Yuluo thought for a while and said, “It’s hard to tell. People who are familiar with her will probably know that it is a cinnabar mole, but people who are not familiar with her will not notice it at all.”

Bo Ruoyou never relaxed his frown. The murderer liked the cinnabar moles on women. Even if he couldn’t see clearly through the gauze, he could immediately tell what they were, but it was a little girl who went to the silk shop. .

Li Yuluo looked suspicious, “What happened? Why do you ask about the cinnabar mole? Wodan was killed by someone, but Shuer died of her own illness. What does it have to do with the cinnabar mole?”

With a grown man like Ning Xiao present, Bo Ruoyou kept asking about cinnabar moles, which made Li Yuluo feel quite uncomfortable.

Bo Ruoyou looked solemn and said, “Miss Li, it seems that it is still unclear whether Miss Xu really died of illness.”

Li Yuluo’s expression changed drastically, and Bo Ruoyou continued: “Because Miss Feng was not the only one who died this time, and the two deceased people had a common characteristic. They both liked red dresses. Not only that, they both had cinnabar on their bodies. Mole.”

Li Yuluo’s face turned even pale for a moment, and her body swayed, “You mean, Shu’er might have been killed by someone? But…but her family reported her death, saying that she died of illness. ”

The family of an official, a noble family, has a lot of taboos, and there are many possibilities for them to hide it. Bo Ruoyou sighed, “This is just a guess. Is it true? We have to find out more before we know.”

After a slight pause, Bo Ruoyou asked Li Yuluo, “Miss Li, think about it carefully, is there anything unusual about the days you have spent with Miss Feng? Especially since you are in the same poetry club, does Miss Feng have any feelings for you? Does a talented man have a crush on you, or is he close to any young master? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes. It’s okay if Miss Feng mentioned it occasionally or paid attention to it.”

Wei Ling’s clue was temporarily tied to Lu Wenhe. Bao Ruoyou only felt that the two of her and even Xu Wanshu were from Lingxiao Poetry Club. Are the three of them related to a certain young talent? Or have something to do with the literati circle in the capital.

When Li Yuluo was asked about this, her eyes actually flashed. She closed her eyes and shook her head, “No, I haven’t heard her mention it. She… her family has arranged a marriage for her. Although the marriage document has not been issued, But his parents told her that they were a family friend who had arranged a baby marriage in the early years. If nothing unexpected happens, they will have a small wedding next year.”

If a person is sick, his mental strength will always be weaker, especially if a person is not calm enough, it will be easier for him to reveal his flaws. A moment ago, Li Yuluo was still questioning what she asked, but now she didn’t even dare to look at the answer. Looking at her, Bao Ruoyou’s expression suddenly darkened. She looked at Li Yuluo for a moment and said, “Miss Li, you have an elder brother, right?”

Li Yuluo suddenly raised her eyes, “…Yes, I have a brother.”

Bao Ruoyou pursed her lips and stared at her, but Li Yuluo covered the corners of her lips with a handkerchief and coughed lightly.

Even Bao Ruoyou could tell that she was hiding something. Ning Xiao was naturally sharper. His eyes turned cold, and his gloomy face became even more threatening, “Miss Li, I invite you to come here today.” , but if you don’t tell the truth, then you won’t be invited next time.”

Ning Xiao’s words frightened Li Yuluo to the point where he trembled slightly. The maids on the side were so frightened that they didn’t even dare to raise their heads. Li Yuluo nervously clutched her handkerchief, her little face getting whiter and whiter, looking shaky and thin. Ruoyou sighed in his heart, “It was your friend who died. If you know something, you shouldn’t hide it. The murderer must not be your brother, right? Then what are you afraid of?”

Li Yuluo gritted her teeth and forbeared, and Bo Ruoyou said: “Feng Wodan died very pitifully. He was strangled to death. We ask you about the cinnabar mole because the murderer is vicious and twisted. He not only killed He killed Feng Wodan and also peeled off the piece of skin with the cinnabar mole on Feng Wodan’s back.”

Li Yuluo raised her head in shock, her eyes were red, and soon there was mist in her eyes. She blinked, and tears started to fall down, “Wodan is afraid of pain the most. I cherish myself the most, how could I…”

As she said that her legs were weak, but fortunately the maid held her up so she didn’t collapse. Bo Ruoyou said: “Not only Feng Wodan is like this, Miss Xu may also be murdered, and there is another girl who was murdered. You I also recognize her as the second young lady of Uncle Zhongqin’s residence.”

Li Yuluo’s expression was shocked again, “Ling’er——”

Bao Ruoyou sighed, “The murderer not only killed them, but may also murder other people. Although I don’t know what you are afraid of, anything you say now may become a clue and help us. .”

Li Yuluo shed tears, but pursed her lips tightly and remained silent. Bo Ruoyou saw that she could not force her to speak harshly, and was in a dilemma for a moment. Ning Xiao glanced at Li Yuluo, with impatience on his face. It was getting heavier and heavier, and just when he was about to have an attack, an embroiderer came in from the outside and said, “Deputy Commander, the Young Master of the Li family is here.”

Li Yuluo opened her lips and said, “Brother——”

Ning Xiao raised his eyebrows, “Let him in.”

When Li Xiuwen came in, he had a tired look on his face. When he saw Li Yuluo crying, his eyes showed a bit of pain. He looked at Ning Xiao again, with a bit of fear in his eyes. The embroidered clothes envoy said beside him: ” This is our direct envoy, Deputy Commander Sining.”

Li Xiuwen quickly saluted, while Li Yuluo shed more tears beside him. Li Xiuwen glanced at him again, and finally mustered up the courage to say: “If you want to ask, deputy commander, just ask me. On the day of Wodan’s accident, she and I Saw it.”

Ning Xiao looked at him for a moment and said, “Tell me more details.”

Li Xiuwen’s back was stiff and straight, and his face was filled with bitterness, “Our family has good relations with the Feng family. Wodan and my sister are close friends, and they come to our house many times. I… I like it a little bit. She, she also has some feelings for me, but… my father wants to wait until I take the scientific examination next year to marry me to a daughter of an official family, and Wodan has already arranged a baby marriage, so we… we can’t. ”

Li Xiu heard the words hoarsely and paused before continuing: “It’s just that I couldn’t hold it back and provoked her. I think her marriage was from many years ago and there was no marriage certificate. I can ask my father to change it. With my heart in mind, this marriage is not impossible. She was persuaded by me, and starting from a year ago, we will occasionally meet in private.”

“It’s just that she was afraid of her father, and her mother was seriously ill. She didn’t want to inform her family about me and him earlier. On February 2, I knew she would go, so I went to Weiyang We waited for her by the lake. After we met, she and I went to the Chenghuang Temple together. Originally we just wanted to be alone for a while, but then we talked about my marriage to her. She said that I would take the scientific examination next year and that we would go to our families after the scientific examination. To be clear, I know that she is very likely to be engaged to that life friend next year…”

“We broke up because of this. It was almost dark at that time. I…I left in a hurry and left her alone. She left her maid to meet me. I thought that she would go to the maid anyway, and I couldn’t send her back, so I just left. I didn’t expect…”

Li Xiuwen’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and now his tears were shining, even more like tears of blood. He choked in a low voice, “She didn’t return home that night, and the Feng family even found our house. I knew it at that time. Maybe something was wrong, so I followed her to look for her. I haven’t seen her for a few days. I just wondered if she had gone somewhere to hide, but I didn’t expect that she had been murdered, and the place where she was murdered was. Near the City God’s Temple, it was still dark when I left that day. Why did she stay there? Why didn’t she go find her maid…”

“I blame myself very much, but I dare not speak out. Only my sister knows about this matter. When I meet her, I mostly rely on my sister to send messages. When my sister asks me, I will tell the truth, but I There will be a scientific examination next year. If there is no benefit in getting involved in official disputes, I…I will tell my sister not to tell anyone. I have never harmed her. The government will just find the murderer.”

” Is there anything else to hide? She is only friends with you? But is there anyone else who is close to her? Also, did you know that he has a cinnabar mole on his body?”

Li Xiuwen suddenly raised his eyes, “I don’t know… We were in love and polite, and we never did anything beyond the bounds. She is a good girl who loves herself, and she doesn’t allow me to be lang. As for others, she is For those who don’t know, she and her sister went to a poetry club, but they weren’t the ones vying for the limelight…”

“When did you separate that day?” Ning Xiao asked again.

“Between the beginning of Youshi and the half past Youshi. Now it’s dark early, but it’s only dusk when I leave.” After Li Xiuwen finished speaking, his head hung heavily again.

Ning Xiao thought for a moment, “For now, let’s take what you said to be true. If there is any falsehood, even if your father comes forward, your scientific examination next year will not count.”

Li Xiuwen didn’t have much reaction after hearing this. Bo Ruoyou went to see Li Yuluo again, “Miss Li, can you describe the appearance of the little girl from the silk shop?”

Li Yuluo wiped her tears and gestured, “I’m not tall, maybe half an inch shorter than me. She is also very thin. She doesn’t look very old. Her appearance… I can’t describe my appearance. It’s very… Ordinary and plain appearance.”

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but asked: “What shape are the eyes? How are the other facial features? It would be better to be more specific.”

Li Yuluo was a little troubled, “It’s been a long time, and at that time I was only taking care of Wodan, so I can’t remember him. He was a very ordinary person. Now that I think about it, there is almost nothing special about him.”

Bao Ruoyou somewhat understood that she had met many people from the Yuchun class on the boat, but now she was asked to describe what a certain person looked like, but she couldn’t describe it.

“Then do you still remember which silk shop you bought the clothes from?”

Li Yuluo pondered for a moment, “I don’t know about this. It took almost an hour to work on it. It should be the area from Weiyang Lake to Dongshi. The clothes I bought were well-made. They seemed to be made for others. I don’t know. Why was it let out?”

Bao Ruoyou nodded and went to see Ning Xiao. She had nothing more to ask.

Ning Xiao asked: “You think about the Xu family girl, you know her very well. Does she have anyone else close to her?”

Li Yuluo shook her head, “No, she doesn’t even go out on weekdays.”

Ning Xiao frowned, but it was still unknown whether Xu Wanshu killed him, so he couldn’t ask more questions, “Well, I will go to the Xu family to ask these questions. You go back first. If necessary, I will come to you. As for your concealment, even if the government does not pursue it, you should still think about how to inform the Feng family.”

Li Xiuwen closed his eyes with despair, “Don’t worry, sir, this is as it should be. I will come to visit you.”

Ning Xiao waved his hand, and the brother and sister just retreated.

I realized early in the morning that Feng Wodan had something to hide when he went to the Chenghuang Temple, but the person he didn’t want to see turned out to be Li Xiuwen. If Li Xiuwen had not left that day, if he had sent Feng Wodan back to Wanyunting, would all this have been serious? Same?

This question flashed past, but Bo Ruoyou was hesitant in his heart. The murderer had already targeted Feng Wodan. It was unknown whether he could escape this time. How did the murderer know that Feng Wodan was able to escape that day? Wodan wants to see Li Xiuwen?

Thinking of this, Bao Ruoyou suddenly chased out quickly. Ning Xiao didn’t know what happened to her, so he raised his eyebrows and followed him. Outside the Yamen, Li Xiuwen was helping Li Yuluo get into the carriage.

“Master Li——”

Li Xiuwen turned around and cupped his hands when he saw Bo Ruoyou following him out, “What’s the matter, girl?”

Li Xiuwen didn’t know Bo Ruoyou’s identity, but she could act freely in the government. She must have a high status, so she was very polite. Bo Ruoyou asked, “Did anyone else know about your meeting with Miss Feng that day?”

Li Xiuwen thought for a while and said, “Only my sister knows, but she won’t tell others until she goes out.”

Bo Ruoyouxiang, Feng Wodan even hid it from her maid, so naturally she would not tell others about it easily, and as a woman, she was more cautious and reserved. It was probably Li Xiuwen who revealed the agreement between the two. of.

“Have you met anyone since you went out?”

Li Xiuwen frowned and thought for a while, “I haven’t met anyone yet. We made an appointment to meet at the north side of Wanyunting. She was going to release her, so I went a little late, and I didn’t meet anyone here.”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes darkened, “In that case, Mr. Li, please come back.”

Li Xiuwen nodded and turned around to get into the carriage, but just when he was about to get into the carriage, he seemed to remember something and said: “Although no one knows what I did that day, there was originally someone in Chunfeng Tower that day. A classmate invited me to the literary meeting, and I originally agreed to go. So the day before the literary meeting, I sent a book boy to Chunfeng Tower to leave a letter saying that I would not go that day. I wonder if this counts?

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes shone slightly, “Of course it counts!”

Li Xiuwen’s eyes were filled with joy before he got into the carriage. Watching their carriage go away, Bo Ruoyou turned around and said, “Deputy commander, I’m afraid I have to send someone to Chunfeng Tower to ask. The little girl from the silk shop who delivered clothes to Miss Feng that night, and the matter of Miss Xu, the Xu family did not report it to the official, so it is very possible that we are all in trouble, but it is such a coincidence.”

Ning Xiao frowned, “Miss Li said the person who gave the clothes was a girl. She doesn’t look very young. Could she be the murderer?”

Bo Ruoyou said: “The murderer killed Feng Wodan and Wei Ling successively. Both of them are pretty figures, and the murderer used methods such as strangulation and pinching, which requires some strength. That girl may She is not the murderer, but she was the only outsider that day. If she inadvertently told others about the cinnabar mole on Miss Xu’s body, that other person might be the murderer.”

After all, cinnabar moles grow in hidden places, and girls from ordinary aristocratic families have very few opportunities to be exposed. The accident on the boat is indeed an opportunity. Ning Xiao pondered for a while, “Forget it, we have sent people to inquire about the places they often go to. I haven’t found anything strange about the silk and satin shop. I will send people to Huafang and Chunfeng Building to investigate again.”

It was still early at this time, so Bo Ruoyou asked again, “What about the Xu family’s affairs?”

The two were talking at the door of the Yamen. As soon as Bo Ruoyou finished speaking, Wu Xiang arrived. Seeing that Ning Xiao and Bo Ruoyou were both there, he hurried over with some shame. He also heard that the Li family brothers and sisters had come. , and found out that Feng Wodan had an appointment with Mr. Li’s family that day, he immediately showed anger, “I knew that boy had a problem. When I asked him for the first time, he remained silent and listened. That Miss Li is so sick that it’s hard for people to question her.”

Bo Ruoyou added: “Not only that, there is probably another victim in this case.”

When she mentioned the good relationship between the Xu family girl and Feng Wodan, Wu Xiang’s eyes widened even more, “You mean that the Xu family girl might have been murdered, but her family did not report it to the official? On the contrary, the Xu family girl was murdered. Say she died of illness and then bury her like this?”

Bao Ruoyou nodded, and then Ning Xiao said: “There is no evidence for this matter yet. I’m afraid they won’t admit it if I come here rashly. However, they don’t dare to resist when the embroiderer comes forward, but they still have to inform the Marquis in advance. I sent someone back to the Hou’s Mansion. The Marquis stayed out of the palace all night last night. I don’t know if he has returned to the Mansion at this moment.”

Although Bao Ruoyou didn’t say anything, she was slightly shocked in her heart. The palace summons was urgent yesterday, but Huo Weilou didn’t come back all night. She thought something very important had happened, so she couldn’t help but whisper: “Master Hou Are you so busy?”

After giving instructions to the embroiderer, Ning Xiao looked at Bo Ruoyou with a frown, “Master Hou has always been like this.”

Bao Ruoyou couldn’t help but said: “But Mr. Hou was Mu Xiu yesterday——”

Mu Xiu, an ordinary official, really does not ask about the affairs of the Yamen in the palace, but Ning Xiao said a little depressed: “Master Hou has never had Mu Xiu, and I don’t know what happened yesterday…”

This statement shocked Bao Ruoyou, and she wanted to ask again, but Ning Xiao had a cold face, and it seemed that it was not easy to speak, so she swallowed what she was about to say. Ning Xiao said neatly: “Get ready, prepare. Bring the autopsy equipment and let’s go to Xu’s house.”

Bo Ruoyou said: “The Feng family has not yet come.”

Ning Xiao shook his head and said, “Find two government servants and wait until she comes to ask about Young Master Li’s affairs. We already know the person we met that day, so there is no need to wait for her.”

Bo Ruoyou and Wu Xiang both responded, and soon the group left the Yamen.

Xu Kangwei, as a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, has a neither high nor low position, but he is also under the supervision of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy. Ning Xiao obviously knows this person. He knows where the Xu family is without asking. Leading the way, the group headed straight to Yongdingfang in the southwest of the city.

Yongkangfang and Yongdingfang are very close to each other, both in the south of the city. However, Yongdingfang is mostly private houses and official households, and it is close to the imperial street, which makes it a little more wealthy. When a group of people stopped outside the gate of Xu’s house, they only I saw an official house with a high door.

The embroidered clothes envoy came forward and called the door. The concierge opened the door and recognized the embroidered clothes envoy’s official uniform at a glance. His expression suddenly changed slightly. An embroidered clothes envoy came in front and said: “The embroidered clothes envoy’s department is handling the case. Please tell your family The master is here to welcome——”

The concierge turned pale with fright, “Old… Master went to the Yamen…”

Ning Xiao stepped forward and pushed the door open, “Then let your wife come out and ask questions.”

The concierge Nuonuo responded, turned around and ran away quickly.

Ning Xiao led everyone through the door and stood waiting in front of the screen wall. The Xu family’s mansion was quite old, and it was well maintained. The courtyard was exquisite and neat everywhere, and it revealed the heritage that only aristocratic families can have. , Ning Xiao just looked at it for a moment, and a woman in rich clothes walked out quickly from behind with a group of maids.

The woman in charge was Mrs. Xu. She was in her thirties. She was dressed in splendid clothes and made up. When she saw Ning Xiao, she looked a little nervous. When she saw Bo Ruoyou, she was slightly stunned. An embroidered messenger said : “This is the deputy commander of our direct envoys department.”

Mrs. Xu hurriedly said, “I’m paying homage to the deputy commander. I don’t know why he came to visit? Could it be our master…”

Mrs. Xu seemed to think that Xu Kang had done something wrong, but Ning Xiao frowned and asked, “The lady in your house just passed away, right?”

Mrs. Xu raised her head in surprise, “It was… he died of illness a few years later.”

Ning Xiao looked questioning, “Did he really die of illness?”

Mrs. Xu said bitterly: “Of course it is true.”

Ning Xiao then asked: “When you died of illness, which doctor did you call?”

At this point, Mrs. Xu shook her head and said, “I haven’t invited the doctor here. Wan Shu has been sick since she was a child. Over the years, she has been feeling a bit unable to survive the winter. She has survived it before, but this time she has not been able to survive it.” After getting over it, she seemed fine in the days after she died of illness. But something suddenly happened that night, and the people who attended to her didn’t notice it. When they noticed something was wrong in the morning, she was already dead, so we didn’t ask a doctor.”

“You mean…she had been seriously ill for a long time, but she suddenly died of a serious illness on the day of her death?” Ning Xiao looked at Mrs. Xu coldly.

Mrs. Xu nodded, “That’s true.” After a pause, she added: “Her passing away from illness was within our expectation, but somehow it alerted the Commander-in-Chief? The master went to the Yamen but did not return, so the Commander went in first and sat down. Let’s have a cup of tea.”

Ning Xiao walked inside, followed by Bo Ruoyou. As soon as he walked around the screen wall, he saw the silver-red lantern hanging on the corridor. Not far away, there were maids looking over here, seeming to be a little surprised that the embroiderer came to the house. Bo Ruoyou looked at the expressions on those people’s faces, but most of them were excited to watch the excitement.

Bo Ruoyou felt a little strange. Xu Wanshu had just died not long ago. Red lanterns were hung high in the mansion, and the servants were all in high spirits. However, Mrs. Xu didn’t feel the least bit sad when her daughter died of illness. He also said that as everyone expected, Xu Wanshu died of illness and death, but no doctor was invited. There were many questions, and Bo Ruoyou even felt that there was something strange about Xu Wanshu’s death.

The group of people had just walked not far when they suddenly saw a cat jumping out of the flowerbed on the side. It was a snow-white little white cat. At first glance, it was a domestic cat rather than a wild cat. Ning Xiao stopped, and Bo Ruoyou also stopped in a hurry. The cat ran past them. Before they could say anything, a five or six-year-old boy also ran out of the flower garden.

“Catch it! Catch it quickly——”

The boy held a cane in his hand and had an angry look on his face. Two boys rushed out behind him, but he didn’t expect to bump into so many people and was stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Xu’s expression changed, “Yan’er, what are you doing? There are guests at home, why don’t you go back to the inner courtyard?”

The young master of the Xu family raised his eyebrows and said, “Mother, that cat scratched my clothes and I’m going to beat it to death. It was indeed raised by a sick man, and it is as bad a thing as a sick man!”

Mrs. Xu almost stepped forward to cover his mouth. She glared at the two boys for a moment, “Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don’t you take him back?”

The two boys came to their senses, then quickly picked him up, turned around and walked away quickly.

The young master of the Xu family barked wildly, and Mrs. Xu gave a wry smile, “The dog is young and very stubborn, making the adults laugh. Please come in -“

Ning Xiao went to the main hall with an expressionless face. When he sat down in the main hall, Ning Xiao asked: “The sick young man the young master mentioned just now is the eldest lady in the house, right?”

Mrs. Xu smiled bitterly for a moment, “They have a good relationship as siblings, but Yan’er is not used to it anymore…”

If a person is still alive, he can be said to be neither big nor small, but after he is dead, he still calls her that way, and he expresses disgust for Xu Wanshu in his words. How can he show that he has good feelings?

Mrs. Xu diligently ordered people to serve refreshments. Ning Xiao looked at her for a moment and said, “In that case, let’s wait until Master Xu comes back.”

Mrs. Xu immediately said: “Sir, I will send someone to invite you back later.”

Ning Xiao raised his hand, “No need, just let the embroiderer go. Mrs. Xu can just sit here and wait with us.”

Mrs. Xu paused as she was about to step out. An embroiderer at the door turned and walked out. Mrs. Xu forced a smile, turned around and sat stiffly on the chair. She was a woman, and Ning Xiao had nothing to say to, and Ning Xiao had a cold face, which was quite intimidating. At this time, Bo Ruoyou suddenly asked: “Madam, is the eldest lady in the house the daughter of Madam?”

These words made Mrs. Xu’s face turn green and red, “No… no, I am the master’s second wife…”

There is nothing to hide about this matter. You can ask any servants, so Mrs. Xu answered very neatly. Bao Ruoyou nodded and stopped asking, but she understood in her heart.

Ning Xiao means waiting when he says that he is waiting. After all, Mrs. Xu is a housewife. His intimidation methods are more effective against Xu Kangwei. Rather than playing Tai Chi with Mrs. Xu, it is better to wait. Xu Kangwei comes back.

It would take at least half an hour for the embroiderer to leave. Ning Xiao was ready to drink two more cups of tea, but he didn’t expect that the embroiderer would come back after leaving for a while. Ning Xiao saw his figure appear. He frowned and was about to ask, but before he could say anything, he stood up because he saw someone who shouldn’t be there.

“Why are you here, Mr. Hou?”

Bao Ruoyou was meditating on the inside story of Xu Wanshu’s death and hadn’t noticed the return of the embroiderer. She turned her eyes and saw Huo Weilou striding towards her. She stood up in shock. I couldn’t help but take a step toward the hall door.

Huo Weilou strode into the hall door. Behind him, there was a middle-aged man with a cold sweat on his face. It was Xu Kangwei that the embroidery envoy was going to invite. Huo Weilou glanced at Bo Ruoyou and said: ” I came over after receiving the news you sent back, and Mr. Xu also went to invite me at the same time, but we happened to meet him at the door.”

Lanzhengfang is quite far away from here. Considering this, Huo Weilou came here almost as soon as he heard the message. Ning Xiao asked Huo Weilou to take a seat and stepped aside. He was still a little confused. Come, when he turned his eyes, he saw Bo Ruoyou who was a little surprised. Ning Xiao frowned, and an idea that was a little hard to accept came to his mind.

When Huo Weilou entered the door, he saw the look of surprise in Bo Ruoyou’s eyes. When he sat down, the bright light in Bo Ruoyou’s eyes had not faded away. The corners of his lips curved up, and he met her eyes for a moment before starting. hear a case.

Bo Ruoyou didn’t look away in a hurry. She saw the faint black color under Huo Weilou’s eyes. At this moment, the joy in her heart was replaced by concern and worry, which was a little complicated and difficult to understand.

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