The Delicate Lady Coroner Chapter 58: Sanzhumei 13, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Wu Zuo Jiao Niang!

Chapter 58 Three Plants Mei 13

The writing desk was fully stocked with pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Huo Weilou pointed at it and said, “Write here.”

Bao Ruoyou stepped forward and sat down on the open chair. While spreading out the paper, he secretly glanced at Huo Weilou. When Huo Weilou saw her peeking at him, he didn’t reveal it. He just stood beside the desk and said, “Tomorrow morning The Chuzhou magistrate will come here to pick you up, and the case will be handed over to the Chuzhou government for trial. You can write the testimonial and the case will be settled.”

Bao Ruoyou took a thin wolf hair, dipped it in ink and said, “Has Liu Huiniang confessed everything?”

Huo Weilou did not interrogate Liu Huiniang again. After seeing Liu Huiniang’s incompetent skills, he was too lazy to deal with the little girl. Hearing this, he only said: “I admit it, the evidence is in your hands.”

Bo Ruoyou glanced sideways and saw two albums lying there. She glanced at Huo Weilou again and saw that he was not bothered by it, so she picked up the album and read it.

There are only two lanterns in the room, a palace lantern with a crane head falling in the corner, and a bronze lotus bottom lantern placed next to the bookcase. At this moment, the dim and warm light falls on Bo Ruoyou’s face, reflecting her beautiful face. Like gelatin, her eyes were as bright as stars, and the gentleness between her eyebrows was even more gentle, adding a touch of tenderness and allure. Huo Weilou stared at her lightly, his deep pupils dark and unreadable.

Just now he opened his mouth to call her, and even he himself had not thought of what to say. Suddenly he thought of the medical examination, and he had a perfect excuse. Now that she was in front of him, he felt comfortable in his heart, but also felt a little unspeakable.

He is a man, and his thoughts are full of color. He should know that he has his own thoughts. He has never paid attention to the flowers that have passed by over the years, but now he is thinking about the little girl in front of him. What is it about her that deserves his concern?

“Song Meiniang confessed to being the main culprit, Liu Huiniang must be given a light sentence, and Yueniang can be freed from slavery. When Song Meiniang completes her sentence, the day of reunion will not be short.” After reading the evidence, Bao Ruoyou seemed to be relieved for the three of them. As if taking a breath, he raised his eyes and looked at Huo Weilou again, “Thanks to the benevolence of Mr. Hou, they are being lenient this time. If the case is tried by someone else, just because Li Yuchang is the head of the family, he may be punished with a second-class crime.” .”

The corners of Huo Weilou’s lips curved, “Is this Marquis Rende?”

Bao Ruoyou put down the evidence and picked up a pen, and nodded while writing the testimonial, “The Marquis talks about the three words of emotion, reason, and law, and the word love comes first. From this, we can see that the Marquis is also the most affectionate. Sexual person.”

Huo Weilou almost laughed out loud at Bo Ruoyou’s innocence. He walked to the side and sat down on the low couch, his eyes always falling on Bo Ruoyou who was facing him, “This is the first time I have heard such comments. , I heard that everyone in the public regards me as Yama. Above the officialdom, civil and military officials are even more angry and dare not speak out against me. I have been wronged for many years with a bad name. If everyone can think like you, I will be the future of this prince for thousands of years. , and it can also reduce the infamy of verbal and written criticism.”

Bao Ruoyou raised his pen and looked at Huo Weilou, and saw Huo Weilou leaning lazily on the pillow. Compared with his usual self, he seemed a little unusually dignified and elegant. She frowned. Said: “The women of the people also feel strange. Why did everyone talk about the Marquis before? Maybe it is because of the Marquis’s high position and power that others are jealous of?”

Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows, “Oh? What other rumors have you heard?”

How could Bao Ruoyou dare to say anything? He continued to write the testimonial and said vaguely: “Rumors say that Mr. Hou is ruthless…”

Huo Weilou looked at her narrowly, “Then do you think I am ruthless?”

Bo Ruoyou said hurriedly: “It is good to be selfless, and the Marquis is not a ruthless person. If the Marquis is ruthless, how can he be open to Song Meiniang and the others?”

No matter what people say about him, now in Bo Ruoyou’s heart, he is a kind, fair and selfless person. This thought made Huo Weilou feel very good, so he leaned forward to look at Bo Ruoyou and saw her holding a pen. Her posture was bright and solemn, her eyebrows were half-concentrated, and he could imagine that the words that fell on the paper must be as elegant as her, without losing her character.

He didn’t say anything, so she didn’t say much either. For a while, there was only the rustle of her writing quickly in the room. Occasionally, the lights crackled, but it didn’t disturb her at all. The river wind roared outside the window, and the sound became more and more intense. The hair-lined room was quiet.

Huo Weilou looked at her and slowly closed his eyes.

While recalling the details of the autopsy, Bo Ruoyou wrote quickly. After finishing a paragraph, she raised her eyes and saw Huo Weilou lying on the couch and taking a deep sleep. She couldn’t help but be a little surprised. Huo Weilou didn’t seem to be able to sleep in front of outsiders. The person holding it.

The corners of her lips moved slightly, but she never spoke. She thought that Huo Weilou was probably tired, so she just wanted to finish writing and leave early. However, the examination form would be handed over to the Chuzhou government office tomorrow, and she did not dare to be careless. , writing another paragraph, Bo Ruoyou raised his eyes to look at Huo Weilou again, and found that his posture had not changed, his breathing was slow and long, and he was really asleep.

Bo Ruoyou straightened his back and felt relaxed immediately. Thinking that Huo Weilou was already asleep, his gaze at Huo Weilou became much more wild. He was broad in shoulders and long in body, and the short couch in the room was barely enough. He was lying down like a bird of prey. Even when he was asleep, he had a tendency to keep strangers away from him. Only his handsome face, without the intimidating gaze, was quite pleasing to the eye.

Normally I dare not look directly, but now everyone is asleep, and they can look however they want. Bao Ruoyou writes a sentence, then raises his eyes to look twice, then writes a few more sentences and then looks twice, feeling a little inexplicable in his heart. The fun seemed to make up for all the things she didn’t dare to read on weekdays. After she finished writing the examination form and checked it several times for no errors or omissions, she felt that it was time to quit.

She asked in a very low voice, “Master Marquis?”

After calling softly and getting no answer, Bo Ruoyou stood up and walked out from behind the desk. She was going to the door, but after taking a few steps, she couldn’t help but stop. It was cold in the night, and Huo Weilou was wearing no clothes. He was afraid that he would have to spend the night on the bed. Although he was strong and healthy, he was not made of iron. Wouldn’t it be bad if he contracted typhoid fever?

Bao Ruoyou glanced around and boldly looked at Huo Weilou’s bed. The brocade quilt was neatly laid out on it. She thought about it, but did not dare to be too presumptuous, so she cast her eyes on the open bed beside her. On the cloak lying on the chair.

She walked over quietly, picked up the cloak, and then walked to the couch.

Huo Weilou has always been the one looking down at her. This time, it was finally her turn to look down at Huo Weilou…

Looking down at the handsome face on the couch, Bao Ruoyou’s hand that was about to put on the cloak paused slightly. If it was said that he was handsome, it seemed that his toughness had been reduced, but his facial features were as carved as a knife or an axe. However, if he has more edges and corners, he will be perfect, and if he has less edges, he will lose. Bo Ruoyou looked at it for a while, and even traced his bones under the skin in his heart. He felt more and more that every bone in Huo Weilou was just right. , she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart, there are really people in this world who are blessed with everything.

After she had rewarded her enough, she boldly stepped forward, but she was very gentle and did not dare to make a sound. For no other reason than that Huo Weilou looked like a giant Buddha when he fell asleep, which was inexplicably awe-inspiring. . She leaned forward cautiously, and after noticing that Huo Weilou was still breathing heavily, she breathed a sigh of relief and put her cloak on him.

I thought I would be able to retire soon, but the moment the cloak touched Huo Weilou, the closed eyes suddenly opened, and a frightening cold light burst out from his eyes, Bo Ruoyou Before she could speak, she felt him rising up like a leopard. The next moment, she felt a pain on her neck. As the world was spinning, she was pushed down on the couch by Huo Weilou.

Her back hit the couch with a loud sound. Although her head was cushioned by a pillow, it was hit so hard that her vision went black. Huo Weilou pinched her neck with one hand and pinched her right wrist with the other like an iron plier. Pressing hard, he placed another knee between her legs, pressing her at a tricky angle. In an instant, Bo Ruoyou was pinned to the couch by him like a fish.

Bao Ruoyou never expected to receive such a heavy blow. Her free hand subconsciously grabbed Huo Weilou’s hand that was clamping her neck. She wanted to struggle, but she found that she was tightly suppressed by Huo Weilou. No matter what, She couldn’t struggle away, but Huo Weilou held her slender neck. As long as he exerted force, she would die.

The Huo Weilou in front of him and he who had been sleeping for a moment seemed to have changed. His eyes were sharp and cold, a hundred times more frightening than usual. There was no emotion in his eyes, as if he had been stirred out of a wild beast. With a bloodthirsty instinct, he regarded her as a deadly enemy in a flash of lightning, and wished he could kill her with just one move.

Fear made Bo Ruoyou feel like she had fallen into an ice cave. She almost used all her strength to suppress a little sound between her teeth.

“Hou, Mr. Hou——”

The sound brought Huo Weilou back to consciousness instantly, and he saw the person in his hand clearly. He frowned and let go of his hand. He straightened up and looked at Bao Ruoyou, as if he was surprised that it was her.

Bao Ruoyou could no longer care about anything else. Her body curled up in pain, she coughed several times, and her face turned red.

Huo Weilou glanced at the cloak on the ground, then at Bo Ruoyou, and finally understood. There was a trace of gloom in his eyes, and he hurriedly stepped away from Bo Ruoyou, moved his lips, and a rare expression appeared on his face. A little bit of self-blame.

Seeing Bo Ruoyou curled up like a shrimp, he knew the strength of his hand and thought that she must be in extreme pain, so he leaned forward and looked at her, “Let me see how serious the injury is?”

In desperation, he called “I”. Seeing that Bo Ruoyou was still shrinking, he reached out and turned her around. Suddenly, he saw her eyes closed tightly, her brows furrowed, and her little face wrinkled. There were tears flashing in the corners of her eyes, but she didn’t bother to answer him. There were obvious red marks on her neck, and her right wrist became red and swollen very quickly. Huo Weilou’s pupils shrank, turned around and shouted: “Who’s here – —”

As soon as this sound settled, he remembered that no one was waiting outside late at night. He hurriedly got up and wanted to go out to call someone, but as soon as he moved, his sleeve was pulled. When he turned his eyes, he saw Bao Ruoyou’s uninjured left hand. He was held captive and not allowed to call anyone.

Bo Ruoyouxu opened his eyes, filled with tears, and said in a hoarse voice: “It’s okay…”

After saying this, tears couldn’t stop falling from the corners of her eyes. She coughed several more times, and her body rose and fell with the coughing sound. She was shaking and looking more and more painful, as if she had been crushed to pieces. , Even so, Huo Weilou was not let go.

A deep pity appeared in Huo Weilou’s eyes. He had never thought about falling asleep, but somehow, he actually fell asleep just now, and even had a vague dream that made him feel sad. When Xu Shi Shi was feeling frightened, she felt something was pressing on her body. Before her mind was clear, she had already used the most powerful move on her hand, but she didn’t want to hurt her like this.

Huo Weilou stopped walking, turned around and squatted down, “Does it hurt so much?”

Bao Ruoyou closed his eyes again to ease the pain. Hearing this, he just shook his head, but two more tears fell from the corners of his eyes. When Huo Weilou saw this, he felt a dull pain in his heart. He raised his hands, feeling hesitantly wanting to take the person into his arms, but after a moment he retracted his hand and shook her hand that was holding his sleeve, “I don’t want to call you.”

Bao Ruoyou then let go of his hand, and Huo Weilou stood up to find some ointment. When he knelt down by the couch again, Bao Ruoyou gasped and opened his eyes, looking at Huo Weilou, Bo Ruoyou He said in a hoarse voice, “The Marquis will… treat a civilian girl as an assassin…”

Her voice was extremely helpless and full of resentment. Coupled with the tears hanging on it, it made her even more pitiful. When Huo Weilou saw her like this, the pity in his eyes was half gone, and his tone was a little solemn: ” When I was sleeping, not even Eunuch Fu dared to get close to me.” After a pause, he said, “Fortunately, there is no sword by my side today.”

Bao Ruoyou shuddered when she heard this, and secretly swore in her heart that if she had such good intentions in the future, her surname would not be Bo. With this thought, she felt that her wrist hurt so much that she almost wanted to cry.

When she felt aggrieved, her wrist was caught. She hissed softly and opened her tear-filled eyes. She saw Huo Weilou holding her wrist in his big hand and looking at it, as if he was afraid of hurting her. Bones, although Huo Weilou didn’t say anything, his brows were furrowed and there was some worry in his eyes. Bo Ruoyou closed his eyes and could only blame himself secretly.

This is Marquis Wu Zhao. Do not approach strangers when you are awake. Are you so easy to get along with when you are asleep? He said that luckily there was no sword today. If there had been, her blood would have been splattered on the spot.

A touch of coolness was applied at this moment. Bo Ruoyou opened her eyes again and saw Huo Weilou applying ointment to her. He was cautious, his eyes were dim and hard to see, and his rough and generous palms looked a bit clumsy because of being too cautious. , Bao Ruoyou didn’t dare to blame him at first, but now that he saw this, he felt a little less aggrieved in his heart. After the medicine was applied on his wrist, the pain subsided, and the tears dried up in the corners of his eyes.

Huo Weilou looked at her and seemed a little helpless, “Fortunately, no bones were injured, and you don’t have any killing intent. If I had been heavier, your body would not be strong enough for me.”

Bao Ruoyou thought that others had not allowed her to have such good intentions, and it was really dumbfounding to make such a fuss, so she said in a hoarse voice: “The daughter of the people saw that the Marquis was really asleep, so she wanted to take the place of the Marquis. Why? Who would have thought that the Marquis actually thought that the daughter of the people wanted to harm the Marquis.” After a pause, she suddenly said: “Does the Marquis often encounter assassins?”

The blow just now may have hurt her throat, and Bo Ruoyou’s voice was still hoarse. After she asked, Huo Weilou came to look at her neck. Bo Ruoyou raised his hand and touched it himself. She hissed softly at the pain, realizing that Huo Weilou’s words about her lack of body strength were indeed true.

“Don’t move.” Huo Weilou looked down at her for a moment, then suddenly put a hand under the back of her neck and lifted her neck up. Bao Ruoyou felt pain again and couldn’t help closing his eyes and frowning to endure it. With…

Huo Weilou was originally looking to see if there were any injured bones, but now his breath was suffocated. She was holding the back of her neck with him, and her chin was slightly raised. This gesture exposed her beautiful and white neck to his eyes. There was some pain on her face, and there were still tears on her delicate face, as if she was suffering from something else…

Suddenly looking away from her face, Huo Weilou cursed in his heart that he was worse than a beast.

He calmed down and took back his hand, then applied medicine to her neck. Bao Ruoyou opened her eyes at this time. When she saw his hand reaching over, she subconsciously turned it aside. There was a hint of fear in her eyes. Obviously, he still hasn’t forgotten how he strangled her neck harshly just now, “A civilian girl… A civilian girl is a doctor herself, so it won’t be a problem if her bones are not injured…”

As she spoke, she regained her strength and sat up. Although her bones were not injured, she still felt pain when she moved as if she had a stiff neck. She sighed and looked at Huo Weilou, feeling that she She really risked her life and death to follow him, “Master Hou, the test report has been written. It’s better for the girl to do the medicine herself. Master Hou can rest early.”

” You——”

When Bo Ruoyou saw this, his shoulders were slightly lowered, as if he was a little afraid. Huo Weilou sighed, “Are you afraid of me?”

Bo Ruoyou pursed his lips and said, “People’s girls don’t dare.”

Huo Weilou pointed to the couch, “Then sit down.”

Bao Ruoyou hesitated a little, then Huo Weilou squinted his eyes and said, “Are you disobedient?”

Isn’t it Bo Ruoyou who feels most wronged by her? Why did she become disobedient? However, he dared not speak out, so he had to go back and sit down. Huo Weilou took the ointment without any explanation, as if he must apply it to her. Bo Ruoyou held his back and lowered his jaw slightly. In this way, Huo Weilou naturally There is no way to apply medicine.

“Master Hou, the daughter of the people dare not trouble you…”

Huo Weilou stopped talking to each other, just grabbed the open chair and sat in front of her, then frowned and stared at her.

The two of them had no regard for their status for a moment, but it seemed like she had lost her temper. Bo Ruoyou was helpless to the extreme. Why should you be like this with a noble heart like yours? Could it be that he was also ashamed, so he had to take action to offset the self-blame in his heart?

The two of them seemed to be in a confrontation, but Huo Weilou refused to give in. She felt more and more helpless, so she looked at Huo Weilou and raised her chin. This look was not that fanciful, but she looked at it with her eyes. Looking at him made it really difficult for him to bully him. He looked at it for a moment and said coldly: “Close your eyes.”

Bao Ruoyou let out a long sigh before closing her eyes. She regretted saying that he was benevolent, and she also regretted saying that he was very affectionate and sincere, and his actions were unpredictable. Now in her heart, she is Hou The heart is unpredictable, and her status is below him. What else can she do besides cooperate with him?

She cursed in her heart, and soon, Bo Ruoyou, whose eyes were in darkness, noticed a breath belonging to Huo Weilou approaching, and his breath fell on her face, making her face slightly hot for no reason…

“I went to the battlefield when I was young. The swords on the battlefield had no eyes, and there were many fine craftsmanships in the military camp. From that time on, I had the habit of sleeping with my sword on my pillow. Later, when I came to the court, I said that I was the best. , but there are also those who don’t have eyesight.”

Huo Weilou slowly answered what she just said, and with every word he said, a wave of heat rushed to her.

With her eyes closed, the rest of her senses were particularly clear. She knew that Huo Weilou was very close, and the next moment, coolness accompanied by roughness fell on her neck. The pain was normal, but strange. However, a tingling sensation spread from her injured area, and her hands on her sides could not help but grasp the skirt at her side.

Weird, this feeling was too weird. Although she was not disgusted, she felt a little unbearable. She couldn’t help but open her eyes. Sure enough, she saw Huo Weilou’s face and eyes within easy reach of her, and her heart was very excited. With a jump, he subconsciously leaned back. Huo Weilou’s hands were empty and he looked at her with some inexplicable dissatisfaction.

Bao Ruoyou was also a little confused, and she didn’t even understand why she was hiding. When she saw Huo Weilou looking at her dissatisfied, he leaned forward again. Huo Weilou looked back, only wiped off the wound medicine, and then he was calm. He stopped.

“I scared you today.” He handed the ointment to her and wanted to say something but stopped.

Bao Ruoyou took the ointment and saw that Huo Weilou’s expression was a little complicated, so he said tolerantly: “Master Hou, you don’t have to blame yourself. It’s also the fault of the daughter of the people. The daughter of the people didn’t know that Master Hou was used to it.”

Huo Weilou looked at her and asked, “Will you be afraid of me in the future?”

Bao Ruoyou shook his head, but secretly thought in his heart that she would never cover him with a cloak like this in the future…

Huo Weilou didn’t realize what she was thinking, so he added, “It won’t be like this again.”

Don’t worry, there will be no future!

Bao Ruoyou cursed again, after taking the medicine, it no longer hurt so much, so he took care of the adults and did not want to dwell on the matter. Seeing that it was getting late, he stood up and said, “It’s already late, daughter of the people.” If you resign, the daughter of the people will be fine, and the Marquis can rest assured.”

After saying this, he waited for Huo Wei to come downstairs. Seeing her like this, Huo Wei nodded and said nothing to her, because he felt that his heart was ups and downs at the moment. If he continued like this, he didn’t know what would happen. .

The door opened and closed with a “squeak” sound, and the room suddenly became quiet, but the sweet fragrance from Bo Ruoyou’s body still stayed in the room, and also stayed on the couch. His eyes darkened, and all the scenes just now were… It lingered in his mind, causing his throat to move again. When he saw his hand, he calmed down.

He moved his slender knuckles, and his face darkened with some lingering fear. The pity in his heart had not yet dissipated, but a touch of happiness surfaced again. The neck was slender and fragile. For the first time, he was glad that he had not practiced enough to kill with one blow. to the point, otherwise…

His phoenix eyes were closed, and when he thought about the scene of his slender neck being broken by him, he actually felt a little scared.

This was something he had never experienced before.

Bao Ruoyou never thought that writing a testimonial could cause trouble for herself. She went back to her room. Apart from some discomfort in the injured area, she didn’t feel much resentment. She just thought about it after lying down. Huo Weilou mentioned in a few words that he used to sleep with a knife under his head, and there was a hint of pity deep in his heart.

It is not easy to think that he has a high position of power and unlimited glory, but he also endures difficulties that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Bao Ruoyou turned over and closed her eyes. She only vaguely recalled the feeling of hot breath on her face while half asleep and half awake. The strange and familiar feeling once again aroused the numbness between her muscles and bones. Fortunately, it was just A moment passes.

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